
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 2: Visiting Dalaran

"You wouldn't have needed to create one by yourself," Sylvanas said and looked at her lover who was breathing heavily.

Kelrian's head hung low, his upper body was bent forward and he propped his arms on his upper thighs. Kelrian lifted his head and looked at her, waiting until he felt less exhausted. "What should I have done instead?"

"You could have asked Zendarin to help you."

"I thought I could do it without spending too much power. I guess I overestimated myself. I had no problems the last time, so I can only assume that I did something wrong this time. I'm not used to creating portals alone. But I need to train it, so I prefer creating them alone even if it costs me more power and more time," Kelrian responded and pulled a potion out of his bag, feeling much better after he had consumed it.

"I'm fine, honey," he said and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer.

Sylvanas regarded him with a raised eyebrow for a few moments before her face became neutral. "If you say so."

Kelrian turned his head and regarded their surroundings. They stood in the middle of a round platform which floor was covered by tiles in different colours that made a beautiful painting.

Lots of people stood around them. There were lots of humans and high elves but the couple could also spot a few dwarves and gnomes. Some of these people minded their own business and didn't pay attention to the famous Ranger-General and her mate but most of them did. They came closer to them and greeted them, some of them even had a short talk with them.

Sylvanas and Kelrian didn't remain on Krasus' Landing for too long. They left the landing area rather quickly and followed the course of the streets until they came to Rhonin's and Vereesa's house. Sylvanas didn't hesitate to knock at the door, waiting until it was opened. Vereesa had barely opened the door as Sylvanas approached her and pulled her surprised little sister in a tight hug. She put her hands on her sister's back, smiling at the woman who stood a few feet behind Vereesa. Soft laughter escaped Alleria's lips as she saw the scene in front of her.

Alleria wore her usual green Ranger-Captain uniform while Vereesa wore a blue dress that didn't hide her belly. Sylvanas pulled away and regarded her little sister from head to toe. Vereesa's face looked chubbier and her curves were more was obviously pregnant but didn't seem to be stressed. Her lips formed a happy smile as she looked at her older sister. "You are visiting me too, Sylvanas. That's a nice surprise."

"And she didn't come alone," added Alleria.

Vereesa turned her head, looking at Kelrian. Her smile became even wider. "It's good to see you too, Kel."

"It's also good to see you, Vereesa. I hope you are doing fine in your current state. I have witnessed how stressful pregnancy can be for a woman, so I hope you can manage everything."

"I do. It's not easy sometimes but I manage my daily life pretty well. I also have Rhonin who helps me out whenever I need help. His mere presence comforts me and gives me enough strength. It's much easier to hold out the stress when he is around."

"I know that feeling, little moon. Kelrian also helped me whenever he could. I'm glad you have found someone you truly love and I can't wait to witness the birth of your child. I'm already so excited."

The silver-haired woman smiled. "Why don't you come in first and then we can talk about everything? Not everyone needs to hear us."

"You are right about that," responded her sister and entered the house, pulling her lover with her. They didn't hesitate to remove their shoes and put them in front of the shoe cupboard. Kelrian removed his jacket and hung it on the coat-stand. Then he removed Sylvanas' jacket and also hung it there. Sylvanas gave him a small nod and took his hand, intertwining their fingers.

She noticed that her little sister's eyes rested on her face first and then shifted to her flat stomach. Sylvanas tilted her head, an amused smile appeared on her lips. "Is something wrong, little moon?"

Vereesa blushed and turned her head a little, averting her gaze. "No, not really. I was just wondering how you always look perfect no matter what you wear."

Sylvanas smirked. "That's a secret."

Alleria snorted amused. "The universe wanted Sylvanas to be perfect. There are no secrets. She doesn't have to do anything to look gorgeous. Sylvanas' beauty is a mystery for itself. Nobody will ever find out how she always looks perfect."

Sylvanas rolled her eyes. "That's not true. I have to look after my appearance too. I can't just leave my house without fixing my hair or washing. I'm not perfect. Nobody is perfect." She approached Alleria and hugged her, putting her head on her shoulder as she stroked her back. She pulled away eventually and waited until Kelrian had hugged her sisters.

