
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 69: Love Is In The Air

Author's Note: As I said at the end of Chapter 68, this chapter will have no plot and only contains explicit sexual content. It's a bonus chapter. You can skip it if you don't like to read pure porn. The story continues in Chapter 70.

If you search the story on Ao3 (archieveofourown) you will find a picture in the middle of the chapter which was drawn for me by a very special person for the chapter.


Sylvanas opened the door to her office and entered without hesitation. She closed the door immediately and froze when she noticed that something was different. She didn't need to take a closer look at her room to know that there was something which was not supposed to be there.

She could smell something. A familiar scent. She had not smelled it for a while but it was still familiar to her. The smell of roses. She turned around, noticing the bunch of roses in a flower vase on her desk. Golden, red but also white roses.

She approached her desk slowly, letting her gaze wander all over the room. She spotted no other unexpected things. The flower vase was the only unfamiliar thing in her room.

The first thing Sylvanas noticed when she stopped in front of her desk was the spell that had been cast on the flowers. The spell's purpose was to preserve the flowers longer. Flowers usually wilted very fast in the near of any undead creature and in Undercity in general.

Due to the spell, Sylvanas might be able to keep them for a few hours, maybe even for a few days. Sylvanas didn't really care about flowers these days. She had loved smelling roses and other beautiful flowers when she had been alive but she no longer enjoyed to do that in death. Usually, there were no flowers in her office in Undercity and not even in her room in Silvermoon. She didn't care about flowers except for those who had been gifted by creatures she loved.

She had no doubt that one of those who were close to her had put these flowers in her office. That fact was reason enough for Sylvanas to like them. She touched one of the roses carefully, smiling when she noticed that they didn't wilt. Not even their petals fell off. They were immune to her cold touch. The touch of death. She noticed the note in the bouquet when she admired these beautiful flowers. She took it out carefully and read it.

*To the most beautiful woman on Azeroth

I know you don't care about flowers since your death but I still hope you like them. I'm sure you already noticed that I preserved them with the help of the spell. They should last for three days at least. Depends on how strong the spell is. Using mage spells became pretty hard since I became a paladin. I'm only able to use a few certain spells and I have to admit that this simple spell was more difficult than expected.

Anyway, I hope you like the flowers. Otherwise, I have to find another beautiful woman I can give them to. Jokes aside, I would never give flowers to other women. You will always be the only woman for me.

I love you more than anything and anyone else.

Your beloved husband.*

A wide smile could be seen on Sylvanas' lips when she was done reading. She didn't stop smiling, not even after she had read it for the third time. She put the note aside and took one of the roses out of the vase. She brought it to her nose, closing her eyes as she inhaled the lovely scent. The petals tingled her nose and made her giggle. She put the rose back in the vase eventually and made a few steps backwards.

She froze when she noticed something. Quiet movements. Someone was in her room but she couldn't tell yet if it was a friend or foe. One of her hands wandered to her belt, grabbing the handle of one of the daggers than hung on the piece of leather. Her ears laid flat against her head,her senses were sharpened. She was aware that the movement came from the right corner of her room. She turned around within a blink of an eye, looking at the direction where she expected the intruder. To her surprise, no one was there.

A frown could be seen on her forehead as she turned her head slowly and checked her surroundings again. A hand covered her mouth and prevented her from screaming while another hand grabbed her wrist. "You won't need this," whispered a familiar voice in her ear. Sylvanas' body relaxed immediately when she recognized the familiar male voice. She put the dagger back on her belt once the man had let go of her wrist but she didn't turn around to face him.

He stood right behind her, one of his hands rested on her hips while the other still covered her mouth. Only when Sylvanas' tongue licked the palm of his hand, he removed it from her mouth. He put his head on her shoulder, pulling her closer to him.

"Happy birthday, my love," Kelrian whispered in her ear.

Sylvanas smiled. "Thanks. I don't really celebrate my birthday but Alleria and Vereesa still show up every year and give me presents. Usually, weapons or useful items."

"I still feel guilty that I missed all of your previous birthdays since your death. Either I was in a different place, had to fight or I had other important things to do. This is the first birthday for seven years which I didn't miss," Kelrian replied.

