
We Hold Hands

Curse in modern times? There's just this grandfather of mine. Grandpa tells about the curse of a man who has a face full of wrinkles. Well it's only natural that when you're old, even an old woman will wrinkle, but this man was my age when he heard this story from grandpa, still a child. I couldn't believe it, how could it be. It could just be a gene disorder, or a type of ape that was never exposed. However, as I grew older, I experienced it. I mean, it wasn't me who wrinkled quickly, but one of my classmates who claimed to be. Weird, ostracized freak, Galter. Galter who went to school with me, said the same thing as my grandfather said. Even himself who experienced it, very strange, usually strange people will not tell the oddity. How could this handsome Galter be cursed to be an old geezer at a young age. “Don't read too many novels, they affect your mind. Are we in the Harry Potter world?"

Altumstar · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
29 Chs

Without Proof

"Sorry, I didn't see clearly. It was dark, my vision wasn't very good at night either," I replied, taking advantage of myself who didn't have good eyesight at night.

"Then, how did you survive? Then did anyone else see the incident?" asked Mr. Lucas as if there was no intention of taking me a break. I'm thirsty and speak volumes to provide information.

"I survived by luck," I replied shortly. "Mr. Lucas, I don't know what happened that night. It felt fast, even faster than I blinked my eyes. I was shaking at the sight of a corpse covered in blood. I was terrified, the natural thing I thought about was getting out of there, running. Had I not sent the message, you wouldn't have found it. "

"So, what do you want, kid?" asked Mr. Lucas feeling that asking me was a waste. The fifteen-year-old child was abducted and the kidnapper was killed under affirmative circumstances.

"Free me."

"You will be here while we investigate the case. So, if you want to be free, please cooperate with us," said Mr. Lucas seeming to know that there are some things that I did not say, and I will not tell you.

"Whatever, I've said what I saw. I should have gotten protection because I was also a victim. Even my hands are bleeding, hands that should have been used for learning!" I insisted on getting unkind behavior by suspecting me of being a murder suspect.

"Huh... it's hard to make you confess."

"Because I'm not the culprit! What makes you able to think that I am the culprit?!" I asked in an angry tone because they accused me of murder, no longer suspicion.

"Out of anger, taking advantage of the car that broke down and then killing Budi with a knife in the car, freeing yourself. Even if the bad guys hurt you, there shouldn't be any murder," he said, concluding this from what he saw, not from my point of view. I guess that Mr. Lucas just wants the case to be over by bestowing it all on me.

"Then, what about the villain's injury? There is a stab wound? Incision wound? You are a policeman, but things like this are not noticed. I doubt your ability to resolve the case and bestow the accusations on me who happened to be there. It's stupid this country graduated you as a policeman!" I mocked because Mr. Lucas didn't pay attention to the little things and made me a scapegoat in the case for the sake of getting an award for solving the problem.

Another policeman arrives and gives Budi's forensic results to Mr. Lucas. Mr. Lucas read it and got the result that if there was a scratch wound, obviously it was not a wound that could be produced from a knife. Even the knife found did not have my fingerprints. My fingerprints are only on the phone, and not on the other objects.

It turned out that Mr. Lucas acted rashly before getting the forensic results. This makes me angry and annoyed, but my power here is not there. Adults control this world, and I who am still in the teenage stage listen to them for my life. Mr. Lucas spoke to me for a moment, regarding a beast.

"I can see you back for false accusations. Mr. Lucas, a policeman, accused a fourteen-year-old girl who was a kidnapping victim. What if people knew about this? I know someone reliable in covering the news. "

"Go, don't come back here."

"With pleasure."

I walked out of the police station and saw the grandfather who was waiting for me in front of the police station, wearing classic clothes with the hat he always wore. Grandpa is not alone, grandpa is with one of the gardeners, Mr. Harto who is also grandpa's driver. I'm glad they picked me up. I ran directly to grandpa and hugged him.

"They set you free? No bail?" asked the grandfather coming here for the guarantee of release.

"It's not me who is wrong. They were already convinced that I had nothing to do with this case. I was also the victim, so I was released. Let's go home Kek, I don't like the smell here."


It was a bad experience for me. Do I have to tell it to mom and dad? No need, they don't need to know what happened to me, they didn't do anything anyway. I'm overcoming my problems.

At night. Grandpa is already asleep, and it's good that nurse Dory has also gone home. Yesterday was a valuable experience, I wrote it in my diary. Everything related to me, I wrote about in grandpa's gift book. He said, beginning to understand me. It was grandpa's message that made me start writing.

"Psst... Eir? You're still awake?" asked someone who was standing on the balcony of my room.

I opened the balcony door and saw a figure who was standing in the moonlight. Senem, with an appearance I never imagined. His hooves are sharp, his legs are like goat's legs, and his face is a little wrinkled, but the color of his eyes makes me amazed. The green color looks radiant under the moonlight. I was about to scream, but after what happened, my screams were not heard, only in my heart.

"You're Senem?" I asked ascertaining by holding his face, making sure that he was real and not just my delusion.

"Yes, Eir. Don't you like this myself? I'm ugly, but it's not me who decides what I look like," Senem said straight into my heart. That's right, I can't choose what I look like, this face of mine is because of my parents.

"No, I like it. Everyone has their uniqueness. So, what exactly are you a creature?" I asked curiously because there couldn't be a human having goat-like legs.

"Miss! There is a letter."

Aunt Yun said there is a letter. Me? These nights? I directly hid Senem inside my bathroom and let aunt Yun in. He said there was an incoming letter, aunt Yun gave only came to give a letter that said my name in front of him. I have no acquaintances, and someone sent me a letter? This is a threatening letter?

"Thank you, Auntie. Auntie comes back, take a break."

I knocked on the bathroom door and said that Senem could go out. I sat on the couch that was there, along with Senem who I was still not used to. In my heart, some I said bad things and directly corrected them with various good words.

"So that's right? You got the curse?" I asked it did sound disrespectful, but I wonder what happened.

"You didn't read the letter? Maybe something important," Senem retorted as if not wanting to talk about it. I've been outrageous to ask questions like that, even though we've only known each other for a day and I've been asking personal things. Where are my manners? I'm a bad guy.

I looked at the letter, it was still sealed. The light of my room was still on, and I wondered if only there was anything bad in the letter.

"Why don't you read it right away?" asked Senem confused by what I was doing.

"Make sure that this isn't a nosy joke," I replied because several times I always got threatening letters, boos letters, and worst of all letters containing dead animals, like rotting rat tails.