Scene: The Agreste Mansion's basement. Gabriel is visiting Emilie, who is still unconscious.
Gabriel: Emilie, I miss you every moment. But one day, I will get the Miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir, repair the mistakes of the past, and make sure you return to us.
"Of course an episode like this would start with an ominous scene," Angel noted in which everyone else nodded in agreement although most of them are still confused since they had no clue about Cat Blanc.
Scene: Outside Collège Françoise Dupont. Alix is navigating around some cones on her roller skates.
Alya: Today's the day, I can feel it!
Alix: Bet you my skates she won't do it.
Rose: And I'll bet my favorite unicorn plush that she will!
Mylène: Oh, Marinette.
Alya, Rose, and Juleka: (looks up) What? (sees Marinette) Aw...
Marinette: I was thinking maybe Adrien doesn't like berets, or what if he hates it when people celebrate his Fifth Name's Day? Or... maybe he wouldn't want to know that I love him?
Alix: (sticks her hand out to Rose) Don't worry, Princess Twinkle Peach will be happy with me. (Rose hands her unicorn plush to Alix)
Alya: The only way you'll know is to tell him how you really feel!
Marinette: I know, but... (reaches for something in a picnic basket but Rose shuts it)
Rose: That's it, Marinette! No more picnics, sleepovers, or going to the movies with us until you give him that gift! You made that hat for Saint Athanase Day, which is today! How is Adrien supposed to know you're thinking of him on his Fifth Name's Day if you don't give him your gift?
"Wow, Rose! I've never seen you act like this before," Kim said in shock towards the usually happy go-lucky girl as well as the others who weren't there.
"What can I say? I was getting sick of Marinette backing out of confessing to Adrien. Plus I didn't want to lose Princess Twinkle Peach!" Rose said in her defense in which everyone else snickered in agreement.
Alya: She's right. Today is the day!
All the girls except Marinette: GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO!
Mylène: Rise and shine! Behold, the goddess of self-confidence has awakened! (Marinette runs up the stairs as her friends are chanting.)
Alya: And don't forget the card!
Scene: Subway tunnel.
Tikki: Are you really gonna do this?
Marinette: I am, Tikki. And you know what I won't take for an answer?
Scene: Near the Agreste Mansion
Nathalie: (through camera speakers) No.
Marinette: Okay, well, um uh, when will he be back?
"Way to not take no for an answer, girl!" Alya sarcastically said to her best friend with a sarcastic smile and a double thumbs-up to match, making everyone else chuckle in agreement while Marinette blushed pink in embarrassment.
Nathalie: (through speakers) I can't tell you. Goodbye, young lady. (camera gets covered)
Marinette: (checking phone) But Adrien's fencing class ended 27 minutes ago! He should be back by now!
Tikki: Maybe you can give him his present tomorrow at school?
Marinette: No. You heard what Rose said. I can't back out again. (runs farther) Since he's not back yet, I can go through the window!
Tikki: Oh, no no no! You know it's not a good idea to use your powers for personal reasons.
Marinette: I'll be quick, Tikki, no one will ever know! (runs past the bodyguard's car. Adrien notices Marinette and smiles. Marinette runs into an alleyway.) Tikki, spots on! (Marinette enters Adrien's room through the open window.)
"You sure you were in love with Ladybug instead of Marinette, dude? Because that smile you just did says otherwise," Nino noted to his best friend with a teasing smirk along with everyone else while the blond boy blushed pink while also slightly smiling in embarrassment.
Scene: Adrien's room
Ladybug: (gasps) Adrien's trophies... Adrien's basketball hoop... Adrien's foosball table... (lightly brushes her hand against his desk) Adrien's desk... Adrien's video games... (lies on his bed) Adrien's bed…
"Oh, gosh! I was acting like a total fangirl!" Marinette exclaimed as she buried her face in embarrassment while everyone else laughed hard in agreement.
Scene: In the Agreste courtyard. Adrien's bodyguard drives in and Nathalie is standing at the doorway.
