
Dreams of the Just

Life is a bitch so they said; at a point in one's life you feel you are above the ground struggling hard to keep your balance but the benchmark of the whole escapade is

''Never giving up is the rule of the game''. When life pushes you hard learn the hardest way to live and outgrown the pact depict to you by the circumstances you face on a daily basis; pain is temporary but giving up is eternal.

We don't have the power to change the past but the future is shaped by the decisions we make today, so what matters is what we have the power to change; we were born naked humble and vulnerable, remember it can only get better.

Dare beyond the dream; a goal without a set plan of actualization makes it a vision less dream. In the end what really matters is what one does with the chances he got at every giving opportunities and these either makes or mare us; Life is an empty odyssey and we have been given the power to write in this empty sheet given to us by nature.

On every page u encounter difficulties or opportunities so to say cos difficulties begot opportunities; thinking beyond the box is the essence of creation, imagining what's not in physical form or outside the box lies within rare minded brains, breaking out from the clutch of dynamic exploration is one step away from making a difference; you may be destroyed but not defeated.

In the end all we've ever wanted was to be successful, make our family proud, have that pretty kind of girl, close on a deal, have luxuries of life but behind a successful stories lies nights of tears soaked pillow; when all you have beside you is your pillow, when all you see is the dark ends and u ponder whether there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Indeed life is a journey untold but the most prepared mind makes the best out of it; survival of the fittest. The story behind human existence is still a mystery, the insatiable appetite of mankind for wealth and affluence without considering its detrimental effect on the human race or natural resources is the bane of this generation. Many wants to make it big; bigger than they could ever imagined but never think of the negative impact of these dreams to both themselves and the society they are living.

To think beyond the box doesn't begot selfishness, human race in this era is faced with increasing population of greed and want to have it all syndrome ''Born with a silver spoon'' factor as the phrase goes at times buried the inherent capabilities of those within the clans.

Deal Beyond The Dreams

Offspring of the affluent sees hustling to secure a slot for oneself as a total waste of time and misplaced priorities and will likely settled on the background laid without their efforts;

It pays to do it yourself; Once upon a time, there lives a peacock bird; in his life, he solely enjoys shelter, eats and flies with the mother unfortunately the mother ends in a hunter's trap so the bird has to survive but this time in a hard way all because he never learn the basic ethics that comes with life at each stages.

pains makes us stronger but never get used to the pain; never settled either in one level of success or failed attempt cos at the end, these phenomenon has the capacity to shape our existence. When one

skipped lessons ought to have been learnt at a certain stage just like the peacock bird, revisiting it amounts to difficulties and unexpected encounter.

So timing and learning the basics is the interplay between whether one ends up successful or learning through the hard way taking into consideration that failure is not an option but the capacity one has as a rational being to keep moderation and not to pose unwarranted pressure on both the environment and his neighborhood is the realization of the world that works for all.

What will be will be; Never say die, the only place of unfinished or unaccomplished dreams is the graveyard so far we are still in life forms we all are students of life in view of the uncertainty, what will be and what will not, at the end we have nothing but to keep the balance.

There comes a time when what u trust most fails you, the least you've ever expected never came to light and you feel the whole wide world is upon your shoulder; the storm never affect our mindset, one's innate ability to foster a mind-blowing solution in midst of every adversity create the uniqueness that differentiate between the pundits and the vulnerable.

When u reach that edge where you do things not merely to please anyone but for the just sake then your freedom begins; freedom of the mind is best achieved not earn; just like freedom, money doesn't change people it only reveals them.

The whirl wind of freedom only reveals the true essence of humanity; freedom begot discovery, a mind devoid of slavery is at its peak in all of its undertakings.