"How are the kids doing?" asked the eldest Windrunner sibling.

"They are spending time with their grandma," responded Kelrian."

"Your mother or ours?"


"What are they doing?"

Kelrian shrugged. "I have no idea. I only hope they enjoy their time together."

"I don't see a reason why they wouldn't. They love to spend time with our parents" responded Vereesa.

"That's right. They love to hear their stories," said Alleria.

Vereesa giggled. "Mother loves to tell awesome stories from her past. Sometimes I miss hearing them."

"Maybe you could ask her to tell us one of her stories the next time you see her," suggested Sylvanas.

"That's not a bad idea."

"Why don't you visit us for dinner tomorrow? Rhonin can come with you."

Vereesa made a thoughtful face. "Rhonin will be very busy tomorrow but I think he will have time on Friday evening."

"That sounds good."

"But I should ask him first. I can't confirm anything without asking him first."

"Makes sense," Sylvanas said quietly.

"Let's go to his office and ask him now," suggested Vereesa and linked arms with her sisters, looking at them alternately.

Alleria and Sylvanas nodded at her. The four left the little entrance hall and followed the bordering corridor. The floor was covered by light-blue tiles, a few paintings hung on the walls. There was a large family portrait, which showed every member of the Windrunner family and their lovers, in the living room. They walked through the living room and followed the corridor until they came to Rhonin's office.

Vereesa knocked at the door and waited until a sympathetic sounding voice told her to come in. Vereesa opened the door and allowed her guests to step in, then she closed the door behind her.

Kelrian's eyes checked the surroundings. He noticed that Rhonin's office hadn't changed much since the last time he had seen it. The floor was covered by a purple coloured carpet, lots of shelves stood in front of the opposite wall. The window on the right side of the room was open so that Rhonin was provided with sufficient fresh air and sunlight.

There was a vase full of beautiful flowers on the desk in the middle of the room. Behind the desk sat a man who was reading a document. He had long, fire-red hair, finely chiselled features and a goatee that covered his entire chin. He wore a purple robe and made a sympathetic impression. He was so engrossed in reading the document that he didn't notice the four persons who had already entered his office and were standing in front of his desk.

Vereesa cleared her throat, smiling at her husband who lifted his gaze and looked at Vereesa's sisters and Kelrian in surprise. He put the document aside and stood up abruptly, walking around his desk. He approached Vereesa and their guests. "I'm sorry that I didn't notice you. I knew you were coming but somehow I didn't hear you enter the room, so I continued reading."

"It's okay, Rhonin", responded Alleria and gave the human a small smile. The mage nodded and then looked at Sylvanas, lowering his head in respect. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ranger-General."

Sylvanas tilted her head and gave her brother-in-law an amused smile. "You know you can call me by my first name, right?"

Rhonin blushed a little. "I always forget about that."

"It's okay, Rhonin. You are a good guy, so I forgive you this time," she said teasingly.

Rhonin chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "I will try to remember it next time." His gaze fell on Kelrian. "If that's not the most promising apprentice we currently have. It's nice to meet you, Kelrian. I haven't seen you for a while. Did you take a break?

Kelrian shook his head. "Not really. I'm still travelling to Dalaran twice a week and train with Prince Kael'thas there. We also train three times a week in Silvermoon so I train five days a week in total."

"Why didn't I see you then?"

Kelrian shrugged. "Maybe because you were too busy or you were in this lovely house whenever I came to Dalaran. Who knows?"

"I have been very busy these past few weeks, that's right. Anyways, it's good to see you."

Kelrian smiled. "It's good to see you too, Master Rhonin."

Soft laughter escaped the archmage's lips. "Don't be so formal Kelrian. We are a family after all. Both of us are together with one of the three most beautiful women on Azeroth. There is no need to be formal," Rhonin said and caressed Vereesa's cheek, putting an arm around her. The silver-haired woman smiled happily and leaned against him.

