
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 43: Justice?

Author's Note: Trigger Warning. This chapter is a bit rough.

There he was. Xenarion Sunsinger. Kelrian's father.

He was standing not far away from Kelrian. But he was not alone. Two guards accompanied him. His hands were cuffed behind his back and his feet were shackled as well so he couldn't run away. He wore a dirty white tunic and shabby brown trousers. His skin was dirty, a glowing mark was tattooed on his neck. His left eye was swollen, his bottom lip was burst and his nose looked deformed as if it had been broken recently and not treated at all.

Xenarion had been beaten. Kelrian was asking himself if his father had started it or if others had attacked him. But he didn't care at all. His father meant nothing to him. He deserved it. He deserved to be in this prison and suffer for everything he had done. Some may think he deserved to die but a quick death would be too merciful for him.

In Kelrian's opinion, being locked up in a cell and not being able to do anything was just the right form of punishment for him. He would rot there for the rest of his life. He will no longer be able to harm anyone, especially not his former wife. He will never be able to abuse her again and force her to do things she didn't want to do.

His mother was safe, so were his younger siblings. He didn't know about his older siblings. He didn't know if they were alive but he didn't care as long as they wouldn't change their minds. They were dead to him as long as they would still stand by their father. He had no clue if they still shared his opinion after everything he had done. But he didn't care.

They had done a lot of bad things. They had tolerated how their father had treated their mother. They had mocked him and treated him like a piece of shit. They had regarded him as an unworthy creature. He was not sure if he would ever forgive them.

He was not even sure if he wanted to forgive them but he was sure he would never forgive his father. No matter what he will say or do. He was certain about that.

Kelrian scrutinized his father for a few moments, then he looked at Liadrin whose narrowed eyes also rested on him. Kelrian didn't want to look at his father. He didn't want to look at this bastard's face. He didn't want to pay attention but he did it nevertheless. Even though Xenarion's face looked pretty demolished, he couldn't stop himself from grinning at his middle son.

"So, we meet again, Kel," said his father.

Kelrian tilted his head, staring at his father. "Don't call me that."

The corner of Xenarion's lips formed a provocative grin. "Why not, Kel? I am your father if you still remember that. Why am I not allowed to call you by your nickname?"

Kelrian snorted. "You may be my father but that doesn't mean you can do that. I hate you. You treated me like a lesser creature. You treated me as if I was unworthy of you. You are the worst dad someone can ever imagine."

Xenarion's healthy eye rested on his son as he started to formulate a response. "Well, you are unworthy, otherwise, the light would support you. But it doesn't. You are not worthy enough for the light. In a family full of servants of the light you are the only one who stands out. You are the only one who is different. You are an outsider. You always were. I mean just look at yourself. You look so different from your siblings and you have no similarities to me. You shouldn't be a part of our family. If I wouldn't have witnessed your birth, I would have believed your mother would have adopted you from a common street whore who didn't want to keep her child which was fathered by a random horny looser."

His father's words were hard but they meant nothing to him. They didn't affect him at all. He remained calm and stared at his father while no emotions were reflected by his face. He could see hatred which was reflected by his father's eye. He was still grinning but his grin faded when he realized that his provocation hadn't worked.

But that didn't stop him from talking. "I've heard that you have captured the troll queen. Are you proud of yourself now? Are you going to your whore of a mother and tell her so she pets your head as she would do with a little child? Too bad she is the only one who likes you. No one else will ever like you."

His father was still insulting him but Kelrian drowned out everything he said. He wanted to hit him so badly, wanted to connect his fist with his deformed nose, wanted to knock a few teeth out but he didn't do it. He closed his eyes and took deep and slow breaths, calming down.

When he opened his eyes again, he noticed that the guards had managed to silence Xenarion somehow. Kelrian gave him an indifferent look. "Do you want to say anything meaningful before I leave and you never see me again?"

"I wish you good luck with sleeping your way up to the top."

Kelrian tilted his head, irritation was reflected by his face. He frowned at his father who still grinned at him. "What do you mean?"

