
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 19: Pursuit

They arrived at the room they were looking for, noticing that the door was still closed. The two guards in front of the door lowered their heads in respect as they spotted the Ranger-General. Sylvanas greeted them in return so did Kelrian.

The guards wore blue and golden coloured armours. They carried large shields and sharp and long swords in their hands. Lots of such guards in such armours were stationed in Silvermoon City and in the area around it. These guards were not as manoeuvrable as the rangers, their heavy armours prevented that they could move as fast as a ranger but they protected them pretty well from arrows and melee weapons.

"Where is my sister?" asked Sylvanas after she had scrutinized the two males in front of her.

"She is still in the interrogation room. She doesn't want to get disturbed as long as the interrogation is enduring" explained the left guard, a large male with short blond hair. The other guard, who was two heads smaller than his companion and had long black hair, didn't say anything. He just looked at Sylvanas and Kelrian, not daring to leave his post. He seemed to be determined to not let anyone pass.

Sylvanas could order the guards to step aside and let her in but she didn't, because she didn't want to disturb Velon and her sister. They had to do this on their own. Sylvanas leaned against the opposite wall, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she kept an eye on the door. Kelrian mimicked her, waiting with her until the door was opened and Vereesa came out. Behind her came Velon who was guiding the inn's owner through the bordering corridor.

Vereesa's lips formed a small smile as she spotted her sister. She didn't hesitate to walk over to Sylvanas, hugging her. Sylvanas returned the hug, wrapping her arms around Vereesa's back. She smiled as she noticed that her little sister was leaning against her. Sylvanas was wondering why she looked so exhausted. She assumed it had been a real challenge to get useful information from the inn's owner. Otherwise, she couldn't explain to herself why Vereesa looked so tired. Sylvanas held her little sister for a while, smiling at her as she pulled away eventually.

"Are you okay?"

Vereesa brushed a strand of silver hair behind her ear, nodding at her. "I'm fine, I guess. It was not easy to get useful information out of him. He talked a lot. A lot of nonsense most of the time. Somehow, I managed to filter out the most important information and note them. I'm not sure if they turn out to be useful but it's better than nothing"

"What did you find out?" Kelrian asked curiously.

"He told me that he met a man who calls himself Infamous sold him weird-looking pills which manipulated his perceptiveness. He didn't remember much what happened after he has consumed the pills. He only knows that he felt happy and wanted to consume more of these 'drugs'."

"Infamous? Is this some sort of a joke?" asked Kelrian.

"I don't think so. Criminals or members of gangs often havecode names or nicknames" responded Sylvanas.

A sigh escaped Kelrian's lips. "Did he tell you how this man looks?"

"Unfortunately, he is not sure how he looks like. He gave me a lot of descriptions but his statements contradict each other. We have no clue how he looks like, we don't know how old he is, we don't know how tall he is. Basically, we don't know anything about him" told Vereesa.

"That's unfortunate" muttered Sylvanas.

"Did you find anything out, sister?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure what to do with the information" Sylvanas explained quickly what the waitress had told them. Velon had arrived in the meantime and listened to the last half of her explanation. He asked a few questions to understand everything, then he made a thoughtful face as he figured out what to do. The others did the same.

"We should station disguised rangers in the nearest villages. Maybe even in all villages in Quel'Thalas. They will dress up as normal inhabitants and keep an eye out for suspicious persons" suggested Velon.

"Invisible rangers could patrol through the villages and follow any suspicious person. Maybe they will find a base of the gang, of the group of bandits or with whoever we have to deal with" added Kelrian.

"That's not a bad idea" praised Sylvanas. "We should do that and we should try to lure out those who have sold the drugs to the waitress and her boss. Maybe they return a few days or weeks later if we give them the impression that the coast is clear and we have stopped investigating this case"

"It's worth a try" said Vereesa.

"If there is no one who has doubts or objections, we will do it like this"

Nobody said anything. They just nodded their heads, telling Sylvanas they agreed with everything. Sylvanas dismissed everyone. Velon bowed to her and said goodbye before he walked away. Kelrian did the same but he walked in the other direction. Vereesa stayed with her sister and followed her to her office.


