
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 60: Epilogue

*A few months later*

"They are so beautiful," Kelrian whispered as he regarded the two tiny, beautiful creatures. He held one of his children in his arm and rocked it a little. He made sure he didn't wake up his son who had just fallen asleep after his mother had breastfed him. "Beautiful like their mother," he added and looked up at Sylvanas who was sitting on the other side of the bed and stared at her lover while she gave their daughter her right breast.

She returned his smile. "Their father is also pretty handsome. I wouldn't say that they got everything from their mother."

"I just wanted to make a compliment."

"I know, my love. And I appreciate that."

Kelrian held her gaze for a few moments before he averted it and looked at his son. His skin had a rosy colour, his head was barely covered by blond hair. His eyes were closed, his chubby cheeks and his snub nose were a little red. His ears were tiny but pointed. He was wearing a blue crawler.

Kelrian lifted his gaze eventually and looked at his lover and his daughter. She looked similar to her brother but her crawler was pink instead of blue. "It seems that Sylvera is pretty hungry today."

Sylvanas couldn't help but smile. "She just can't get enough of my breasts."

Soft laughter escaped Kelrian's lips. "I can only understand her. You have amazing breasts. If I were her, I wouldn't stop sucking on them."

Sylvanas rolled her eyes and shook her head, giving Kelrian an amused smile. She didn't say anything to him, she just looked at him. She felt a lot more comfortable when he was around. She had no reason to feel uncomfortable but her hormones challenged her sometimes. She had phases where she feared that she would be a bad mother and screw everything up. She was afraid that she might raise her children wrong. She was only afraid when she was alone with her babies. She never had such thoughts when Kelrian or any of her friends or family members were around her.

Kelrian had always been the one who made her happy by just existing. He didn't need to do much to make her happy, he just had to be around her and spend time with her. But now he was not the only one who made Sylvanas happy without doing much.

He had never expected that he would start a family with Sylvanas but it had happened. Their children hadn't been planned but none of the two parents regretted that the babies had come into their lives. They were very happy that they had them. They could raise them and watch them growing up. Kelrian and the babies were the best things that ever happened to Sylvanas.

She still couldn't believe that she had given birth to two wonderful and healthy children. She had never thought about getting children but she had never excluded it. She had become pregnant even though she had taken the pill and she was very happy that it had happened. She didn't want to imagine a life without these wonderful creatures. She was proud to have them and would do anything for them. She would be a great mother. Everyone she knew was sure of that.

Sylvanas caressed Sylvera's tiny head carefully, fearing that she might accidentally hurt her. But she didn't hurt her. Sylvanas was always careful when she touched her babies because their arms and legs were so thin and fragile. Sylvera didn't notice her mother's worries. She was too young to notice much around her. She noticed her mother's presence and her touch but that was all she could recognize at her very young age. She was only six weeks old, so nothing more could be expected from her.

Sylvanas and Kelrian remained silent and watched their daughter sucking on her mother's breast. Sylvanas decided after a while that her daughter had enough for the moment. She removed her from her breast carefully and rocked her in her arms as she started to whine. Sylvera's face became red, her eyes were closed and her tiny mouth was open as crying noises escaped her lips. Sylvanas felt bad a little but she knew she couldn't give her daughter too much of her mother milk because she had to save enough for later.

"Pssst, Sylvera, honey. Don't cry, my dear. You will get more milk later," Sylvanas whispered to her daughter. She held her index finger in front of the baby's mouth, hoping she would accept it as a replacement. Sylvera's tiny hands found her index finger after a few minutes and held it tight. Sylvanas' plan worked out. Her daughter started to suck on the tip of her finger, not caring that no delicious milk was coming out of it. A pleased smile appeared on Sylvanas' face. She regarded Sylvera for a few minutes before she looked at the love of her life.

"This is so cute," said Kelrian and moved closer to her until he sat next to her. Sylvanas gaze wandered to her son. "Raesh looks so peaceful when he sleeps. He is so adorable."

Kelrian caressed his son's cheeks carefully. "He is."

"Who would have guessed that we could create something so beautiful?"

Kelrian smirked. "You are the most beautiful woman on Azeroth and I don't look that bad either. I'm sure everyone who has eyes would have guessed that our children would be beautiful."

"You are right," responded Sylvanas and leaned over to kiss Kelrian who didn't hesitate to return the kiss. The kiss was passionate but hadn't lasted long enough for their liking. They had to pull away as Sylvera started to cry again. Her mother's finger was no longer in her mouth so she had nothing she could suck on.