Nathalie: You're very late, Adrien.
Adrien: (holds the medal around his neck) The awards ceremony took longer than expected. Then we gave Kagami a ride home. (enters the house, then turns around) Will you let my father know I won?
Nathalie: As soon as he's done with his work.
Scene: Adrien's room
Ladybug: (sniffs Adrien's pillow) Adrien's scent... (sits up) Adrien's present! (places the gift on his pillow and begins to leave but turns around) The card, I forgot the card! Uh... (picks up a pencil from Adrien's desk) This should do. "Signed, Marinette." (puts the pencil back and leaves. Just as she swings out the window, Adrien opens the door.)
"Me leaving my gift for Adrien and signing my name on it is what started the events of Cat Blanc. Although I don't know what happened in-between. Bunnyx wouldn't show me," Marinette explained and the audience glued their eyes to the screen, dying to know what happened.
Adrien: Ladybug? (unwraps the gift) Why would Ladybug leave me a gift from Marinette? And with a heart embroidered on it?
Plagg: Uh well, it's obvious because Marinette asked her to!
Adrien: Or because... Ladybug and Marinette are the same person! (shows picture flashbacks. The flashback opens from Glaciator)
Ladybug: You're my friend, and I'd never want to lie to a friend.
Cat Noir: But why do you think you'd be lying?
Ladybug: 'Cause... there's this boy, I… (The flashback ends)
Adrien: Me!
"Really? You figured out Marinette being Ladybug is when you realized that she loves you?!" Alix asked in disbelief towards the blond boy along with the others.
"I guess I was taking a shot. Besides, that never happened," Adrien said in his defense as he shrugged.
"That's true. I managed to erase that from happening after I defeated Cat Blanc," Marinette confirmed for Adrien.
Plagg: No no no no! (tries pulling the beret away from Adrien) It doesn't make any sense, Marinette is Marinette and Ladybug is—
Adrien: Marinette! (holds the beret closer to him)
Plagg: Okay Adrien, this whole thing smells like rotten cheese. You know you aren't supposed to know each other's secret identities!
Adrien: Just because I know her secret identity doesn't mean she has to know about mine. Everything will be just fine, I promise. (wears the beret and runs out)
Plagg: Adrien! Putting a smelly piece of cheese in a box doesn't stop it from smelling!
Scene: Rooftops. A portal opens and Bunnyx steps out.
Ladybug: Bunnyx?
Bunnyx: Minibug, something happened today that caused a major disaster in the future. I'm not sure what it was or when it happened exactly. Nothing unusual to report on your side?
Ladybug: Uh...
Bunnyx: Think, Minibug, think!
Ladybug: Uh... no?
Bunnyx: Ugh! In my burrow, now! (grabs Ladybug's wrist and pulls her into her time travel burrow)
Scene: Burrow.
"Whoa! This is the time burrow from my Miraculous?!" Alix asked as she looked in surprise and wonderment as well as everybody else and Marinette nodded in confirmation.
"This is so weird! It's like being in another universe!" Luka noted about the burrow with everybody else murmuring in agreement still in shock.
Ladybug: Wow, it's a lot bigger on the inside! (Bunnyx puts her hand on a circle. Ladybug runs to two other circles and does the same, unblurring one with a dinosaur and the other of a city. Bunnyx notices and puts a bowl on top of Ladybug's head.) What's that for?
Bunnyx: You wanna know what you're getting for your next birthday?
Ladybug: No, of course not.
Bunnyx: Exactly. (guides Ladybug to one of the circles)
Ladybug: What about you? You know about all your birthday presents?
Bunnyx: I know about... some of them. (unblurs one of the circles, showing a flashback to Alix getting the watch.) Normally, we have to avoid interfering with past or present events as much as possible, but this is really serious, Minibug. (tries to push Ladybug into one of the circles but her right hand glitches and becomes intangible) Our future is in danger! I need your help. (uses her left hand to push Ladybug in).