"I will remember that. But I will still name you with your title when other persons, who are not familiar to us, are around us. I don't want that anyone thinks I show you no respect."

Rhonin nodded. "Do that." Suddenly, he touched his head and shook his head. "Where are my manners? Why don't you take a seat first and tell me if you want anything to eat or drink?"

"There are only two chairs besides yours in your office," mentioned Sylvanas.

"We can change that very quickly," responded Rhonin and muttered a few phrases. He looked concentrated while he did that. Two more chairs appeared out of nowhere after he had completed his spell. "Now we should have enough chairs."

Sylvanas gave him a thankful nod and sat down putting her right hand on Kelrian's left upper thigh while the other rested on her sister's round belly, caressing it softly. Vereesa looked at her and gave her a happy smile.

"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" Rhonin asked.

"Moonberry juice," replied Sylvanas.

"With or without alcohol?"


Rhonin made a surprised face but didn't say anything in return. He looked at Kelrian who told him that he just wanted water. Alleria told her that she wanted moonberry juice but with alcohol.

"Is something wrong, Sylvanas?" the red-head asked eventually.

The Ranger-General tilted her head and gave the archmage a questioning look. "What do you mean? Why should something be wrong?

Rhonin shrugged. "You usually consume alcohol when we meet and now you go without it. That's suspicious."

"I think you're reading too much into this," responded Sylvanas.

"Maybe I am. But maybe there is a certain reason why you stopped drinking," he responded. He lowered his gaze until it rested on her exposed stomach. Then he looked up at her and tilted his head a little. His lips were pressed together and formed a thin line, he raised an eyebrow and a curious expression could be seen on his face.

Sylvanas understood what he was referring to. "I'm not pregnant if that's what you are thinking. You are not the only one who asked me about it."

"I'm not?" he asked surprised.

Sylvanas nodded. "My mother, my best friend, my siblings and even the king asked me if I was expecting another child. It's impossible to stop consuming alcohol these days without anyone thinking that I'm expecting another child. I just want to live a little healthier, that's all."

"Do you want another child?" Rhonin asked curiously.

"Maybe someday, but I'm not sure if I want another one in the near future. Let's say it like that. I'm not against another child but I don't want it in the next few years. I want to wait until the little ones become adults and then I will think about it again."

Rhonin nodded and looked at Kelrian. "And that's okay for you?"

Kelrian responded without hesitation. "It is."

"As long as you are happy with this solution," Rhonin responded and cast a spell that made a tray of drinks appear. Everyone took what they had wanted and drank a little.

"We are," responded Kelrian eventually.

"Do you feel ready to become a father?" Sylvanas asked Rhonin.

The mage smiled. "I am. I have to admit I'm nervous about it but I'm looking forward to the birth."

"You will be a great father," assured Sylvanas.

"I think the same. You got what it takes. You are a wise and friendly man and you get along with everyone. Your child will be happy to have you," added Kelrian.

"I hope so," replied the red-haired man. He seemed a little insecure but the insecurity vanished as Vereesa put her hand on his and gave him a comforting smile. He returned her smile and stared into her eyes for a few moments before he averted his gaze and looked back at the guests.

"What about you Alleria?"


"Do you want another child?"

The eldest Windrunner sibling made a thoughtful face. "There is nothing that stands against it but I think I would wait a few more years. Maybe even longer."

Rhonin nodded but didn't say anything in return nor did anyone else. They sat there and stared at each other while enjoying their drinks and the food the archmage had just conjured. There were fruits, sweets and other snacks. They ate and talked a little, exchanging information like the well-being of their families. Sylvanas even conveyed the regards of her parents to Vereesa and Rhonin. Vereesa asked Rhonin if they could visit her family on Friday evening to have dinner with them and he agreed.

"How is your family doing, Kelrian?" Rhonin asked eventually.

"My mother is fine. She is still in a relationship with her childhood friend Varo. They had their tenth anniversary a week ago."

"Give them my regards when you see them the next time."

"I will."

"What about your siblings?" he asked.

