
Chapter 2 of 2

I was walking around and talking to people I had know idea who they were but they knew who I was which made me think my dad did this make it seem like I know everyone and they know me but no

Now it was time to get married to a man that I never heard of before

Now I was opening a door that led to everyone watching me walk do the path and then I got to the stand then after that a man walked in and all eyes went to him it was the some man from earlier the one who caught me and one Avery said the was fine he was thought has he walked down the path all eyes follow him

Win he got up on the stand I had butterflies he was strong and tall his blue eyes made me thank of someone I know in the past but whatever after we got married it was time for me to impress him I sat in the middle of the room and everyone watching me the thang I was going to do for him was play the flute for him he had a straight face the hole time at the end everyone clapped then it was time for me to go to his kingdom and meet his family

On the way there it was silent and I was the first one to broke the silence I asked what should I call you he just looked at me for a second and then look back out the window then he said Apollo you can call me that I said ok then trend around and looked out the window the he said what do I call you Hazel I said you can call me that

Then I asked how many people have you bin with before me then he looked at me and answered not even one I just looked at him in shock and said you are lying to me I said he just shook his head no and looked out the window again

Chapter 3 of 3 will come tomorrow