
Keeping the Lie

Mauro’s POV

Mauro was angry. Right after arriving at the table and seeing Aurora as pale as snow, his anger was aching to be seen, to be heard. Instead he walked over to her and kissed her head, making sure she knew he was on about the ruse. The way Marcos Salazar Senior was looking at her made it very clear that he disliked Mauro’s friend, he couldn’t do anything about that, but he sure as hell could make Aurora’s discomfort slip away. When he placed a hand on her thigh, he didn’t do it for the sake of a fake relationship. Marcos had gotten him up to speed outside. He had done it to calm her down and for the looks of it, it had worked.

After a wonderful dinner and a conversation irrelevant for three people at the table, Aurora yawned and turned to the Salazar couple, “I am terribly sorry. Estoy exhausta, no se si me podrian decir donde voy a dormir”

“Claro querida, seguidme,” Mrs. Salazar stood from the table and guided the girl out of the dining room, Mauro watched them go.

“Aurora nos decía que tu padre es Monoposto tifosi,” commented Mr. Salazar calling Mauro’s attention, the brunet nodded, “¿Ya no lo es?”

The guy chuckled, he knew for a fact that even in death his father was a Monoposto tifosi, “Estoy seguro que aún lo es,” Marcos stared at his friend and Mauro noticed, he cleared his throat and added, “My father died a couple weeks back,” the confession had taken both men aback, “Rory thought that going to a race would cheer me up,” he smiled remembering the night she had called him. It had probably been the worst night after his father’s death. Mauro still didn’t understand how he managed to not sound broken over the phone, “She had had an interview and said something about her being a big fan of F1,” Mauro chuckled, “She says it is my fault, but,” he shrugged, “She fell in love with Marlloyd’s bromance”

“Who wouldn’t?” Joked Marcos even making his father smile.

“If she hadn’t called that night, I don't know what could’ve happened,” he said under his breath. Now he took revenge, “Aurora was so excited to meet you sir, I don’t know why she just left,” Mauro turned back to where he had seen her last, “I even dreamt with you because of all the things Aurora was telling me about you on the plane,” that was a complete lie, but the Spaniard was falling for it, “I’ll ask her later.”

Marcos cleared his throat and stood up, “Me retiro, Mauro mañana ya tengo todo el día planeado”

“No me sorprende” grinned the Mexican, “Hasta mañana caballeros.”

The guy arrived in the spare room to find Rory laying in bed with her phone in hand, “I thought you were tired,” she gave him a tired smile, “You missed dessert.”

“I lost my appetite,” she said, returning her gaze to her phone’s screen.

Mauro sat on the edge of the bed beside Aurora, he then pulled the phone down and looked her in the eye, “Aurora Lagos losing her appetite? Is the world ending?” He cried out, “I am too young to die!” Aurora laughed and retrieved her phone from his grasp, “Marcos Salazar Senior is a horrible person.” Mauro declared.

“Why would you say that?” wondered the blonde looking at him up and down, her green eyes all over him.

“Cause he made you lose your appetite” answered Mauro, “And no one makes my fake girlfriend lose her appetite!” Aurora laughed more authentically now, “And dessert wasn’t even that good. Be proud of me I slapped him with white glove.”

“My hero,” smiled Aurora looking at Mauro straight in the eye, and once the guy flinched Aurora furrowed her brows, “What’s wrong?”

Mauro scratched the back of his neck, “Dany has been calling me nonstop,” he sighed, “She is working marketing at the company. Let’s just say she isn’t doing very well.”

“Poor Dany,” commented the blonde as Mauro walked over to the bathroom. Aurora knew Dany, one of Mauro’s many siblings. Dany and Aurora had been together in the track and field team back in highschool. The blonde wasn’t a stranger to the Flores Family, actually they had always been close. “She’s smart, calling her big brother.”

The brunet heard the girl’s words from the other side of the bathroom door, “She is a pain in my ass. Calling me twice a day, or more, asking me questions that I have no answer for,” Mauro huffed, taking his shirt off and sliding into his pajama shorts. He stopped before turning the door’s knob, “Rory?”


“Would you mind if I sleep without a shirt?” they were sharing a bed, they had to fake a relationship, but it felt weird and he wouldn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

“I don’t mind,” was her response and with a deep breath Mauro walked out of the bathroom, “Since when are you body shy?”

Shrugging, Mauro replied, “I am not. It just feels weird being shirtless in bed with you,” Aurora narrowed her eyes, “Not that way, just I mean,...I…”

“Relax Mauro,” chuckled Aurora, slightly slapping his shoulder, “I am not wearing any pants,” she said, “But I gotta say I did steal the shirt from your things,” Mauro’s eyes scanned the t-shirt, it was true, the shirt was his. It had the Hard Rock Cafe logo on it and if he had to guess it probably caressed the upper part of her thighs.

He snorted, “Then we are definitely selling the couple charade.”

“Of course,” smiled the blonde, getting comfortable in bed still looking at him, “Why is Dany working marketing?”

