

Mauro’s POV

Rory was taking her sweet time getting ready. It wasn’t that Mauro wasn’t patient, he had way too many sisters, he knew this part was almost eternal, but Mauro needed Aurora to be ready soon. He had showered and the lotions that Rory had rubbed all over his back were gone now and the itching was back. He couldn’t really wear a shirt with the red skin on his back.

“Rory,” called Mauro knocking on her bathroom door, “Anytime now.”

“Patience,” yelled Rory, “I need to concentrate!”


There was a loud sigh and the door opened. Aurora was there, half her face with makeup while the other remained all natural, “I am not great with makeup, okay?”

“Noted,” he walked into the bathroom past the girl and towards the many creams and lotions that were over the sink, “I need your magic lotions”

“That explains you being in just pants,” muttered Aurora getting closer, “I finish with my makeup and I help you” her eyes staying a second later on his chest.

“Fine,” Mauro said and jumped over the sink and sat there looking at Rory who used the smaller mirror to finish half her face, “What’s this for?” wondered the guy picking up a cupped powder, he opened it, “Oh, it sparkles” the light seemed to reflect on the powder making it shimmer.

Rory looked at him through the corner of her eye and shook her head, “I don’t know the name, but it is useful. I think it is the shimmer.”

“Figures.” Mauro arched his brows, “Okay” he returned the thing back to its place and continued to watch her. Having her close in person was a strange sight.

Sometimes Mauro would remember Aurora, at work, at parties, it was funny how many things reminded him of her. Like once he was with his friends at a seafood restaurant. And from across the room he saw a girl, not even remotely similar to Aurora, physically speaking, however the moment one of her friends offered her an oyster, she made a very specific face. That was what brought Aurora to his mind. If there was something that Rory hated, it was seafood.

Once in high school, Kaya, one of Rory’s friends, decided to celebrate her birthday at Fisher’s. It is a delicious restaurant in Mauro’s head, but Aurora hadn’t been thrilled about the idea. The whole evening the blonde had been making faces, and sometimes even gagging at the things everyone else had ordered.

But that was so long ago, now Rory, though some factions of her face remained pronounced as before, she had changed so much. She had always been pretty, and now well, it was no joke, she was a model. With her long golden hair and intense green eyes that had yellow specks on them, and the way her freckles mimicked the start constellations.

“I am done” spoke Rory bringing Mauro back to reality, her lips a bright shade of red, “Let’s go to the bed” she picked up the lotions ignoring the laughter that had escaped Mauro, “Grow up,” she chuckled and got out of the bathroom.

Right behind her Mauro dropped himself over the bed and waited for Aurora to sit beside him. He exhaled once Aurora’s cold hands touched his sunburnt back. Even if the pain was unbearable sometimes the girl’s hands seemed to have been brought from heaven.

“Are you excited?” mumbled Rory

“I am,” he answered looking straight ahead, “All thanks to you. But I will die once I meet Côme Lavigne,” Mauro didn’t think that it would be so funny, but Rory was laughing very hard, “Hey, I know I am pretty damn funny, but seriously that wasn’t”

“Ay Dios,” laughed Aurora, “Eres todo un caso Mauro”

“Eso es bueno, soy único,” he replied with pride, “Ah!” Mauro shouted once Aurora’s cold hands returned to his back, “Avisa!”

“Sorry,” snorted Rory which just made her laugh harder, “Oh God!” she continued laughing, because her laughter was so contagious Mauro couldn’t help it but laugh as well, “Chill, we are going to be late,” she told herself.

“You gotta keep that laughter in check,” laughed Mauro standing up once Aurora gestures to him ending her job, “I know I am hilarious, but Rory you gotta keep it professional.”

The model scoffed, “You are one to talk Mr. Flores,” she threw Mauro’s shirt to him

Mauro caught it and started sliding into it, “Well I am a businessman, Ms. Lagos,” he finished buttoning his shirt, “I am always professional,” he started to roll up his sleeves.