But the little girl didn't cry for too long. Her father put her soother in her mouth, smiling as the girl stopped crying and opened her eyes. Her sky-blue eyes rested on him. Kelrian was not sure if she was able to recognize his face, not to mention remember it. Nevertheless, the baby looked at him as she sucked on her soother.

Kelrian and Sylvanas did nothing except looking at Sylvera and Raesh. The boy was still sleeping and Sylvera was still awake but that changed within a short amount of time. At first, Sylvera had problems keeping her eyes open whichdrooped from time to time. Later she became too tired to keep them open. Sylvera fell asleep in her mother's arms who couldn't help but smile at her.

"They look so cute when they sleep," said Kelrian.

"Yes, they do."

Kelrian wrapped his arm around Sylvanas and pulled her closer, holding his son with the other arm. He made sure his son wouldn't slip off his arm before he turned his upper body a little and pressed his lips on Sylvanas' cheek.

"I love you, Sylvanas."

Sylvanas' face was full of happiness. "I love you too."

They shared a passionate kiss that lasted for a few minutes. "We should put them in their cots and get some sleep. We didn't catch much sleep last night because the little ones didn't stop crying," Kelrian suggested.

Sylvanas nodded. "We should do that."

The couple got up, carried their children to their cots and laid them inside carefully. They regarded them for a few minutes before they walked over to their bed andsnuggled under the blankets. Kelrian wrapped his arms around her from behind, putting his hands on her belly that had become a lot smaller over the past weeks. It was still a bit rounder than in normal state but it was by far not as round as it had been at the day of the birth. Sylvanas was sure that her stomach would soon be flat again

Sylvanas and Kelrian had their eyes closed, their breaths were slow and steady as they cuddled and enjoyed the presence of the other. They held hands and Kelrian rubbed the back of her hands with his thumbs, kissing her neck and ear from time to time. They relaxed and fell asleep after some time.


"And this is the grand library," said the woman who was guiding him. Kelrian's gaze shifted from her to the inside of the room they had just entered. The room was much larger than any room he had ever been in. The huge and long walls were coloured in purple and decorated with various patterns. One of these patterns was the symbol of the Kirin Tor. An eye from which three pointed lineswere running away. Check patterns and other beautiful patterns could be found on other parts of the walls.

The floor was covered by a light purple coloured carpet. There were numerous shelves in the library. It was impossible to guess how many shelves were in the room. He assumed that most of the people who were working there didn't even know the exact number of shelves and books in the grand library.

Kelrian was more than just impressed by this place. He had visited many libraries of different cities but he had never seen such a huge library. Even the library in Silvermoon was nothing compared to this one. Dalaran was not called the city of mages for no reason. It was known to have the biggest library of Azeroth but it was also known for its powerful mages.

Lots of mage apprentices of different races started their training in this place. Most of them became powerful mages but there were also creatures who didn't pass the final exams. Not everyone was qualified to be a mage. Also, not everyone wanted this gift. There were several individuals who didn't want to become a mage despite their talent.

Kelrian was not one of those who would waste their talent by not following the path of a mage. The woman, who was guiding him through Dalaran, had tested him if he was capable of using magic. She had told him that his magic was very strong, that he had much potential and could become a powerful mage if he would train hard.

He would be much deadlier if he would able to fire arrows and cast spells at the same time. He would be able to deal with his foes much easier if he would be able to use his magic in combat.

But to achieve that he had to learn the basics first. His way to become a powerful mage was long but it was possible for him to achieve that goal. He just had to trust in himself and work hard for it. He would have to train every day, otherwise, he would need too long to reach the level he was striving for.

But he was not sure if he could do that. He was still working as a ranger and had two babies to take care of from time to time as soon as Sylvanas will be working again. He had to consider everything before he would make a decision. But for now, he was enjoying his visit to Dalaran. He would gain an impression of how things would work out in Dalaran and how his daily life would look like.

The raven-haired woman had told him that the majority of mages and apprentices that learned in Dalaran also lived there, so they didn't have to travel all the time. She had also told him that there were some mages who didn't live there. They usually stayed in Dalaran from Monday to Friday and returned to their homes on the weekends to spent time with their families.

The woman, whose name was Ves, told Kelrian everything he needed to know about the library. "So, I can just borrow any book I want," he said.

"Every book except for the hidden ones. They contain lots of forbidden spells or information only certain people are allowed to know."

"There are forbidden spells?"

Ves nodded. "I have never seen any of these books but from what I have heard there are lots of them. Only the leaders of the Kirin Tor and certain archmages know where these books are and have access to them."

"But besides them, I can borrow every book, right?"


"For how long?"