Two weeks later

Sylvanas hid in the bushes and regarded the scene not far away from her. Kelrian, Zetai, Vereesa and three of Sylvanas' best rangers were hiding in the same bush. Alleria and five of her rangers were crouching in a bush on the opposite side of the clearing. There were four persons in the middle of the clearing.

Janelliena was one of them. She was the decoy. She had agreed to buy these pills from the mysterious persons so the rangers could follow them. They were hoping that these persons would bring them to their base or to their boss. The drug dealers had been inactive for almost two weeks because they had been scared that they might get caught. They had only returned as they had noticed that the coast was clear.

Of course, it was not but they didn't know that. They believed the Farstriders had stopped investigating this case because the trolls were causing troubles in the south of Quel'Thalas. They expected that the Farstriders would focus on the troll problem and ignore them completely. But that was not the truth.

Ranger Captain Sweetblossom and Verena were taking care of the trolls while Sylvanas and the others investigated the drug problem. They had found out that more citizens had bought these pills but most of these drugs had been seized before the citizens could have consumed them. Only a few had consumed them but they had been arrested before they could have endangered others.

Sylvanas' hidden spies had reported that these three persons had been seen in lots of smaller villages near the west coast of Quel'Thalas. They hadn't dared to visit larger places like towns or outposts. They had only tried to sell their stuff in small villages where only a few guards were stationed.

Sylvanas was pretty sure that these three were only responsible for selling the drugs. She assumed that there was a big boss who was coordinating everything. She could capture the sellers right now but that wouldn't solve the problem. She knew she had to catch the big boss if she wanted to solve this case. She just had to be patient and wait until the drug dealers would bring her and her rangers to their boss.

At this very moment, Janelliena handed a small leather sack to the persons. The smallest of the three, the woman with the scar, opened the bag and checked if the amount of gold was sufficient. She closed it and made a gesture with her hand. A man with short red-dyed hair handed Janelliena a small bag. Sylvanas' spies had found out that this man was the one who was known as Infamous. He seemed to be the one who sold the most drugs and he was by far the best when it came to vanish into thin air whenever a guard came in his near.

The last human was the man who had found Janelliena first and had offered her the drugs first. Like the others, the lower half of his face was covered by a scarf. He had lots of scars on the back of his bald head. He and the others were wearing black clothes which made them look like bandits. Half a dozen knives and a long machete hung on his belt. His companions had similar weapons.

Janelliena opened the bag, checking the content then she closed it. She thanked the men and hurried away.

"Easy money" commented Infamous as soon as the elf was out of his sight. "I told you that no one is pursuing us. This whore of a Ranger-General has no clue who we are, where we are and who we are working for. We wouldn't have sold so many drugs during the past days if she would know a thing"

"You are right" said the woman. "The famous Sylvanas Windrunner doesn't know shit about us. I expected more of her"

"We have no time for talking. The boss is waiting, we should return now" spoke the bald man.

"Alright, let's go" ordered Infamous, turning around. He started walking to the east side of the clearing, the others didn't hesitate to follow him.

Sylvanas waited for a few moments, then she gave her rangers the signal to follow her. They walked with a stoop as they followed them. They didn't make any noises so the dealers didn't notice them as they walked through the forest. They didn't turn around nor did they increase their walking tempo. It seemed that they were convinced that no one was following them. They walked for half an hour, arriving at a camp in the middle of the forest.

The camp consisted of seven tents, one of them was larger than the rest. Sylvanas and her group stopped about sixty feet away from the camp. The quiet whistle they heard told them that Alleria's group was not far away from them and ready for direct access. Sylvanas' whistle sounded different than Alleria's, telling the older ranger to be patient.

Sylvanas and her group spotted seven humans and one elf as they checked their surroundings. Kelrian and Sylvanas were the only ones who recognized the elf. He was no other than the elf Sylvanas and Kelrian had spared two and a half years ago. He had broken his promise to never return to Quel'Thalas but that didn't surprise them at all. They hadn't expected much from a criminal.

