
We Had No Choice (dlm)

Helena Lestrange, the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, is attending her third year at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy is her best friend, along with the golden trio and many others. But will happen when Draco and Helena realize their fate is very similar? Will they find each other and stand up before it's too late?

mayamalfoy · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

✨Helena Lestrange✨

I followed Draco for a while and kept asking him where we were going.  He wouldn't respond so, I stopped walking.

"El, come on!" Draco whined.

"No.  Not until you tell me where we're going."  I told him.

"Fine!  We're going to the astronomy tower, now hurry up."  He said, and continued walking.

I followed him as I said, "The astronomy tower?  What's so great about the astronomy tower?"

"You'll see when we get there." 

The only time I go to the astronomy tower is for class, so why are we going there now?  It was getting dark and all I wanted to do was go to my dorm that I share with Pansy and unpack my stuff before I went to bed.

I walked up the stairs with Draco a few steps in front of me.  When we got to the top, we were both tired from walking so much.

Before we entered, Draco turned to me and said, "Okay, put this blindfold on to cover your eyes."

"What?  Why?"

"Trust me, just do it."

I gave him a skeptical look before putting on the blindfold and putting my hands out so I wouldn't bump into anything.

He took my hands and led me through the door and into the astronomy tower.

"What are we even doing here, Draco?" He stopped me in my tracks and let go of my hands.  I heard him walking around, fixing things.

"Draco?  What are we doing here," I waited for a response.  Nothing.  So I continued, "Draco?  I'm going to take off my blindfold!"

"Relax, El."  He said before walking back towards me.

"Alright, you can take off the blindfold."

I took it off and saw the beautiful night sky in front of me.  Draco set up a couple blankets so we could look at the stars tonight.  I was speechless.  I'd never seen the astronomy tower at night, and it looked amazing.

"Wow, thank you, Draco.  It's amazing!"  I said, walking up to hug him.

"You're welcome, El."

We laid down on the blankets and stared at the sky before I got up and went to the closet in the room.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked.

I didn't respond, but I was looking for a telescope.  That way, we could see the stars better.

"Helena!  What are you doing?"  He asked again.

"Found it!"  I said. 

"What is that?" Draco wondered, looking at the multiple pieces of the telescope I was holding.

"It's a telescope.  It'll help up see the stars better.  I just need to put the pieces together." I told him, sitting on the blanket, starting to assemble the telescope.

When I finished the telescope, I looked into it and found Scorpius.

"Look through here." I said to Draco, letting him look into the telescope.

"Is that Scorpius?"  He asked.

"Yup.  You know, I really like that name: Scorpius.  Just sounds nice.  Sorry, I probably sound stupid right now." I laughed.

"No, you don't sound stupid.  At least, right now you don't."  We laughed as I playfully hit his arm.

"But I like that name too, honestly."  He said.

We looked at each other and smiled.  We continued to stargaze until I remembered that we have to wake up early tomorrow for school.

"Draco, we have to go back to our dorms now." I told him, getting up.

"Why?"  He complained.

"We have school tomorrow, now get up."

"Ugh, fine."

We walked back to the Slytherin common room.  Once we got there, I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed it was only 9:30.  So, I told myself I would unpack and then go to bed.

"9:30 barely?  Come on, let's go to my dorm and hang out."  Draco said.  Without waiting for an answer, he grabbed my hand and we went to his dorm.

As we entered the dorm, though, we found Pansy and Blaise hooking up (Draco and Blaise are roommates).  Our jaws dropped as we saw them, and when Pansy and Blaise noticed us, they froze.

"I'm going to go."  Pansy said.  Pansy didn't make any eye contact as she walked out of the room.

"Uhh, I'm going to go with Pansy, Draco."  I said, forcing myself not to laugh.

By the look on Draco's face, he looked like he wanted to laugh too.

"Yeah, that's a good idea, El.  I'll see you tomorrow."  He replied.

I was about to leave, but I couldn't help myself as I burst out laughing.  Seeing me laugh, Draco joined in.  We were practically in tears and on the floor by the time we stopped laughing.

"Oh, shut up you guys!" Blaise said, trying not to smile from our laughter.

Draco got up from the floor and helped me get up as I said, "Well, goodnight Blaise.  Don't try to kiss Draco while Pansy and I are gone."

Ignoring my comment, Blaise responded, "Goodnight El.  And can you-"

"Tell Pansy you said goodnight, okay."  I said.  "Goodnight, Draco." I hugged him as I left.

"Goodnight El." Draco replied.

The next day

Pansy and I woke up early and got dressed.  We changed into our uniforms and robes, did our hair (I left my hair natural- straight at the top and curly at the ends), got our books, and checked our schedule before heading out the door.