"Depends on the book. Popular books which are read often have a short lending period while books which are rarely borrowed have a much longer lending period. There are lots of copies of popular books so the chances that you get one are good but you can usually keep one of these books for one or two weeks at maximum before you have to bring them back and see if you can borrow them again," explained his guide.

"I see."

"Are there any other questions you have?"

Kelrian thought for a moment. "No."

"Do you want to stay in the library or do you want to see the last place I want to show you?"

"We can go to the last place," Kelrian said. "I will have enough time to take a closer look at the library at the end of the tour."

"Alright. Follow me then," Ves said and signalized him to come with her. Kelrian didn't hesitate to follow her. They walked through the bordering corridor and came to two massive double doors which were guarded by two city guards and three mages. "This is the chamber where the Council of the Six meet when they have to discuss things. They rule Dalaran from this chamber. The Council of the Six is currently in a meeting so we can't take a closer look at the room. Maybe we can do that later."

"It's okay if we don't see it. I'm not planning on becoming one of the leaders of Dalaran, so this room doesn't interest me for now. But what interests me is who the six members of that Council are."

"I assume you already know one of them. He is a very famous person in Quel'Thalas." Ves told.

"You mean Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider?"

Ves nodded. "Yes, he is a member of the Six since quite some time."

Kelrian was surprised. "I knew he was a member of the Kirin Tor but I didn't know he was one of the Six."

Ves smiled. "Now you know."

"Who else?"

"Well, our prince is the only real high elf in the Council. The other members are four humans and a dragon with the name Korialstrasz. He is the prime consort of the Dragon Queen Alexstrasza and he is pretty old and powerful. He always visits Dalaran in his humanoid form. A tall high elf with long blond hair. He likes to call himself Krasus while using this form."

Kelrian was more than just impressed that a dragon was a leader of the Kirin Tor. "And the humans?"

"One of them is Archmage Vargoth. He is over fifty years old but he still looks like he is in his late thirties. He is specialized in arcane magic. Archmage Karlain wears red extravagant armour with massive shoulder plates. There is only one thing you have to keep in mind about him. Do not make him angry."

Kelrian nodded and signalized her to keep speaking. "Then we have Archmage Modera who is one of the newest members of the Council. She became a member of the Six about six years ago and often proved herself as a useful and reliable member.

And last we have the head of the Kirin Tor. His name is Archmage Antonidas and he is a very old and grumpy man but you shouldn't underestimate him. He is by far the most powerful human mage of the Alliance. I can't tell if he is more powerful than our prince but he is not as powerful as Krasus. Nobody comes even close to an ancient dragon like him."

Kelrian thanked her as she was done explaining.

"Do you have any questions?" Ves asked.

"Who is going to train me?"

"First you will join classes for a few months and learn about the basics of magic, its origin and the different ways of using it. Then you will do a few tests and the results will determine whether you are being trained by someone or not."

"I'll give my best."

Ves smiled. "I hope so. It would be a shame if no one would want to train you. You have great potential."

Kelrian smiled. "I appreciate that you believe in me."

"As I've said before, your results have impressed me. That's why I took you to Dalaran and showed you around instead of showing you the academy in Silvermoon. The teachers in Dalaran can teach you more than the ones in Silvermoon. I want to make sure you will be taught by the best of the best if you decide to learn how to use magic," replied the raven-haired elf.

Kelrian nodded to the mage but didn't say anything in return.

"Do you have more questions?"

Kelrian shook his head.

"Do you want to go back to the library?"

Kelrian nodded.

"Alright, follow me then."

"I will."


"Got a hard night?" Camillia asked as she saw Sylvanas' entering the room. The young mother had dark circles under her eyes and her hair was tousled.

Sylvanas had Raesh on her arm as she sat down on a chair opposite to the girlfriend of her deceased brother. Kelrian entered the room a few minutes later with Sylvera on his arm. He sat down next to Sylvanas and stared absent-mindedly at the empty plate in front of him. Like his lover, he had dark circles under his eyes. None of them had gotten much sleep during the previous nights.

"The little ones cried almost the entire night and we had no idea what to do. They didn't want to eat and their nappies were empty too. "I have no idea why they didn't stop crying."

Camillia shrugged and took a sip from her hot coffee cup. "Fortunately, my child only cried half of the night. Sometimes I have no idea why she is crying," she responded and put a kiss on the head of her baby. It was a girl who was more than two months older than Sylvanas' and Kelrian's children.

The baby had light-brown skin, which was much lighter than her mother's skin, short pointed ears and blue glowing eyes. The colour of the baby's hair was similar to the colour of Camillia's hot coffee. The baby had the eyes of her deceased father, the nose and the mouth of her mother.

