
We Had No Choice (dlm)

Helena Lestrange, the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, is attending her third year at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy is her best friend, along with the golden trio and many others. But will happen when Draco and Helena realize their fate is very similar? Will they find each other and stand up before it's too late?

mayamalfoy · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

✨Helena Lestrange✨

The summer felt like it was never going to end.  Since she left, I didn't feel like doing anything.  All I wanted was to see her again, but not in Azkaban, here at home with me.  Narcissa would come over every few days to check up on me, and Draco would come along, sometimes.  I just missed her so much and wanted her to come home.


I was woken up by the delicious smell coming from downstairs: breakfast.  My mother didn't make breakfast often, but when she did, I enjoyed it.  I quickly showered, got dressed into some nice clothes, put some makeup on, and went downstairs to see my mom setting up the table.

"I was just about to wake you, sweetheart.  Come eat."  she told me.

Just the sight of it looked amazing.  Scrambled eggs, bacon, fried sausages, and coffee.  We sat down to eat and talked about the usual stuff we always talked about: the Daily Prophet, school, annoying family and friends my mother has, and other things like that.

"Are you excited to go back to school this year?" She asked me.

"I guess" I replied, "But the only reason I am is so I can see my friends again."

"Darling, I've told you already that you can invite your friends over whenever.  As long as you're not friends with any filthy mud-bloods, it's perfectly fine."

My mother didn't know I was friends with the golden trio, so I simply told her, "Of course.  Why would anyone want to be friends with mud-bloods anyway?"  She chuckled at my response and said, "No idea, Helena."

She got up from the table and collected our plates.  I thanked her for breakfast as I walked up the stairs to my room to go brush my teeth again.  After a couple minutes, I leave my bathroom to hear my mother greeting some people downstairs.

"Cissy, Lucius, how are you?"  She said.  "And Draco, you've grown so much, dear boy."

Draco?  Hell yeah!  I fixed myself up in the mirror before walking downstairs to greet the Malfoys.

"Ah, there you are.  I was just about to call you."  My mother said, seeing me walk down the stairs.

"Hi Narcissa, Lucius."  I said with a smile on my face.  I always loved the Malfoys and I felt like family every time I went to visit.  Lucius never seemed to like me though, but Narcissa insisted that he did,  he just never showed it, which little did I know was true.  I turned to Draco as we both smiled at each other and walked up to my room.  When we entered, I shut the door behind him as he said, "Bloody hell I'm tired.  I barely got any sleep last night and we had to wake up early to get here."  As he was talking, he walked to my bed and laid down.

He continued, "Hey, your birthday's next week right?  What do you want?"

"I told you I don't want anything Draco."  I said, laying down next to him.  "All I want is a small party with friends and family before we go back to school."

"You're so boring.  Remember my birthday?  Remember all the gifts I got?" He asked, obviously shocked from my response and wanting me to have a party like his.

"Yes, I do.  You got an expensive watch just for turning thirteen."  I told him, giggling at the thought.

"Whatever, but at least let me get you something.  That's just sad if you don't get presents on your birthday."

"I don't care, honestly."  Draco was about to reply when we both heard a knock at the front door.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"I don't know.  Come on."  I replied as we both got off the bed and went downstairs.

By the time we were downstairs, my mother had answered the door.  Standing there were two, very tall, male wizards.  They were dressed in all black robes and I noticed their wands somewhat hidden.

"Bellatrix Lestrange, correct?"  The man on the left said.

"And who might you be?  I've never seen you before."  my mom replied.

