
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 41: The Mother

Knock. Knock.

"Come in", shouted a familiar voice. Sylvanas didn't hesitate to open the door and enter the room. She smiled as she saw her best friend sitting on her bed and reading a book. She put the book aside, standing up slowly. She threw her arms around Sylvanas' shoulders and hugged her carefully. Her wounds hadn't fully healed yet so she remained careful because she didn't want to cause unnecessary pain for herself.

Sylvanas regarded her from head to toe after she had pulled away. Verena wore a sleeveless shirt and short pants so her muscular arms and legs were exposed but also the numerous scars which decorated her arms. Sylvanas' eyes rested on her legs for a few moments before she stared into the woman's face which had much more colour than the last time she had seen her. There was one thing which had changed significantly.

Her hair.

Verena's once blonde hair had been cut short and dyed crimson red. Sylvanas had to admit she looked good. The new hairstyle suited her.

"I like the way you look," complimented Sylvanas. She received a grin from her ex. "I like your look too."

"I haven't changed anything."

"That's why I like it," responded Verena. She put a hand on Sylvanas' cheek and caressed it carefully.

"You would like my look no matter how long or short my hair would be, which colour it would have or what I would wear."

Verena grinned. "I prefer it when you wear something which reveals much of your skin."

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, tapping Verena's shoulder playfully. "Pervert."

Verena didn't say anything in response. She just grinned at her best friend while she stared at her.

A gentle smile appeared on Sylvanas' lips. She sighed. "I'm just glad you made it. I wouldn't know what to do if I would have lost you."

"I'm glad I survived. Priestess Liadrin told me that I was close to death. She couldn't explain how I managed to survive. Some call it luck, others call it fate. I think it was my unbreakable will to survive which saved my ass. I didn't want to leave the world before I could give you one last kiss."

"I'm also glad you survived," spoke Sylvanas, caressing Verena's cheek with the back of her hand. She ran her fingers through her hair, toying with a few strands. "Your hair is so soft," she mentioned.

"I'm using a new hair shampoo which guarantees that the new colour lasts longer."

"What does your girlfriend say to your new hair?" Sylvanas asked curiously.

"She likes it."

Sylvanas smiled at her best friend. "Has she visited you during the past months?"

"She did a couple of times but she couldn't visit me very often because she had to help to evacuate the citizens. She remained in the south of Quel'Thalas for weeks, helping the civilians to get their things together and flee before the orcs would devastate their homes."

"I heard she did a good job. Elonis is a very brave and reliable ranger. You can be proud of her and lucky to have her in your regiment and as your girlfriend," spoke Sylvanas.

"I'm very lucky indeed. The healers thought I wouldn't make it but I survived. I was in a relationship for ten years with the most beautiful woman in the world and I'm still friends with her after we broke up. But I'm not living in the past. I accepted that you are interested in men so I looked out for a woman who loves me the same you loved me once. And I found her."

Sylvanas smiled at her. "I can see why you like her."

Verena's lips formed a provocative smirk. "I definitely have a fetish for blonde busty women," she told. Her eyes wandered and rested on Sylvanas' cleavage. Sylvanas noticed where her friend was looking at but she didn't say anything. She didn't even cross her arms in front of her chest. Instead, she allowed Verena to ogle her.

Verena hadn't been able to do much during the past two months except for lying in the hospital bed and wait that her wounds would be healed. Most of her wounds had been healed completely, but some had left scars behind. Sylvanas knew the past months had been boring for Verena because she couldn't join the other rangers to evacuate the citizens of Quel'Thalas. She wanted to brighten up Verena's mood, so she tolerated her staring.

"Do you have something to eat or drink here?" asked Sylvanas after a while.

"Just wine and a few apples in a bowl," responded the red-haired woman.

"Would you mind if I drink a few glasses?" asked Sylvanas.

"Of course, not."

"Where are your bottles?"

Verena pointed at a small cupboard. "There must be a few bottles and glasses."