"At least you got some sleep, Cami," responded Sylvanas and gave her a tired smile. Kelrian turned his head and suppressed his yawn as best as possible. He turned back to the human and her hybrid child. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, I guess. It's not easy to raise a child alone but I guess Lyndia and I are fine."

The couple smiled at her. "You are not alone. We are always here for you whenever you need us. Don't forget that."

Camillia returned their smiles. "I will never forget that. I'm glad you are supporting us whenever you can."

Sylvanas made a gesture with her hand. "It's nothing, really. You were Lirath's lover and Lyndia is his child, so it's only natural for us to help you. You belong to our family. Not by law. But in our hearts, you are one of us. You are a member of the Windrunner family. Your daughter is a Windrunner so you have every reason to consider yourself as one of us. We will never let anyone down. Promised."

Camillia smiled but didn't say anything in return. She stared into Sylvanas' eyes for a few moments before she looked back at her baby who was sucking on her soother while staring at her.

"I have seen hybrids between humans and elves but I have never seen a half-elf with brown skin before. She is a rarity. You won't find many like her on Azeroth. First, because not many high elves mate with human and second because there are not too many dark-skinned humans in the Eastern Kingdoms. At least I haven't seen many. Who knows, maybe there are more of them than we know," said Sylvanas.

"The skin colour of a humanoid being doesn't really matter, does it?" asked the petite woman.

Sylvanas shook her head. "Not really. All members of all races should be equal regardless of their skin colour. I can't understand why some people discriminate humans with different skin colour. For me, it doesn't matter if they are black or white, have blue skin or purple skin. People shouldn't be discriminated because of the way they look."

"I see things like you, honey" responded Kelrian.

Camillia took another sip of coffee. "Ever since I was a little girl, I have been teased and insulted by others because of my skin colour. I grew up in a small village where lots of idiots lived. The other children made fun of me because of my skin colour. They didn't like me and stayed away from me because I was different. My family was the only family with brown skin in our village, so we were seen as outsiders. I didn't have any friends and that didn't change when I became a teenager. I was a little thicker than most girls, so everyone made fun of me because of my body."

Sylvanas put her hand on one of Camillia's, giving her a comforting look. "I'm sorry to hear that. Your childhood wasn't easy but you have grown into a beautiful woman. Who cares that you weigh more than the average human woman? None of the women, who mocked you, managed to make one of the four Windrunner siblings fall for them. You are better than them because you don't judge people by their appearance. I don't know a lot about you but you must be a loveable person. Lirath got into raptures whenever he mentioned you in one of his letters.

We want to get known to you but we won't force you to do anything. You don't have to speak with us if you don't want to. Just do what you want but remember that we will always support you. I only know you for a few months but you are already very important to me. Lirath loved you and he often told us about you in his letters but never mentioned your name. He gave us a lot of information about you. What you like, dislike and much more. We would be happy to have you as our friend and a member of our family."

"Your words really touch my heart," responded Camillia and wiped a tear away that rolled down her cheek. It was unmistakable that what Sylvanas had said meant a lot to her.

Sylvanas smiled at her but didn't say anything in return.

"I also want to get known to you. Lirath told me much about you but he didn't tell me everything. I'm also pretty sure he didn't tell you everything about me. I assume there is still a lot you may not know. I have nothing to hide, so you can ask me anything you want," told the brown-skinned woman.

"How you met my brother? He never mentioned it in any of his letters," said Sylvanas.

Camillia's lips formed a small smile as old memories came up in her mind. Memories of the day she met Lirath. "I joined a theatre group when I was sixteen years old. We travelled from city to city and performed various stage plays. We performed in Goldenmist Village one day. I met him there.

He came to me after the end of the play and told me he loved my acting and the role I played. He told me that I could become a great and successful actress if I would keep practising. My group stayed in Goldenmist Village for three days and I met Lirath every single day. We talked a lot and got known to each other but I didn't regard him more than a friend at this point. I told him that he could come and meet me in other cities and villages and watch our other stage plays."

"I assume he did that," Sylvanas concluded.

The dark-skinned woman nodded. "We performed in twenty cities and villages in one year and Lirath travelled to fifteen of them. He even went to the capital of Lordaeron to see us play. Well, he mainly did that because he wanted to see me and spend more time with me. I got fond of him over time and even developed feelings for him but I was too shy to tell him how I felt about him. Fortunately, he told me how he felt one day and we came together."

Camillia smiled as she was finished with her explanation but then her expression changed. Happiness was replaced by sadness and grief, and a thoughtful look appeared on her face.

