
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 68: Angel and Devil

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" a familiar voice asked. Kelrian averted his gaze from the four creatures that were not far away from him to look at his wife.

"I am," he said to her. "You said yourself that you have to look after Undercity, not to mention that the soldiers of the Scarlet Crusade are specialized in fighting the undead. I saw what priests and paladins can do to undead creatures with the help of the holy light. They can kill average undead creatures within mere seconds."

"I'm not an average undead creature," Sylvanas threw in.

Kelrian put a hand on her cheek. "I know, my love. But they can hurt you pretty badly if they hit you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"IF they hit me," repeated Sylvanas.

Kelrian chuckled. "I'm not scared that you might get hurt because I know how good you are. I have nothing against you joining us but I think we won't need your help. Besides, the smaller our group is, the smaller the chances that we get caught are. Those who come with me are not inexperienced, so you don't have to worry about me."

Sylvanas put a hand over Kelrian's and caressed it. "I'm not worried, I just don't want to be away from you... again. We just reunited and you are already leaving me... again." Sadness was reflected by her eyes.

Kelrian leaned in to place a soft kiss on Sylvanas' lips. "I won't be away for long. We will capture Whitemane and Balnazzar and then we will return. You don't need to be worried, my dear."

Sylvanas nodded. "I'm not really worried, I just hate being away from you. Whenever you go, I pray to the Sunwell that you return unharmed. I always fear that you may be kidnapped or away for months or years. You were often away from me. Too often for my liking."

Kelrian wrapped his arm around his wife and pulled her closer, making their bodies touch. "I understand your fears but I assure you that I won't be away so long this time. I'm much stronger than before. I can take care of myself. There are also four persons with me who I trust. They are skilful and experienced fighters who won't let me down. I'm sure that we will handle a crazy fanatic and a dreadlord who might or might not have betrayed us."

Sylvanas averted her gaze to look at Kelrian's companions. "I put my faith in you. Don't you dare to return without him."

"Don't worry, Sylvanas. We will keep an eye on him. We can't allow the Chosen to fall in the hands of these fanatics," replied the night elf warrioress.

"Have you ever fought the Scarlet Crusade before, Velsana?"

The tall night elf shook her head. "No, I haven't but I'm not worried at all. I trust my abilities and the abilities of my comrades. I'm sure we will be successful. I'm sure that Balnazzar is far more dangerous than the High Inquisitor but I'm experienced in fighting demons. I fought by Tyrande's side for thousands of years. We brought down demons who were much more powerful than this Balnazzar."

"I wouldn't underestimate him if I were you. He is not a weakling," replied Sylvanas.

"She is not underestimating him, aren't you, my love?" Vissia asked her lover. Velsana's gaze fell on the petite rogue next to her. "Of course not," she replied and wrapped her arm around her lover's shoulders. "I will be careful and give everything to defeat that dreadlord."

Sylvanas regarded the night elf couple for a few moments before she averted her gaze and looked at the two paladins that stood not far away from them. "What about you? Are you ready?"

"I cannot speak for Marcus but I am ready," responded Liadrin.

"I'm ready too," said Marcus. "I have never met this Balnazzar but I'm sure we can defeat him. The holy light is our best weapon against demons and three of us are able to use it. I'm positive."

"I'm sure Kelrian is strong enough to defeat Balnazzar alone but I doubt the dreadlord will be alone. Who knows how many fanatics are around him," said Liadrin.

"Probably a lot," responded her cousin. "But they won't stop us."

"We have the Chosen at our side, so what could go wrong?" asked Marcus.

Kelrian looked at him. "I might be the Chosen but I'm not immortal. I can bleed just like any other creature. The worst we can do is to get cocky. We should take every enemy seriously. Demons are still deadly creatures."

Marcus nodded. "You are right. We should take everything seriously. I'm sorry."

Kelrian said nothing in return and merely nodded his head. His gaze wandered to Sylvanas who was still pressing her body against his. He pressed a kiss on her temple and put his hands on her hips. "I will return to you as soon as I can."