Aurora shook her head smiling and walked up to him to finish buttoning the last three buttons of his shirt.

She looked really good. Her outfit was just between casual and elegant. Who thought a skirt would make his friend look so elegant yet casual. The color mixes and the way she managed to do her makeup, Mauro knew what was gonna happen. She would ask him to take a hundred pictures just like at the paddock, just like at the beach.

And Mauro wouldn’t mind.

There was a loud crash, “Fuck” snapped Aurora, Mauro hadn’t even noticed when she walked out of the room. He rushed to where she was and the loud crash had been because one of the pots had fallen over. Thankfully it had nothing inside it.

“Are you alright?” he asked, watching how Rory picked the pot up and rubbed her shin.

“Yeah. Todo bien,” she said, dropping the pot over the sink and kept on rubbing her shin, “I knocked it off accidently, damn.”

Together, Mauro and Rory, were waiting for their ride. Both stood just outside the lobby. Mauro was starting to get nervous, he had been an F1 fan for so long that now that he was going to meet four of the twenty drivers, well, he was simply losing it. By the corner of his eyes he saw Rory’s nervous movements.

“Stop it,” he said, “You being nervous is making me nervous.”

“Sorry,” she mumbled and tightened her grip on her purse, “You know, I am a model, but I am no Bella Hadid. I haven’t been to important mingling dinners, or parties, I mean, even in high school I panicked before parties. I don’t know if you remember that?” she looked up at him.

Mauro remembered it, how could he not? He had just seen it once. It was one of the most massive parties he had ever been to. Mauro recalled watching Rory and Rina both just outside the party debating whether to come in or not. It wasn’t until one of Mauro’s friends, Marcelo, pushed them inside that they were at the party. “I might”

“At least you are here with me,” smiled Rory, “Thanks for coming,” she chuckled, “You make me not lose my head”

“What are friends for?” Mauro winked.

Mauro was holding a runaway Rory, “Rory,” he said trying to get her attention, “We can’t leave, we are already here”

“No one has seen us,” Rory squealed, pulling on the tips of her hair to reveal her face, “We can leave.” Then the doors opened, Aurora stood up straight and straightened her skirt, and a lady stared at them with a smile. “Bonsoir,” greeted Aurora

“Salut,” greeted the woman, “Vous êtes ici pour faire la fête?"

Mauro turned to Aurora, he knew nothing of the french language.

“Oui, nous sommes ici pour faire la fête," smiled Aurora arranging her mane of golden locks.

The woman clapped her hands making Mauro wince, “Parfait. Suivez-moi”

“Merci” replied Aurora and gestured to Mauro to follow the woman, “Te dije que nos fuéramos antes que alguien nos viera” she scolded him.

“Esta es tu responsabilidad, ellos nos trajeron aquí,” argued Mauro with a hand on her lower back, “Besides what is the worst that could happen?” He pushed her forward.

“If you jinx this, I’ll murder you”

“Such aggression”

Rory’s POV

Once inside Rory was a completely different person. The nervous girl who almost had to be carried inside by Mauro was gone. This was Aurora Lagos, the model, soon to be supermodel. She was proper, she was poised, she was fearless.

Aurora scanned the room until she made eye contact with an older man. When their eyes met, the man stood from his place and started walking towards her. She reached for Mauro who was behind her and tugged at his hand.

“The guy heading our way,” whispered Mauro into her ear, “Is Françoise Tour, team principal”

“Thanks” she whispered with a smile

“Aurora” Tour greeted stretching his arm, “It’s a pleasure to have you”

“I am honored to be here,” thanked Aurora with a slight giggle, “I am so excited to meet everyone”

“Then let's get on with it,” Françoise Tour definitely had an accent, he stopped making Rory almost bump into him, if it hadn’t been for Mauro pulling her back, Aurora would be the color of the reddest tomato. “Please have a drink, I’ll see if I can find the boys,” the team principal disappeared.

