

Look, I didn't want to be a demigod. Heck, before I even turned ten, I didn't even know I was part alien. If you're reading this and you think that you weren't born normal like other kids, then I suggest you stop reading, close this book, and live in blissful ignorance. Live a nice, boring life with your normal family. If you are still reading, then you are braver than I thought, kudos. Being a Demigod isn't easy. It is full of hardship every single day. It's dangerous and scary, and most of the time it gets you killed in the worst ways. Everywhere you go, you find enemies that won't stop until you're dead. Only the ones with the most courage can live their lives knowing that terrifying monsters are out there, lurking, but I know you are capable of handling it. You are a Demigod just like me, after all, so you have the stones it takes to live like one. As for me, you don't need to worry about my safety. I don't fear monsters. I'm not afraid of pathetic weaklings, and neither do I grovel at the feet of the arrogant divine. No, I am not the honorable hero who lets himself be someone else's puppet. My blood is mine, my life is mine, and my very fate is mine. The name's Perseus V. Jackson, the son of an Olympian god and a badass mortal woman, and I'm also the genetic offspring of the Venom-Symbiote. That makes me part Greek and part Klyntar, a frightening hybrid fusion between both species that will rise to the top of this world and drown all those who stand in my way in pools of their own blood. We are Silba. Now if you can still believe that this story is fiction and that whatever is going on is nothing but a fairy tale, then fine, do whatever you want. I don't care. But if you think you're like me, alien or not, just don't forget that I warned you, because things are about to get real.

KingofStranglers · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Meeting My Senior (1)

Chapter 5: Meeting My Senior (1)

Sweating the sweat to end all sweats, Percy runs on the treadmill in preparation for the infiltration. The treadmill was set to 25 miles per hour, faster than the average human and half as fast as Venom claimed to be himself, but this was but only a workout for the silver-haired demigod. At his fastest, both Richard and Venom claimed that he could go about 30 mph, as well as having increased high stamina, he could go for days on end without getting tired.

Percy was confusedvaa he felt his senses increase, but the Klyntar explained to him that it was fine and that it was a sign of his impending awakening, saying that the symbiote within himself was stirring and his body was merely changing in preparation.

As a result, he trained twice as hard as he did his first month here.

Thanks to Richard's help, who gave him the layout of St. Paul's mental facility, the plan was set from the start. That being said, preparations for this mission wasn't easy. They all had to spend many hours of their days for this, with Perseus training to his utmost limits nonstop, only taking breaks to eat, sleep, use the workshop, and go to the bathroom.

'I still can't believe I'm letting you do this. I know I already said I was in, and I don't want to demean you, but are you sure you still want to go through with this?' Venom asked his host from within his mind.

The demigod pressed a button on the treadmill, making it slow down as it began stopping, while at the same time slowly walking so as not to trip on himself.

Percy rolled his eyes but nevertheless appreciated the sentiment. "For the hundredth time, yes. The chances of O'niel having the answers we're looking for a pretty high. He can fill in the blanks. We may know who our enemies are, but we don't know anything more. With him, we'll know what battlefield we're standing on." He told the symbiote as he stepped off the treadmill.

Venom grumbled in annoyance. 'That's not the problem here. What if that old guy doesn't have anything to say or doesn't spill the beans? We'd have done all this for nothing.' He replied grouchily.

He didn't mean to be a spoilsport, but he just had to say what was on his mind.

Perseus thought about it as he wiped the sweat off his face. "I don't think it's for nothing. I mean, if we don't complete our original objective, at least we can come back knowing just how well I did." He gave his reasoning, and then threw the sweat-stained towel in a bin for the laundry.

Venom shrugged. 'I guess, plus we've already spent so much time in preparation for this, so no turning back now.' He shook his head.

He knew Percy was spouting bullshit. His host just wanted to meet another of his kind. To see just what type of life his father sentenced him to, and what better way than to meet someone who's lived that same life longer than he has? The black symbiote would never know the full answer though. He may be inside his host's body, but even he wasn't privy to all that made Perseus so special.

"C'mon, don't be like that." He walked out of the gym but then got an idea. "How about this? After we're finished here, I'll go buy as much from McDonald's as you want with the card you gave me." He offered.