"I miss you already," replied Sylvanas. She stepped on her tiptoes and sealed her lips on his, inserting her tongue when his lips parted. She didn't mind that the others were still watching them when she deepened the kiss. She noticed the desire that built up in her body and the tingling of her skin. She noticed the tingling of the area between her legs which was much stronger than the tingling that affected the rest of her body.

She would pounce on him at the very moment if she could. The desire was so strong but she was still able to control herself. Her body protested but she didn't cross the line. She knew that Kelrian had to go, she hated it but there was nothing she could do about it. She had to let him go. All she could do was hope that he would return soon.

She knew he could take care of himself, especially because he had become so much stronger over the past year. She knew she didn't have to be worried about him but she was worried nevertheless. A lot of unexpected things had happened over the past years. Sylvanas would have never imagined that Kael'thas would capture Kelrian and turn him into a demon. Neither would she have ever imagined that Kelrian would make a pact with a demon and be away for nearly five years. She was afraid that something unexpected would happen this time even though she knew how powerful he was.

She was glad that he wouldn't go alone. If it was up to her, she would join him but she knew he was right about everything he had said. She had a city to run not to mention that it was best for her to avoid fighting paladins and priests. The light was the strongest weapon against undead and demons. The holy light was her greatest weakness. That and her love for Kelrian. She wouldn't know what to do if someone would use Kelrian to blackmail her. For example, if the Scarlet Crusade would manage to capture him. She would probably give in. She could only hope that this case would never occur.

Kelrian pressed a soft kiss on her right ear, knowing that this always comforted her, when he noticed the worried expression on his wife's face. As expected, the worry vanished and her expression became neutral. Sylvanas wrapped her arms around Kelrian's shoulders and pulled him into a passionate and long-lasting kiss. She brought her lips to his ear once the kiss ended. "If you are away for too long again, I will punish you the next time we are alone. Don't you dare to be away longer than a few days."

Kelrian smirked. "I'll try my best."

Sylvanas said nothing and only stared into Kelrian's eyes, stepping away after several minutes. Her gaze fell on the portal that had been created for Kelrian's group. "You should go now."

Kelrian put his hand beneath her chin and turned her head, forcing her to look at him. "I will see you soon, my love."

"I'm certain you will be successful. Be careful."

"I will." Kelrian kissed her quickly and ran his hands over her back before he stepped away from her and walked towards the portal. He waited until the night elves and the paladins had stepped through the portal and then did the same, closing the portal behind him.

Kelrian checked his surroundings quickly, sighing out in relief when he noticed that they had come out in the right place. They were in a forest that was not far away from the Scarlet Monastery. They were very close to the edge of the forest so that they were already able to see the impressive building from their spot.

The Scarlet Monastery had not changed over the past year. It was still massive and still guarded by lots of soldiers who wore red armour and white tabards on which their symbol could be seen. A red flame. The only difference Kelrian noticed was that a lot more soldiers were stationed around the building and were patrolling around.

Walking through the main entrance was impossible. They were too many soldiers so that they wouldn't be able to fight their way to the entrance. They had to enter the building in stealth.

"What is the plan?" Marcus asked.

Kelrian showed him a shimmering circular-shaped object. "This artefact will hide us. As long as we don't bump in any soldier, no one will notice us. We will even be able to speak without them hearing us as long as we remain in the dome created by the artefact."

"How big is the radius?" Vissia asked.

"Not that big. We have to stick together closely. Anyone who will step in the dome will be able to see us so we have to avoid any soldier," Kelrian explained.

"Is there anything else we have to keep in mind?" asked Velsana.

Kelrian shook his head. "No. That's all you need to know."

"I am ready."

"So am I," replied Vissia.

Kelrian looked at Marcus and Liadrin, receiving nods from them. Kelrian activated the object after his companions had stepped to him. The dome was big enough to include all five of them and there was even a little space left so they could make a few steps to the side without leaving the dome. Their freedom to move was limited.

"Let's go," announced Kelrian and began to move. His group followed him without hesitation.

They left the forest and walked up the path that led to the Scarlet Monastery, avoiding every patrol that came near them and threatened to discover them. They came to the entrance which was heavily guarded. Fortunately for them, the distance between the two groups of guards was large enough so that they were able to enter the building without having to distract the guards somehow. They walked through the first corridor carefully, they even had to stop from time to time to let a group of soldiers pass. There were lots of guards in the corridor but they managed to pass it eventually.