"As I said, I don't celebrate my birthdays anymore so I don't mind that you missed them. You don't have to gift me anything."

"I know but I still want to do that. I want to prove to you how much I love you."

Sylvanas chuckled. "I already know that you love me more than anything else. You don't have to buy me presents to prove it."

"Yeah, I know. Nevertheless, I did it. I like buying my woman things she likes."

"Flowers no longer belong to the things I like to receive. I loved flowers in life but I no longer need them in death. I only like those gifted by persons I care about."

"The flowers are not the only present I have for you."

Sylvanas raised an eyebrow curiously. "They aren't?"

Kelrian opened his left hand and muttered a few phrases. He let a black, elongated box appear on his palm. Sylvanas didn't hesitate to take it and open it. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw what was inside.

It was a beautiful necklace, one of the most beautiful necklaces she had ever seen. It was a pearl necklace but every single pearl was silver and shaped like a skull. Tiny ruby crystals made the eyes of the skulls. There was also a pendant which resembled the symbol of the Forsaken. A broken mask pierced by two arrows. Whoever had made this necklace had put a lot of effort into it.

"It's beautiful," Sylvanas whispered astonishedly.

"Not as beautiful as you are," replied Kelrian when he kissed the spot behind her left ear.

"You are flattering me."

"I'm just saying the truth, my love."

"Keep going and you might get between my legs later," the Banshee replied with a teasing smirk on her lips.

"Almost sounds as if it is my birthday and not yours."

"On your birthday, I do everything you demand from me and on my birthday..."

"I do everything you demand from me," Kelrian completed.

Sylvanas' smirk became wider. "I like the sound of that."

"Just tell me what you want and I will do it."

"Putting the necklace around my neck would be a good start."

"As you wish, my queen."

Sylvanas laughed amused. "My queen? Are you my husband or one of my servants?"

"I can be anyone you want me to be," teased Kelrian.

"I'll keep that in mind for later, my love."

Kelrian said nothing in return. He took the necklace out of the box and put it around Sylvanas' neck. He brought her to the mirror next to her wardrobe so that Sylvanas was able to regard her reflection. She had to admit that she looked good with the necklace around her slender neck. "I love it already."

Kelrian smiled. "It suits you. The necklace makes you look much more intimidating and powerful."

"Thank you, Kel. That's a nice gift. I appreciate it."

Kelrian kissed her cheek. "I'm glad you like it."

"Like it? That's an understatement. I absolutely love it."

Kelrian kissed her cheek again. "What does the mighty Banshee Queen want to do on her birthday?" he asked eventually.

"Since I don't need to drink or eat, a romantic dinner wouldn't be fitting. My family won't be coming until midday which means we have plenty of time for us. Its shortly after midnight so we have at least eleven to twelve hours we can spend wisely."

Kelrian smirked. "I like the way you pronounce the word wisely."

"I bet you have the same idea in your mind as I have."

"Depends if your idea includes this area," Kelrian replied and put his left hand on her upper thigh, close to her most sacred area.

Sylvanas just smiled about his comment.

"I interpret your smile as an affirmation."

"Your interpretation is correct but..." She didn't complete her sentence.

"But what?"

"But it's my birthday so..."

"You want to be in control I assume."

"Just like the good old times."

"I think some nostalgia won't hurt."

"I couldn't agree more." The smile that formed on Sylvanas' lips was wide and beautiful. "Perfect. I have no doubt that the next twelve hours will be wonderful."

"Twelve hours? Do you want to end me?" Kelrian asked jokingly.

Sylvanas raised her left eyebrow a little. "Twelve hours is nothing. Do you still remember the weekend where we did nothing but staying in bed?"

"Of course, I remember. How I could forget that weekend? The best forty-eight hours of my life."

"We fucked two days in a row with only little breaks, so twelve hours shouldn't be a problem for us, right?"

Kelrian nodded. "Twelve hours are nothing for me."

Sylvanas made a step away from him and turned around to face him. She put her hands on his cheeks, caressing them while she stared into his golden eyes. Kelrian put his left hand on her back, the other caressed her left hip. Sylvanas grabbed him by the collar of his vest, pulling him closer. "Stop playing for time and kiss me already," she whispered. Her voice sounded erotic and reflected a small measure of desire and lust.