The card was a casino card his mother got when she went to Los Angeles for vacation. Venom told him how they went to this fancy place called the Lotus Hotel and Casino, where they did whatever they wanted, like eating exquisite food, winning every game they played, and all the fun stuff you can imagine. It sounded like heaven to the demigod, but that thought immediately went out the window when Venom told him that the place was run by the Lotus Eaters who made people stay forever. They escaped after they talked to a man who claimed it was the 1980s and said it had only been a few days since he went inside.

The reason why was because, for some inexplicable reason, the card had an infinite amount of money inside. No, that's not a joke; the card actually had an infinite reserve inside. It also explained why his mother was never stressed about money.

This was an object most people would give up an arm for, amd now it belonged to Perseus.

Venom jumped for joy. 'Really, you promise?' He asked, receiving a nod. 'Yes, ok, I want 50 cheeseburgers, 20 large fries and a ton of hash browns.' The symbiote exclaimed excitedly.

It was clear to everyone that he was getting tfed up with being fed chocolate all the time and craved some variety, something the demigod would agree with.

Percy rolled his eyes at his antics. "Yes, I promise to get you anything you want. Now shut up and go away. I'm going to take a bath. I smell." He took a whiff of himself and scrunched his nose.

The elder Klyntar blew a raspberry. 'I don't get what the big deal is with you and your privacy. I've already seen everything before.' Venom appeared in the mirror.

Perseus immediately turned his head toward the mirror. "HEY, just because you've seen mom naked all the time and she didn't mind it doesn't mean I do. Now get out!" He yelled.

'Wow, you're so sensitive, you're never going to get a babd with that attitude.' He snarked and left before Perseus threw the treadmill at the mirror.

"That's what I thought." He huffed. Placing the treadmill down, he left the gym.


Fresh out of the bath and no longer stinking up the hideout, the demigod was now in his favorite place, second only to the gym. Perseus had completed the work on his gym gear into a new form suited for infiltration. It was a stealth suit. It featured a sleek, black design to blend seamlessly with the night, effectively concealing his identity except for his eyes, but that wasn't going to be a problem for him.

Additionally, it boasted an invisibility function, but he knew that wasn't enough. Things would definitely go into guestion if people saw his face and he couldn't simply go out like normal. His distinctive silver hair and eyes are a huge give-away. To fix this issue, he made a black wig and acquired contact lenses equipped with night vision capabilities.

'Two hours till ten, feeling nervous?' The symbiote inquired, causing his host to set aside his suit.

"A little. All these preparations aside, I can't help but feel a bit wary." He breathed a sigh of frustration before saying, "Still, it's something I have to do. If I don't, I'll never gather the courage to leave."

Venom gave a sigh akin to that of a parent, and as if by magic, Perseus felt his hair getting ruffled even though there was no physical hand present.

'Perseus, I've had many hosts in my days, but none have displayed the mental fortitude and courage you possess at your age to do what you are planning. You're stronger than you think, and it's not just your untapped power I'm talking about. It's your heart.' He pointed at his host's chest, and Percy felt it pressing against his shirt.

'We'll always be here for you, Perseus, no matter what.' Venom assured him warmly as he gave the child a hug.

At that, Perseus reciprocated the feeling wholeheartedly. "Thanks, Symby." He embraced Venom back, despite knowing he was only hugging empty air.

Venom chuckled. 'Anytime.' He said with a grin and patted the boy's head.

The sweet moment was cut short by Richard. "Ahem, am I interrupting, Master Perseus?" The AI limped in with the busted Iron Man armor, holding a bright, glowing white cube.

The symbiote grumbled. 'Rich, you dick. We were having a moment.' Venom flipped the AI off, earning an amused smirking smile from his host.

"You aren't." He shook his head. "So what's the matter? And before you answer that, are you alright? You look like you've been fried." He eyed the charred armor.

"Please, do not concern yourself with my well-being, sir." The butler waved off. "The extraction of energy from the Arc-Reactor proved to be more challenging than anticipated, resulting in some minor damage. Rest assured, I am perfectly fine, and the hideout continues to function flawlessly." The AI guaranteed his master.

"As for your earlier inquiry, I bring good news. The former security guard has completed his shift, and Denise has assumed his post for the night. This infiltration mission has now become a walk in the park." He informed them, receiving approving smirks from both Percy and Venom.

Denise, a twenty-year-old high school dropout, ended up working at the mental facility as part of his community service for his DUI.