"Um, what's happening with my future hand?!" Alix asked, freaked out that her older self's hand just disappeared.
"Let's just say that if I didn't stop Cat Blanc and fix things, you wouldn't exist anymore," Marinette said to her friend, careful to give any more information.
WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?! The audience thought simultaneously in their heads, antsy to find out what happened with Cat Blanc.
Scene: Alternate Paris. Bunnyx takes the bowl off Ladybug's head.
Ladybug: What happened here?
Bunnyx: The less you know about the future, the better. Just do your thing: capture the akuma and restore order. Then, the train will be back on track. (Cut to the moon looking different and the Eiffel Tower which collapsed; Bunnyx is about to return to her burrow.)
"Everybody, welcome to Paris if Cat Blanc happened!" Angel said as she pointed to the screen. Meanwhile, the audience (except for Marinette who already knew) looked with shock that they stayed still and silent for a minute.
"What happened to Paris?! It's like a freaking ghost town!" Alya exclaimed in shock at the sight of the destroyed city.
"Long story short: Cat Blanc destroyed all of Paris," Marinette nervously answered, saddened to see this again, leaving the audience more shocked.
"So, we're all like...dead?!" Nino asked, nervous for the answer as well as everybody else.
"Yes. Even me and Hawk Moth. Adrien as Cat Blanc is the only survivor of this disaster," Marinette answered as she also nodded in confirmation and everyone's jaws just dropped just as they thought they couldn't get any more shocked.
"How could something so simple like dropping off a gift cause Paris to be destroyed?!" Mr. Damocles loudly asked.
"I don't know. Like I said, Bunnyx wouldn't show me the events in-between," Marinette answered as she sadly shrugged.
"Well, Marinette. Now you'll get to see the events that led up to Cat Blanc," Angel noted to the blue-haired girl and the audience.
"Well, play it already!" Chloe shouted, demanding to know what happened as well as everybody else.
Ladybug: You're not staying?
Bunnyx: Let's say I gotta stand ready to jump back into time and try something else, in case you fail. Mwah! (returns to her burrow. Once she's gone, there is future Cat Noir singing to himself from a distance. Cat Noir has been akumatized into Cat Blanc, completely white and with blue eyes)
Cat Blanc: (singing from a distance) Little kitty on a roof...
Ladybug: Cat... Noir?
Cat Blanc: (singing from a distance) ...all alone without his lady.
Ladybug: Cat Noir.
Cat Blanc: (turns around) M'lady? I thought I'd lost you! (jumps down) Oh, I was FELINE so sad that you were gone!
"Is that me?!" Adrien asked in surprise as well as everybody else, except for Marinette who sadly nodded in confirmation.
Ladybug: (backs away as Cat Blanc steps closer) What's happened to you? No, don't tell me. We're gonna fix everything!
Cat Blanc: Of course we're gonna fix everything! (crawls around Ladybug like a cat) Now that you're back and now that you're going to... (stands up and tries to grab her earrings) GIVE ME YOUR MIRACULOUS!
Ladybug: (kicks him away) My Miraculous? What's wrong with you, Cat Noir?
Cat Blanc: Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, m'lady. Could you please hand me your Miraculous, please? Cat Blanc has... gotten into some mischief.
Ladybug: You've been akumatized, Cat Noir. (walks toward Cat Blanc) You don't need my Miraculous, you need me to de-evilize you. Let me help you. (wipes away Cat Blanc's tear)
Cat Blanc: (whispers, heartbroken) Save me...
Ladybug: (sympathetically) My poor kitty... tell me, (holds Cat Blanc's bell) do you remember where the akuma went? (Ladybug looks at his belt, then continues to look for one object and Cat Noir holds up his hand)
Cat Blanc: (grabs her hand and puts it on his chest) Here! But it's already broken! (tries grabbing Ladybug's earrings but Ladybug makes Cat Blanc fall. She crawls away and jumps off a building, with Cat Blanc following after her.)