The elf seemed to be one of the group's lookouts. He was staring in the direction where Sylvanas and her group were hiding. But he couldn't see them because it was too dark and the bushes were covering them. The other lookout stood on the opposite side of the camp.

The gazes of the group members fell onto the only guy who was standing in front of the was a lanky man whose face was decorated with lots of scars. The clothes he wore looked better than the clothes of the rest of his gang. He stared at the fire, only looking up when Infamous cleared his throat.

"We sold another bag of pills, boss" announced Infamous, handing him the sack of gold. The man took it, opened it and studied its content. Then he pulled a few gold coins out of it and handed them to Infamous. "Well done. Who was the purchaser?"

"It was this beautiful waitress from Sunset Village. I forgot her name... But I remember that she has bought five bags in total"

"A very loyal customer" commented the boss then he stared into the flames again. "I hope no one followed you"

"Don't worry, boss. I've sold drugs and other illegal goods for fifteen years and I've never been caught by anyone" responded Infamous.

"Don't underestimate the high elves. They are a lot smarter than the guards of Lordaeron. They won't give up that easily"

"I will handle them, they won't find us"

The boss turned his head, regarding him for a few moments then he stared back into the flames. "I hope that for you, otherwise... You know what happens to someone who disappoints me"

Infamous gulped. He looked frightened for a short moment but then his facial expression became determined. "I won't disappoint you"

"I hope that for you"

"Do you have any news for us?"

"We managed to steal more pills from the trolls"

Infamous made a surprised face. "Where do these trolls get all the drugs?"

"They stole it as well. Zul'jin's raiders attacked another bandit camp and those bandits stole the drugs from corrupt human alchemists who tried to smuggle them out in a cart"

"I don't really care where we get them as long as we get enough of them. We're gonna be rich" responded Infamous. His lips formed a wide grin, his eyes reflected greed.

"We have to be careful, this is not as easy as you might think" responded the boss, giving his subordinate a strict look.

Infamous nodded, signalizing him that he understood.

"What are we doing now?" asked the woman with the scar.

The boss didn't look at her as he answered. "Waiting. Waiting for our rogues to return. They have found a small troll camp not far away from this place. Maybe they have managed to steal some drugs, maybe they didn't. We will find that out soon"

The gang waited patiently until three persons returned after half an hour. They wore similar clothes but their faces were covered by veils. It was obvious that they were rogues, otherwise, they wouldn't dress like that. The rogues dismounted and walked to the boss, handing him three larger bags. He opened all three of them, smiling as he saw that every single bag was filled to the brim with pills.

"These were the last pills the trolls had" said one of the three men.

"We have to steal from the corrupt alchemists then if we want to get more" responded the boss.

"Or we make a deal with those alchemists. Maybe we can establish a commercial partnership with them" said the second rogue.

"I will think about that" replied the boss. "Dismantle the camp. We will travel to the next village"

His subordinates didn't hesitate to do what they have been ordered, dismantling the first tents quickly. They had removed half the tents as numerous arrows flew through the air and hit them. The arrows weren't aimed for their heads or other vulnerable spots. Instead, the Farstriders had aimed for their feet. Half of the drug dealers fell to the ground, screamed in pain as they tried to get rid of the arrows. The wounded were lying on the ground, unable to do anything except for hiding behind something. It didn't help them at all because they were surrounded by the elven rangers.

The others, who had remained unharmed until this very moment, were either hit in the foot, in the shin or in the upper thigh. Sylvanas' rangers didn't want to kill them, they only wanted to prevent that they could fight back or flee. Some of them threw knives at the nearest bushes but they didn't hit any of the rangers because they had no clue where they were.

None of the drug dealers had escaped the hail of arrows. Not even the boss. He had been hit by many arrows but these arrows hadn't just hit his legs. There were three arrows in each arm and leg and two in his upper body. He was pinned to a large tree in the middle of the camp. A few feet next to him laid Infamous. Four arrows stuck in his left leg, the rest of his body was unharmed.

Sylvanas' rangers stepped out of the bushes as soon as Sylvanas had given them the signal that the coast was clear. The rangers rushed to the gang members, tying their arms and legs together. They removed the arrows, turned them around and pressed their knees in their backs as they pushed their faces against the muddy ground, preventing that they could get up.