Richard thoroughly researched everything about the facility's weak points, and Denise was very much one of them. Lazy, inattentive, and a terrible attitude, almost never moving himself from one spot the entire night. He was a privileged asshole who lazed around, evading consequences thanks to his father's background.

The elder Klyntar in the room started laughing out loud. 'Excellent, with that guy around, this'll be easier than stealing candy from a baby.'

Perseus arched an eyebrow as he glanced at the mirror. "Why do I get the feeling you'd actually do that?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at the reflection, eliciting a nervous laugh from the symbiote.

"Whatever, put the thing here, Richard." He told the AI.

The small, brightly glowing cube contained a fragment of energy from the Arc-Reactor, intended to power his weapon. Before leaving, his mother had made a prototype for electric-conducting escrima sticks inspired by the comic book hero Nightwing. Unlike the first Robin, these could generate more energy up to 100,000 volts.

You might wonder why Perseus made them so potent. The answer was simple, he refused to take any chances with his safety on this mission. If monsters were going to pick a fight with him, he was going to give them a fight they wouldn't forget.

Richard carefully placed the energy cube into the glass compartment of the machine. As it descended to the bottom, it emitted a white line. The machine's purpose was to extract the energy emanating from the cube and channel it into the shock sticks.

Taking his suit, he said, "Alright, fingers crossed this works." Then, he took a few steps back and gestured for the AI to press the button.

The machine hummed to life, steadily siphoning the energy emitted from the cube and transferring it into the sticks. Within a matter of seconds, the sticks were fully powered, ready for use.

The demigod cautiously reached for one of the sticks and tested it out. It felt lightweight and easy to handle. "It's ready, Richard. Activate it at the lowest level." He instructed the AI, and Richard nodded.

The sticks were designed without an on/off button for the sake of holding more energy in them. To fix that design flaw, Perseus made sure to make it so that Richard could activate or deactivate them at his command.

'I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You truly are your mother's child.' Venom declared proudly, a sentiment Percy wholeheartedly agreed with.



The tip of the stick emitted a dark blue electric light. "This will definitely come in handy. Thanks for your assistance, Richard." He thanked the AI, who deactivated the weapon.

Richard inclined his head in a respectful bow. "It is my pleasure, sir. I am deeply honored to have been entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing these weapons during our excursion. However, if I may inquire, what shall you name them?"

'I'm pretty curious myself.' The symbiote added.

Perseus pondered it for a moment. "Considering they pack more power than the comics, how about calling them electrima sticks?" He suggested.

"A most fitting name for these masterpieces, sir." Richard applauded with his metal hands clasped together.

'Same here, but I can't help but wonder why you decided to create these when you could've made something else for the mission.' Venom asked curiously.

Percy tilted his head slightly. "Is there a problem with them? They're powerful and will be necessary in case of combat." He explained, to which Venom shook his head.

'That's not it. I mean, don't you despise lightning? It's the element that took her life. Wielded by that utter scum. How are you comfortable using these?' Venom asked, and Perseus fell silent.

Percy shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, Venom. I despise that trash for what he's done to our family with every fiber of my being." He said, his grip on the table tightening, bending it upwards.

His eyes filled with contempt narrowed before returning to normal. "I just don't think it's right to blame the element itself for something it had no conscious doing. Is that strange?" He asked, once again displaying his mental maturity, leaving Venom stunned at the answer.

"I don't believe so, sir. Ultimately, it is merely an element devoid of any agency. You hold the gunmen accountable, not the weapon itself. Your decision to utilize this lightning for your own agenda speaks volumes." The AI spoke wisely.

'What he said, blaming others, is the exact thing the gods shamelessly do, even to their own kin. It's commendable that you refuse to let your bias cloud your judgment. Hold onto that perspective, Percy.' Venom stated, and Percy nodded, feeling more sure about his decision.

"I won't. I'll use anything and everything at my disposal." He told them.

The AI bowed respectfully, then glanced at the clock. "It's nearly time. Shall I disengage from the armor, or is there anything else you require of me, sir?"

"No, go ahead. I'll join you in a few moments. There's something I want to grab before we go." The demigod told him, and the AI bowed once more before the eyes of the armor dimmed, indicating that he left.

He caught the armor before it fell. "The Arc-Reactor did some damage to... everything." He sighed, propping it on the wall. "I'll deal with this late when we get back."