Sylvanas walked over to the cupboard, bending down as she opened it. She regarded Verena's wide selection of wines for a few moments before she took the bottle which appealed to her the most. It was a noble wine which had ripened for almost thirty years.

Sylvanas regarded the bottle for a few moments before she opened it with a corkscrew and poured the dark red liquid into two glasses. She walked over to Verena and handed one glass to her while she brought the other to her lips. She took a sip so did Verena.

"I'm glad that you survived the battle without getting injured," said Verena after she had emptied her first glass.

"Well...," began Sylvanas but she was interrupted by Verena who regarded her with widened eyes. She knew exactly what Sylvanas wanted to say. "Where?" she asked.

Sylvanas lifted her shirt a little, exposing her stomach. There was a thin but long line of scab which started next to her navel and stopped barely beneath her right breast. Verena didn't hesitate to carefully run her fingertips over the line. "What happened?" she asked. Her voice reflected worry even though there was nothing she had to be worried about. Sylvanas was safe and sat right in front of her.

"A berserker's sword grazed my skin and damaged my chest guard. The armour was not firm enough to stop the blade so it came dangerously close to my breast. You don't need to worry, it's not the worst injury I've suffered since I became a ranger. Remember the time where I almost lost two fingers."

"I remember that. I'm glad you didn't lose them. Nor did you lose one of your perfect breasts. You will need your fingers if you want to have me back one day. Not to mention your breasts are a feast to everyone's eyes. Especially to mine."

Sylvanas didn't say anything in return. She just took another large sip, emptying her glass. Verena didn't hesitate to refill her glass. The red-head scrutinized Sylvanas' face for a few moments before her eyes fell back on her upper body.

Verena tilted her head. The face she made and her widened eyes let Sylvanas' assume that something had come in her mind. "Can I see the wound again?"

Sylvanas' raised an eyebrow. "Do you just ask that so you can ogle my flat belly once again?"

Verena's lips were pressed together to a thin line. This time, she had a serious expression on her face. "No for real, I think I just noticed something you are not aware of."

The Ranger-General gave her a questioning look. "What are you talking about?"

"About your flat belly" responded the smaller elf.

Sylvanas raised an eyebrow. "Why are you stressing the word like that? You know my belly is always flat no matter how much I eat. It's a wonder that I never get additional weight whenever we are celebrating something."

"There might be something we have to celebrate but I'm not sure if you will like it," responded Verena quietly.

"You are speaking in riddles. Can you just tell me what you want or are you trying to confuse me?"

Verena tilted her head, staring into Sylvanas' sky-blue eyes. "Just lift your shirt or I'll tie you to my bed and do it myself."

Sylvanas sighed and did as her best friend requested. She did even more than Verena had asked for and removed her shirt entirely. She was still wearing her black bra so Verena couldn't see too much. She had expected that Verena had used the scab as an excuse to ogle her breasts so it really surprised her that the eyes of the perverted elf didn't rest on her ample bosom. They rested on her belly but she had no clue why.

Sylvanas lowered her gaze but her large breasts prevented that she could regard her belly from above. That was one of the few disadvantages of a large cleavage. She had to change her position to be able to look at the nearly healed wound. She laid on her side and lifted her upper body a little. Now she was able to see it perfectly.

"I can't see what should be wrong with my belly," spoke Sylvanas after she had regarded her belly for a few moments.

Verena didn't say anything in return. She just put her hands on her friend's belly. She rubbed her belly carefully, poked it a little and even wrapped her arms around it.

An annoyed sigh escaped Sylvanas' lips. "I knew it. You just wanted to touch me, you little filthy pervert."

Verena knew these words weren't meant serious. She also knew Sylvanas had just said them to make fun of her so she didn't feel insulted by them. She looked up, giving the blonde beauty a serious look. Sylvanas' smile vanished. "Would you already tell me what you might have spotted? Is there a tattoo I'm not aware of?"

Sylvanas' half-joke didn't cause that Verena's expression changed. "When was the last time you bled?"

