
If time is money, Then it’s wasted time

Every day is the same, I wake up 4:30 a.m, brush my teeth, wash my face, start my car, pack my lunch, kiss my wife , drive to work, start my truck and set out for a days work dumping dirt and stone . The names Artemis burns , I'm a 36 year old truck driver, and what I just described is my normal everyday routine that never changes.

As a kid I always loved playing video games, watching anime, watching martial arts movies,

Talking to girls and working out. But since I have grown up so many things I would waste my time doing became other things I wasted my time doing. I get to play games sometimes now but it isn't the same responsibilities flood my life now.

If only I had listened growing up I wouldn't be living to survive.

I spend the day alone dealing with people that angers me until it's time to go home, I drive an hour and a half everyday from home and back , so by the time I get home all I want to do is relax. "Finally home" upon entering my room I drop my things and plop on my bed. " Fifteen hours down the drain " all the time I spend working and missing out on life and I still don't have what I really want.

I always would let my imagination run wild when I was a kid. I used to imagine myself exploring a dark cave and uncovering artifacts. Artifacts of ancient civilizations and treasure lost to the world that we now live in. I recently downloaded a new game that to my vr, it is called Becoming A God . But I haven't had a chance to play because my wife hates games. She wants me to follow her ambition and not my own ambitions. We have been arguing about money a lot lately and I think she is cheating. Another reason why I wish I had a different life. After giving some thought to my bad relationship, I decided to play Becoming A God.

At the title screen the prompt read the following " To Those Who Seek A Higher Purpose Life, To Those Who Want To Become Great, To Those Who Wish For A New Life , Then Please Proceed. After reading the message I pressed continue, but before I could proceed any further, a warning screen appeared " warning once you proceed you will not be able to return, do you wish to continue yes or no?

What will I be leaving behind? A woman who doesn't love me but love money , a deadend job that barely keeps me alive but takes all my time. A world filled with people I thought I could trust. All I ever wanted was a second chance . I choose yes . You will now synchronize with the world of ethereal.

I’m new at writing so it might take time for me to get to the point

Andre_Burnett_5929creators' thoughts