Xenarion's grin became wider. "I know that you are the Ranger-General's manwhore. You only became a ranger because she is attracted to you and you only joined her elite squad because she smashes you. You are nothing more than the sex toy of this whore."

Kelrian tried hard to hold back and pull himself together. He did his best but he couldn't. The anger had overwhelmed him. He couldn't stop himself from jumping forward and ram his fist in his father's face. A loud, painful cry escaped the priest's lips as his head was pushed back. Xenarion stumbled and fell to the ground, remaining there.

Kelrian turned his head to look at Liadrin whose face reflected surprise. He turned his head again, looking at Karic who was as surprised as Liadrin. "I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to hit a prisoner," Kelrian said to him.

Karic shrugged his shoulders. "I'm don't know what you are talking about. I saw nothing," he said and winked his right eye. Kelrian gave him an understanding nod, then he turned his head to look back at his father who had gotten up in the meantime.

"That's all I have to say to you," said Kelrian.

Quiet laughter escaped Xenarion's lips.

Kelrian raised a brow. "What is so funny?"

"Nothing. But I have to say you have a good swing," he replied.

"I have my strength from my mother. Not from you."

Xenarion laughed again.

Kelrian raised the other brow. "What?"

"Well, there is something you should know."

Confusion was reflected by Kelrian's face. "What do you mean?"

"You are a very smart guy, at least you think you are. Maybe you are, who knows? Let's say it like that. There is no way you inherited your strength from me because there is absolutely nothing you have inherited from me."

It took Kelrian a few moments to realize what his father might be implying. But it confused him.

Liadrin made a step forward. "You don't want to say that..."

"I think Sylvanas' sex toy is smart enough to figure it out on his own."

Liadrin looked at Kelrian, noticing that he was staring at a random spot behind his father. It seemed as if he was having an inner conflict. Or maybe he was just trying to process what his father had said.

Kelrian had an inner conflict. He couldn't believe what his father had said.

What his father had said...

He was no longer sure if he was his real father...

What this person had said...


He didn't believe him. He had to be his father even though he wished he wasn't. The assertion had heavily surprised Kelrian so he was unable to think clearly. His thoughts got mixed up and he had problems to focus and order his thoughts. He was totally confused.

He was asking himself if it could be true what his 'father' had said. Could it be true that Xenarion wasn't his father? He didn't want to be the son of this bastard so he should hope it would be true. He didn't know what he should say to this. He was just confused.

If Xenarion was right it meant that he and his mother kept it secret for sixty-nine years. They had lied to him and hid the truth from him. He had trusted them. He had believed everything they had told him. He had believed they were honest persons. Maybe he had been wrong about them. Maybe they were not the persons they claimed to be. Maybe they were strangers he didn't know at all.

Kelrian shook his head as he noticed that his thoughts didn't make sense at all. No matter if they had hidden this information from him, they weren't different persons. At least not his mother. His father had changed so much over the years. He couldn't recognize him anymore. He had once looked up to him but because of his opinion and his behaviour, he wasn't looking up to him anymore.

He was disgusted by him. He hated him. He had once been a friendly family father who would have done anything for his loved ones. These days, he was nothing more than a traitorous asshole. A traitorous asshole who had abused his own wife and had forced her to do things she hadn't wanted to do. He was not much better than the orcs and trolls.

Kelrian wondered why he had changed so drastically. He remembered that Xenarion had once been a good guy who would have done anything to protect his family and his people. Somehow, the good person had become the entire opposite. Kelrian was asking himself what had happened to him. He assumed he would never get an answer from him.

Kelrian still had no idea if his father was saying the truth or if he was lying. If he was not his father who was it then? If he was not his father it meant that her mother had cheated on her husband. He may deserve it but he knew she would never do that. He knew her pretty well. At least he had thought that until the moment Xenarion had claimed that he was not his father.

Maybe he was right and her mother had had something with another man. Maybe an affair. Maybe she had consumed too much alcohol and had done a mistake. A one-nightstand. But it didn't matter because there was nothing Kelrian could do to change it. He could only hope he was lying. Xenarion was a false snake. He would do and say anything to achieve his goals. He was a snake in the grass. He was someone who would try to achieve his selfish goals at any cost.