She remembered that he was dead and would never return. She would never see him again. She had already accepted that but she was still feeling like this from time to time. But she didn't cry. She stayed strong and stared at her fingernails. She knew that she would only feel like this for a few minutes, so she closed her eyes and hoped that her sad mood would change as soon as possible.

She felt better faster than expected and opened her eyes as she felt a warm hand on her hands. Two pairs of blue eyes rested on her and Sylvanas' gentle hand caressed the back of her hand. Camillia didn't say anything. She just stared into Sylvanas' eyes. The high elf's smile comforted the human, the unintelligible noises the three babies made distracted her and made her think about something else.

She imagined her future with Lyndia and Sylvanas' family. She was so happy that Sylvanas allowed her to live in Windrunner Spire, which meant that her daughter could grow up with her relatives. Lyndia could grow up with her cousins who were only about two months younger than her. she could go to nursery school with them and later to school. A friendship between them could develop from the beginning, so Camillia didn't need to be afraid that her daughter wouldn't find any friends.

It might be possible that she wouldn't grow up the same way her mother did and wouldn't be bullied because of her appearance. Camillia was afraid the most that people would harass her daughter because of her origin. She feared they would hate her because she was a half-elf with brown coloured skin.

Her daughter was a Windrunner which meant no one would ever dare to harass her or her family. Nobody dared to do that because everyone feared what Sylvanas would do with her influence. They weren't only afraid of what Sylvanas would do.

Alleria would make sure that anyone, who had insulted any member of her family, had apologized to the affected person. Not to mention that the citizens of Quel'Thalas would be pretty mad at anyone who would make their beloved Ranger-General angry. Anyone who would dare to say something against Camillia and her daughter would have to live with the consequences. And nobody wanted that.

Camillia remembered that and relaxed, leaning back in her chair. Her eyes no longer reflected worry. "Is there anything else you want to know about me?" Camillia asked eventually.

"I already know what happened to your parents and that you have no other relatives. But do you have any friends out there who had helped you to cope with his death?"

"The only persons I consider as friends are the members of my theatre group. But I didn't saw them since the attack."

Kelrian raised an eyebrow. "You were alone all the time?"

Camillia nodded.

"Nobody comforted you," he concluded.

She nodded again.

Sylvanas' eyes reflected pity and a small amount of sadness. "I'm sorry to hear that."

A weak smile could be seen on the human's lips. "It's okay. I accepted his death a while ago. It still hurts to think about him but it has become a lot better over time. I will always remember the good moments we had. My world changed when he died but it changed again when I met you and gave birth to Lyndia. My life will never be the same but at least I have a beautiful daughter to raise. That's my new life purpose."

"And we will help you wherever we can," responded Sylvanas.

"I appreciate it. I'm so grateful that you invited us to live in this beautiful house. I'm grateful you believed me and didn't think I'm just a random person who got pregnant by a random elf and is trying to get a better life by worming her way into your family. I would have raised my child alone if there would have been no other choice. I'm happy that I can raise her while living together with the family of the man I loved," Camillia made a small pause, taking a sip from her coffee. "I still can't believe Alleria recognized me even though she had never seen me before."

"Alleria is a very smart woman. Lirath described your beautiful, almost god-like appearance in one of his letters. You kissed Lirath one last time before we burnt him. Alleria just counted two and two together. You appeared familiar to me even though I have never met you before. I guess it was my sixth sense. I'm sure Alleria had the same feeling."

"I thought about going to you earlier but I was too afraid," admitted the human. "I was afraid you wouldn't believe me and send me away. I even thought about not going to the funeral but I pulled my courage together and went there. I'm glad I attended the funeral."

Sylvanas put a hand on Camillia's shoulder and patted it softly. "I'm glad you came to us. You are a very nice woman and I'm looking forward to spending more time with you and Lirath's legacy."

"Lirath's legacy," repeated Camillia. "Sounds weird to say that."

A sad sigh escaped Sylvanas' lips. "We have always thought he would become a famous ranger like my mother, my sisters and I. Unfortunately, he never became a ranger. Not even a recruit. This dream never came true for him. But he met the love of his life and even left her a gift. A beautiful child. It makes me sad to imagine that your daughter would never meet her father. Lirath didn't even know about her. That's much sadder." Sylvanas stared at her hands, her eyes reflected sadness and her bottom lip trembled a little. She was getting emotional.

Kelrian wrapped his arm around Sylvanas' shoulders and pulled her closer, pressing his forehead against hers. He whispered comforting words in thalassian. He opened his eyes eventually and regarded Sylvanas who had calmed down thanks to him. He stared at her for a few more moments before he turned his head and looked at the human. "At least, Lirath has left us something beautiful."