And without another word, both men walked in and grabbed my mothers arms so she couldn't escape.  With their free arm they pointed their wand towards all of us and said, "We're with the ministry and earlier today a death eater came forward and claimed you as one of them.  Miss Lestrange, you're coming with us."  They started walking outside towards what looked like a carriage.  The thing is, it was enchanted and no one could use magic in there.  My mother tried to escape, run away, apparate, anything.  But the men had put an enchantment on the house so people inside couldn't use magic (for a certain amount of time).  We didn't know it then, so when the men pointed their wands at us, we had no clue they wouldn't do anything to us.  They put her in the back of the carriage and locked the doors.  As this was happening, I was in complete shock and so were the Malfoys.  None of us could do anything without getting in trouble, too.  Although Narcissa and Lucius couldn't do anything (since they were death eaters as well), I ran out to my mother as she was shouting and cursing the men out.  The back of the carriage had a little window with bars on it.  As the men were getting ready to leave, I reached my hand through the window to hold my mothers hand.

I started to cry as I told her, "No, they can't take you away!  Mother, I love you so much!"

"I love you too deary. I'll be alright." She said.

"I'll get you out mother, I promise."  I told her, knowing that no one has ever escaped before, but I didn't care.

She replied, "I know you will.  You'll find a way.  Now stop crying, I know you hate that."  She reached her hand out of the window to wipe the tears running down my face.  She then turned to Narcissa who was right behind me, crying as well.

"Take care of her." my mom said to Narcissa.  She nodded and continued to cry as Lucius walked over to comfort his wife.  And just like that, she left.  I fell to the ground, balling my eyes out.  Draco, who was standing by the door trying not to cry, had rushed over and hugged me.  My face was buried in his chest as I continued to cry.  He kept his arms wrapped around me as we sat on the ground, not wanting to move.  Draco had never seen me like this, and I hated it, but at that moment I didn't care.  My mother was gone.


My eyes were puffy and I looked disgusting and tired.  Narcissa told me that I should stay at Malfoy Manor for the rest of the summer, but I told her I would stay for a week or two and then go back home.  I packed some stuff I would need and then headed to Malfoy Manor.  We went inside and Narcissa asked if I needed anything.  When I declined, she said that if I did, just call the house elf.  I thanked her and went up to my bedroom.  I spent the night and came over so much, the Malfoys gave me a guest room.  They didn't mind, though, they have so many other guest rooms in their large mansion.  When I got to my room, I unpacked and decided to take a nap in hopes that I'd feel better.  When I woke up, I looked to the balcony outside my room and noticed the flaming red sky.  The sun was almost down which means I slept for a good couple of hours.

I was getting hungry so I went downstairs to make myself dinner.  I know I could've asked the house elf to make me something, but I thought that doing something productive would help me get my mind off of what happened earlier today. I was in the middle of cooking some buttered noodles when Draco came into the kitchen.

"Is that for me too?" He asked with a smile on his face. I knew he was trying to get me to feel better, so I went along with it.

"I suppose." I said with a giggle. He sat down on the table, waiting for me to finish cooking. Buttered noodles are our favorite dish. I separated the noodles onto two plates and set them down on the table. Draco looked at his plate with hungry eyes, which showed that he clearly hadn't eaten either. While we ate, he talked to me and did his best to make me laugh and forget about my mother. Although not a lot of people saw it, he was a really good friend. We finished our dinner and I put our plates in the sink.

"Wanna go to our spot?" Draco asked me, with a small smile across his face, hoping I'd say yes.

"Sure. I was going to be inside my room for the rest of the night, anyway." I reply, taking his hand as he led me outside to the garden.

We first found our spot while playing a game of hide and seek. I found it trying to hide from Draco and when he finally found me after what felt like a good 15 minutes, we realized that we could hang out here whenever we wanted some space. Since then, we've added an enchantment so no one can hear us while we're there. Multiple times we've stayed up far too late talking, laughing, and playing games. Our spot was down a secret passageway that led to a small, little room. It was quite dirty and gross when we first checked it out, but after a couple months, we managed to turn it into something amazing. Inside, we had a television, a leather couch, blankets and pillows, some posters, fairy lights that hung all around the room, and a window we would use to stargaze.