It was not unlikely that he was lying to Kelrian. Maybe he wanted to sabotage Kelrian's relationship with his mother. Maybe he wanted to tell him lies about her, hoping he and his mother would get in an he had planned, it was nothing good.

Kelrian knew his mother pretty well and he would never believe she would cheat on her must lie. There was no way he was right. He was sure his father just wanted to confuse him and stir him up against his mother. But Kelrian wouldn't fall for the bait. He was not dumb.

He didn't believe him but he still wanted to talk to his mother. He had to find out if there was any truth to Xenarion's claim. But he had to approach her the right way. He didn't want that she would think he believed his father. He didn't believe him. Not even in the slightest. He didn't want to hurt his mother but he wanted to know the truth. So he had to ask her.

He turned his head eventually, looking at Xenarion whose facial expression had changed from mischievous to head was tilted to the right side while he stared at Kelrian, wondering what was going on in his head.

"I don't believe you," Kelrian said eventually.

Xenarion snorted. "Would I lie to you?"

Kelrian raised an eyebrow. "Is this a serious question? Do you think I would believe you without seeing any proofs? Do you seriously think I believe you blindly after everything you did?" His voice was much louder and his face reflected anger.

Xenarion didn't say anything in return, so Kelrian could let out all his anger. "You treated me like shit from the day I failed the priest examination. You refused to train me or give me useful tips to get better and so that I could have passed the next examination. You spent less and less time with me. You regarded me as an unworthy creature and now you are telling me that I'm not your son? How it comes that you have been so friendly to me the first forty-eight years? Tell me. Explain it to me, 'father'."

Xenarion didn't avert eye contact as he considered what he should say in response. He didn't need long to formulate an answer. "I did a paternity test in secret after you failed the first time. I don't think I need to tell you the result of the test."

Kelrian's eyes narrowed and stared into his father's eyes. "I don't believe any of your lies," he spat. He made a step forward, lifted his fist but he stopped at the last moment. He almost hit his father again but the tensed expressions on the guard's faces and the look Liadrin was giving him had caused him to overthink his next step.

At the last moment, he had managed to stop himself from hitting him again. One time had been enough. Hitting him a second could have brought him in serious trouble. He was a visitor after all and Xenarion was a prisoner. The visitors had no right to physically harm the prisoners. He was lucky that the guards hadn't done anything when he had hit him the first time.

"Talk to your mother and ask her if you don't believe me," responded Xenarion, a small smirk could be seen on his lips.

"I will," were the last words Kelrian said before he turned around and hurried away.


The blowing of war horns roared through the air as Sylvanas and her rangers broke through the last barricade the trolls had erected. She could see the fear in the eyes of the trolls who were in their near. They feared her and she loved that. She loved hearing their screams, their painful cries and their whimpering when she had brought them down to their knees only to behead them a moment later.

She also loved to see whenever an arrow pierced through their flesh and bones. She loved to see them falling to the ground and stop moving. She just loved to kill these bastards after everything they had done to her family and her people.

The trolls weren't the ones who attacked Windrunner Village and Windrunner Spire but they had told the orcs to do that. Sylvanas knew that because she had interrogated a prisoner who had told her everything she wanted to know after Zetai had threatened to cut her baby out of her belly and told her she would still be conscious when he would do that.

Sylvanas didn't appreciate such methods, especially when they were used against a pregnant woman. Now that she was pregnant too, she could feel the woman's fear. She found it barbaric. She would have never threatened a pregnant prisoner like this. Zetai had volunteered to lead the interrogation. Someone else would have done it if she would have known which methods he would use. She couldn't have known that Zetai was unscrupulous.

The troll queen had told her what she wanted to know before Sylvanas could have said anything. It had come out of So'mi's mouth like a bullet out of a gun. The troll queen had talked like a waterfall when Zetai had stared at her as if he wanted to rip her head off with his bare hands.