Camillia raised an eyebrow. "Something? Is my daughter some sort of an object or what?"

Kelrian raised his free hand in surrender. "I didn't mean it that way. Sorry."

Camillia smirked. "I know." She was about to say more but her daughter started to whine. Her mother sniffed. "It seems that someone's nappy is full," she said and lifted her baby, holding it in front of her. The baby stopped whining eventually and looked back at her mother. Her face was expressionless. Camillia got up and moved her chair right in front of the table. "I will be back soon."

Sylvanas nodded. "I will breastfeed Raesh in the meantime. He hasn't eaten yet."

Camillia nodded and gave them a smile before she walked away with her baby.


"If only your admirers would know that you are revealing your breasts to anyone these days," joked a familiar feminine voice.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes and avoided to look at her older sister, not wanting to see the wide grin on her face. Alleria hit her shoulder playfully, coming with her face closer to Sylvanas'. "Come one, it was not that bad."

"It was bad," corrected Sylvanas and turned her head, staring into Alleria's gorgeous eyes. "I'm sure Kelrian didn't like it either."

"I agree with Sylvanas."

"Of course you do." Alleria grinned at them and sat down next to Sylvanas. "Seeing you like this brings up the good old memories of me breastfeeding Arator until he was six months old."

"Breastfeeding for six months, isn't that too long for a baby?" Kelrian asked.

"Well, there is no guideline of how long you should breastfeed your baby. You can breastfeed it for a few weeks and then make it used to drink from a baby bottle. You can also breastfeed it for more than six months. It depends on what you think is best for your child," explained Alleria.

Kelrian looked at Sylvanas who was still feeding their son. "Have you thought about it yet?"

Sylvanas' answer was a shake of her head.

"You don't have to make a decision now. Don't forget that, Lady Moon," reminded Alleria. "Take your time."

"I will."

"You should turn to me, otherwise Kelrian will drool on all over the table if his eyes rest on your breasts much longer."

Kelrian blushed but didn't say anything in return. He was so embarrassed that he didn't even look at Sylvanas or Alleria. Soft laughter escaped Alleria's lips. "I'm just joking, Kel. I'm sure Sylvanas wouldn't mind you staring at her. She is used to that. She is used to hundreds of people staring at her breasts at the same time."

Kelrian looked back at them but he was still blushing. Sylvanas put a hand on his left hand, giving him a comforting smile. "She is right, I don't mind you looking at my exposed breasts while I feed our kids. You have seen them very often, so I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be allowed to look."

Kelrian's eyes rested on Sylvanas' face. "Thank you for the offer but I think I have stared enough," he responded and leaned over to her. Only Sylvanas was able to hear what he was whispering to her. "For the moment at least." He gave her a small smile as he pulled back. Sylvanas returned his smile.

"What did he say?" Alleria asked curiously.

"Nothing of great importance," Sylvanas responded.

Alleria knew it was not the truth but she didn't want to get on her sister's nerves, so she didn't say anything in return. She took a sip of warm milk while she regarded the couple. Sylvanas was still giving Raesh her breast. The baby drank until he was satisfied. Sylvanas pressed him against the right side of her upper body and patted him on the back, making him burp.

"You are a good boy," Sylvanas said to her son and lifted him above her head, smiling at him. Raesh looked at his mother helplessly, not knowing what was going on. His big blue eyes rested on her face. Sylvanas smiled as she regarded the cute boy, then she looked at Kelrian who still held their daughter in his arms. The little girl was sucking at his finger as if she was hoping that milk would come out of it. She couldn't know what it was. She couldn't know it was not one of her mother's nipples.

"You can keep doing that, Sylvera but no milk will come out, no matter how long you will do it," he said and smiled. He knew his daughter didn't understand what he had told her but he continued to talk to her. It wouldn't hurt them if Kelrian and Sylvanas would speak to them. Babies needed someone who would talk to them and spend time with them, otherwise, no emotional bond would be built up.

"It seems your daughter is hungry," Alleria said amused.

"She drank thirty minutes ago," said Sylvanas and regarded Sylvera.

"Some babies eat and drink a lot more than others."

"Sylvera is one of these special cases."

"I'm sure she has her appetite from you, Sylvie. You also drank a lot when you were a baby. You ate a lot every day since you were able to eat solid food. You ate a lot but you never gained more weight. I've been wondering for a while how you manage to stay so slim while eating so much."

Sylvanas shrugged. "I have no idea, to be honest."