"Excuse me?" Sylvanas' raised an eyebrow, an irritated expression appeared on her face.

"You heard me correctly, Sylvanas. When did you have your period the last time?"

Sylvanas frowned. "Why do you ask?"

"Your belly is a little swollen. I don't think you have an illness so you either have gained weight or you are..."

"Pregnant...," completed Sylvanas quietly. Her eyes reflected disbelief as she stared at a random spot on the wall behind Verena.

Verena nodded her head, her eyes still rested on her friend's face. Sylvanas' facial expression was a mix of shock and surprise. Her mind was blank. She didn't know what to think or how she should react. She couldn't be pregnant. That was not possible. She had always taken the pill whenever she had slept with Kelrian. There was no way she was carrying a little foetus in her belly. Kelrian might have released his load inside her whenever they had made love but she had always taken a birth control pill right after they had been finished.

"You must be mistaken. I cannot be pregnant. I took the pill whenever Kelrian and I did it."

"You know that the pill does not always work, right? The chance is very low but it exists."

"Not the ones I buy. The alchemists had proved they prevent pregnancy to one hundred percent."

"Maybe you forgot to take them one day or...," Verena stopped speaking as she saw Sylvanas' eyes becoming wider than they already were.

"Oh..." was the only word which escaped Sylvanas' perfect lips. A look of realization appeared on her face.

Verena raised an eyebrow, giving her friend questioning look. She expected that Sylvanas would give her an explanation but instead, she started to sob. Verena frowned but she didn't hesitate to hug her friend and put her head on her shoulder, running her fingers through her blonde mane.

"Shhhh, Sylvie. There is no reason to cry. I know a pregnancy during a war is inopportune but in general it's a good thing. You said you always wanted to have a child with the right one."

"I'm no longer sure if he is the right one. Not after what he did."

Verena frowned but she didn't stop comforting Sylvanas as best as she could. "What happened?"

A loud sob escaped Sylvanas' lips. "I caught him kissing Elena."

Verena was silent at first. She hugged Sylvanas tightly, even though the close body contact caused pain to her because her wounds weren't fully healed yet. She ignored the jealousy which built up in her and comforted Sylvanas as best as she could. She could stir up Sylvanas against Kelrian which could result in a break-up. That would just play into Verena's hands because she wanted to get Sylvanas back but it didn't feel right to manipulate her friend while she was an emotional mess.

So many things had happened during the past months. The crushing defeat in Zul'Aman. Finding out that Verena was mortally wounded and almost died. The disappearance of Kelrian and Elena. The news about their reappearance. And then seeing him kissing her. Or had she kissed him? Sylvanas was not sure about that. She was not sure about many things had happened recently. It was impossible for Sylvanas to process everything inwardly.

"Did he kiss her or did she kiss him? You know she really likes him and with really I mean REALLY!"

Sylvanas didn't respond to her. She was asking herself the same question. It had been too dark. She had only seen them for a short moment. They had kissed but she had no clue who initiated the kiss nor did she know if Kelrian had wanted it. She remembered that he had pushed her away. Maybe he hadn't wanted this. She knew Kelrian for over a decade so she should be convinced he would never cheat on her but for a reason, she was not sure about that anymore.

She felt insecure and didn't know what was right or wrong. Maybe she felt so weird because she was indeed pregnant or because the defeat against the trolls and orcs had left marks on her psyche. Maybe that was the reason why she had recently started to doubt her decisions.

She had no clue what was going on. It was all too much for her. She needed a break. Needed time for herself to think about everything. She would love to storm out of the room and lock herself in her room and never come out again. At least not until she wouldn't have figured out what was wrong with her.

But she didn't do it because she knew she had responsibilities and duties she couldn't ignore. She had to make her soldiers ready for battle for the case Vereesa and the human mage would find a way to free the dragons. She had to lead their people to victory this time. Everyone counted on her. The pressure seemed too much for the moment but she knew she would handle it as soon as she would calm down.