Class Schedule


Care of Magical Creatures-9:00

Defense Against the Dark Arts-10:00




Ancient Runes-2:00


We walked down to the Great Hall to eat some breakfast.  While we ate, we looked at our schedules again to see if we had each other.  Turns out, I have herbology with Blaise, care of magical creatures with Draco, Pansy, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, defense against the dark arts with Draco, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, potions with Pansy, charms with Harry, ancient runes with Hermione, and astrology with Draco.

I had 5 minutes before class started, so I found Blaise and we walked together to class.

"So, you and Pansy?" I asked.

"Shut up, El." He laughed.  "What about you and Draco?"

"What about me and Draco?" I questioned.

"What do you mean?  You guys look like you're dating or something."

I couldn't help but laugh.  "Me and Draco?  You're funny."

"I'm serious.  You guys look like you could be a couple."  He said, smiling.

"We're just close, that's all.  Now, stop changing the subject.  What about you and Pansy?  Do you actually like her, or are you just hooking up with her?"

"Uhh, I like her.  LIke, I really do."  Blaise told me, nervously playing with his hands.

"Aww, does she know?"

"Well, I'm planning on telling her soon."

"And how are you going to do that?"

"I'm just going to bring her to my dorm and tell her."

"What?  No!  You can't just ask her, it has to be special."

"Why?  What if I do something special and she rejects me?"

"True.  How about I ask her what she thinks about you when I see her again.  Okay?"


We entered herbology, took our seats in the back of the class, and Professor Sprout began the lesson.

After class, I went to find Pansy and Draco.  I found Pansy walking out of her classroom.

"Hey Pansy."


"So, you and Blaise?"

"Oh, shut up."

"So what do you think of him?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, do you like him, or is he just a hook up?"

"Uhh, I mean, I never thought of him as more than a friend, but I think I do like him."

"You should tell him!"

"No way, El, he'll just reject me or something."

"You never know until you try.  Plus, if he breaks your heart, I'll break his face!"

She laughed as we walked outside towards Hagrid's hut and saw Draco there waiting for us.

"There you are!  I was waiting for you guys!" He said, obviously annoyed that he looked like a loner.

"Well we're here now."  Pansy said.

"Come on."  Draco said, walking towards the back of the class.

I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the front of the class and was about to say hi when Hagrid spoke up.

"Alright class, today we'll be learning about a wonderful creature!  Follow me this way."  He said, walking towards the forest.  As usual, Draco opened his mouth and said something about Hagrid which caused Harry to get upset.  I don't blame Harry, I liked Hagrid too.  I grabbed Draco's arm and told him to relax, listening to me, he shut up.  

Hagrid continued, "Da da da da! Buckbeak here is a hippogriff, very proud creatures, they are, but very easily offended."  Hagrid continued talking about Buckbeak until he asked for a volunteer to pet the hippogriff.  Everyone stepped back, except Harry, making Hagrid think he wanted to participate.  I look to Draco and see him smiling because Harry was chosen.  He obviously hoped Harry got hurt.  Hagrid told Harry the directions as Draco and I pushed people out of the way to see.  I noticed Draco pull out an apple from his pockets and take a bite.  When Buckbeak snapped at Harry, Draco looked at me and chuckled as he pointed to Harry.  When Buckbeak allowed Harry to pet him, everyone started applauding, everyone except me, Draco, and our group of friends.  I couldn't applaud without Draco getting upset, so I kept my arms crossed.  Soon, Hagrid put Harry on top of Buckbeak and they took off into the sky.  It was amazing, but Draco took a seat on a big rock next to us, unamused.

When Harry got back on the ground, Draco got up and gave me his apple to hold.  

"What are you doing, Draco?" I said, biting his apple.

"You'll see." He said, as he pushed people out of his way and walked to Buckbeak.

"You're not dangerous at all, are you?  You great, ugly brute."

"Malfoy, Malfoy."  Hagrid said, but it too late.  Buckbeak got on his hind legs and hit Draco in the arm.  Draco lay on the floor whining and whimpering.

"It's killed me, it's killed me!"

"Calm down, it's just a scratch."

Pansy and I were in shock, but were laughing at the same time.  Sometimes, Draco can be a real idiot.  Hermione then told Hagrid to take Draco to the hospital.

"I'll take him, professor.  He can still walk, after all."  I said, walking up to the scene.

"Good idea, El."  Hagrid said.

I leaned down to Draco, who was still on the floor holding his arm, and helped him up.  He continued whining as we started walking away.  The last thing he said to Hagrid was, "You'll regret this.  You and your bloody chicken."

We walked up to the castle while Draco was holding his arm as if it were a crying baby.  It was quiet until I broke the silence.