"As you wish," whispered Kelrian before he leaned in and pressed his lips on Sylvanas' cold but soft lips. The Banshee Queen returned the kiss without hesitation and ran her fingers through his short blond hair. She bit his bottom lip softly, demanding access to his mouth that way. Kelrian parted his lips and allowed her tongue to enter his mouth. His own tongue found its way in her mouth a few moments later, doing the same as Sylvanas' tongue. Licking every reachable corner.

Sylvanas' hand found its way beneath Kelrian's vest which disappeared a few seconds later. But his golden blouse didn't disappear, not even when her hand slipped beneath it. A quiet groan escaped Kelrian's lips when Sylvanas' cold hand came in contact with his warm skin. She caressed his stomach muscles while she deepened the kiss, her other hand was still toying with her husband's hair.

Kelrian's heart was beating rapidly, his skin was tingling in excitement. He could already feel the effects of the passionate kiss and her soft touch on his lower region. The longer the kiss endured, the stronger the effect got. He got a teasing grin from Sylvanas when she lowered her gaze after the kiss had ended. "I didn't know I could do that with just a kiss and caressing your stomach," she said amused.

"Having your lips on mine is such an indescribably good feeling. It makes me think about lots of naughty things we can do. I love kissing you. I love tasting you on my lips."

"The same counts for me," replied Sylvanas. Her hand still caressed his muscular stomach but it didn't go further down. She didn't touch his manhood yet because she had other ideas in her mind. She took his hand and guided him over to the bed, signalizing him to sit down on the edge. Of course, Kelrian obeyed without hesitation. His gaze didn't leave Sylvanas' figure.

The leader of the Forsaken sat down in the middle of the bed, her curious eyes fell on Kelrian's clothing. "You wear too many clothes for my liking."

"You want me to take something off?"

Sylvanas nodded. "You can leave your underpants on but the rest must go."

Kelrian removed everything but his golden underpants and put his clothes on the side table next to the bed. "Better?"

"Better," Sylvanas repeated with a grin on her lips. She didn't blush when she shamelessly ogled her husband. He had become much more muscular over the past year. His almost nude body was very attractive, almost too attractive. She couldn't stop regarding him. He was so handsome. So sexy. His well-toned sexy body was a feast to her eyes.

She could already feel the wetness between her legs. She didn't need to put her hand between her legs to know that her clit and her southern lips were swollen. Nor did she need to touch her ears to know the tips were stiff. These were clear signs that she was very horny. She was just as horny as he was. His boner was unmistakable.

She leaned back and propped herself on her forearms, spreading her legs. "I think we should continue where we stopped the last time." She didn't need to say more to make Kelrian understand. He crawled over to her and put his hands on her upper thighs. He removed her leggings and tossed them aside, spreading her legs again. Not even her black panties could hide the dampness between her legs. Kelrian didn't show how surprised he was at how wet she was.

He didn't even make a comment about it. He laid down in front of her and moved so close to her that his head was only a few inches away from her most sacred place. He felt one of Sylvanas' hands caressing his head and stroking his hair. She smiled at him and watched him pulling down her panties with his teeth. He laid the piece of fabric aside and lowered his head. He inhaled the lovely scent of arousal, enjoying it for a few moments before he opened his mouth and gave his tongue a task.

Sylvanas grabbed his hair and tilted her head a little when he began to run his tongue over her slit. He repeated this motion a dozen times, causing a quiet moan to escape his lover's lips. His skilled tongue licked her southern lips over and over again, causing more moans to escape the banshee's lips. Sylvanas pulled on his hair much rougher than before, her gaze didn't leave him. "Faster," she hissed through gritted teeth.

Kelrian obeyed and increased his pace, smiling when her moans became louder. He was good at what he was doing and he knew it. The way Sylvanas' body behaved was proof enough that she enjoyed it. Kelrian's hands grabbed her ass cheeks and kneaded them softly, making Sylvanas feel much better. The Banshee Queen's head was tilted, her crimson eyes were half-closed. She didn't expect to feel so good when being orally pleasured.