"Sindor decided that he no longer wants to be a priest and wants to be a paladin instead. He started his training a few months ago. My sisters are currently travelling through Lordaeron and help the poor and wounded."

"That's very noble of them," said Vereesa.

"They have big hearts. They can't stand living a luxurious life while there are still people out there who live in poverty."

"Are there many poor people in Lordaeron? I always thought the king is doing his best to support the poor."

Sylvanas looked at her little sister. "He is. But in some cases, the money and the goods are not sufficient for everyone. There are many families who have many children but don't earn much money. They often can't afford a healer that's why Cincia and Sydori decided to help where they can. They treat everyone for free."

"If only more people would be like them," said Rhonin and shook his head. "There are lots of rich people in Lordaeron and Stormwind who only care about themselves and don't help the ones in need."

"It's a shame indeed," said Kelrian and took another sip from his water. "But there is nothing we can do except for collecting money and give it to the ones who need it the most. Sylvanas and I spend a large amount of money for the poor every year. We help whenever we can and we often visit those who don't earn much money. We bring them food and other goods which could be useful for them."

Rhonin looked at his wife. "We should do the same."

Vereesa nodded. "You are right, my love." Her gaze wandered to Alleria. The Ranger-Captain nodded to her. "I'm in."

The five persons talked for nearly two hours about different topics. They talked much about the Alliance and the Horde that was hiding somewhere in the Eastern Kingdoms. Alleria was convinced that they were planning something. Maybe another war.

Sylvanas, on the other hand, didn't believe in it. She trusted her scouts who had reported that the Horde had far too few warriors to pose a threat. Nevertheless, Alleria managed to convince Sylvanas to send out more spies to investigate what the Horde is planning. But they didn't talk about politics all the time. They also talked about daily and unimportant topics.

"I have to go," Kelrian said after a while. "My training starts soon."

"That suits me fine, I have to attend a meeting with the Council of the Six. Why don't we go together? I assume that Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider is waiting for you there."

Kelrian raised an eyebrow. "He is still a member of the Six, isn't he? Shouldn't he also attend the meeting then?"

"It's not an important one, so he doesn't have to join us," explained Rhonin.

Kelrian nodded and got up. "I'm ready."

Rhonin looked at the three women. "Do you want to wait here for us in the meantime? Or do you want to come with us?"

Vereesa looked at her sisters. "I would prefer staying because walking long distances became very tiring since I became pregnant. It's quite a march from our house to the Violet Citadel, so I prefer staying home. If you don't mind."

Alleria took her hands. "The last thing we want is you to overtax yourself. We can stay if you want and relax and cuddle a little like we used to do when we were much younger."

Vereesa smiled. "I would love that."

"I'm fine with that," said Sylvanas and emptied her glass.

"It's decided then," said Vereesa and looked at her husband.

Rhonin kissed his wife and Kelrian kissed Sylvanas. "Have fun, honey," the Ranger-Lieutenant said.

"We will. Don't worry about us. Enjoy your training, my dear."

Kelrian smiled and caressed her cheek. "I will."

Sylvanas gave him another kiss before she reminded him it was time to go. Kelrian nodded and told the three sisters that he was looking forward to seeing them later. They said the same and waved at him. Kelrian gave Sylvanas one last look before he left the room with Rhonin and walked through the house until they reached the door. Kelrian put on his jacket and his shoes before he left the house with the archmage.

They walked through the streets which were paved with light-purple cobblestones. The buildings were coloured in white and had purple coloured roofs. Lots of these roofs had the form of a dome. Dalaran was not a huge city but still belonged to the most famous cities of the Alliance of Lordaeron. It was known for its powerful mages that were trained there. Dalaran was a place where lots of mages came together and exchanged their knowledge to perfect their magic and become stronger. Lots of people were in Dalaran these days.

Most people who approached them greeted Rhonin with respect by naming him by his full title. They also greeted Kelrian but only a couple of persons knew his name. Kelrian and Rhonin were polite men so they greeted everyone in return.