Infamous managed to get up somehow before any ranger could reach him. He pulled a knife from his belt, intending to throw it at Sylvanas who came out of bushes at this very moment. An arrow hit the forearm which was holding the knife, causing him to drop the weapon. Infamous screamed in pain and his screams became louder as Zetai threw him over his shoulder and pressed him onto the ground.

Sylvanas turned her head, looking at the man who had shot the arrow. Kelrian had already pulled another arrow out of his quiver for a case that another gang member would try something. He returned Sylvanas' nod, looking at her for a split of a second before his eyes fell back on the whimpering Infamous.

Sylvanas walked over to the lanky man, stopping a few feet away from him. She scrutinized him closely, smiling as she saw the fear in his eyes.

"You made yourselves liable to prosecution by selling illegal substances to the inhabitants of this land. In the name of High King Anasterian Sunstrider, I, Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner, take you and your men into custody"

With the help of her sisters, she removed the arrows in the boss' body. They tied his hands behind his back, dragging him away with the rest of his gang. Zetai and Kelrian searched the camp for drugs together with the other members of Sylvanas' elite team. They found a few crates in the boss' tent. The crates were filled with pills, gold coins, pieces of jewellery and other valuable items. Mel'ron, one of Sylvanas' best spies, took a few gems out of one of these crates and put them in his pocket. Neither Kelrian nor Zetai said something. They pretended that they didn't see anything as they lifted the crate, which contained at least thousands of pills, and brought it out of the tent. The crate was so heavy that they had to carry it together. Otherwise, one of them would have dropped it and spread its content over the ground.

Together they carried the crate out of the forest. Velonand Felicia, who was a member of Alleria's team, accompanied them and took care of them. Nothing extraordinary happened so the small group managed to bring the crate to the small camp the Farstriders had established two hours ago. They put the crate in front of the Ranger-General's tent, then they turned around and looked at the forest they had just left. The gang members were brought to the camp one by one. Each member was guarded by at least two rangers who made sure that they got no opportunity to flee.

"What are you waiting for?" asked a familiar voice. Both rangers startled, turning around to look at the person who had surprised them. "What was that?" asked Sylvanas, tilting her head a little.

"Well... We weren't expecting you would approach us from behind like a rogue" said Zetai.

"You always have to expect that someone can come from anywhere. Haven't I taught you to be prepared for everything?"

"You did, my Ranger-General. We are sorry" said Kelrian, giving her a smile only she could recognize in the dark.

Sylvanas chuckled, smiling at them. "You don't need to be sorry. I understand that you are tired after chasing these criminals for days but you always have to be prepared for everything. Don't forget that"

"We won't"

"Anyways, we have the gang finally. Now we need to inform Lordaeron about their corrupt alchemists. We also have to take a closer look at the troll camp, the rogues of the gang mentioned" told Sylvanas.

Vereesa and Alleria came to her as they had heard what their sister had just said. "I think our rangers are too tired for a fight" the oldest Windrunner said.

"I never said anything about fighting. I only mentioned that we have to take a closer look at them. You and your team have joined us a few hours ago which means you shouldn't be too tired. Why don't you find out how many trolls are in this camp? Observe them until another group will replace you. I will bring my group to the nearest base and send a group of spies and rogues to you. They will replace you so you can help me to plan a sneak attack"

"As you wish, my dear Ranger-General" responded Alleria, teasing Sylvanas by making a curtsey. Sylvanas rolled her eyes, looking at her other sister.

"What will I do?" asked the silver-haired woman next to Alleria.

"You will interrogate the criminals while I gather more rangers in case there are more trolls than expected in our land"

"As you wish, my dear sister" responded Vereesa, smiling at her. Sylvanas returned her smile, regarding her for a few moments. She turned her head eventually, looking at her secret lover and his best friend. "You two will carry the crate with the pills to the nearest base. Be careful that no pills fall out of it"

Kelrian and Zetai nodded to her and lifted the crate up. They started to walk as Sylvanas told them to follow her. They walked and walked, arriving at the nearest base after two hours. A few rangers took the crate from them, bringing it to the office of the leading captain. Kelrian and Zetai took a rest because they were really exhausted after they had carried the crate for such a long time. Meanwhile, Sylvanas was speaking to the captain. She told him to send his best rogues and spies to the coordinates she had given him, then she informed him what had happened.