Verena comforted her. She caressed her back, ran her fingers through her hair and did other things while she spoke soothing words in her ears. Sylvanas stopped sobbing eventually, pulling back as soon as she felt more secure. She saw Verena smiling at her. Verena was a good friend. A true friend. Her best friend.

She could have taken advantage of Sylvanas' insecurity and stir her up against Kelrian. She could have caused that she would break up with him. It could have been possible that Sylvanas would consider coming back to Verena if she would have said the right words. But she hadn't done that for a reason. She couldn't explain to herself why she hadn't convinced Sylvanas that men were pigs and that she was the only person who could make her truly happy.

Verena regretted it at first but the longer she stared into Sylvanas' eyes the more she got convinced that she had done the right thing. Sylvanas wouldn't be happy with her, at least not in the long run. But with Kelrian she would be. As long as her assumption was right that he hadn't kissed Elena. She knew Kelrian well enough so she was convinced he hadn't initiated the kiss. She just needed to convince Sylvanas that he didn't do it but first she had to find out what had really happened.

She took Sylvanas' face in her hands, caressing her cheeks. "Having a child is something big, Sylvie. I'm so happy for you. I know it's not the ideal time to be pregnant but everything will turn out well. I believe Kelrian didn't cheat on you. It has to be Elena who kissed him. You just have to meet him and talk to him. He is an honest person, so he wouldn't lie to you. I will accompany you if you want."

Sylvanas returned her smile, giving her a thankful nod. Her eyes were red from crying and she looked nervous but she wasn't overtaxed and confused anymore. Her insecurity hadn't completely vanished but she felt better thanks to her best friend who will always support her no matter what will happen.

"You are right," Sylvanas said eventually. "I know Kelrian for over a decade. I saw him kissing Elena but it doesn't have to mean he cheated on me. It's not unlikely that she initiated the kiss. I have to talk to him but not now. I need a few days to think about everything. Then I will speak to him."

"Take your time, my dear but don't forget that the war can proceed at any time. The orcs and their dragons have retreated but I'm sure they will attack soon. I just hope that your sister manages to free the dragons. The sooner she manages that, the earlier we can gather our forces and attack the trolls. You might not be able to speak to Kelrian before the war continues if you wait for too long," reminded the red-head.

Sylvanas gave her a thankful nod, leaning in to place a long-lasting kiss on Verena's forehead. The smaller woman blushed a little as the Ranger-General pulled away and regarded her.

"I know one thing for sure," said Sylvanas.

"Hmm?" Verena raised an eyebrow.

"I will participate in the war as long as I can. I'll fight no matter what. It's my duty as Ranger-General. As long as my pregnancy is not clearly visible, I'll fight for the Alliance. Don't try to change my opinion and don't tell anyone. I will tell my parents and my family once I can't hide it anymore. I don't know how long the war will endure but I'm pretty sure you and my sisters will lead our people to victory in my absence."

"Maybe the war will end before the birth,"

"Maybe," replied the blonde.

"You should do a pregnancy test just to be sure. I mean the signs are clear but you never know."

Sylvanas nodded. "I haven't bled for over two months. I had sex with Kelrian the day before the siege. That was two and a half month ago so I guess I'm pregnant. That could only mean that the pill Alleria had given me hadn't worked. That's the low chance you have spoken about. The chance that such a pill doesn't prevent impregnation."

Sylvanas didn't sound euphoric but she was not dismayed that she was most likely expecting a child. She still couldn't think clearly but she was pretty sure she would be happy about it once she had ordered her thoughts and calmed down. She was asking herself if Kelrian would be happy to have a child with her.

She needed to talk to him. She needed to find out what really happened, then she could debate if she should tell him or wait a few more weeks. Everyone would see her swollen belly sooner or later so she couldn't keep it secret for too long. But she had to speak to Kelrian first and then she would figure out what to do.

Verena put her hand on Sylvanas' belly, caressing it carefully. "I will always support you. Don't forget that."