Sylvanas noticed that the trolls started to retreat as the war horns could be heard for the second time. They ran away. Away from the army of the Alliance which was not as large as it had once been. But it was still large enough to outnumber the trolls who were nothing without the orcs and the dragons.

She assumed that the battle had been going on for four or five hours. Thanks to the siege engines from Lordaeron, they had broken through the repaired walland stormed in the time there were no dragons which came to the troll's aid and killed a large number of Sylvanas' soldiers. The trolls had no chance of winning so they retreated to the keep where Zul'jin was hiding.

A smile appeared on Sylvanas' lips as she imagined him hiding behind his soldiers with shaking knees. He must be afraid. Afraid of her and her army. She guessed he was also afraid of losing his wife so she wondered if he would fight or surrender. He would have no chance anyway. He would only be able to kill some soldiers but lose all of his remaining warriors in return if he would choose to fight. Sylvanas didn't want to lose more rangers than she already had lost during the war so she hoped he would surrender. It would make things easier for both sides.

Sylvanas turned her head, looking at her rangers who were firing their arrows at the fleeing trolls. Behind them stood dozens of mages who cast various types of spells. She heard the battle cries of the paladins, warriors and other fighters who preferred close combat. She looked at them, noticing that they were slaughtering each fleeing troll who they caught up with.

But Sylvanas was not idle in the meantime. She fired arrow after arrow and gave a signal to a mage whenever her quiver was almost empty. It was refilled within a few seconds so she could proceed to kill more of these green bastards. Berserkers fell. Shamans fell. Voodoo priests, dire trolls and mages died by the hands of her soldiers. All of them fell but also soldiers of the Alliance died. In the end, the trolls lost more soldiers than the Alliance.

Sylvanas and her group drove the trolls back until they reached the fortress' keep. The mages used their powers to search for hidden traps before they entered the temple. Her soldiers avoided those they spotted, meaning no one was killed or injured by any trap. Sylvanas' group and those groups which were right behind her came in the keep's main hall. There were fifty trolls on the other side of the hall. On the other hand, more than two hundred soldiers of the Alliance had already entered the hall and more were coming.

Despite the fact that Zul'jin was far away from her, she still could see the worry in his eyes. He didn't seem to know what to do. He didn't give the order to attack so Sylvanas signalized her soldiers to hold back. She turned her head, giving Zetai a nod. The ranger with the blood-red coloured hair nodded to her and vanished in the gathered crowd of soldiers. She waited until he returned with a certain person in tow.

Sylvanas looked back at Zul'jin, smiling as she spotted the change of his facial expression. Because of her good eyes, she could recognize the details of his face even though he was so far away from her. Fear was reflected by his eyes. She knew he wasn't afraid for himself. He was afraid for his wife and his unborn child. She knew he would surrender if she would promise him to spare them. All trolls who would also surrender once their leader had surrendered.

Zul'jin's face was very pale, his eyes were widened and his mouth was wide opened. His hands were shaking. Heavily shaking. He dropped his weapon by accident but he didn't intend to pick it up. He knew that he and his soldiers had no chance against the superior number of elves, humans and dwarves. Even without someone holding a knife against his wife's throat, he saw no way of defeating the Alliance. He could fight and die or surrender and live. No, he could only surrender and if he wanted to make sure his wife would survive.

His eyes rested on the tall and muscular elf with the blood-red coloured hair, then it shifted to his wife whose eyes reflected fear. If he would come closer, he would see the tears which formed in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. He couldn't see them but the soldiers around her did.

They didn't say anything. Most of them looked at the trolls and ignored the troll queen. There was only one ranger who felt really seemed that Lor'themar Theron was not happy that they were forcing Zul'jin to surrender by threatening his wife.

He didn't like it but he didn't say anything. There was no reason to hold a knife against her throat. She couldn't escape because her arms and legs were tied but Zetai still did it.

"Give up, Zul'jin," Sylvanas shouted loud enough in common. "Tell your warriors to put their weapons on the floor and surrender. Otherwise...," she didn't need to speak any further. She just pointed at the troll queen to make Zul'jin realized what would happen then. She was bluffing but Zul'jin believed her that she meant it seriously. He couldn't know that Sylvanas would never harm a defenceless woman. Especially not a pregnant woman.