The Ranger-Captain nodded to her, telling her that he will do that immediately. Sylvanas gave him a thankful smile, leaving his office the next moment. She returned to her rangers, spotting Kelrian and Zetai first who were having a little chat while sitting on wooden benches. She stopped in front of them, regarding them for a few moments. They stopped talking as soon as they recognized her presence, turning their heads to look at her.

"We will depart in thirty minutes. I know we have travelled a lot today but Silvermoon City is only a ride of two hours away. We will get through that as well. Eat something and relax so you will have enough strength to stay on your horses. I don't want to see that any of you falls off his horse" told Sylvanas.

Kelrian chuckled, giving her a small smile. "Don't worry, Ranger-General. We won't"

"Good. I will see you in thirty minutes then" she responded, walking away after she had received nods from them. Kelrian and Zetai remained on their benches, talking while eating the food, some recruits had brought them. Kelrian noticed a young woman from time to time which seemed to look at him whenever she was in his near. The woman randomly appeared from time to time but she always stayed away from them. Kelrian could have walked to her or told her to come closer so he could ask her what was going on. But he didn't because he was too exhausted to do anything. At least the half-hour of rest restored a portion of his strength.

The meal, which was a bean stew, had been really delicious. It had satisfied their hunger, for the moment at least. They brought the empty bowls to the kitchen before walked to the stable in front of which Sylvanas and the other rangers of her elite group were waiting. Sylvanas was standing next to Mel'ron, telling him to go with the group the captain had gathered to replace Alleria's group.

He turned around, as soon as he was dismissed, and walked over to the group. They were already sitting on their horses so they were able to depart. Mel'ron mounted his horse, leaving the large base with the group without hesitation.

Sylvanas turned her head to Kelrian and his friend as soon as the spies and rogues were gone. She gave them an inviting smile, signalizing them to come closer. The two rangers did as they were told, approaching Sylvanas. She only needed to point at two horses on which no one was sitting to make them understand. They climbed on the horses as fast as possible, making sure they were sitting comfortably in their looked at Sylvanas, showing her that they were ready.

Sylvanas walked over to her horse, looked around and checked if the others were ready as well. Indeed, they were so Sylvanas gave the command to follow her. She spurred her horse, leading her rangers out of the military base. They followed the main road back to Silvermoon City, arriving at the capital city two hours later. The only ones, who were still outside during this late hour, were the guards which were either patrolling somewhere or standing right in front of the main gate. The Silvermoon guardians wore their typical blue-golden coloured armours and carried massive shields and long swords or even spears. They greeted the rangers as soon as they saw them, some of them even bowed as Sylvanas passed them.

The group stopped in front of the main gate, dismounting quickly. The leader of these guards, a petite woman with short blonde hair,saluted to Sylvanas as soon as she approached her. "Welcome back, Ranger-General. I hope your mission was successful"

"It was indeed. Thanks for asking, Captain" Sylvanas scrutinized the guard. Her armour was adorned with more decorations and was made out of a firmer material, which protected her better against magic spells, than the armours of the average guardians. "Is everything alright outside?"

"It is. We haven't heard of any other group of trolls which is causing trouble in our land. The rest of Quel'Thalas is safe"

"There is a group of trolls near the east border but we are already taking care of them" responded Sylvanas. "You don't need to worry but tell your men to keep their eyes open and stay careful"

The captain smiled. "Don't worry, I have already told them this"

"Good. I hope your shift will be uneventful, Captain Blossompicker"

"Thank you, Ranger-General" responded the petite woman, lowering her head in respect as Sylvanas passed her and walked through the opened gate. Her rangers, who had dismounted in the meantime, followed her without hesitation. The streets were rather empty to this late hour, only a few inhabitants could be found there. They greeted the Ranger-General and her companions, then they went on with what they had done before.