She removed her hand from Kelrian's hair and brought it to her sensitive womanhood. She pressed the tips of two of her fingers on her clit, kneading it softly. The waves of pleasure that rushed through her body became much stronger, causing a very loud moan to escape her lips. There was no way to deny that she was enjoying this. Each lick of his tongue caused another wave of pleasure to rush through her body. He was making her feel so good that she wondered how good she would feel when his manhood would enter her womanhood. She was looking forward to finding that out. She was super excited.

Kelrian made the next step eventually, inserting his tongue into her pussy. Her inner walls tightened around it, making it impossible for him to move it for the first few minutes. But her inner walls loosened eventually so that Kelrian was able to let his tongue lick her inner walls.

Sylvanas was no longer propping herself on one arm. She laid on the bed, her left hand was still stimulating her clit while her other hand toyed with her breast. She kneaded the soft flesh and did the same with the stiff nipples. They were quite sensitive and tingled softly when she touched them.

The Banshee Queen had no idea how much time had passed when she felt her orgasm approach. She didn't tell Kelrian to stop nor did she stop. She just continued with what she was doing while Kelrian's tongue went wild in her pussy. Her legs trembled when Kelrian brought her over the edge, his name left her lips as a loud scream when her inner walls contracted.

Pussy fluid flowed in Kelrian's mouth which was wide open. He waited until the last drop had flown in his mouth before removed his head from the area between Sylvanas' legs. He savoured the wonderful taste of the sticky liquid before he swallowed it. His gaze fell on his lover who had a satisfied expression on her face.

"I did not expect that to happen, to be honest."

Kelrian grinned at her. "There are lots of things I'm good at. Satisfying my wife is one of them."

"I learned it first-hand how good you are with your mouth. That was incredible," she complimented.

Kelrian's grin became wider. "It's been a pleasure."

Sylvanas sat up slowly, watching Kelrian doing the same. She grabbed his hands and pulled him closer to her, kissing him. She didn't mind tasting herself on his lips nor did she mind having his tongue in her mouth, which had previously been in her womanhood. Their tongues fought, danced and explored the other's mouth. Their kiss was sweet and passionate, making both of them want more.

Their kissing turned into a wild making out, Sylvanas hands were fumbling around with Kelrian's underpants. She managed to pull it down eventually and then started to remove her own clothes. Kelrian helped her with that.

In the end, Sylvanas sat on Kelrian's lap, wearing nothing but her black bra. Her stiff nipples were poking through the piece of fabric. "Don't you want to remove it?" Sylvanas whispered into his ear.

"I want to savour the moment and enjoy the view. I rarely see you wearing such erotic underwear."

"You are not wrong. Usually, I don't wear my underwear when I know that we are going to have sex."

Kelrian smirked. "I love the way your nipples try to cut through the fabric. The fabric might be thin but it much more stable than it looks like."

"Not to mention that my nipples are not sharp like glass."

"Yes, fortunately. Taking them in my mouth would really hurt in that case."

Sylvanas ran her fingers through Kelrian's hair. "Is that what you want to do, babe? Sucking my nipples?"

"Yes," Kelrian replied honestly.

"What is stopping you?"

A wide grin appeared on Kelrian's lips. He said nothing in return and let his hands wander. The hand on her back reached her bra, unclasping it without a problem. Kelrian was experienced when it came to open a bra with only one hand. He removed the piece of clothing and tossed it aside. Sylvanas' melons were now free and unprotected, meaning that there was nothing which could stop Kelrian from touching them.

Sylvanas found both of Kelrian's hands grabbing her ample bosom and kneading the sensitive flesh softly. The Banshee Queen couldn't help but moan in pleasure. The moans became louder when Kelrian decided to fondle her breasts rougher than before. He pressed his thumbs on her nipples, later pinching each of them with two fingers. He toyed with her lovebuds and made her feel much better than before. Her loins were tingling in excitement, the wetness between her legs increased.

Despite Kelrian having the active part, Sylvanas was still the one in control. She could make her lover stop if she wanted but she didn't want him to stop so she said nothing. She allowed him to continue, her left hand was still toying with his hair while she ran her other hand over his back. She had already left a few scratch marks and she was sure she would leave more of them over time.