"It remains a mystery," commented Alleria.

Sylvanas didn't say anything in return. She just stared at her sister whose gaze rested on her children.

"I want to tell you something," Alleria said eventually.

"Go ahead," responded her sister, giving her a curious look.

"The Alliance is looking for volunteers who would go through the Dark Portal to close it. No more orcs or demons could invade Azeroth if we succeed," Alleria told.

Sylvanas raised an eyebrow. "You don't want to tell me that you want to go through the portal, do you?"

A small smile appeared on Alleria's lips. "No, I don't want to do that. At first, I thought it would be my destiny fighting against the orcs who killed our brother. I thought destiny would lead me through the Dark Portal. I would love to do that and help to close it. But I have a son who needs me. A son who needs Turalyon and me.

Arator needs his mother and his father. There are many other talented fighters who would be able to close it. I don't want to leave my son and my family behind. I want you to be there for you whenever you need me. I want to watch your children growing up with you. The first few years are never easy for parents. Your children will give you hard times but you will always love them."

"I'm glad you don't want to go through the portal. I need you and I don't want you to be gone. We don't even know when you would return if you would go. We have no idea what would await you on the other side of the portal. You should stay home with your child instead of risking your life unnecessarily."

"You are right, sister. There are many other capable fighters of the Alliance who could close the portal."

"Does this mean there is no other way than going through the portal and closing it from the other side?" Kelrian asked worriedly.

Alleria shook her head. "Unfortunately not. The Kirin Tor tried everything that came in their mind but they didn't manage to close it. The people who would join this expedition would have to go through the portal. It's unavoidable."

"I see," Kelrian muttered.

Nobody said anything until Camillia returned with her daughter. "Is something wrong or why is everyone silent?" she asked as she sat down on the chair she had previously sat on.

"Nothing is wrong," responded Kelrian.

"Why aren't you talking then?"

"We did talk and then we decided to enjoy the pleasant silence."

"What did you talk about?" she asked curiously.

"We just talked about the expedition," said Alleria.

"The expedition through the Dark Portal?"

Alleria nodded.

Camillia frowned. "Are there any volunteers? Sorry for the stupid question. I haven't heard much about this expedition, so I don't know much about it."

"There are no stupid questions", responded Kelrian and smiled. "There are only stupid answers. About your question. I heard there are a lot of volunteers. Lots of people want to go through the portal but not everyone can go. The Kirin Tor had decided to allow the best of the best to go through the Portal."

"How many will go?"

"We have no idea."

"I hope they will be successful and close that damned thing," said Camillia.

Alleria gave her a small smile. "I hope the same."


The room was totally dark. The clicking noises of heels were the only noises that could be heard. A slim figure walked through the room. Green eyes were the only sources of light but they didn't enlighten anything. The woman, who had just entered the room, was able to see everything around her. She walked over to the throne-like chair that was standing in the middle of the room. She recognized the shape that sat there. She knew who the person in front of her was.

She stopped in front of the chair and put her hand on the left forearm of the motionless body. She closed her eyes and muttered a few phrases. The language she spoke was eredun also known as demonic. The main language of demons like her. She made a few steps backwards once she had finished her spell.

She didn't need to wait long to find out that her spell had worked. It had woken up the creature on the chair, which was made out of green felstones that began to glow dimly at first. The glowing became more intense until it was so bright that it almost dazzled the woman. Fortunately for her, her eyes got used to it quickly.

The creature in front of her was one head taller than her and had a very muscular body. It was definitely a male demon but no ordinary demon. He was a Nathrezim, a member of one of the smartest demon races in the service of the Burning Legion.

He had huge, curved horns, massive claws with sharp and long fingernails, and massive wings. His skin was purple and his body was covered by thick armour that not only protected him from stabbing attacks but also protected him from lots of spells that weren't too powerful.

Dangerous, green glowing eyes rested on the woman who was not afraid of the Nathrezim she had just woken from his deep slumber. "Who dares to wake me?" shouted a raucous voice.

"My name is AlyssaFelspeaker," the woman responded.

The Nathrezim leaned forward and regarded her from a close distance. He sniffed at her. "I smell a lot of fel. Your body literally reeks of it."

"That's not a bad thing, is it?"

"No," responded the Nathrezim. "Every servant of the Burning Legion is welcome in my castle. Still, I'm not pleased to get woken up by a random servant of the Legion."

"Random servant?" the woman laughed amused. "I'm Master Kil'jaeden's right hand."

The Nathrezim's eyes widened, confusion was reflected by his face. He raised an eyebrow, a frown was visible on his forehead as he regarded the woman in front of him. "Since when did Master Kil'jaeden chose a night elf as his right hand? He always chooses Nathrezim to advise him. We are much smarter than stupid night elves like you."