Jumping in bed to Aurora’s side Mauro sighed, “She wanted to do something in the family business,” Mauro was CEO, his older sister Sofia was CFO, and Dany was well searching to be something with in Flores Internacional, “Sofi did kill her excitement, saying she was young and knew nothing about that and so did my mother.”

“Oh no”

“Yup. And well I did give her the job,” to this moment Mauro still didn’t know if it had been a good idea, “And now she calls me whenever she feels like it. I am her boss, and I am on vacation.”

“No, you are her big brother,” corrected Rory, “And the only relative who supports her,” with that Mauro remained silent, “She loves you Mauro, and Dany is probably afraid of failure. Imagine what Sofi will tell her if she does.”

Sofi, Mauro’s only older sister, was a tough woman with a two year old son and another on the way. She had their father’s personality, strong, determined and intelligent, but she lacked a big trait from Mauro Flores Senior; empathy.

“Besides, she has always turned to you when she has problems, if anything you spoiled her,” Mauro instantly left his mouth open, “Don’t act so surprised.”

“Good night,” Mauro turned around giving his back to Aurora who laughed, it wasn’t until he felt Aurora’s fingers on his shoulder that his smile vanished. His skin ran up with goosebumps and he internally cursed himself once Aurora’s body was pressed against his.

“You are such a drama queen,” said Aurora resting her head on the side of his shoulder, “You are a good CEO, Mauro. But you are a better brother,” she said and went back to her side of the bed, “Rest well” and with that the girl fell asleep so close to him.

Rory’s POV

By the time Rory woke up Mauro was gone. Still she knew he was around, Rory could hear his voice. He seemed to be on the phone. So Rory stood up, her naked legs running goosebumps as the cold clashed against them. Must she be so easily cold? Rolling her eyes, she leaned against the window, her forehead against the glass. Should she just get out of there? The girl, even after a long night’s sleep, was exhausted. Maybe it had been last night’s dinner, or the many indirect comments from Marcos Salazar Senior, whatever it had been, had drained Aurora.

“Dany you are not listening,” came Mauro's voice as he walked out of the bathroom in a fresh outfit, with a quick nod he greeted Aurora before returning to his call, “Ask Sofi, she won’t kill you. God damnit! ¡Daniela ahorita lo hago, solo saco la computadora!”

“Morning” grinned Aurora

“Morning” grumbled the brunet dropping onto the bed and pulling his backpack over his lap, he proceeded to take his laptop out and opening it, “This is your fault”

“My fault?”

“You are a good CEO, but you are a better brother” mimicked Mauro, “Argh! I am suffering because of you”

“¡Yo no te obligo a escucharme!” argued the blonde looking for her change of clothes, “Did you shower?”

“Not really”

With that Aurora walked over to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She showered before walking out of the bathroom with a white blouse with a turquoise colored blazer and a pair of denim shorts. Casual, but pretty.

“Morning guys,” walked Marcos into the room forgetting all about knocking, “I have a work out from 9 to 12, wanna join?”

Aurora turned down to look at her outfit and then at Mauro who was staring at the man with a raised eyebrow, “Not me,” she said, shaking her head.

“I’ll go just let me finish this for my sister,” said Mauro, throwing a glance at Rory which meant that it was all her fault.

Aurora sat comfortably on the deck with a lemonade glass on her hand. She didn’t sit looking at the beautiful garden with the flowers and the very green grass, no the blonde was facing the opened glass doors leading to an indoor gym. Her views were bare backs and sweaty arms. Marcos and Mauro were exercising as Rory watched. It sounded creepy but the three of them had it going. They talked as the boys worked out. It wasn’t until Sal called Aurora that the blonde stood from her place to answer the call.

“Bonjour mon ami” Greeted Sal through the phone, “Comment ça va?”

“Ça va tres bien, tres bien” chuckled Aurora looking at the men over her shoulder, “Toi?”

“Je suis très fatiguée, Aurora,'' sighed Sal, being dramatic as usual, “I am returning to L.A, tonight, so I will pick you at the airport tomorrow,” Aurora was expecting something more sustancious, “However that is irrelevant. Rory I got you very good news”

“Oh, do share, love!”

“I got you a casting for Desigual in Madrid,” squealed Sal and Aurora knew she would have dropped her lemonade, “I told them that you were there and that you leave tomorrow, they hesitated for a minute but then I sent them some of your works and it was an instant yes. They say you do have the hipster elegant flare that they try to sell.”

“Oh my God!” Aurora started jumping, repeating the same phrase until she faced the gym where both Marcos and Mauro stared at her confused, “Alright, when do you need me there or how? When? Where?”

Sal melodious laughter echoed through the phone, “Alright I’ll text you everything”

“Thanks Sal!”

“Don’t mention it girl, but you’ll tell me all about it!”


Aurora hung up the call and ran to the guys, “Marcos, Mauro I can not spend the whole day with you. I am sorry” however there was a huge smile on her face, the men turned to look at each other and then back at her

“Te ves tan triste por ello,” muttered Mauro with sarcasm and Marcos nodded to his side.

Aurora cleared her throat, “Desigual wants me in one of their castings,” she beamed, “They say I have their hipster elegant flare!”