Her fingernails were sharp but not too sharp. The pain he felt whenever she scratched him was minimal. Like Sylvanas, Kelrian didn't mind a little amount of pain. As long as it didn't get out of hand, he was fine with Sylvanas marking him. She loved to mark her territory and he knew that very well. That was the reason why he said nothing about it.

Another loud moan escaped Sylvanas' lips when Kelrian's warm tongue licked over one of her stiff nipples for the first time. The breast fondling had made them much more sensitive and the pleasure Sylvanas received was much stronger than before. But licking one of her nipples was not enough for the Chosen. He took it in his mouth while he kneaded the over between the tips of two of his fingers. Sylvanas' response was a loud moan and a much stronger pull on his hair.

Her other hand had no task at the moment, so she put it on his stomach and moved it down. She closed it around his stiff member, giving it a few strokes before she brought it close to her most sacred area. She spread her thighs widely, straddling Kelrian. She didn't hesitate to guide his dick to her entrance, brushing the tip over her swollen lips before she slowly inserted it into her womanhood.

The sharp sound which escaped her lips sounded more like a moan than a soft scream. His dick was not even fully inside her and she already had the impression that it was too much for her. The pleasure she felt was already so strong and overwhelming that she doubted that she could take any more.

She needed a few moments to get used to the new circumstances but then she was sure she could take it. Not every inch of Kelrian's manhood was inside her but she was full nevertheless. His dick was too large for her. Not an inch could fit inside her anymore.

Her inner walls hugged his dick tightly but they loosened up after a few minutes, allowing the sin'dorei to move his member inside her. He was pumping his dick in and out slowly while Sylvanas was moving her hips up and down at a similarly slow pace. Their synergy was perfect.

They liked it slow but they preferred a faster pace. They increased their paces eventually, Sylvanas d-cup breasts bounced up and down slightly while she was moving her hips. Kelrian's dick hit her g-spot over and over again in a constant rhythm, his tongue was working on her right breast. Her left breast was still fondled by his hand, his other hand rested on her well-curved rear. He took turns kneading her ass cheeks and even spanked them from time to time. The spanks were not too strong but they still fulfilled their purpose. Sylvanas got turned on by his spanking.

Kelrian stopped sucking on Sylvanas' tits after a while and brought his head to hers, kissing her. Sylvanas returned the kiss immediately and deepened it by forcing her tongue in his mouth. Sylvanas kissed her husband much more aggressively than before, her tongue dominated his. She moved her hips much faster, pressing her breasts against his muscular chest. She didn't mind the beads of sweat that ran down her body nor did Kelrian. They embraced each other tightly and didn't stop kissing and moving their hips.

They pulled away after a while, staring into each other's eyes for a couple of minutes. Sylvanas put one of her hands on his chest and slowly pushed his upper body down until his back hit the mattress. Kelrian laid on the bed and Sylvanas sat on top of him, grinding her hips against him. She didn't know why, but for some reason, the pleasure she felt had become much stronger. She had done nothing but changing their position a little but the effects were surprisingly huge. Riding his dick in this position made her feel a lot better than riding his dick while sitting on his lap.

Sylvanas had her eyes closed when she continued to move her hips and enjoyed the pleasure Kelrian's dick was causing. She couldn't stop herself from moaning loudly nor could she stop herself from kneading both of her breasts at the same time. Kelrian's hand rested on her hips and caressed them, later they wandered to her ass. He spanked her, kneaded her butt cheeks and even spread them while thrusting his thick member deep inside her. He continued to move his hips up and down, hitting her g-spot very often.

None of them knew how much time had passed when they got the first signs of their approaching orgasms. Both of them knew that they would reach their peaks soon but none of them stopped. They came at the same moment. Kelrian's dick twitched inside Sylvanas' pussy and shot a huge load of cum out which mixed with the juice released by Sylvanas' inner walls.

Loud moans escaped their lips, Sylvanas' head was tilted back, her hands still cupped her breasts when she rode out her orgasm. Kelrian was breathing heavily, his dick had stopped twitching but was still stiff and still inside her. He knew he would be able to cum a few more times before his member would become slack. He could endure very long if he wanted. He was not done yet nor was she. The Banshee Queen's body may be covered in sweat but she was not even close to being exhausted. Just like her husband, she could endure much longer.