They went on, turned into the street that led to the Violet Citadel and nearly ran into a young woman who got frightened and dropped the bag she was carrying.

Kelrian took a closer look at this woman. He had seen her a couple of times in Dalaran but he couldn't remember her name. The woman was in her mid-twenties and looked very beautiful. She had long blonde hair that was mostly hidden beneath a purple coloured hood. She wore white trousers and a chest plate that didn't cover her entire upper body. The lower half of her stomach was exposed and she had a low neckline. Her top didn't leave much to the imagination.

There was some sort of a skirt attached to her trousers and she even had a cape that reached to her feet and nearly came in contact with the ground. That woman had a surprised look on her face as she regarded the men in front of her.

"I hope we didn't scare you, Lady Jaina," Rhonin said and apologized to her.

Lady Jaina... Lady Jaina... Kelrian's eyes widened when he remembered who that woman was. She was the daughter of Daelin and Katherine Proudmoore who were the leaders of Kul Tiras, a kingdom built on three large isles. Jaina had become the apprentice of the legendary mage Antonidas, who was the leader of the Kirin Tor, when she had only been eleven years old.

She had been one of the most promising apprentices the archmage ever had and she had become a very powerful mage. Kelrian had seen what she was capable of. Like him, she had started learning how to use magic fifteen years ago but she was much better than him. She had lived all these years in Dalaran and studied hard while he had worked as a ranger, had trained his body or spent time with his lover and his family. He hadn't invested as many hours in reading books and practising spells as the young human, so it was only understandable that he was not as good as her. But he was not bad either.

Kelrian may not be as good as her but he was doing a lot better than many mages that had started their training years earlier than him. He was also very promising and impressed his teacher from time to time. He learned complicated spells faster than others and didn't need to spend as much mana as them.

His mentor assumed that he had large reserves that allowed him to cast more spells than others before getting mentor was sure that he would be a lot better if he would spend more time learning and practising but he understood that Kelrian didn't have the time for that.

Kelrian was working part-time as a ranger and also had to take care of his family. He had to be there for his children when they returned from school while Sylvanas was still working. He also trained them and he even wanted some time for himself. He spent his free time either with his children, with his family or with the love of his life. He was able to train every day but only for one or two hours. He only trained from Monday to Friday. Because of that, his progress was not as spectacular as Jaina's.

A small smile appeared on the female's face. "You didn't frighten me, Archmage Rhonin," she responded.

Rhonin sighed out in relief. "I'm glad then."

"Where are you going?" Jaina asked interested.

"To the Violet Citadel. I have to go to a meeting while Kelrian searches for his mentor. Where are you hurrying?"

"I have to go to the portal room."

Rhonin tilted his head, giving her a curious look. "To the portal room? Where are you travelling to?"

"Master Antonidas told me to go to Lordaeron and investigate something."

Rhonin got more curious than he already was. "May I know what you are investigating?"

"Of course you can. We heard about a plague in Lordaeron that seems to make the citizens sick. I have to investigate this and find out if we can do something about it," Jaina explained.

"Are you investigating this plague alone?" Kelrian asked interested.

The blonde woman shook her head. "No, I'm not. Someone is accompanying me. Someone I will meet in Lordaeron."

Kelrian raised an eyebrow. "Someone?"

A weak smile could be seen on Jaina's beautiful lips. "A man I know pretty well and I haven't seen for a while. We were... very close..." Sadness could be seen in her eyes for a short moment.

Kelrian was trying to figure out who that man was. He remembered that Prince Arthas Menethil had visited Dalaran from time to time in the past and had always spent some time with Jaina. As far as Kelrian knew, they were very close friends. He was asking himself if she was referring to Arthas or if she meant someone else. He had no idea but he didn't want to pump her for details, so he didn't ask her who it was.

"I have to go now. I'm already a little late," admitted Jaina and blushed a little.

"I wish you good luck with your investigation."

"I wish the same," added Kelrian.

Jaina smiled at them. "Thank you." She bowed to Rhonin and Kelrian, said goodbye to them and hurried away. Kelrian's eyes rested on her until she vanished from his sight. "What a nice woman. I have only seen her from time to time but never spoken to her. She is very kind."