The second corridor was not as heavily guarded as the first one. They spotted six guards in total. Two paladins, two mages and two warriors. Not even the mages noticed the presence of Kelrian's group which crossed the corridor without troubles.

They came to a great hall which was heavily guarded. Too many creatures were there and the distances between them were not large enough for the dome. "Seems we have a little problem," said Marcus. "There is no way how we get to the other side undetected if these guards do not move."

"I could teleport us to another room but I'm afraid that the mages might notice the use of a teleportation spell. They will be sure that someone is here and they will alarm the others," replied Kelrian.

"We cannot allow them to notice our presence. We need to find another solution," said Velsana.

"Do you have any ideas about what we could do?" Liadrin asked the warrior.

Velsana shook her head. "Not now but I'm thinking about it."

Everyone thought about it but none of them came to an idea which would work for sure. "Seems we have no other choice than teleport to a different room," said Marcus.

"I have no doubt that the wards the Scarlet Crusade put in lots of places will prevent anyone from teleporting into the building from the outside but I don't think they prevent anyone inside the building from teleporting to another room," replied Kelrian.

Liadrin looked at him. "I think we should try it. The guards have not moved much in the past twenty minutes and I doubt they will move soon."

Kelrian sighed. "Fine, I will prepare the spell. Let's hope these mages will not notice anything. We have a big problem if they do."

The others watched him while he prepared the spell but also their surroundings. It took him nearly twenty minutes but he managed to complete it without getting interrupted. It seemed that no mage had noticed him channelling the spell, so he could only hope that no one will notice the spell's effect.

The spell brought them into another room. A room which was unexpectedly brightly lit. Kelrian's narrowed eyes reflected surprise and mistrust. "This is not the room I have wanted to bring us. Something went wrong."

"Where are we?" asked Vissia when she turned her head to check the surroundings.

"You are in the Great Hall of the Scarlet Monastery," shouted a not so strange but angry voice. "And you won't leave it alive."

Everyone turned their head in the direction where the voice came from. Their eyes widened when they spotted High Inquisitor Sally Whitemane. But she was not alone. Next to her stood a nathrezim in the disguise of Saidan Dathrohan and several strong looking soldiers of the Scarlet Crusade.

"Balnazzar. That explains a lot. Seems we were not wrong about the assumption that you are the one who helped Whitemane. Have you already forgotten the oath of fealty you made?" Kelrian asked the dreadlord.

"I swore an oath to Exadius and not to you or the Alliance. Exadius is dead, so I have no reason to stay loyal to you and your pathetic Alliance. You won't be able to free my people from the Legion. That dream died when your bastard of a son slew my king," Balnazzar snarled.

"You want vengeance, don't you?"

"Vengeance is not the only thing I desire. I have a new goal, I made new alliances. If you think you can stop me," he paused and looked at Whitemane before he continued. "Stop us, then you are wrong."

"Didn't you want to avenge your deceased wife and children, Balnazzar? How do you want to achieve that goal if you fight us? We want to stop the Scourge and the Legion. I promised Exadius to help him kill Kil'jaeden. He might be dead but I still intend to keep my promise. His daughter stepped in his footsteps and will do everything in her power to achieve her father's goal."

"Nobody cares about her, no nathrezim at least. My people had loved their king but Danara was not very popular. She did a lot of questionable things even before the Legion claimed our world. No nathrezim will follow her, so there is no way we can defeat Kil'jaeden under her lead."

Kelrian looked at Whitemane whose red eyes reflected anger. "And you think she will help you to achieve that goal? She might be a strong priestess but she is not strong enough to pose a threat to Kil'jaeden. She is a maniac who is not aware of the consequences of her dumb decisions."

"Don't listen to that corpse fucker," Whitemane spat.

Kelrian raised an eyebrow. "Corpse fucker?"

"Don't listen to her insults," said Liadrin calmly.

Kelrian looked at her. "I won't. I know that arguing with her is pointless." He looked at Whitemane again who was even angrier than before. "Is there anything else you have to say?"