"This one was much better than the previous orgasm," Sylvanas said as she lowered her upper body and laid on top of her husband, wrapping her arms around his neck. She pressed her lips on his and inserted her tongue in his mouth as soon as he had parted his lips. They stayed like this for a while, doing nothing but kissing and cuddling.

As much as she enjoyed making out with her husband, Sylvanas still decided to pull away. She got up, noticing the white liquid that flowed out of her widened womanhood as soon as his dick slid out of her. The sticky liquid dripped on the sheets but she didn't mind that because she would change them after they would be done. Whenever that would be. Her lips formed a teasing smirk when she noticed that the product of their orgasms stuck on Kelrian's still stiff manhood.

"Seems I have to clear that mess," Sylvanas said and leaned over his cock. She put her shins next to Kelrian's head and spread her upper thighs so that Kelrian had a good view on her wet womanhood. He didn't hesitate to lift his head and bury his face between her legs, a moan escaped Sylvanas' lips when his tongue entered her womanhood. It was the second time of the day that Kelrian's taste organ was inside her. She watched Kelrian eating her out for a few moments before she shifted her attention back to his cock. There was much work to do and she didn't hesitate to start.

Her tongue began to lick off the love juice which tasted better than the banshee had expected. She took her time, licking slowly and passionately instead of half-heartedly and quickly. She licked his dick with pleasure and smiled when she was done put her hands around the thick member, gave it a few strokes and a few teases on his glans with her tongue before she took it in her mouth.

Her moans were muffled when she sucked her lover's dicks but Kelrian's weren't. What Sylvanas was doing made him feel really good and he couldn't stop himself from moaning into her pussy. He kneaded her ass cheeks while he spread them and he even toyed with her clit and teased her asshole. He didn't dare to lick it or insert a finger in it but he was already teasing it in case Sylvanas would say yes to anal.

Kelrian had not often done the sixty-nine position with Sylvanas but he had to admit that he enjoyed it. He loved it when Sylvanas sucked his cock and he loved to lick the inside of her pussy, so there was no reason for him not to love it. He also knew that Sylvanas loved it because she loved to have his dick in her mouth. It was perfect.

They were so good at what they were doing that they managed to make the other come again. Sylvanas' mouth was filled with Kelrian's cum and Sylvanas' release flowed in Kelrian's open mouth. They swallowed and enjoyed the unique tastes of the sticky liquids that flowed down their throats.

They repositioned and kissed again. Sylvanas straddled Kelrian, her hands were on his back and in his hair while his hands rested on her ass. "You are really obsessed with my ass today," Sylvanas said between kisses.

"Not only today. I admire your ass since the first time I caught sight of it. You have a very nice ass and I can't stop touching it."

Sylvanas smirked. "You want my ass so badly, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

"But I prefer you to penetrate my pussy. If only there is a way you could be in both of my holes at the same time," Sylvanas teased him with her erotic voice.

"I have my hands."

"They don't count in this matter," Sylvanas responded and winked at him.

Kelrian's eyes widened a little when he realized what she was referring to.

"Are you sure you want me to use this technique?" he asked.

Sylvanas nodded. "Yes, I do."

The corners of Kelrian's lips formed a grin. "Very well. Who am I to deny your requests? It's an honour to me to fulfil your perverted desires." He closed his eyes and muttered a few phrases in ancient thalassian. He opened his eyes once he was done, smiling when he realized that the spell had worked. Sylvanas turned her head and looked at the creature Kelrian was looking at.

It looked exactly like him. It was a mirror image, a clone which Kelrian could control. Sylvanas' eyes rested on the clone's face and then wandered to his manhood. It was as large as Kelrian's. She averted her gaze and looked at her husband, at the real one. A wide grin could be seen on her lips.

"I changed the spell a little to my liking. Because you should not be the only one who should be allowed to enjoy this, I made sure that I feel the same what my clones feel. Basically, if he penetrates you, I feel the pleasure he feels."

"So in this matter, the pleasure you will feel will be doubled," concluded Sylvanas.

"Exactly. And the intensity of my orgasms will be doubled."