"Jaina is not only kind but also very ambitious. She wants to become better and better and use her powers only to protect people. She has a good heart and wants to help whenever she can," told Rhonin.

"I wonder who she is meeting in Lordaeron. I assume it is a friend of her or at least a man she knows very well."

"It wouldn't surprise me if King Terenas Menethil sends his son to this investigation."

Kelrian gave Rhonin a curious look. "So, you think Arthas Menethil is the person she talked about?"

Rhonin shrugged. "Could be possible. You know Arthas for a while, don't you?"

"I know him since he was eleven years old. I met him for the first time when Ranger-Captain Sweetblossom, Alleria and I met King Menethil to plan the defence of Lordaeron. I also met him in Silvermoon on the same day where he returned to Lordaeron with his family after they had stayed in the capital city for a few weeks. He was a curious boy who wanted nothing more than to make his parents proud of him and protect his people. I haven't spoken to him for a while but I don't think that his mindset had changed.I believe he still wants to help his people whenever he can. It would only make sense if he would also investigate this disease."

"We can only hope that everything goes right and the two find a way to stop this plague," said the red-haired mage.

Kelrian nodded but didn't say anything in response. He had to admit that he was worried about this new plague. He could only hope it was not a bad one that couldn't be cured. He was hoping that the plague wouldn't spread over the nearest territories and come to Quel'Thalas. His people were just slowly recovering from the losses of the Second War. The spreading of a deadly plague could have devastating consequences for his people. He could only pray to the Sunwell and hope for the best outcome.

Rhonin look at his pocket watch. "I really have to go now. We stayed here longer than I have Redhair is known for his punctuality and I want to keep that image up."

"I will see you later then," said Kelrian and gave him a nod.

"I won't come back before dinner in the evening. Tell our wives and Alleria that you can eat without me. I have no idea how long this meeting lasts."

Kelrian raised an eyebrow. "I thought this meeting is not important."

A small smile appeared on Rhonin's lips. "That doesn't have to mean it won't take long. Every meeting, even the unimportant ones last at least two hours. There are two certain persons, I won't name, who love to discuss long about unnecessary topics."

Kelrian patted his shoulder. "I wish you good luck then and keep my fingers crossed for a meeting that won't last for too long."

Rhonin chuckled. "Thanks, Kelrian."

Kelrian nodded.

"I will go then," announced Rhonin and rushed through the street, quickly disappearing out of Kelrian's sight. Kelrian looked at his own pocket watch, which had been a gift from Sylvanas, and noticed that he had ten minutes left.

He started to walk, not as fast as Rhonin but much faster than he usually walked. He followed the course of the street and came to a magnificent building. It was gigantic and by far the largest building in Dalaran. There was a large and thick tower around and in front of which lots of smaller towers was a large staircase that led to the entrance.

Kelrian didn't hesitate to climb it. He greeted the guards in front of the entrance as he walked through it and came into a huge entrance hall. There was a large and round violet pattern that decorated the middle of the walls were also decorated with different patterns. There were lots of doors and another staircase that led to a higher level.

Kelrian climbed the staircase and took the door to the right, following the bordering corridor until he came into a hall where lots of people were training. They practised various spells on dummies, mirror images or arcane elements that had been summoned for that purpose.

Kelrian let his gaze wander, quickly finding the man he was looking. Kael'thas Sunstrider was wearing a red, expensive-looking robe and watched the apprentices and other mages.

Kelrian lowered his head in respect and greeted him properly. He didn't greet him as his prince but as his mentor instead.

"Hello, Kelrian. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. And you, master?"

"I'm fine too. How is Sylvanas doing?"

"She doing good."

"And her sisters?"

"Vereesa is very happy is looking forward to the birth."

"When will the baby come?"

"In four months."

Kael'thas nodded, putting a strand of his magnificent blond hair behind his ear. His handsome finely chiselled features showed a relaxed expression. "Are you ready for your training?"

"I am."