Sylvanas smiled happily. "I will never forget it. Thank you, Verena. Thank you for everything."


The corridor they were following was long but so thin that they had to walk one after the other. They were in a dark cave inside a very large mountain. The small group had the mission to free the Dragon Queen, the leader of the Red Dragonflight and her children so the orcs would no longer be able to terrorize the natives of Azeroth with their help. Vereesa, several of her rangers and several dwarves were accompanying the human mage Rhonin Redhair on his mission. The leader of this small group of dwarves was Falstad Wildhammer, a brave and strong warrior.

The group made careful steps as they slowly moved forward, not wanting that anyone would hear them. It was not unlikely that a false step would create an echo which would warn the numerous orcs who were occupying the mountain and the lair of the Dragon Queen and her children.

The group left the uneven corridor behind them and entered a much larger part of the cave. They hid behind a pillar, checking their surroundings quickly. There were dozens of orcs. Some of them stood still or walked, some of them sat on the backs of large wolves while others sat on red dragons.

The size of the orcs was nothing compared to the size of the gigantic creature which laid in the middle of this part of the cave. It was the largest dragon any member of the group had ever seen. The dragon's body was covered by red scales, she had massive wings, a very long tail and massive horns on her head. She had a collar around her neck which was connected with many chains which were tied to massive pillars. That way the dragon couldn't escape, especially because powerful spells had been cast on the chains. There was also a magical artefact which allowed the orcs to control the dragons.

No member of the small group had ever seen such a magnificent dragon before. They were pretty sure that this dragon was no other than the Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. They had to free her but that wouldn't be easy because there were so many orcs who guarded her.

Rhonin took a closer look at the Dragon Queen. Her head rested on the floor, her eyes were opened but reflected nothing but sadness. She wasn't very happy. Nobody would enjoy being forced to reproduce and give their spawn to the orcs who would use them to bring death and destruction to the natives of Azeroth.

Many of her children died for the orc's plan. Losing one child after the other hurt her emotionally. She sensed whenever one of her children was killed by the members of the Alliance who just defended themselves. She was suffering.

There were several wounds on the right side of her body which had been inflicted by the orcs whenever she had resisted them and disobeyed their orders. But all her efforts and attempts to get free had failed. In the end, the magical artefact known as the Demon Soul had forced her to do whatever the orcs wanted from her.

Rhonin turned his head to look at his group, receiving nods from them. They sneaked to the next pillar and hid behind it. Then they moved to the next pillar and checked their surroundings once again. They noticed that half of the orcs, which had lingered in this part of the cave a few minutes ago, were gone. Something caught his attention as he thought about what to do.

There was a disc which one of the orcs held in its hands. It was a male who wore a black robe, had a bald head and a goatee beard. He was holding the disc in front of the dragon, speaking a few sentences in common. Not even Vereesa who had the best hearing was able to understand what the orc was saying. He was too far away and muttered too quietly.

The Dragon Queen lifted her head slowly, regarding the orc for a few moments before she stood up. She waited until the orcs had undone the chains from the surrounding pillars, then she started to move. Her chains were dragged over the floor as she followed the orc with the disc. Vereesa could see it in her eyes that she didn't want to follow the orc. But she had no other choice because the Demon Soul forced her to obey the orc known as Nekros Skullcrusher.

The sounds which were produced when the chains were dragged over the ground were horrible. It hurt the ears of each member of the small group but it was worse for the elves who had to press their hands on their ears to prevent that they might bleed. Fortunately for them, Rhonin cast a spell which muffled the surrounding noises so the elves didn't need to do that anymore. This meant they could fully focus on the battle if they had to fight.

Half of the remaining orcs followed the Dragon Queen, meaning only a dozen were left in the room. Half of them were dragon riders so Rhonin assumed that it wouldn't end well for them if they would attack them. He had a mission so he couldn't risk that his group would get roasted by the flames of these dragons. He looked at Vereesa as he muttered a few words and started to cast his spell. She nodded to him, giving him a small smile. He returned the smile while he focused on his spell.