The group didn't need long to arrive at the Farstrider Square. Like the streets, the entire square was enlightened so everyone was able to clearly see the magnificent building known as the headquarters of the Farstriders. It was larger than most buildings in the city, its walls were coloured in white and adorned by yellow strips which reached from one side of the to the other. There were six statues in front of the building, three to the left side and three to the right side of the main entrance. The first statue to the left of the entrance was a statue of Sylvanas while the first statue to the right was a statue of Lireesa Windrunner. The other statues resembled common rangers.

Even as a statue Sylvanas looked gorgeous. Everyone agreed on this point. Kelrian was no exception. He regarded the statue longer than necessary, turning his head as Sylvanas' whistle brought him out of his daydreams. He blushed a little but he didn't get embarrassed nor did he look at his feet. He looked at Sylvanas instead, realizing that the other rangers were not there anymore.

"Where are the others?" he asked curiously.

"I've dismissed them, I assume that each of them is taking a rest now"

"Oh, I shouldn't get lost in thoughts so often" he muttered.

"Well" said Sylvanas, looking for the right words. She smiled at him, putting her hand on his shoulder. "You look cute when you are lost in thoughts and staring at something like that" she whispered.

Kelrian just smiled at her.

"Come, follow me to my office. I need your help with something"

"I'm curious what it is" he whispered.

Sylvanas didn't say anything in response. She gave her lover a teasing smirk, then she turned around and walked through the entrance. Kelrian didn't hesitate to follow her, his eyes rested on her butt which she swayed whenever she made a step. She did that on purpose but he didn't object that she was swaying her hips like that. Her well-formed butt looked even sexier in the leggings she was wearing. It was no wonder that Kelrian was unable to avert his gaze. Inappropriate thoughts came in his mind as he kept regarding her ass. Unlike most of the times where he caught himself having these thoughts, he didn't banish them out of his mind. Instead, he remembered how Sylvanas' butt looked like without leggings and underwear covering it.

He was so lost in thoughts that he didn't notice that Sylvanas had stopped in front of a door. She was regarding him with a raised eyebrow, wondering when he would stop. She stepped aside and regarded Kelrian who ran straight against the door and staggered back after his head had come in contact with it.

"Ouch" he hissed quietly as he rubbed his forehead. He turned around after the pain had vanished, looking at Sylvanas whose hands were on her hips. Her head was tilted, an amused expression was visible on her face.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"If only I would know that" he muttered.

Sylvanas smiled at him as she shook her head. She walked to the door and opened it with a key she had pulled out of her belt pocket. She pushed the door open, allowing Kelrian to enter. She closed the door behind her, locking it. She put the key back in the pocket, guiding Kelrian over to her desk.

Kelrian didn't look around in her office because he had seen it a lot of times. He knew on which spot which piece of furniture stood and he knew which door led to which room. The left door at the opposite side of the room led to a bedroom, the other door which was on the right side of the room led to a bathroom.

"How exactly can I help you?" asked Kelrian, regarding her curiously. He tilted his head a little as he noticed the smirk on Sylvanas' lips. She walked over to him, stopping directly in front of him so their bodies almost touched. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He could feel her hot breath on his neck, her skilled hands massaged his shoulders.

"Today was a very stressful and exhausting day. My muscles are tense and my skin is tingling when I'm only in your near. I need to relax and release some stress" she whispered in his ear, licking over its entire length. She chuckled when she saw his ear twitch in response. She didn't need to touch the tip to know it was very stiff, meaning her presence and her actions had the expected effect on him.

"Your wish is my command"

She didn't respond. She just smiled at him, staring into his eyes. She put one hand on the back of his head, pulling it down so she could connect her lips with his. She deepened the kiss as soon as she noticed that he was kissing her back, inserting her tongue in his mouth. She felt that her heart was beating rapidly in her chest as she held the kiss as long as possible. They pulled away but reconnected their lips as soon as they had breathed in enough air.

