
Chapter 8 of 8

I just looked that him for a second then said why don't you do it first. He just looked at me them said because it is just not the right time

Then win is the right time I asked

I do not know but it is not now at least

For some reason I do not thank he what's me to kiss him but that the same time I do he makes it impossible for me to figure out some days and others I can read him like the back of my hand

You must be in deep thoughts by the look on your face he said

I just looked at him then I said I was but nothing to worry about right I went back to brushing my hair then Apollo got up and went to the bathroom he took a bath he came out with a towel around his waist and the upper have of him showing I just look at him he smiled and said you like what you see I just blushed then looked away I could fell my face bring he got dressed then went out he came back after a while

A maid came in and told us it was time for breakfast

She lead the way to the dining room we sat down it was a quick breakfast after that Apollo was called off to war so I was stuck here for a long time by myself I can feel my demon inside it was mad but I had to keep it in

I told Apollo before he left come back safe to me please I love you he smiled and then rode off with his men