"You are a servant of the light, you should stay away from these disgusting rotting creatures. You should purge them but instead, you screw their leader... Or allow their leader to screw you. Either that whore is too powerful or you are too weak. I can't believe that she managed to bewitch you. You are not worthy to be the light's Chosen One. You are an imposter. A false prophet. You lied to everyone and made them believe you are the will of the light. They think you will protect them but all you do is deceive them. You give them false hopes while you copulate with that evil witch."

Kelrian frowned, his head was tilted and one of his brows was raised. "Do you seriously believe that your words have any meaning for me? Unlike you, I have the naaru behind me who gave me their power and support me whenever they can. Who do you have behind you despite this second-rate demon?"

"Second-rate demon?" Balnazzar roared angrily. "How dare you call me this."

Whitemane's eyes fell on the demon, a warning look could be seen on her face but Balnazzar didn't pay her any attention. His furious eyes rested on the Chosen whose facial expression was neutral.

"Well, you are one, aren't you? The first person that comes in everyone's mind when they think about the nathrezim is Mal'Ganis. He is the most famous...Well, infamous nathrezim. Then come Exadius and Tichondrius. The former ruler and the current ruler. You, on the other hand, are unimportant compared to them. The Alliance knows your name but they also know the story of Sylvanas wiping the floor with you. Even Varimathras is more known than you. He was also the one who killed you, wasn't he? He must be pretty strong if he managed to kill you so easily."

Balnazzar made a few steps forward. His face was distorted in anger and his fists were clenched.

"Stay back, Balnazzar," shouted the High Inquisitor. Her voice sounded demanding but the dreadlord didn't listen to her. Instead of staying back and keeping a cool head, he got closer to the group.

"STAY BACK!" Whitemane shouted again. Her voice was much louder this time.

"You should listen to your mistress," said Marcus.


Marcus smirked. "Are you?"

Saidan Dathrohan's body fell to the floor and remained there motionless. Balnazzar appeared next to it in all his glory. His skin was pale, his eyes were fel green and his wings and armour were purple. He had not changed since the last time Kelrian had seen him.

The nathrezim roared as he jumped and landed not far away from the human paladin. A sword appeared out of nowhere which the dreadlord grabbed without hesitation. He charged at Marcus who managed to parry his attack at the last moment. Balnazzar struck again, making the human stagger. He swung his sword again and would have badly wounded Marcus if Kelrian wouldn't have blocked the attack with his sword.

"Keep Whitemane and her followers busy, I will handle this traitor," Kelrian said to the others. They didn't hesitate to follow his order and spread out.

Balnazzar snarled. "You are a fool if you think that you can defeat me alone."

Kelrian said nothing in return and just swung his sword. Balnazzar dodged the attack and even managed to parry the second but he was not able to avoid the third which cut through his armour and left a not-so-deep cut in his chest. The wound was only small but the nathrezim's facial features were still distorted in pain. He had been wounded by a weapon blessed by the naaru. The effect of the holy light was strong. It hurt like acid.

"What is this... bullshit... How... can a small cut cause so much... pain..." Balnazzar managed to express between painful cries.

"The holy light is my strongest ally. It's the best weapon against demons like you. Especially ordinary demons are very effected by its touch."

"I...am...no...ordinary...demon...," his opponent hissed.

Kelrian smirked. "Prove it."

"I will sunder the filth of your form," yelled Balnazzar when he charged at Kelrian again. The sin'dorei remained cool and swung his sword. He did not only block his opponent's attack but he also destroyed his weapon in the process. Balnazzar's eyes widened, doubt and surprise were reflected by them when he realized that half of the blade was missing. It laid not far away from him on the stone floor.

"That's... impossible," he hissed. Kelrian grabbed the wrist that held the weapon, his mere touch inflicted pain to the demon, causing him to drop the sword. Balnazzar tried to free himself but Kelrian's grip was too strong and too painful. The never-ending pain weakened the nathrezim who tried to hit Kelrian with his other hand. Kelrian avoided his attempts successfully, kicking him in the stomach.