Sylvanas pushed Kelrian backwards slowly until they reached her desk. She pulled away, biting her bottom lip as she regarded him with a horny expression on her face. She recognized the lust in his eyes which made her even hornier. Her gaze didn't leave his face as she swept the documents off her desk nor did it leave his face as she got closer to him, pressing her hips against his. She put one hand on his chest, pushing him until his upper body landed on her big desk. It was big enough that two persons could lay on it.

She removed the top of her uniform and her bra, dropping them to the floor. Her smirk became wider as she noticed that Kelrian was scrutinizing her nude upper body. She climbed on her desk, sitting down on Kelrian's upper body. "Let the fun begin"she whispered, her voice sounded very erotic.


"I have needed this so badly" admitted Sylvanas as she stretched her back and got off her desk she was sitting at. She turned her head, looking at her lover who was still lying on top of the desk. Kelrian was fully naked, his chest rose and fell with each breath he made. He lifted his upper body up eventually, his eyes scrutinized Sylvanas' nude form. She was doing the same, smiling when she noticed that his gaze rested on her breasts longer than on every other part of her body.

"That's one way to end a very tense and eventful day"

"Indeed" Sylvanas commented. "One way we both enjoy, right?"

He returned her smile. "You are absolutely right my love". He stood up and walked over to her, putting his hands on her hips as he leaned in to kiss her. She didn't hesitate to return the kiss, inserting her tongue as soon as Kelrian's lips were parted. Kelrian wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer as their kiss deepened. Their sweaty bodies were pressed against another, their lips didn't separate as if they were glued together.

But the pair separated after a while. They were breathing heavily, staring into the other's eyes, smiling. Sylvanas lowered her gaze, smirking as she spoke. "It seems you are ready for round two"

She looked up again, finding him smiling at her. "Maybe but at the same time I really need to get a shower"

Sylvanas chuckled. "We can combine both, you know. There is a bathroom we can use"

"How practical"

"It is indeed" Sylvanas pointed at the bathroom. "Good ahead, Dalah'surfal. I will join you soon"

He smirked "You better do, otherwise I have to 'punish' you later"

Sylvanas grinned. "I would love to see that"

"Maybe you will"

"Come, go in the shower. I will join you in a minute"

Kelrian nodded to her, letting his eyes roam over her perfect shape one last time before he turned around and walked to the bathroom, entering it without hesitation.

Sylvanas stared at the door for a few moments before she walked around her desk and opened one of the drawers. She took a small tin, which contained pink pills, out of it. She opened it, took one pill out of it and swallowed it. She closed the tin and put it back in the drawer, closing it as well.

She was about to turn around and walk to the bathroom as she heard loud knocks at the door. A frustrated groan escaped her lips as she heard a voice calling her.

"Who is it" shouted Sylvanas, making sure her frustration wasn't reflected by her voice.

"Ranger-Captain Vara Sweetblossom" a female voice answered.

"What you want?" asked Sylvanas, getting dressed as fast as possible. She rushed over to the wall mirror, fixing her hair.

"I have important news for you, my General"

"Good or bad news"

Vara was silent for a few moments but then she spoke after having considered what to answer. "Both"

Sylvanas walked to her door, opened it and let the woman in. Like her younger sister Salna, Vara's long blonde hair was voluminous and curly. She looked very similar to her sister. The only difference was that she had a long scar on her neck. She had more scars all over her body but they were covered by her clothes.

"Tell me the good news first" Sylvanas burst out.

"Ranger-Captain Sunbather and I managed to take care of the troll problem in the killed forty trolls in total"

"That's good. How many men did we lose?"


Sylvanas was silent for a minute, mourning for the fallen. She exhaled loudly. "At least we won and killed more than we lost. Now we only have to take care of the trolls in the east". Sylvanas made a small pause. "Tell me about the bad news" she demanded, already prepared for the worst.

"Another group of trolls attacked a village in the south. They were killed by the rangers and Silvermoon Guards which were stationed there. But..."

"But what? Spill it out already"

Vara hesitated for a moment. "A group which was patrolling near the village wanted to aid them, but they got ambushed before they reached the village. Only the paladin who escorted the group survived but she was badly wounded. "


"It's the mother of one of your rangers. Her name is Liana Sunsinger"