He hesitated for a moment but then he said something to his men. A few moments later, they lowered their weapons and dropped them on the floor. They surrendered.

A triumphing grin could be seen on the Ranger-General's lips as she saw Zul'jin coming closer. He had his hands raised above his head, signalizing the Alliance that he didn't want to try anything. Two paladins approached him and put his hands on his back, tying them together with magic suppressing cuffs. A satisfied smile appeared on Sylvanas' lips.

After all these years, she finally had managed to capture Zul'jin. He had been captured years ago by the humans but the orcs had freed him. That wouldn't happen this time. Sylvanas would make sure that this bastard wouldn't escape again. It had taken years and cost thousands of lives to capture Zul'jin but it was worth all the effort and the lives which had been taken.

With him in captivity, the trolls were practically defeated. There were still trolls out there. They lived in separated villages or bases but they were not enough to make a difference. The trolls didn't have enough men nor did they have the recourses to continue fighting the Alliance. There was no way he would get away this time.

They would capture the remaining Amani trolls and lock them in a certain prison outside of Silvermoon City. The prison in Silvermoon didn't have enough space to take every prisoner. The elves had to build a prison only for war prisoners. They also had to make sure Zul'jin would reach Silvermoon and be locked there.

He had to be escorted by enough rangers. The leader of the trolls had to be brought to Silvermoon where he would answer for his crimes. Maybe the High King would decide to kill him. Maybe he will spare his life but put him in a prison cell for the rest of his life. Sylvanas didn't care if Zul'jin would die or not. She just wanted him to get his just punishment.

As a warrior, being imprisoned and unable to do anything was much worse than death. Hopefully, that would be Zul'jin's fate. She had lost so many comrades during the war against the trolls that she couldn't wait to see him in the courtroom.

Sylvanas looked at Zul'jin, noticing that he was looking back at her. He didn't say anything nor did he make a gesture or a facial expression. There were just his yellow eyes which stared into hers. She didn't avert her gaze, wondering who could hold it longer. She realized he wouldn't look away but she still held his gaze. She made a gesture. The paladins lifted up the leader of the trolls and were about to drag him away as Zul'jin opened his mouth.

"Ya got wat ya wanted so let ma wife go. She didn't do anythin' to ya. She is innocent," he said. Sylvanas tilted her head and regarded him for a few moments, then she turned her head to look at Zetai. "Let her go," she demanded. She expected that he would obey her and let her go immediately. But he didn't do that.

"Let her go," she repeated, her voice was still calm Zetai still didn't move. She had told him twice but he hadn't reacted yet. The rangers and soldiers around him gave him surprised and irritated looks. No one would ever dare to contradict the Ranger-General. No one would ever dare to not do what she ordered. Either he was a fool or he hadn't heard her.

Sylvanas considered her options. She repeated the command, but this time much louder. "LET HER GO!"

Zetai tilted his head a little and looked at the Ranger-General. He still pressed the knife against the troll's throat whose face still reflected fear. Zetai averted his gaze, looking at Zul'jin whose face showed worry and fear.

Suddenly, the tall ranger's facial expression changed. Anger could be seen in his eyes. He clenched his teeth as he stared at the troll leader. Zul'jin could be glad at this very moment that looks couldn't kill, otherwise, Zetai's hateful gaze would have pierced through him and ended him quickly.

"This is for what you and your people did to my family and my village. You took my loved ones so I'm taking yours," he spoke through gritted teeth, then he did something no one would have ever expected. He slit the troll queen's throat, then he drew his sword from his belt, faster than anyone could have ever done, and beheaded So'mi before any of the surrounding rangers could have reacted.

He smiled as he saw that Zul'jin's eyes widened in shock. He cried out loudly, his face became as white as chalk. He couldn't believe that Zetai had killed his pregnant wife. But he was not the only one who was shocked. Everyone around him regarded the ranger with widened eyes and shocked facial expressions. Nobody had expected that he would do such a thing.