He succeeded, creating a dome around the group. The dome reflected the light so no one could see them. They still could be heard so the group made careful steps. One of Vereesa's rangers stepped on a small stone, a quiet noise was produced as the stone was crushed by her foot. None of the orcs heard it but the dragons did. They lifted their heads, looking around for any intruder. They didn't see anyone so they lowered their heads after a while.

The group had walked through this part of the cave in the meantime and followed the path the orcs and the Dragon Queen had taken. After quite some time, they came to a large plateau outside the cave. There was the Dragon Queen, lying in the middle of the plateau while Nekros was standing next to her and looked up at the sky as if he was waiting for someone. But no one came. The chains had been attached to the pillars which stood near the edge of the plateau.

There were no dragons among those who guarded Alexstrasza. There were only orcs. Five of them sat on massive wolves while the others had no mounts. Nekros was walking circles around the dragon, impatience was reflected by his face. He was nervous and mistrustful.

He stopped dead in his tracks as an arrow hit him in the left shoulder. He cried out in pain, accidentally dropping the yellow amulet. The Demon Soul didn't get damaged but it was thrown through the air after Rhonin had cast an arcane spell. The powerful object landed far away from Nekros. But it was not far away from Rhonin.

The red-haired mage didn't hesitate to rush towards the disc. Nekros did the same but Rhonin hit him with an arcane blast, causing that he was pushed away. The orc landed on the floor, writhing in pain. Rhonin reached the disc after a few moments. He tried to figure out how it worked as he regarded it.

He turned his head as he heard a loud grunt. He spotted an orc with a massive axe who come closer to him. He turned around, casting a spell but it was too late. The orc was faster than expected and would have attacked him if someone wouldn't have bashed him away with one blow.

It was the Dragon Queen herself who had saved Rhonin's life. Without the Demon Soul in his hands, Nekros had no longer the control over her which meant she was free. A loud roar escaped her lips. It was so loud that everyone covered their ears with their hands immediately. Everyone was stunned by the loud roar so the fight stopped. Alexstrasza didn't hesitate to turn to the remaining orcs and set them on fire.

Loud and painful cries escaped their lips as they threw themselves on the floor and tried to extinguish the flames, without success. Their deaths were horrible but fast. Nothing but ashes were left after the flames were done with them. The smell of burned flesh stung in the air. There was only one orc left who hadn't come in contact with the flames of the Dragon Queen.

Nekros Skullcrusher laid on the floor, his eyes were widened and fear started to overwhelm him as Alexstrasza rose up in front of tried to get up and run away but the Dragon Queen was faster and devoured him alive before he could do anything.

Rhonin regarded her for a few moments, then he took a certain object out of his bag. It was a gemstone created from a scale of the black dragon Deathwing. It was pretty sharp so the mage thrust it in the disc, causing that it cracked. He wanted to destroy it so it could never be used against the Dragon Queen again. He pushed it deeper in the disc, destroying it in the process. An explosion was unleashed as the disc was destroyed, causing that Rhonin was flung through the air and collided with one of the pillars.

Waves of pain rushed through Rhonin's body as he tried to get up. His entire body hurt so he decided to not move as long as the pain endured. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw someone running towards him. It was Vereesa whose face reflected worry. She bowed down next to him, regarding him. "Rhonin, are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

He nodded his head weakly. "I'm fine, I guess. My body just hurts but it won't hurt forever."

"Too bad our healer died days ago," spoke Falstad as he came closer. There was a strong accent in his voice.

"Trust me, I'm fine. I just need some time to recover," spoke Rhonin. His gaze shifted from the fearless dwarf to the disquiet high elf. Vereesa helped him to get into a comfortable sitting position. He smiled at her but didn't say anything. Nor did she.