Balnazzar's movements stopped as the pain stunned him. He spat blood out, his gaze still rested on his opponent. Doubt was reflected by them. But the doubt was quickly replaced by fear. Balnazzar was paralyzed and Kelrian could kill him at this very moment but he didn't. He knew that Balnazzar will be brought to the Twisting Nether and return one day, so killing him now was pointless. He was more worth as a prisoner than as a spirit trapped in the Twisting Nether.

Instead of killing him, Kelrian hit him hard on the head, causing him to collapse. He had successfully knocked him out. He regarded the defeated dreadlord for a few moments before he turned his attention to his group. They were struggling with Whitemane and her fanatical followers. Several soldiers were dead but there were still enough of them. Velsana and Vissia were fighting against five soldiers, three soldiers kept Marcus busy and Liadrin had to deal with Whitemane, a paladin and a warrior at the same time.

Kelrian was certain they wouldn't be able to deal with them alone, so he didn't hesitate to come to their aid. He rammed a soldier and prevented him from thrusting his sword in Vissia's back, causing him to fall to the ground. He thrust his sword through the soldier's chest, killing him before he could get up.

He was attacked by another soldier but he avoided her attack and landed a kick in her stomach, causing her to stagger. The female human managed to catch herself but she didn't get the chance to attack Kelrian again. Vissia had thrust her daggers in the woman's neck and pushed her to the ground before she could have tried anything. The soldier was too weak to get up and do anything. She just laid there, her hands covered the wounds in her neck but she was not able to stop the bleeding. She died a few seconds later.

Velsana had killed a draenei warrior in the meantime, meaning that only two of the five soldiers, who had tried to kill the couple, were left. They held out longer than expected and even managed to wound the kaldorei women but they had been killed in the end. Velsana's and Vissia's wounds were not mortal and not really huge but they were still causing pain. Kelrian could clearly see that in their glowing eyes.

"Are you okay?" Kelrian asked.

"I am," responded Vissia.

He looked at Velsana who gave him a reply quickly. "I am fine too. We can treat our wounds when we are done fighting. We have to help the others first."

"I will help Liadrin."

"Then we will help Marcus," the couple said and rushed to him. Kelrian didn't hesitate to run to his cousin, creating a thin golden barrier around her. The barrier blocked a few hits, allowing Liadrin to prepare an attack. She managed to cut off the warrior's weapon hand and then rammed her elbow in his jaw, silencing his painful screams for a few moments. The paladin attacked her but she managed to block it with her shield. She pushed him away and gave Kelrian the signal that she was fine before she attacked the warrior again.

Kelrian knew that Liadrin was capable to deal with these two soldiers, so he went over to Whitemane whose face still reflected anger. "It's not too late to surrender, High Inquisitor."

The white-haired woman's eyes narrowed. "I will never surrender, especially not to you, corpse fucker." Her voice was full of venom, her facial expression reflected disgust.

"I don't want to kill you, Whitemane. But I will if I have no other choice. Surrender and I will spare your life. I cannot guarantee that you will survive this encounter if you refuse."

"I rather die than surrender to a hypocrite who claims to be the Light's Chosen but mates with evil in person."

Kelrian lifted his sword. "Last chance, Whitemane."

"I will not subjugate to a false prophet. You cannot be the Chosen One. The Chosen One would never choose an evil whore like Sylvanas Windrunner as his mate. Also, there is also no way a filthy elf like you can be the Chosen One. Only a human is fit for this role."

"You mean yourself, don't you?"

"Of course, I mean myself," shouted Whitemane. "I'm the only one fit for this role. I'm the only one who knows the true will of the light. I'm the only one who can cleanse this world from all evil. I'm the only one who has the guts to attack Sylvanas Windrunner and her foul servants. I will not stop until I have her ugly head on a spike but first, I will bring her yours. I'm looking forward to seeing the expression on her ugly face. Shock, mourn, panic and fear. I will end her worthless existence after I'm done with you."

Kelrian shook his head and sprinted forward, taking a swing with his sword. Whitemane reacted quickly and swung her staff, causing their weapons to meet half-way. Steel jangled but neither of the weapons gave in when their owners tried to push them to their opponents. Kelrian was surprised about Whitemane's strength. Not only had she blocked his attack but she also managed to keep his sword away from her by pushing her staff against it.