"Sounds fair to me," Sylvanas said and turned to look at the clone. "So, how are we going to do this?"

"We have many positions to choose from. We could do it on the bed, my clone beneath you and I behind you. We could also do it standing. My clone and I will hold you in that case while we penetrate you. We could also sandwich you on the bed. I suppose there are more positions. It's up to you, honey. Your idea, your choice."

Sylvanas grinned when she thought about the many options they had. Her grin became wider when she made a choice and leaned over to her husband, whispering something in his ear. His grin became as wide as hers. "As you wish, my love," he said and pecked on her lips.

Together with the mirror image, he lifted up Sylvanas who wrapped her legs around the mirror image's waist. Her arms were wrapped around the clone's shoulders but she turned her head and looked over her shoulder so that she would see Kelrian and not his clone while they would do their own version of a threesome.

"In the end, it doesn't matter if I'm in front of you or behind you because I feel what my clones feel but I really enjoy fucking you from behind," Kelrian whispered into her ear before he kissed it slowly. "That way, I can also do this." He wrapped his arms around her back and cupped her breasts from behind, fondling them.

"Less talking, more doing, honey."

Kelrian smirked. "As you wish." He removed one of his hands from her breasts and began to tease her butt hole. He needed a few minutes to make it wide enough to insert one of his fingers and then he needed more minutes to make it wide enough for his member. He slowly inserted the tip of his penis in her butt hole, smiling when Sylvanas moaned in pleasure. The clone slowly inserted its manhood in Sylvanas' womanhood, making the moans louder. Both of them inserted their members at the same speed until they couldn't shove it any further.

Both of Sylvanas' southern holes were filled by cocks. Kelrian's cocks. She was sandwiched by them, the clone rubbed her clit with one hand while it used its other hand to hold her. Kelrian had brought his other hand back to her breasts and kneaded them with both hands, his lips were pressed on Sylvanas'. He kissed her while he moved his hips slowly and made his clone move its hips in the same slow pace.

They moaned into the kiss, their tongues danced in the other's mouth. In well-known territory basically. It was not the first time, Sylvanas got double-penetrated by two men. It was not the first time Kelrian and his mirror imagine penetrated her. For Sylvanas, it felt much better this time than all the times before. She was not sure if it was because of the position or if something else was the reason for that. All that mattered for her was the enormous pleasure she felt when two thick dicks penetrated her southern holes.

Her moans were much louder than all of the moans that had escaped her lips before Kelrian had created the mirror image. It was only logical that two dicks made her feel much better than just one. The pleasure was so strong that she couldn't stop moaning. A frequent and endless melody of moans was hearable. She reached her climax faster than she had expected. Her lips were still pressed on Kelrian's when she rode out her orgasm which was much stronger than the previous ones.

"Wow...I didn't expect it to turn me on so much. I don't know why but I have the impression that our lovemaking is so much better than the previous ones. It's no exaggeration to say that this is the best sex we ever had," the female elf said.

"You are not wrong about this," Kelrian replied and ran his fingers through her hair.

"An idea just came in my mind," Sylvanas announced and smirked at him.

Kelrian raised an eyebrow, curiosity was reflected by his face. "What is it about?"

Sylvanas' smirk became wider. "You said that you feel everything your mirror images feel and that the intensity of your orgasms will be doubled if your mirror images also reach its limit."

Kelrian nodded. "I did."

"I came to the conclusion that now that you satisfied me, you deserve to be satisfied too. I want you to feel as good as possible."

Kelrian smiled at her. "I like the sound of that but it's your birthday. It's my task to satisfy you and not the other way around."

"I know but I also want to do something for you because I love you," she responded and pecked him on the lips.

"I won't say no to that," Kelrian whispered and caressed her cheek.

"How many mirror images can you create?"

"Well, I have never tried to create more than two but I think I can create more."

"What about three more?"

Kelrian's eyes became as wide as possible. "Three more?" he cleared his throat. "Sorry." He cleared his throat again. "What do you want to do with a total of four mirror images?"

Sylvanas was still smirking. "I want to use them to make you feel as good as possible. I will give you an orgasm you will never forget."