He knew he would talk to her as soon as they would be back in Dalaran. He had really enjoyed her company over the past weeks. There was a special chemistry between him and the elf. He really liked her. She was a very interesting person. She had been very shy when they had met for the first time but that shyness had vanished as they had gotten known to each other over the time.

He was not sure how she felt about him but he wanted to get known to her. He wanted to spend more time with her. Alone. When nobody else was around them and when they wouldn't be on a mission. He was hoping she felt the same for him.

The group turned their heads as they noticed that the Dragon Queen came closer. She lowered her head until it was in Rhonin's reach. He stretched his arm out without hesitation, touching the dragon's forehead. He caressed it carefully, feeling that the pain vanished slowly. His wounds were healed and the pain vanished completely in the process. He got up eventually and thanked the Dragon Queen.

"No, I am the one who has to thank you," said the Dragon Aspect. "Without you, I would have forced to serve these creatures forever. They would have continued to take my brood away from me and use them for their selfish goals. Several dozen of my children died within the past months only because the orcs want to conquer territories that are not theirs."

Vereesa made a step closer to the Dragon Queen, lifting her chin so she could have a better look at her. "I'm sorry that my people killed so many of your children. We didn't want to kill them but we had no other choice... I'm just glad that this madness is over now. I'm deeply sorry for your losses."

Alexstrasza lowered her head, nodding at the high elf. "I'm not mad at you. Your people just defended themselves. I understand that. It still hurts to lose so many of my children, especially because lots of them were very young when they died. Wherever they are, I can feel them. I can feel when they get injured, suffer in pain or die. The past months had not been pleasant for me."

"Every captured dragon will rebel against their masters and return to you soon. I hope as many of them as possible will return to you alive," said Rhonin.

"I hope the same."

"What will you do now?" the mage asked curiously.

"I felt the presence of a once good friend who betrayed me and the other Aspects. Neltharion is in the near which can only mean that he is up to something. I have to find out what he is planning," replied Alexstrasza.

"He saved me several times and gave me the gem to destroy the Demon Soul," told Rhonin. A confused expression appeared on his face. "Are you sure he is not on your side? He wouldn't have helped me to free you if he would be against you."

"I know this is confusing but Neltharion didn't support you to help me. He doesn't care about me. He must have a plan which requires my freedom, otherwise, he wouldn't have helped you. I must find out what he is planning and stop him."

"Are you sure it is a good idea to confront him now? It seems that the captivity has weakened you." Worry was reflected by Rhonin's gentle features.

"A portion of my strength returned when you destroyed the Demon Soul. I'm not able to fight him on my own. Fortunately, I'm not alone," responded the red dragon. She lifted her head and looked in the air. Rhonin and his group did the same, spotting a yellow, a green and a blue dragon in the sky. They were as large as the Dragon Queen and as mighty as her.

"Don't worry about me. We will handle Neltharion and foil his evil plans. You should return to your people and fight the ones who are trying to do harm to them. My brood and I will drive the orcs out of the mountain and reclaim it as ours. I thank you for your service and hope we will meet again one day," spoke the Dragon Queen. She regarded the mortals for a few moments and gave them a thankful nod. She waited until they had said goodbye to her, then she rose in the air and followed the other dragons.

Vereesa's gaze rested on them until they disappeared out of her sight. She turned her head as she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Rhonin's hand. The red-head couldn't help but smile at her. "We did it. I never thought we would manage to rescue the Dragon Queen. Nobody in Dalaran believed we could rescue her but we did it."

Vereesa returned his smile. "My sister will be delighted when I'll tell her that the dragons will no longer be a problem for us. We can attack the trolls again and win this time. Not to mention that we can support Lordaeron once we have captured Zul'jin."

"I will ask the Kirin Tor to send more mages to Lordaeron. The time has come to make these green creatures pay for everything they have done to your and my people. To yours too, Falstad," responded Rhonin.

The dwarf nodded at him so did the high elf lieutenant.

"We should go," said Falstad.