“¿Flores?” a voice called

Aurora saw how Mauro turned around a smile forming on his face, “Wicho!” the blonde shook her head, of course he knew Wicho.

The Mexican driver walked up to them and hugged Mauro who returned the hug, “Mirate, ya estás más alto que yo,” laughed the driver scanning Mauro from head to toes. He was right. Mauro was maybe a head taller or more. Then Wicho’s expression turned serious, “Heard about you old man, I am sorry.” Wicho was a raven haired with a lock beard. He was 30 years old, but definitely looked a bit younger on tv, now that Rory had the driver right in front of her, Wicho did look his age.

Mauro tensed, so Aurora placed a hand over her friend’s shoulder and kindly caressing it, “Yeah, thanks man,” Wicho nodded, “This is a good friend of mine, Aurora Lagos”

“¡Claro!” Wicho greeted the girl with a hug, “You are the model working with Alpha.”

“That’s me, yeah” chuckled Aurora once the hug had ended, “Es increible conocerte Wicho”

“El placer es mio” the driver replied and gestured for them to sit at one of the tall tables, “So tell me how’s the principality treating you?”

“Alright,” Mauro managed to get drinks for the three of them and handed one to each one, “So Wicho,” he cleared his throat, “Ya estás listo para que Flores Internacional sea un patrocinador?”

“Tu sabes que si, mandale mail a mi representante” smiled the raven haired taking a sip of his drink

“Oh I have. No response yet,” explained Mauro, tapping his fingers over the table, “The big guy likes to have no competition I guess.” Wicho was being sponsored by the richest man in Mexico and because of the shared nationality, Wicho’s sponsor was possessive over the driver. Rory couldn’t blame him, having the only latinamerican driver wearing your sponsorship obviously worked wonders.

“Likely,” agreed Wicho and turned to Rory, “Have you met the boys of Silverlane yet?”

She shook her head, her hair slightly caressing her bare shoulders, “Not yet”

“Help us here, Wicho,” Mauro placed a hand on Aurora’s shoulder, “Aurora is not a fan of Gervais, more like a hater”

“No, I am not!” gasped Aurora leaving her glass over the table, then she turned to Checo, “I don’t hate him, that’s a lie!”

Mauro corrected himself, “Fine, she strongly dislikes the guy,” while Rory glared at him, “Is he a nice guy?”

“Jean?” the man blew raspberries, “He’s tough. But why don’t you like him?”

“Cause he dislikes you” answered Mauro stealing the words from Aurora, “She is highly protective of our people”

Wicho turned to Aurora, “Mira a mi no me molesta, puede quejarse todo lo que quiera.”

“Pero no es tu culpa que te quiera más La Rouge,” argued Rory folding her arms over her chest, “He’s just salty”

“He is. But can you blame him?”

“Aurora!” called a man and upon a closer look it was Tour followed by no other than Jean Gervais and Yori Tsuchida.

“Hablando del rey de Roma,” laughed Mauro. Both Wicho and Rory gave him a warning look, which just made him laugh harder.

“Boys,” spoke the principal again, “This is Aurora Lagos, she’ll be working with us”

“Hi” smiled Yori extending his arm at Aurora, Rory jumped carefully of her chair and stood to stretch hands with the driver, “I am Yori”

“Hi” smiled Rory, “Aurora, but you can call me Rory”

Yori chuckled, “This is Jean” he motioned to the man behind him. Yori was shorter in person, Rory had not expected that. The Japanese driver had messy black hair that seemed to have been combed against his will, he wore a pair of beige khakis and a loose white short sleeved shirt.

Jean extended his arm at Aurora who stretched it kindly, the smile not leaving her face. Up close the french driver was maybe hotter than what Rory had been expecting and she could feel her cheeks turning red. He had dark blondish hair with piercing icy blue eyes that did not waste time and scanned the model from head to toe.

“And this man must be your manager?” said Tour gesturing to Mauro who was gulping down his drink.