We entered the room and talked all night. At around 2 in the morning, I still wasn't tired and neither was he, so we laid down by the window and looked out into the starry night sky. After a few moments in silence, I noticed an all too familiar constellation: Draco.

"Look, there's Draco." I said to him, pointing at the constellation. To him, it just looked like a bunch of stars, but he didn't want to hurt my feelings by telling me he couldn't see it, so he simply nodded and continued looking.

My favorite constellation, though, was Scorpius. And it was Draco's favorite too, mainly because that was the only constellation he was able to identify.

When he found Scorpius, he got excited as he pointed to it saying, "I found Scorpius first, haha." I laughed and patted his shoulder, "Congrats. Would you like an award?"

"And a medal, a badge, and a certificate that says 'Draco Malfoy finds the constellation Scorpius before Helena Lestrange.'

I laugh and say, "How about 'Draco Malfoy is a complete idiot' yeah, I like that one better."

In a sarcastic tone he replies, "Ouch, that really hurt me."

We both laugh and continue stargazing next to each other until my eyes start getting heavy. I don't fight my tiredness and go to bed, laying next to Draco. A couple minutes later, Draco notices and he knows I probably won't be getting much sleep for the next couple of weeks. So instead of waking me up to mess with me, he lays my head on top of his chest, wraps his arms around me, and withing seconds, he falls asleep as well.


I woke up at around 10 AM and lazily got out of bed. I jump in the shower, get out, and as I enter my closet, I look to the calendar right by the door. It just hit me that today, July 6th, is my birthday.  Although I wasn't in the mood to celebrate, I put on a nice outfit and went downstairs for breakfast.

(Here's the outfit but imagine it with black converse and some jewelry if you want.  Go ahead and change it to your liking, though, this is just how I imagine her outfit.)

As soon as I entered the living room, Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco were there waiting for me (although Lucius looked like he had better things to do, I still appreciate him being there).

"Happy birthday Helena!" Draco exclaimed, not even waiting for me to get to the bottom of the steps as he ran to hug me.

"Happy birthday sweetheart!" Narcissa said as she followed Draco to hug me too.

"Yes, happy birthday Helena." Lucius told me.  Unlike the other two, Lucius stayed by the fireplace with a smirk across his face.

"Thank you!" I told them, not even realizing the decorations in the living room.

"Draco invited your friends over and they should be arriving around 2. Oh, I almost forgot! Here." Narcissa said, handing me a silver box with a green bow on it. The present was pretty big and the outside alone looked beautiful.

"Open it, darling." She said, with hopeful eyes.

I opened the box and took out the piece of clothing. Inside was a gorgeous black dress.

"Draco helped me choose it, do you like it?" Narcissa asked with a smile. I look at Draco to see him shyly looking down at the floor, smiling too.

"I love it. Thank you so much!" I reply.

(Here's what the dress looks like. I wanted to base it off what Bellatrix wears, so I obviously envisioned the dress to be black and have a corset. Feel free to change it if you like, though.)

"I was kind of hoping you'd wear it today for the party." Draco said, still looking at the floor.

"I'd love to! Thank you so much again." I told the three of them. I was about to go to my room to put on the dress when Narcissa spoke up once more.

"Oh, deary, you got a letter. It's from your mother..."

Just when I thought I was feeling better, Narcissa tells me about the letter. I wanted nothing more than to just burst into tears, but I stopped myself from doing so. I turned to face Narcissa and Draco again. By the look on Draco's face, he obviously hadn't known about the letter either.

"Oh." I was barely able to get out a complete sentence without wanting to cry and Narcissa noticed that. So she just handed me the letter and said, "You can read it in your room, if you'd like."

"Thank you." And without another word, I went upstairs to read the letter.