Standing up, he walked around the workshop, searching for anything he might need to bring along. He hadn't had the opportunity to personally inspect everything his mom had invented or was in the middle of making, so he wanted to ensure he didn't overlook anything important.

'You searching for something to bring?' Venom asked, to which his host nodded.

"Mhm, I thought I'd bring one more thing just in case I run into any trouble, but it shouldn't be anything over the top like that glider over there." He pointed at the green flying machine.

He checked inside a metal drawer. "I've already got the electrima sticks, and my suit can render me invisible. It wouldn't hurt to bring extra insurance." He explained, examining a bow and a stack of arrows nestled inside the drawer.

'It never hurts to be too cautious. That's precisely what we need to be for this mission. If you're looking for something that packs a punch and is easy to carry, I suggest checking the drawer marked with the number ten over there.' He suggested.

As he opened the drawer, he found himself looking at round black orbs encased in individual compartments. Curiosity piqued, he picked one up to get a closer look, fiddling with it, he immediately moved it away from his face when a dark blue line glowed on its surface.


Percy's silver eyes widened in alarm. "Crap!" He cursed, hurling it at the wall and bracing himself.


A blinding light erupted, causing the demigod to instinctively turn away and shield his eyes. When the intense glow subsided, Perseus cautiously opened his eyes, but all he could perceive was a blur. It took several blinks before his vision returned to normal.

"What?" He blinked a few more times.

The symbiote snickered at his reaction. 'Relax, that was a flashbang you just threw.' The elder Klyntar replied.

Percy blinked in confusion. "A heads up would've been nice!" He retorted, massaging his eyes to ease the discomfort.

"So why did it go off when I touched it?" He asked. "I doubt it's a design flaw."

'Its not.' He shook his head. 'It makes that sound you hear when it's held on a soft platform like your hand. It only detonates after being struck on hard-contact surfaces. Pretty cool, right?'

Percy agreed as he took another one out.


"These are pretty cool. The only issue here is that they could affect me too. Luckily, my contact lenses can handle intense brightness." Percy remarked, patting the case in his pocket.

He then looked down to see a metal belt. "What's this?" He picked it up.

'That's what you'll use to hold them all. Sally made them magnetic so the grenades would stick for easy access. All her idea.' The symbiote replied.

Perseus fastened the belt around himself and positioned the flashbang nearby, watching as it promptly adhered to the side. "How many do you think I should take?"

'Five, give or take seven. We don't want to overdo it.' He answered, and Perseus took the maximum amount.

He took off the belt and draped it across his back. "Alright, I've got what I need. What time is it now?" He then glanced at the nearby clock on the wall. It read 8:45.

'Time to suit up.' The black symbiote said excitedly as his host took the suit with him to his room.


Clad in a black coat over his suit and equipment, Perseus double-checked to ensure their hidden supplies were secure. Satisfied, he leaves the building.

Perseus continued walking until he reached a narrow exit leading to the outside world. Once again, the demigod beheld the landscape blanketed in white snow.

He glanced up at the sky as snowflakes drifted down. "Snow... does that mean my cousin-aunt or whatever is downstairs with my uncle?" Percy mused, extending his hand to catch a falling snowflake.

'Mhm, the Queen of the Underworld, Persephone, is with her husband as we speak, and her mother is screwing us all over because she just can't stand to be away from her daughter for a few months.' The Klyntar remarked, yawning.

'So you don't like winter.' His host asked, receiving a shake of the symbiote's head.

'I actually do like it. Ghe same can't be said about everyone else though.' Venom added before asking, 'By the way, are you warm enough under there?'

'I'm fine, Symby. This is nothing.' Perseus replied.

The demigod then retrieved something from his pocket and affixed it directly to his ear. It was the communication device he had crafted, intended to facilitate private conversations with Richard. Resembling an earpiece, it featured a dark crystal-like shard adorned with circuit symbols. Aware that wearing it in public would draw unwanted attention, he had added a reflective black surface to camouflage it.

Pressing the device against his ear, Percy initiated a call. "Richard, can you hear me? Over."

"Loud and clear, sir. Over." Richard replied.

The symbiote smirked. 'Welp, let's hit the town, boys.' Venom declared, earning a confident nod from his host.

The silver haired hybrid then became invisible and ran forth into the cold, snowy night of the forest, setting his course towards Manhattan.


Seated at the opposite end of a black marble table in a dimly lit room, Sally V. Jackson remained in her chair, dressed in the same attire she wore in life. With her eyes closed, she sat in silence, reminiscing about old songs from her youth to pass the time.