The blonde looked over her shoulder at her friend and shook her head before facing Françoise again, “No, my manager couldn’t make it, but Mauro offered to accompany me”

“Bodyguard?” wondered Yori, eyeing the Mexican.

“More like friend,” spoke Mauro, “It's nice meeting y’all,” he stretched hands with the drivers, “Ves no se ve tan malo,” joked Mauro leaning to Aurora.

“Callate” she hissed with a smile on her face.

Wicho was holding his laughter back from his seat, Rory’s cheeks couldn’t be any redder. Though she was thankful for Mauro’s presence, at the moment she wanted him to disappear.

Before leavingFrançoise Tour said, “I’ll leave you to get to know each other”

Once gone Yori sat beside Wicho and Mauro and Rory returned to their places while Jean sat to his teammate 's left. The chatting was comfortable with Mauro’s extroverted-self and Yori and Wicho’s jokes, Rory was feeling relaxed. Jean was not as talkative, but did participate, laughed and turns out the guy was very expressive.

“So, so” laughed Yori after one of Mauro’s anecdotes, “You both are from Mexico?”

“That’s right” replied Aurora, “Borned and raised,” taking a drink of her glass.

“Je ne te crois pas” huffed Jean from his seat

Aurora turned to him, “Mais je suis, cent pour cent Mexicaine.” She knew she didn’t speak French like a native, after all it was her third language but she could hold her own. Silence reigned the table as Mauro, Yori and Wicho stared at Rory with surprise, well Mauro not surprised but shocked. “Tu es cent pour cent français?”

“Oui, bien sûr” he replied amused by the model, “Je ne savais pas que tu parlais français, je suis désolé" Jean slightly bowed his head.

Aurora smiled, “Je suis plein de surprises"

The french driver laughed, “I bet”

Mauro turned from Aurora to Jean, “¿Qué le dijiste? ¿Qué te dijo?” he asked, eyeing the blond from across the table.

“Nada importante” Rory assured him, “No me cae tan mal”

As the night continued Mauro and Aurora had already met Visser and a couple of engineers. But the night became unbearable when Chris Honnor made an appearance.

“Smile” whispered Mauro into Rory’s ear as the team principal was heading their way, “He’s Wicho’s boss,” Rory bit back an insult, “I know, I don’t like him either, but once we are out of here you can tell me all the insults you wanna say to him”

“Sounds fair,” Rory put on one of her trained smiles as Mauro returned to get himself another drink.

“Ah, Ms. Lagos,” grinned the man once he was close enough to the two, “I thought you would not come”

“And why is that?” wondered Rory leaving her drink on the table behind her.

The team principal shrugged, “It is not a femenine-liked sport”

Maas Visser must have noticed the blonde’s face because he was then by her side a hand over her shoulder in a second, “Hey Rory have you met,” he quickly scanned the area and grinned, “My engineer? Come, come!” he urged pushing Aurora far away from his boss, “You are very expressive,” Maas laughed, “I like you.”

“He is the reason girls don’t watch F1,” Aurora huffed, “What a fucking idiot!” Maas laughed as they walked a huge circle before ending up back at the table with Jean.

“I leave her in your capable hands, or she might kill Honnor” explained the blond.

Jean finished his drink and chuckled, “I might help her with that. Il est..-”

“Stupid? Connard? une personne dégoûtante?"

“D’accord” Jean laughed, “Seems you hate him more than I do.”

Rory rolled her eyes, “Some men are just despicable.”

Finally the night ended, Mauro and Rory said their good-byes and went back to their hotel. Mauro might have been a little too happy, for he had too much to drink. Funny thing was he hadn’t looked tipsy at the party; it wasn't until they were at their suite that Mauro showed his true state.

“No more drinking for you, mon ami,” chuckled Rory once Mauro dropped over his bed, “I’ll see you in the morning”

“Nuit nuit, Rory” mumbled Mauro waving at his friend before disappearing into his room.

Rory shook her head, “Goodnight Mauro”