She did not have exceptionally pronounced arm muscles but she still managed to make sure that their weapons didn't move closer to her. She was much stronger than she looked like and Kelrian had no doubt that Balnazzar had something to do with it. He was sure that the demon made her stronger somehow.

Kelrian noticed quickly that it was pointless to try to push his sword to Whitemane, so he pulled it back and swung it again. Whitemane managed to block it but her movements were slower than before. Kelrian's sword was much closer to Whitemane than the previous time.

He pulled his sword back and struck again. Against his expectation, Whitemane didn't block it this time and jumped backwards, increasing the distance between them. Kelrian created a sphere of light, throwing it at the inquisitor who created a barrier around her body which absorbed the sphere but dissolved in the process. Kelrian noticed quickly that fighting fire with fire was not useful in this situation. Whitemane managed to neutralise his light spells with hers. He had to defeat her the old-fashioned way.

He ran to her and executed a swing with his sword, causing Whitemane to jump to the side to avoid it. He swung his sword again and his opponent blocked it with her staff. This time it was Whitemane's turn to attack but Kelrian ducked beneath her swing, noticing the small cracks in the middle part of the staff when it missed his face by a few inches. Whitemane might have been able to block his attacks so far but her weapon had been damaged in the process. There was a chance that Kelrian could destroy her staff with a precise hit.

Whitemane swung her staff again but much slower this time, so Kelrian managed to dodge it once again. It was clearly visible that the priestess was getting more and more exhausted. The power granted by the nathrezim vanished slowly. It was only a matter of time until Whitemane would be too exhausted to fight him. Kelrian had two options. He could play for time or he could try to end the fight as soon as possible. He chose the less risky option, knowing that his group was able to deal with the remaining soldiers.

He didn't allow Whitemane to use any spell to refresh her stamina. She was way too busy blocking his sword attacks with her staff to cast any spell or execute an attack. He didn't miss that the cracks in her staff became thicker, deeper and longer with each hit she blocked. He always aimed at the middle of the staff to make sure it got more and more damaged.

His strategy paid out. Whitemane's staff broke in two pieces after several minutes of uninterrupted fighting. The separated piece jangled when it landed on the floor. Kelrian didn't miss the surprised look on Whitemane's face. Her widened eyes rested on the lower half of the staff which she still held in her hands. Instead of moving and continuing to fight, she stood rooted to the spot and allowed Kelrian to pounce on her.

He dragged her to the stone floor and sat on top of her. The massive weight on Whitemane's upper body did not only prevent her from getting up but also stole her breath and prevented her from casting a spell. There was no power left in Whitemane's body which she could use to push Kelrian off. He pinned her arms to the ground and stared into her eyes.

"Will you stop fighting or do I really have to hurt you?"

The High Inquisitor tried to spit at him but her saliva only hit his armour. "Fuck you, bastard."

Kelrian muttered a few words and let golden chains grow out of the floor. He wrapped them around the human's arms and legs but also around her waist. Some of these chains were thicker than others, especially the one around her waist. Kelrian put his hand on her throat and cast a spell, getting up from Whitemane when he got the proof that his spell worked.

Whitemane's lips moved but no sounds could be heard. She had a furious expression on her face, her eyes reflected hatred and it was obvious that all of her thoughts were negative. Only insults would leave her mouth if she could speak but she couldn't. Kelrian's spell prevented her from speaking.

Kelrian regarded her from head to toe, noticing that the chains sat tight enough. Whitemane couldn't move her arms and legs nor could she lift her upper body. The chains were not only holding her in place but also draining her power. Whitemane finally stopped trying to get free after several minutes.

Kelrian averted his gaze and looked at his group. They had successfully defeated their opponents and stood not far away from him. Marcus and Liadrin were using their powers to take care of the wounds of the night elf couple. Liadrin closed a cut on Vissia's left cheek the very moment Kelrian stepped to them.

"You fought well. All of you."

"This fight was harder than expected. I thought we would sneak up to Whitemane and kidnap her without allowing her to resist but things turned out differently," said Vissia.

"I wanted to bring us to a small unused room but for some reason, we landed in this room. I assume that Balnazzar had something to do with it."

"Do you think he noticed the channelling of the spell and altered the destination?" Marcus asked.