He didn't just kill a prisoner of war. He killed a pregnant woman. He killed her in front of the Ranger-General's eyes without receiving an order from her or asking for her permission. He just did it without thinking about the consequences.

Zul'jin roared out in anger and shoved the paladins away. One staggered backwards, the other fell to the ground. Zul'jin's hands were still tied but that didn't stop him from running towards the ranger who stood in front of everyone else.

An amused smirk appeared on Zetai's lips. He saw the troll coming closer but didn't react at first. Only at the last moment, he stepped to the side, pulled a dagger from his belt and rammed it in Zul'jin's right eye. The troll howled out in pain and staggered backwards.

Zetai was about to attack him again but a mage froze his legs to the ground at Sylvanas' command. She did the same with Zul'jin so none of them could harm the other. The angry shouts of the trolls roared through the air. They cried out in anger, insults in their native language escaped their lips but they didn't pick up their weapons.

They knew they would die before they would reach the soldiers of the Alliance. They also knew that the Alliance would kill their leader if they would attack them, so they remained on the other side of the room, their narrowed eyes rested on the ranger who had just murdered their co-leader.

Sylvanas paved a way through the soldiers around her and approached the ranger which belonged to her unit. Her eyes were narrowed, her teeth were gritted and anger was reflected by her finely chiselled features. "Why did you do that? She was a pregnant woman," hissed Sylvanas. It was not easy for her to not strike Zetai across the face but she managed to control herself.

Zetai's facial expression didn't change. He wasn't regretting that he had killed her. "So was Salna but the trolls killed her in front of my eyes. She was injured and unable to defend herself but his men run a spear through her heart. Zul'jin also ordered the attack on my village. He did so many crimes, so he deserves that. He deserved to see his loved ones die in front of his eyes for all the lives he and his murdering bastards have taken."

He looked around, noticing that some agreed with him while others were still too shocked or surprised to form an opinion. Most soldiers of the Alliance had unreadable expressions on their faces. Most of them had no clue what they should think about what their comrade had done.

"You had no right to take her life. She was a prisoner. Our prisoner. And she was a pregnant woman on the top. That's unacceptable."

"Are you serious about this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sylvanas' eyes narrowed further. "Do I look like I'm not serious?" she asked rhetorically.

Zetai tilted his head. "You are talking of her as if she were an intelligent humanoid being like us. But she is nothing more than a beast. The orcs and trolls are nothing more than brutal, merciless, raping beasts that must be extinguished. They kill and torture for fun. They slaughter innocent civilians, murder their children and rape their wives and daughters. I just made Zul'jin pay for all the crimes he had committed.

My mother was raped in front of my father's and sister's eyes, then they killed her and my father. They showed no mercy even though they surrendered and begged for their lives. Zul'jin and his whore of a wife deserve that. For everything they did to us and the inhabitants of Quel'Thalas. I just did what many of us wanted. She can be lucky I didn't rape her. She was spared of this horrible act of torture because I'm not a monster. I ended her life quickly even though she deserved to suffer and die slowly for everything she and her bastard of a husband did to our people."

Sylvanas could see the pain and grief in his eyes but there was also hatred. So much hatred. She had heard of his tragic past. What had happened to his village and his family was cruel but what he had done was not much better. If he acted like this, he was not better than the trolls but he didn't seem to care about that. "An eye for an eye" was the rule he seemed to live by. He answered brutality with brutality.

She couldn't believe the best ranger of the current generation had done that. He had sunk to the same level as the trolls. How could he? How couldn't he notice that he wasn't better than the trolls when he behaved like that? He murdered a prisoner. A pregnant prisoner.

She may not be innocent but she didn't deserve to die like this. Especially not before the birth of her child.

It was true that she and Zul'jin committed numerous crimes against the high elves. But that didn't give anyone the right to kill her. It would have been the task of the High King or his judges to decide over her fate. Zetai had just ignored the rules and took the law in his own hands. He broke the codex of the Farstriders. Vigilantism was not tolerated.