"I don't understand why you did that."

"Shut it."

"I mean, Hagrid told us it gets easily offended and here you are calling it an ugly brute."

"I didn't think it would actually attack me, though."

"You're an idiot, honestly."  I said jokingly.  I couldn't help but laugh.  He laughed as well, but he was still in pain.  Luckily, the hospital wing wasn't far.

We entered the hospital and Draco laid down on an empty bed while I explained to Madam Pomfrey what happened.  Even she questioned why Draco would do such a thing.  Since Hagrid dismissed the class early, I stayed with Draco, talking to him.  At 9:50, I told Draco that we should head to DADA.  He got up, put his bag over his good shoulder, and we headed off to class.

"Thanks for staying with me."  He said.

"You're welcome."

We talked for while before entering the class.  I took a seat at the back of the class and he sat next to me.  I noticed Harry, Hermione, and Ron at the front of the class.

I whispered to Draco, "Just so you know, Pansy and I loved the entertainment you gave us last class.  We could not stop laughing." 

"Shut up, El."  He laughed, knowing he embarrassed himself.

"Is your father going to hear about this, Draco?"

"Absolutely."  We laughed until Lupin came in and taught the lesson.  As we were grabbing our stuff to leave, he said, "Remember, tomorrow we'll be learning and practicing with boggarts."

"Boggarts," I said to Draco. "Is it weird that mine might turn into your father?"

He laughed, "Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised.  He scares me too, sometimes."

"Alright, I have to go find Pansy.  I have class with her next."

"Okay, bye."  Draco said, walking the opposite way I was headed.  I found Pansy on her way to class and we talked before walking into Potions.

After class was lunch.  I went to our table with Pansy and found Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle already there eating.  I sat down next to Draco while Pansy sat next to Blaise across from us.  We ate in silence, mainly from how awkward it was that only Draco and I knew about Pansy and Blaise.  To break the silence, Goyle asked Draco what happened to his arm.  Draco told his story, which he over exaggerated, while Pansy and I looked at each other knowing it wasn't true that he might've lost his arm or died.  After lunch, I went to charms class and found Harry sitting in the front of the class by himself.  So, I sat down beside him.

"Hey.  How are you?"  I asked, taking out my charms book.

"Good.  I overheard Draco during lunch saying he might've lost his arm."

"Yeah, he's an idiot."  We laughed and continued talking until professor Flitwick walked in and began the lesson.  Flitwick told us that we would be working with our partners to write an essay on a spell he would assign us.

"Lestrange, Potter, you will be assigned the Patronus charm.  You will work together to write an essay about the person who created it, the charm's origin, its purpose, facts, and what the charm does overall.  I expect 3 rolls of parchment, no less.  We won't be working on it in class, so find somewhere where you both can work on it.  It's due by the end of this week."

"Yes, professor." Harry said.

"Three rolls due by the end of this week? Ugh!"  I told Harry as he laughed at my comment.

"At least we're doing it together.  Do you want to come over and work on the project in the Gryffindor common room later tonight?  Maybe around 6?"

"Sure.  Maybe Hermione can help us with it."  I responded, making us both laugh.  "Okay, I'll see you later, Harry."

"Bye, Helena."

"How many times have I told you to call me El."  I tell him, giggling.

"Right, sorry El.  It just sounds weird, because I've called you Helena for so long, you know?  But I'll call you El now."

I laugh and respond before leaving, "Bye Potter."

Later that day

After classes were over, I went to the Slytherin common room to finish my homework.  I spent so long being focused on herbology homework that I almost forgot I had to meet Harry in 10 minutes.  I went up to my room to freshen up before leaving the common room.  I passed by the Great Hall, turned the corner, and bumped into Draco.

"Sorry, Draco!" I say.

"You're fine.  Where are you going?" He asks me, noticing that I fixed my makeup and hair.

"Just going to study."

"But you always do your homework in the common room.  Come on."  He tries to get me to turn around and follow him to the common room, but I stop him.

"I'm going to study with a friend today." I tell him.

"You've got friends in the Slytherin common room."

"The friend I'm going to study with isn't in Slytherin."  I respond, so close to losing my patience.

"Don't tell me you're going to hang out with Potter or his stupid friends."

"As a matter of fact, I am!  I'm going to be late so if you'll excuse me, I need to go."

"Well, you're not excused!  You can study with us!"

"I have to study with Harry because we're partners in a project!  Bye, Draco."

Draco leans in to grab my hand, but I pull back and walk away.

"El, wait!"  Draco yells, but I continue walking as Draco stays where he's at, watching me leave.

That's the third chapter done!  Once I finish a chapter, I start on the next one right away, haha.  Remember to comment, vote, and share this story!

Much love,