Ladybug: (shocked by hearing what Cat Blanc said) What?! (lands and inches away from Cat Blanc) What did you say?
Cat Blanc: Give me a hug... MARINETTE!
Ladybug: You're wrong! I'm not Marinette! (seen from burrow) It's impossible, I never told you anything! (Bunnyx rewinds)
Flashback scene: Adrien's room
Adrien: (opens the door) Ladybug?
Scene: Burrow
Bunnyx: Oh no, what have you done, Marinette?! (rewinds)
Alternate flashback scene: Collège Françoise Dupont
Marinette: (running) Ta-da, I did it! (Marinette hugs her friends.)
Alya: I'm so proud of you.
Mylène: You rock! (Rose takes back her plushie from Alix and Bunnyx immediately pauses the flashback.)
Scene: Burrow
Bunnyx: How is this possible? That's not what I remember! (holds up the unicorn plushie, which glitches and disappears; rewinds)
Alternate flashback scene: Collège Françoise Dupont
Alya: So how did you get to Adrien?
Marinette: I... I was very convincing?
Adrien: Marinette! (The girls look towards Adrien.)
Adrien: I have something to tell you. (Rose pushes Marinette to Adrien.)
Adrien: I've realized... I've realized that you're not just a friend to me. I've always felt like you were more than that. (holds Marinette's hand) And now I know why.
Alya, Rose, Juleka, and Mylène: Ohhh?
Marinette: Does that... does this mean that you... you like the beret?
Adrien: (smiles) It means that I love you. (Marinette and Adrien kiss)
Scene: Burrow
Bunnyx: It's worse than I thought. Come on, Ladybug, quick!
Scene: Alternate Paris. Ladybug lands.
Cat Blanc: Give me your Miraculous so I can make everything go back to the way it was! MEGA-CATACLYSM! (He fires. Ladybug jumps off. The building collapses and causes a flood.)
Scene: Burrow
Bunnyx: (falls back) Oh no, what happened?! (gets up and rewinds)
Alternate flashback scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Marinette runs up to Adrien and hugs him.
Chloé: (watching from the entrance; enraged) Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! (storms away)
"Wow! This is even more mild than I expect of you, Chloe. I always figured that if you saw me and Adrien together, you'd scream so loud that all of Paris would hear," Marinette said with a chuckle along with everybody else except for the blonde girl.
"Hey! I'm just as utterly surprised as you are that I wasn't so full of rage!" Chloe said, surprised at her reaction to their romance in the alternate future.
Alternate flashback scene: Liberty. Marinette and Adrien are dancing together.
Alternate flashback scene: Bridge. Marinette and Adrien are sharing ice cream from André.
Alternate flashback scene: TVi report
Nadja: It's heartbreak for all the girls of Paris as supermodel Adrien Agreste has a girlfriend—classmate Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
"Seems like things are going well for you two," Kagami noted to the couple who looked at those alternate memories with fondness along with everybody else (except for Lila of course).
"Yeah, well it gets better before it gets worse," Angel said as she pointed to the screen while she replayed the episode.
Scene: Burrow
Bunnyx: You have to succeed, Ladybug. Capture his akuma, do it now!
Scene: Alternate Paris
Cat Blanc: Things were PURR-FECT until Hawk Moth found out about everything. Once the cat is out of the bag, it's only a matter of time 'till everyone knows. It was our love that did this to the world, m'lady.
Scene: Burrow
Bunnyx: But how did it?
Alternate flashback scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Nathalie is holding a tablet in her hand.
Gabriel: [from tablet] Miss Dupain-Cheng, your relationship with my son is detrimental to the Gabriel Agreste brand. I demand that you stop seeing him at once.
"Really?" Adrien asked as he finds what his father just said hard to believe as well as everyone else (except for Lila who is full of hope that was the case.)
"I don't know if that's actually true or not. But in this case, he's trying to trap Marinette into being akumatized," Angel explained much to the anger of everyone else (except for Lila).