“What does that mean?” asked Marcos looking at Mauro who shrugged in response

The blonde inferred that it was about her style but she pushed her hair out of her face, “You wouldn’t know”

Mauro mocked the girl’s movement and returned to where he had been minutes earlier, “Fine then I get to spend the whole day with Marcos”

“Good luck!” smiled the blonde talking to Marcos, “Just so you know he gets cranky if he doesn’t eat”

“Noted,” chuckled Marcos, “Just like Lloyd.”

The boys ended their training and both went to take a shower leaving Aurora seated at the terrace happily listening to music. All of a sudden her phone rang. The blonde picked it up with a polite hello, but both the caller and herself got taken aback. They didn’t seem to recognize each other.

“Hello? Who is this?” asked Rory a bit skeptical

“The phone’s owner’s sister,” came the answer.

“What?” mouthed Aurora and pulled the phone to her face, it wasn’t her phone. It was Mauro’s, “Oh!” she quickly then placed the voice, “Dany, hi, it’s Aurora.”

“Aurora? Lagos?” came the girl’s reply

“Yeah, how are you?”

“Not exactly great,” said the younger girl, “My Mom is going to call Mauro, asking for an asset that I have not finished. I just need ten minutes.”

“Dany, your brother is showering right now. I don’t think he will even answer your mom.”

“Then you answer, you distract her, okay? Just ten minutes,” came Dany’s plea, “Please!”

Aurora rubbed her forehead and nodded, “Alright. Be quick,” just as the Mexican ended the call another one came in. Aurora allowed the phone to ring twice before picking it up. Mrs. Flores tag appearing on the screen. “Hello?”

“Mauro?” spoke the woman sounding honestly surprised

“No,” Rory chuckled, “It’s Aurora Lagos, Mrs. Flores.”

There was a gasp, “¿Aurorita? Cuanto tiempo muñeca”

“Ya sé, cuánto tiempo,” laughed the blonde, “¿Cómo ha estado?” Worry taking over the girl’s voice, she didn’t know if she should mention Mauro’s dad’s death, she opted not to, “¿Como la trata el clima?” back in Monterrey where both Aurora and Mauro were originally from was having a very hot spring, and a horrible drought.

Starting with a sigh Mrs. Flores replied, “Qué va, me estoy derritiendo y eso que soy local,” laughed the woman, “Pero la verdad es que bien, muñeca. Suenas muy grande, ¿ya cuántos años tienes?”

Aurora chuckled, the woman’s voice was the same as she remembered, and she was as attentive as always. “Recién cumplí años, 22” she answered and sat comfortably in the chair.

“Ya estas bien grande” chuckled the woman, “I remember when my husband got you that modeling gig in Palacio,” sighed Mrs. Flores, “You were jumping so high when we told you,” The blonde felt butterflies in her stomach, she still remembered that day. Rory had been overjoyed.

“What? No! Really?” Aurora remembered asking over and over again as the Flores marriage and her own mother stood around her. Her eyes were so open the images lived vividly in her mind. She hadn’t expected to receive such a gift for her nineteenth birthday, but Mr. Flores had always had a good relationship with Aurora’s family. Once upon a time Mr. Flores and Aurora’s mother had been best friends, then life made them grow apart. However, that didn’t stop them from introducing their respective families. For example, Aurora and her family would have dinners together, but it wasn’t until highschool that Rory and Mauro started getting along. “I can’t thank you enough” she hugged both Mr and Mrs. Flores

“How is your career now?” came Mrs. Flores’s voice which brought Aurora back to the present, “Who are you modeling for?”

“Right now, I am modeling for Monique Lhuillier, and Swarovski is in talks with my manager.”

A happy squeal was heard from the other side of the line, “Dios mio, Mauro would have been so proud, Aurorita,” then a sigh, “So, querida, did I misdialed your number?”

“Oh no,” smiled Aurora, “You called Mauro, but he’s in the shower.”

“You are with Mauro, still?” Mrs. Flores asked.

Aurora nodded, “I am, we are in Madrid right now.”

“I thought Mauro was in Monaco. Oh! I am so happy he went with you! Tell me, querida, how did that happen? As far as I am concerned Mauro hasn't talked to you in years. Since when are you a couple?”

The question was raised into the air and just as Aurora was going to answer Marcos Salazar Senior walked into the gym behind Rory. Instantly she sat upright, her eyes on the garden. She couldn’t think of anything that she could say and not give away their fake relationship. So Aurora remained silent, her mind trying any excuse.

“I am sorry Aurorita,” came Mrs. Flores's apology, “No quise incomodarte. Mauro did specify that he was going with a friend,” peace settled in the girl’s chest, “I shouldn’t have assumed anything.”

“No se preocupe,” said Aurora, “Es normal que ese sea el primer pensamiento.”

“Gracias linda, bueno ya te dejo, ya ni me acuerdo porque le marcaba a Mauro. Cuando salga de bañar dile que me marque, ¿si?”

“Claro, claro, yo le digo”

“Fue un gusto hablar contigo Aurorita”