Rhonin nodded. "Indeed, we should. Give me a few minutes. I will create a portal to Dalaran quickly."

Vereesa smiled at him. "Take your time. I don't want to land in one of the city's fountains. Not again."

"Hey, that only happened once by accident because you distracted me."

Vereesa chuckled. "I know and I'm still sorry. Just bring us to a safe place, will you?"

"I will do everything for you, Lady Windrunner," responded the charming mage.

Vereesa's cheeks reddened a little. She didn't need to look at her rangers to know they have noticed the slight flirting which was going on between her and Rhonin. Falstad had noticed it too but he didn't care. He just looked at the mage who was busy casting his spell. He completed it after a few minutes, creating a portal which was large enough that two persons could step through it at the same time.

Vereesa's rangers stepped through it first, then Falstad and his buddies followed them. Rhonin stood next to the portal, stretching his arm out. Vereesa didn't hesitate to put her hand in his. He caressed the back of her hand for a few moments as he stared into her eyes. She did the same. The muffled painful cries of the orcs in the mountain brought them out of their thoughts. Vereesa blushed so did Rhonin. He muttered a few words, then he guided her through the portal, closing it behind him.

They came out in Dalaran which was known for its powerful mages who were trained from a young age. Vereesa turned her head, checking their surroundings. They were in a public square in the middle of the city. It was already dark so only a few creatures were still out there.

She spotted a familiar high elf mage. Her name was Alina Flowerbringer. Vereesa had heard rumours about her and Prince Kael'thas. Most quel'dorei women wouldn't say no to a relationship with the second most famous man of Quel'Thalas. Kael'thas was a very handsome and charming man. Even Vereesa had once admired him.

She still liked him but there was another man who had caught her interest. A man who wasn't loved by more than ninety percent of the female quel'dorei. A man who was also very intelligent and very charming.

Vereesa turned her head and looked at that man. Rhonin was smiling at her but didn't say anything. He was still holding her hand but she didn't mind that. Nor did she mind that her rangers were seeing that.

They stared at each other for a few moments, not minding that the rangers and the dwarves were watching them. They would have left already but they had to wait for their superiors' orders. Vereesa dismissed her rangers eventually and Falstad and his friends said goodbye to them and walked towards the nearest tavern.

Vereesa watched them leaving then he turned her head to look at Alina. She had to admit she was beautiful. Much more beautiful than the average female quel'dorei. Her beauty even rivalled Sylvanas'. She had long midnight-blue coloured hair, high cheekbones, a cute nose and full lips. She was busty and had a slim figure. Vereesa regarded her from head to toe. She understood why Prince Kael'thas might have chosen her as his lover. If the rumours were true.

Alina was sitting on a bench and talking to a mage Vereesa knew pretty well. It was the asshole of her ex. Dar'Khan Drathir. She had been together with him for seven months before she had found out that he had cheated on her with her once best friend.

She had broken up with him and hadn't seen her once best friend since she had hit her in the face. It had hurt her at first but these days she was glad that she had made this experience. Since then, she was more careful and got known to a man first before she went out with him.

She knew Rhonin for a couple of weeks. She didn't know everything about him but she had spent enough time with him to know that he was a good guy. He was very smart, funny and brave. She liked him and she was pretty sure he liked her as well.

"Do you want to drink something with me?" asked Rhonin. "I would like to celebrate the success of our mission with you."

Vereesa smiled. "I would love that."

"Where do you want to go? To the local tavern or to a much quieter place where we can talk in private?"

"I would prefer a quieter place," responded the silver-haired woman.

Rhonin nodded, a happy smile appeared on his lips. "Follow me then."

Vereesa chuckled. "You are still holding my hand so I guess I have no other choice than following you."

Rhonin's cheeks became as red as the colour of his hair. "Oh... I forgot about that. I'm sorry."

Vereesa still smiled at him. "You don't need to be sorry. I don't mind holding your hand."

"I'm glad about that then," replied the mage. He regarded her for a few moments before he turned around and left the square with her.