The night elf ignored the insult and just looked at the demon, a wide smirk could be seen on her lips. "It doesn't matter why I became his right hand, does it? Also, I no longer consider myself as a night elf. I'm a demon like you. A very powerful one, in fact."

The Nathrezim tilted his head, his lips were pressed together and a thoughtful expression could be seen on his face. "I believe that you are very powerful. You wouldn't have managed to pass my guards if you wouldn't be powerful. Just tell me how long I was sleeping."

"Over ten thousand years."

"Ten thousand?" he asked surprised. His eyes were widened and his mouth was open.

She nodded.

"Master Kil'jaeden promised me to wake me up personally after our army conquered Azeroth. Instead, I get woken up ten thousand years later. What happened? What went wrong?"

"My former people were stronger than Lord Sargeras expected. The invasion failed and our armies were repelled," Alyssa responded.

"So Xavius and Queen Azshara failed to bring all night elves on our side. They resisted and forced us back somehow."

"They did."

"And you are one of those who fought for us from the beginning of the invasion," he concluded.

"You are right about that."

The Nathrezim was silent and gave the night elf demon a thoughtful look. He leaned back and rested his head on his clenched left fist. "You need my help. That's the reason why you woke me, right?"

"Well, not really your help."

He raised an eyebrow, irritation was reflected by his face.

Alyssa didn't let him wait for too long. "Lord Sargeras ordered Master Kil'jaeden to prepare our armies for another invasion in fifteen years. We don't want to lose this time so Master Kil'jaeden told me to give you a very important task," Alyssa told.

The Nathrezim made a gesture, signalizing her to continue with her explanation.

"Your task is to weaken the nations and kingdoms on Azeroth and minimize their defence strength. You have to weaken them as best as you can."

"And how should I do that?" the tall demon asked.

Alyssa smirked. "You are a clever guy, I bet you will come up with a good plan. Your race belongs to the most intelligent races of the Burning Legion, so I expect that something good will come up in your mind."

The male demon got up from his chair and looked down at the night elf. "I won't disappoint Master Kil'jaeden."

"I hope that for you, Mal'Ganis. The Deceiver wouldn't be pleased if you fail."

"I won't fail," said Mal'Ganis and bowed to her. Alyssa didn't say anything in response. She regarded the Nathrezim one last time before she teleported away and left him alone.


Author's Notes + Information about the Sequel:


This is the end of the story. But before I will give you more information about the sequel, I want to say something else.

I really enjoyed writing this story. Sylvanas is my favourite world of warcraft character and the only reason I started to play this game when BfA was announced. ( too bad the expansion was not good in my opinion but I really enjoyed the legion content.)

I have always loved to read fanfictions about her ( only Sylvanas X females ) so I never thought I would ever do a Sylvanas x Male OC Story. But there was this one sleepless night where I got that brilliant idea. I really enjoyed writing this story and I'm glad I got so much good feedback from you guys.

This wouldn't have been possible without you guys. As far as I love writing, I can't do it without any readers. Your feedback motivated me to keep working and updating this story regularly. I spent most of my free time writing and editing and I don't regret it. Writing makes so much fun for me, I even pass on playing video games during the week so I can write more or edit my chapters. I only play on the weekend but that's enough for me.

I want to thank everyone who read this story up to this chapter. But I also have to thank my girlfriend for proofreading my chapters. And I want to thank those who gave me lots of ideas ( mostly for the sequel) I may or may not use. Thanks to everyone.

About the sequel. I don't want to spoiler much but it will be a Canon- Divergence Alternative Universe. I won't change much about the events that happened in Warcraft 3 but I will do changes about The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King ( these changes can be small or even have a huge impact).

Before you start reading the sequel, which will have the name "As we fall", you need to know that the sequel will be different in some points to this one.

I assume that most of you know Sylvanas' tragic story very well. This story will also have tragic moments and scenes which are not easy to read. They will be there but they won't predominate. There will be such scenes but also good ones. I want to do this story as realistic as possible so graphic depiction of violence and more will be necessary.

It won't be easy to read such scenes ( not to mention write them in my case) but they must be there. They won't be too violent or too bloody but they won't be harmless either. There will also be a few scenes with explicit sexual content. This story is definitely rated 18+ (M+).

Only read the sequel if you can bear something like that. But don't worry, such sad or violent scenes will be rare. That's all I want to tell you about the sequel. I don't want to spoiler too much. Check it out and find out more.

Have a great day.

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