"That monster! I won't let him akumatize my baby girl! I won't!" Tom said, more furious at Gabriel/Hawk Moth than ever as he stood up.
"Don't worry, Dad. Now that we know who Hawk Moth is, we have the advantage to make sure that it won't happen to either of us ever again," Marinette noted and everybody else calmed down as they murmured in agreement.
Marinette: But... I didn't do anything.
Tom: She loves Adrien and Adrien loves her! You can't stop them—
Gabriel: [from tablet] If you refuse, I will not hesitate to withdraw Adrien from school, and he will never see his friends again.
Marinette: (drops tray of heart macarons) Adrien doesn't deserve this!
Gabriel: [from tablet] Then make the right choice. (Heartbroken, Marinette starts crying.)
Tom: (to Nathalie; angrily) Get out of my bakery! Now!
Alternate flashback scene: The Agreste Mansion. The gates open and Adrien's bodyguard opens the door.
Adrien: Marinette? Why won't you come in? What's wrong?
Marinette: Adrien... I... forgive me, we're just... we're just not right for each other.
Adrien: What are you talking about? Of course we are, we love each other!
Marinette: No. I don't love you... anymore. (runs away crying)
Adrien: No... Marinette! (runs after her, but his bodyguard won't let him in, to his bodyguard) Please let me through, it can't end like this! It can't end at all! I love her!
Nathalie: (on phone) Everything is going as planned, sir.
Alternate flashback scene: Hawk Moth's lair
Hawk Moth: I've never felt such utter despair! (corrupts a butterfly) Marinette Dupain-Cheng will be my ultimate masterpiece! Fly away, my beautiful akuma, and evilise this broken heart! (The akuma flies away)
Everyone (except for Lila) gasped in horror at Hawk Moth trying to akumatize Marinette after her heartbreak from breaking up with Adrien with the more-sensitive ones having tears dripping on their faces.
Alternate flashback scene: The Agreste Mansion. Marinette sits on a stairway leading to the train station and continues crying.
Adrien: (begging, with tears on his eyes) I beg you, please! (His bodyguard nods and lets him out. He runs to Marinette and sees the akuma) Marinette, MOVE!
Marinette: Adrien? (turns around)
Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Completely panicked, Adrien transforms into Cat Noir. Marinette is shocked to learn that Adrien was Cat Noir all along)
Cat Noir: CATACLYSM! (Cataclysms the akuma, destroying it)
Marinette: Adrien!
Cat Noir: You were about to be akumatized. I didn't have a choice, m'lady.
Marinette: M'lady? But how did you know? I thought our identities were supposed to remain a secret! (drops umbrella and hugs Cat Noir tearfully)
Cat Noir: Everything will be okay, I promise.
Hawk Moth: (from phone) Nathalie? Nathalie!
Nathalie: (on phone) It's Adrien. Your son... he's... he's Cat Noir.
"UH OH!" Everyone in the audience (except for Lila of course) said in panic now that Hawk Moth knows that his son is Cat Noir.
Alternate flashback scene: Hawk Moth's lair, Hawk Moth drops his cane and is shocked that Cat Noir was his son all along.
Hawk Moth: (shocked) Cat Noir, my own son? (smirks sinisterly) The Miraculous will soon be mine!
Scene: Burrow. Most of the circles become a static screen.
Bunnyx: (runs away and trips, noticing her leg has become intangible. Much to her horror, she is slowly fading away from existence) Hurry up!
Scene: Alternate Paris
Cat Blanc: I'll find you, m'lady! And when I do, you'll give me your Miraculous!
Ladybug: (attacks from behind and grabs his staff) Time to de-evil—!
Cat Blanc: Looking for my akuma, m'lady?! (tries to attack Ladybug with lights, but she dodges it) There's a faster way to make this end, you know. You just need to hand over.. YOUR MIRACULOUS!
Ladybug: Never! Lucky Charm! (An eraser is summoned.)