Kelrian chuckled. "I never forgot a single orgasm you gave me. I still remember all the times we made love."

"Seems your memory is better than mine in that case. Anyway, I want to satisfy five of them at the same time."

A small amount of doubt could be seen in the Chosen's eyes. "And how would you want to do that?"

"I have three holes and two hands."

"Oh. Now I see."

Sylvanas didn't stop smirking. "So are you in? I mean, you already are but..."

"Sure, if that's what you really want."

"That's what I really want. I want to make you feel as good as possible. Also, I have never had five dicks at the same time. Would be a new experience for me. I'm curious, to be honest."

Kelrian caressed Sylvanas' cheeks. "Alright, give me a few minutes."

"Take all the time you need, honey."

Kelrian closed his eyes and focused his power for the spell he had in mind. If he would have still been a mage, he would have completed the spell much faster. But since he had become the Chosen, he needed longer to cast the few mage spells he was still able to cast. Nevertheless, he succeeded after nearly ten minutes.

He noticed that the smirk on Sylvanas' lips was much wider than before when he opened his eyes. Her gaze rested on the creatures to their left. The mirror images stood there and looked at them, neutral expressions could be seen on their faces. "I'm ready when you are," said Sylvanas.

Kelrian nodded and made his mirror images move. Together, they sat Sylvanas on the bed carefully before they positioned themselves. Kelrian laid on the bed and Sylvanas sat on him, her womanhood was filled with his dick while her ass was filled with the dick of the first clone. One clone stood in front of her while the two remaining clones stood to her right and left. The second clone shoved its dick in her mouth which she began to suck without hesitation. She brought her hands to the dicks of the third and fourth clone and began to give them handjobs. Kelrian and the first clone were moving their hips in the meantime, pumping their dicks in and out.

Kelrian was more than just surprised about how great he felt. As Sylvanas had predicted, he felt five times as good as he usually did when they had sex. He moved his hips as fast as he could and let the first clone do the same. He penetrated Sylvanas thoroughly and sucked on her breasts greedily. Moans echoed through the room. Sylvanas' loud moans but also the melody of moans produced by Kelrian and his mirror images.

Sylvanas would have never imaged that she would ever satisfy five cocks at the same time. She had to admit that it made much more fun than expected. She felt so much better than she had expected and she knew that Kelrian felt the same way. She wondered if he could see what his clones could see. If he could, she wondered how she would look like. She was curious if Kelrian would find it sexy. It didn't really matter to them what they looked like. What mattered was that both of them really enjoyed it.

It didn't take long for Kelrian to reach his climax but he was not the only one who came. His clones came with him. They filled Sylvanas' holes and covered her with cum. The sticky liquid was spread all over Sylvanas' face, her breasts and a little was even stuck in her hair and on her back. Kelrian had never seen Sylvanas like this. He had never seen her covered in cum but he had to admit that he liked what he saw.

Kelrian's chest was rising and falling, he was so exhausted from the best orgasm he ever had that he was unable to do anything but lie there. He didn't even speak, all he did was to look at Sylvanas who got off him and sat down next to him, watching his mirror images disappear one by one.

She cleaned herself with handkerchiefs and then laid next to him, putting her head on his shoulder. "That was great," she said after a while. "Great is an understatement but I'm lacking words to describe how good it was."

"It was fantastic," said Kelrian.

"We could do it again one day," Sylvanas suggested.

Kelrian chuckled. "But not so soon. I will feel this for days."

"So will I."

They remained silent for a while, doing nothing but cuddling and exchanging kisses from time to time. Kelrian kissed all areas of Sylvanas' body. He was especially careful when he reached her stomach and put soft kisses on the visible scar left by Frostmourne. Sylvanas ran her fingers through Kelrian's hair while she watched him treating her body carefully. She averted her gaze after a while and looked at the clock on the wall.

"My sisters will most likely be here in an hour. We should take a shower and get dressed. They have the bad habit to not warn me before they enter my room. Since I was a little girl, Alleria entered my room on all of my birthdays without knocking at the door first. And because we don't want to scandalize them, we have to wash and get dressed."

"I'd love to take a shower with you," Kelrian said with a smile.

A wide grin was Sylvanas' only response.