
Like part of the family

Rory’s POV

The moment Rory saw Marcos walking through the Salazar’s main entrance she jumped off her chair and lunged towards the Spaniard. She hugged him so tight Marcos had to ask her to stop. His luggage was already on the floor. The Mexican retrieved her arms from around the Monoposto driver and before he could react, Rory had slapped the back of his head.

“¡Ay!” cried Marcos rubbing the back of his head, “What was that for?”

“Lloyd cheated on Luna?” exclaimed the blonde. Rory was angry. She knew that Lloyd had changed since Marcos left Mirage, but he had become another complete person the moment his comms officer left as well. The model still loved Lloyd, but he was turning into a very mean guy. If Nickson didn’t keep that in check soon enough everyone would turn on him just like it was happening then.