"I think so. It's also possible that he found a way to put a permanent spell on this building which would cause anyone who uses teleportation spells to land in this room," explained Kelrian.

"It surprises me that Whitemane endured so long against you," Liadrin said to Kelrian.

"I think it's Balnazzar's doing. He must have given her power."

"But she didn't use fel magic to fight you, did she?" asked Vissia. "I didn't notice any spells demons use nor did her aura showed signs of demonic power."

"She didn't use fel magic, that's right. Maybe he found another way to increase her power. It surprises me that he managed to make her so much stronger," replied the Chosen.

"We will know what exactly Balnazzar has done when we are done interrogating him," said Liadrin.

"I hope he will speak and cooperate with us," responded Kelrian.

"If not, we will make this demon bastard speak. Even if we have to use violence," hissed Velsana.

Marcus looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You don't seem to like demons."

Velsana's gaze fell on him, her voice reflected anger. "I was a young girl when the demons invaded Azeroth for the first time. Many kaldorei died that day. My mother sacrificed herself to save me...I watched her die. I hate the Burning Legion since that day and I will always hate them."

Marcus lowered his head and stared at his feet. "I'm sorry to hear that," he muttered.

Velsana cleared her throat and looked at Kelrian. "What will we do now?"

Kelrian's gaze wandered to Balnazzar who was still unconscious. "We will take Whitemane and Balnazzar and bring them out of the building. The artefact won't be able to make all of us invisible. One of us has to leave this building in a different way."

Vissia raised her hand. "I can hide in the shadows and leave the monastery unseen."


"What do we do about the fact that the Scarlet Crusade has no leader?" Liadrin asked Kelrian. "You told us you are certain that you can win Balnazzar over and he will make sure that the Scarlet Crusade will not attack us. Now that we have to kidnap him too, the chance exists that the Scarlet Crusade might attack us."

"If they do, their attack will not be organised. They will lose for sure and they are aware of that, so I don't think they will attack us. The remaining commanders will be insecure after they find out that their leaders have been kidnapped. They won't dare to attack us."

"But what if they do?" asked Marcus. "It's still possible."

"You are right," admitted Kelrian. "If they do, they won't attack us in the next few days. I know what to do. I will tell you as soon as we are back in Silvermoon. Is that okay with you?"

Marcus nodded. "Yes, Chosen."

Kelrian chuckled. "You can call me by my name, Marcus. We know each other since the fall of Silvermoon seven years ago and we fought together in many battles. Please, call me Kelrian. The same counts for Vissia and Velsana. I don't like it when people say Chosen One to me, especially when I know these people."

"I will call you by your name then," replied Marcus.

Kelrian gave him a thankful nod before he let his gaze wander to Whitemane. "We should go before someone shows up." He looked at the rogue. "We'll meet again in the forest, Vis. Stay safe.

"I will."

Velsana stepped to her lover. "Be careful." She put a kiss on her lover's mouth.

Vissia returned the kiss but pulled away after a few moments. "I will. Don't worry about me, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."

Velsana smiled at her but said nothing in return.

Kelrian went to Whitemane and removed some of her chains. He tied her wrists and ankles together and gave Velsana a signal. The warrior didn't hesitate to walk to him and lift Whitemane up.

"Seems we have to carry Balnazzar together, Marcus."

Marcus walked to Kelrian without hesitation. Marcus took dreadlord's legs while Kelrian had wrapped his arms around the demon's shoulders. Together they lifted the heavy dreadlord up.

"Is everyone ready?" Kelrian asked.

He looked at Liadrin after he had received nods from everyone. "Activate the artefact."

She obeyed.

"Let's get out of this place."

As I said in chapter 67, the next chapter will only be about lemon/ NSFW/ fan service stuff. No important plot will happen there, so you won't miss anything if you decide to not read it. If you don't want to read explicit sexual content, just skip chapter 69 and read the next chapter.

For those who want to read it, you can expect some new stuff. I experimented a little and I'm curious to find out what you think about the result. I'll give you a little teaser of what to expect.

Kelrian might be a paladin now but he is still able to use a few of the spells he had used as a mage. Creating clones/mirror images is one of them.

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