She sighed softly when she couldn't recall a suitable song. "How long has it been since I arrived here? A month. I wonder how Percy is doing. I'm sure Venom is taking great care of him." She mused, a fond smile gracing her lips at the thought of the two interacting.

The former host of the Venom-symbiote pleasant daydreaming was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a door creaking open. Crawling into the room was a woman with crimson red skin, a visage reminiscent of a demon, sharp claws, and leathery bat wings sprouting from her back. This literal spawn of Satan was Alecto, one of the Three Furies and Sally V. Jackson's personal interrogator, assigned to her by the big boss himself.

Alecto emitted a screeching sound and disappeared before reappearing close to Sally. She displayed her forked tongue in an attempt to intimidate the woman she was assigned to watch over, but Sally remained unfazed, not even flinching.

Since day one, the Fury entered the room, altering her form to evoke fear, yet each time, her efforts proved futile. In fact, Sally offered her advice on the most effective ways to induce maximum hysteria.

That's when this peculiar friendship of sorts started with the Fury.

At first, she was confused. Every human she encountered were either humans that cowered in fear or half-bloods who attempted to slay her, yet Sally treated her with unusual kindness. It was as though the mortal before her had faced horrors far greater than her own existence.

Nonetheless, Alecto had been assigned this task by her king to surveil the mortal until his own work was complete, no matter how lengthy it proved to be. Initially, she anticipated it would be another opportunity to instill terror in an evil mortal for her lord's entertainment. However, circumstances unfolded differently, and they unexpectedly developed a sort of friendship.

A bead of sweat rolled down Alecto's face. "Seriously, still nothing." She remarked, arching her eyebrows in disbelief.

Sally offered a warm smile to the batwoman. "Hello, Alecto. And no, that wasn't very effective. You might want to reconsider your approach with that tongue of yours. So, how's your morning been? Or at least, I assume it's morning. It's hard to tell down here." She greeted the Fury amiably.

Alecto smiled back, her yellow fangs on display. "It's indeed difficult to keep track of time in this place, but enough small talk." She became serious. "He's coming right now."

Sally's expression mirrored Alecto's. "Thank you for informing me. I've been wondering when you would show up, but I can hardly blame you. Overseeing the realm of the dead. It's no easy feat."

A man materialized behind Sally, as if he had been present all along. "You have no idea, mortal." The man intoned, his black eyes peering down at her from above.

The man standing behind her was Hades, the King of the Underworld. He stood tall and imposing, draped in a black cloak adorned with images of wailing spirits. His skin was pale like alabaster, his shoulder-length black hair smooth as obsidian, and his eyes a lifeless black hue. To Sally, he appeared like the epitome of madness, were it not for his regal presence, which granted him an ethereal mystique.

Startled at the sight of her son's uncle's sudden appearance, Sally swiftly composed herself and met his gaze. "Still, hasn't it ever occurred to you that keeping a lady waiting is the height of rudeness? Or does your etiquette only extend to your dear wife?" She retorted.

Alecto rose, evidently intending to interject on Sally's behalf, but a single glance from Hades silenced her.

'What are you doing, Sally!?' Alecto worriedly thought. 'There are worse things than being dead here!'

Contrary to the Fury's concerns, Hades merely gave a dark chuckle as he paced around the room. "You have quite the mouth on you." He remarked. "No wonder you caught my foolish little brother's eye."

Sally smiled in response. "Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment." She replied with a smile. "You know, you're not at all what I expected. It's reassuring to know Poseidon was just mouthing off." She added, laughing and covering her mouth.

Hades grimaced slightly at the notion of his brother badmouthing him to his lovers.

Coughing in his hand, he said, "Enough about that." He interjected. "There's something I'd like your assistance with, Miss Jackson." He continued, taking a seat beside Alecto.

"And what can little old me help a god with?" Sally quipped, her tone laced with humor. "Last time I checked, I wasn't that important to this pantheon, besides my fling with your brother." She added, tilting her head playfully.

Hades, however, wasn't fooled by her playful act. "It's about your son, Perseus V. Jackson, and his sudden disappearance." He stated, his voice grave.

With a wave of his hand, he conjured a picture of her child and placed it on the table before her.