Dear El,

Happy birthday, deary! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you, and I miss you so much. I know one day I'll be out of this hell hole and we can celebrate your birthday together. Remember your promise? I hope you're working on it. Your uncle, Sirius, is here and that blood traitor has been talking nonsense these past few days. Anyway, I hope you're doing well and enjoy your birthday.

xo, mother

Even though it wasn't much, just hearing from her made me start to cry. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. I wipe my tears away and open the door.

"Draco. What are you doing?"

"Just checking up. What did the letter say?"

"She just wished me a happy birthday, that's all."

"Alright. Well, if you need anything or want to talk, I'm here."


He walked off as I shut the door. I changed into the dress, put on some black heels, and fixed my makeup and hair.  My family didn't know I was friends with the golden trio or any people outside of Slytherin, so I figured it would just be me, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise. It was small, but that's what I wanted: a small party.

✨Draco Malfoy✨

A minute or two after Helena went up to her room, I went up to visit her. I also brought with me my birthday present for her. It was a gold necklace with a snake who had green jewels as eyes. It was quite beautiful and I have a ring just like it. It was a gift from Helena, actually. She got it for me on my birthday. She's the reason I'm into wearing rings now. So when I saw the necklace, I knew it would be a perfect gift for her.

I knocked on the door with the present behind my back. After our short conversation, I realized that now wouldn't be a good time to give it to her, so I decided to wait until after the party. Little did I know, I wouldn't be giving it to her that day. I was nervous, alright? I don't know why I was nervous, I mean, she was my best friend. I guess it was because I'd never seen her like this. Usually, she was full of energy, loved partying, pulling pranks, just something that would make her day less boring. But now, all she wants to do is stay in her room to sleep and the only time she leaves her cave is to eat. I just figured now wouldn't be a good time to give her gifts or party, that's all. My mother kept on insisting, though, that we celebrate. I wasn't too fond of the idea, because I definitely wouldn't want to party after my mother was taken away either. So, I only invited Blaise and Pansy. They already knew what was going on, for it had been in the Daily Prophet. I also told them the party wouldn't last long, and they understood. I knew that Helena didn't want to celebrate.

After the party was over and Pansy and Blaise left, Helena thanked my parents and me before heading off to her room once more. When she left, she looked as though she didn't want to be bothered for the rest of the night. She had that 'I'm going to cry before I fall asleep so please don't bug me' kind of face. Trust me, I know her, and that was definitely the face she made. So, I didn't bother her. Instead, I went to my room, put on some pajamas, and stayed up thinking about how I should've given her the necklace. I guess I'll just save it for a Christmas gift or something. And with that, I fell asleep.

✨Helena Lestrange✨

I changed into an over-sized sweater and shorts before getting into bed and started to cry a bit. I hated it. I hated crying, and yet, here I was doing it. After a while, I remembered the face Draco made before I went to my room. He had that 'wait I want to tell you something' kind of face. It was weird, but I didn't think too much of it. A few moments later, I fell asleep.

End of flashback

That's the first chapter!! Let me know if that's a good length for the chapters, or if you want me to make them shorter or even longer. I'm sorry for the spelling errors (if there are any). I try my best to make sure everything makes sense and I reread the chapter multiple times before I publish it.

I know that in this chapter, Draco's more soft.  But don't worry, we'll be seeing toxic and rude Draco once we get to Hogwarts.  He's like this because he trusts Helena and has known her for so long.  Sorry if it's not your ideal Draco, but I promise you'll be seeing movie Draco when they go back to school.

Also, let me know if you guys like Helena's outifts or not.  I'm trying to go off of what Bellatrix wears since that's her mother.  Basically, I'm trying to give off the vibe of Bellatrix.  So let me know how I should dress Helena by commenting!  Bellatrix wears black clothing, a corset, and I'm pretty sure it's a long skirt.  From this, I would imagine Helena wearing stuff like that with a more modern twist (ripped jeans, converse, etc.).

If you have any questions (whether it's about a character, some more background information, or anything else), comment them and I'll respond to as many as I can! Thanks so much and the next chapter will be up soon!

Much love,