Sylvanas thought about her unborn child as she regarded So'mi's corpse. It pained her to imagine that her child could also die before it would ever see the daylight. It could happen so quickly. For example, if an orc or a troll would pierce its weapons through her belly. Sylvanas may wear armour which covered her belly, for the first time since she joined the Farstriders, but that wouldn't protect her from a forceful spear thrust.

She put a hand on her belly and did her best to not show that she was afraid of something. Thoughts about losing her child because of injuries she might suffer during a battle had plagued her over the past days. One forceful kick in the stomach by a dire troll or an orc could ruin everything.

There were many possibilities of how she could have lost her child but she hadn't been injured during the battle. Her child was alright. Nevertheless, she felt unwell. What Zetai had done disgusted her. She was disappointed by him. She didn't recognize him anymore. This was not the man she had trained together with Kelrian and the other recruits of the current generation.

She could understand him, a little at least. She could understand that he was angry and still grieving over the loss of most of his family. Only his younger sister was left of his family. She imagined that seeing his girlfriend die in front of his eyes must have broken him. She didn't want to imagine how she would have reacted if Kelrian would have died in front of her eyes. Or how she would behave if he wouldn't have returned weeks ago after he had been missing for almost two months.

She could feel his pain and his anger but she couldn't understand how he could have done such a horrible thing. He ended two lives at the same time. She couldn't let this go unpunished. He did a war crime. He killed someone without her permission. He broke the honour codex of the Farstriders. He trampled on them and on her authority. He had to be punished but she had no clue how.

She will think about that later. There were other things she had to do at this very moment. Zul'jin had to be escorted to Silvermoon, while the rest of the army would march towards Lordaeron and assist the inhabitants to defend the capital city and drive out the orcs which occupied a large part of their lands. She wished Zul'jin could be brought to Silvermoon through a portal but her mages were too exhausted to create a portal. They would need some time to rest. They needed time the humans didn't have. The mages had to rest so they could use their powers in the defence of Lordaeron. Their powers would be badly needed there.

Sylvanas decided to give Halduron Brightwing the task to escort the leader of the Amani to Silvermoon City. She would give him three additional groups which would protect his group for the case that there would be trolls in the woods who would try to rescue their leader. She will tell him before they will march off in thirty minutes.

Sylvanas looked at Zul'jin who was kneeling next to his dead wife and mourned her loss. He may be a bastard, a merciless butcher but he was an intelligent creature with emotions. She had to admit she felt bad for him but only for a little. After all, he had committed numerous crimes which lead to the death of tens of thousands of soldiers of the Alliance. He had ordered his raiders to attack everyone they would find, even the defenceless civilians. He will pay for his crimes but killing his wife had been wrong. Unfortunately, it was too late to change things. There was no way Zul'jin would get her back.

The worst was that Zetai was not regretting anything. Not even when the other rangerstook him away on her order. He didn't say anything. He didn't protest and he didn't even resist. He allowed the rangers to bring him out of Sylvanas' sight.

Questions came up in her mind. How would Kelrian react when he would hear what his friend had done? Would he be disappointed? Disgusted? Proud? Shocked? Would he be able to recognize his best friend? What would he say?

Sylvanas had to see him and talk to him. She missed him so badly. Missed the way he looked at her. Missed the way he touched her. Missed his gentle smiles. She missed so much more of him.

She wondered what he was doing at the moment. She wanted to talk to him and find out what had happened that night. She hoped that he hadn't kissed her. She didn't want to lose him to another woman. She didn't want to lose him in general. She needed him.

There was one thing which had come in her mind over and over again whenever she had had the time to think about everything. How should she tell him that she was pregnant? The tests had been positive. She was pregnant for sure and she had no clue how she should tell him this. She had no idea how he would react. Would he be happy? Would he like to have a baby with her? Or would he be shocked and wouldn't want the baby? Would he leave her because of that?

She had no clue how he would react and didn't want to imagine the many possibilities. She knew one thing for sure. She had to meet him and talk to him to find the answers to her questions.

A long conversation was necessary.

She had to talk to him as soon as possible. But first, she had to lead her army to Lordaeron and assist the humans. She could talk to him once Lordaeron would no longer be in danger.