A frown etched on Sally's face. "Yes, he disappeared before your brother murdered me in cold blood with his lightning, leaving my child an orphan. What about it?" Her tone was casual, but the King of the Dead could discern the simmering rage in her eyes. She yearned to rip Zeus' head off for what he had done.

A frown appeared on her face. "Yes, he disappeared before your bastard brother murdered me in cold blood with his lightning, leaving my child an orphan. What about it?" She spoke casually, but the King of the Dead could see the rage in her eyes. She wanted to rip Zeus' head off, a sentiment he shared.

Hades sighed, his frustration evident. "Yes, I apologize on that idiot's behalf. The point is that this act has ruffled my two brothers' feathers. Poseidon has become enraged over your unjust death, but Zeus remains firm in his decision. Utter foolishness. Honestly, I've never seen the whole council in such disarray since the Trojan War debacle. Congratulations on that."

Sally shot him a mock smile. "It's good to know that my death played such a small impact on the lives of you cruel immortals. But please, let's not waste any more of our time, or rather, your time, with nonsense. Just ask what you came here for."

Hades raised an eyebrow at the woman's attitude but chose to ignore it, accustomed to such responses. After all, kidnapping your wife will do that to someone's demeanor. "Let's cut to the chase." He began, his voice deepening, causing Alecto to fidget in her seat. "Your child has escaped my brother's wrath, and now the Olympians are demanding his presence. So, Miss Jackson, where do you think your son is?"

Sally remained steadfast, unfazed by Hades' question. She had anticipated this the moment she arrived in the Underworld.

"If you think I'll tell you anything about my son, you are sorely mistaken. You will not get a single word out of me." She retorted, meeting his gaze with a defiant glare.

Hades' eyes blazed with purple fire, casting a malevolent aura that filled the room with dread. Sally instinctively avoided meeting his gaze, knowing the danger it held. "Do you have any idea of what I'm capable of, mortal?" His voice resonated with authority.

"I have countless methods at my disposal to extract the truth from you, and believe me, you won't find any of them pleasant. So, I ask you once more. Where has your son gone, and how has he eluded our surveillance?" Rising from his seat, he loomed over her, his presence overwhelming.

Sally locked eyes with the imposing figure of the Lord of the Dead, feeling a shiver run down her spine as his gaze seemed to pierce into her very soul. Despite the fear that gripped her, she stood her ground, her resolve unwavering.

"You can torture me with whatever horrors you want." She declared, her voice steady despite the trembling in her limbs. "But I will never betray my son to you. So do your worst, Hades!" With that defiant statement, she rose from her seat, meeting his gaze with unwavering courage.

After what felt like an eternity of staring, Hades broke the tense silence with a heavy sigh, sinking back into his seat. "Very well, Mrs. Jackson." He conceded, his tone unexpectedly calm. "I will not resort to harming you." His unexpected response left both Sally and Alecto puzzled.

"Excuse me?" She asked with suspicion.

"You heard me." Hades affirmed, his voice steady. "Torturing you would serve no purpose, as you've made it abundantly clear that you won't divulge anything about your son. Therefore, there's nothing more to do here. You will be sent to Elysium."

"Why are you doing this?" Sally asked, her voice tinged with skepticism. "Won't your brother be furious with you for failing?"

He then raised a finger in the air. "It's because of three simple things. One, I'm not Zeus's servant. Two, f*ck him, and finally, call it a whim. Now I must be going. Our talk has wasted enough of my time as it is. Alecto will send you to Elysium. Enjoy your afterlife, I suppose." He then stood up.

Just as he was about to leave, he stopped. "One last question before I leave. Your son is out there, alone. What are your thoughts on that?"

Sally's smirk held steady as she replied to the god. "If you're asking me if I'm worried for his safety, as a mother, yes. But I know he'll manage. It's your brother's safety you should fret over."

Hades noted her words, sensing a deeper mystery surrounding his nephew.

"Noted goodbye. And as for you, Alecto, I'm aware of your sleeping with the mortal. I'm not interested in your personal affairs. Just make sure it doesn't interfere with your duties, understood?" With that, he vanished into the shadows, leaving a flustered Alecto behind.

Sally laughed at the sight of the Fury. "Haha, I can't believe he knew from the start." She then went to give a hug to the frozen Alecto. "At least he doesn't mind, right." She kissed the red-faced demon on her cheek, who had her hands covering her face in embarrassment.




(A/N: Sally's got Rizz. 😂)