Cat Blanc: An eraser? I'd like to erase the past too, but there's only one way to do that. (summons a small Cataclysm at the tips of his fingers and starts walking towards her) You know that by merging our Miraculous together, we'd be granted one wish, right? Any wish we wanted. Well, my wish would be to fix everything, so we could be in love again. And have a hamster, too. You've always dreamed of having one. We'll call it— (tries grabbing Ladybug's earrings)
Ladybug: (grabs his belt and rips it) Time to de-evil— (No akuma emerges, and she looks at the belt in confusion)
Cat Blanc: (upset) You're not even listening. You don't understand. (uses the small cataclysm and disappointingly crumbles the ground in front of Ladybug. Ladybug falls into the water, screaming. Ladybug swims down and sees two Cataclysmed people: now-deceased Hawk Moth and herself. She swims towards the future version of herself and touches it, but it crumbles to dust and disappears, much to her shock.)
"Is that…?!" Alya asked in shock along with everyone else.
"Yes. That's me and Hawk Moth," Marinette sadly answered as everybody (except for Lila) gasped in shock and horror.
Alternate flashback scene: The Agreste Mansion's basement. Hawk Moth falls in through the ceiling and Ladybug and Cat Noir jump down.
Ladybug: You're done, Hawk Moth! Give us back your Miraculous!
Cat Noir: (throws Hawk Moth's cane in the water) You know what they say. The wave of a moth's wing can set off a CATACLYSM!
Hawk Moth: I would put that Cataclysm away if I were you... Adrien.
Cat Noir: How do you— (the lid of Emilie's coffin opens and he sees Emilie) Mother?
Hawk Moth: I'm doing it for her, Adrien. For you. For us.
Cat Noir: Father? (Ladybug looks at him in shock) Why? Why? Why? (angrily runs up to Hawk Moth with cataclysm) Why..? (Hawk moth smiles evilly, reclaims his cane, and hits Cat Noir across the city and to the Eiffel Tower.)
Alternate flashback scene: Eiffel Tower
Hawk Moth: We can save your mother using your Miraculous and hers!
Cat Noir: No, just stop!
Ladybug: (lands) Don't listen to him! You know there'd be a terrible price to pay in exchange!
Hawk Moth: If she really loved you, she'd let you save your mother! (points accusingly at Ladybug)
Cat Noir: Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!
Hawk Moth: (seeing his son's heart become shattered, he releases an akuma and it enters Cat Noir's bell.) Cat Blanc, I'm giving you the infinite power of destruction! Together you and I will seize Ladybug's Miraculous and awaken your mother! Obey!
"No!" The entire audience (except for Lila) shouted as Cat Noir is being akumatized on-screen.
Cat Noir: (tries to fight back but fails) I'm sorry, Ladybug! (he succumbs his akumatization and transforms into Cat Blanc. Ladybug watches in horror at his transformation.)
Hawk Moth: Seize her Miraculous, my son! (Cat Blanc lifts his arm to Ladybug, activating Cataclysm.)
Ladybug: No, Adrien! You have to resist! (Cat Blanc changes his mind and points his arm to Hawk Moth.)
Hawk Moth: How dare you! Not me, Adrien!
Cat Blanc: I... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! (screams, then his negative emotions and sadness that caused him so much pain and torn between his mother and girlfriend, makes him create the huge Cataclysm. He completely loses control and unleashes the Cataclysm that slowly gets closer to Ladybug and Hawk Moth.) M'lady...
Ladybug: (last words, moments before her death) My prince.. (Cat Blanc screams in pain, as he activates the huge Cataclysm that thunderously destroys Ladybug, Hawk Moth, Paris, everyone in it, and splits the moon in half.)
"NOOOOOOO!" Everyone in the audience (except for Lila) screamed as they saw Cat Blanc unleash his Cataclysm upon Paris on-screen with most of them also crying and sobbing in response.
Scene: Burrow
Bunnyx: Fix this nightmare, Ladybug! Please!
Scene: Alternate Paris. Ladybug returns to the surface and lands on the Eiffel tower, she confronts Cat Blanc.
Ladybug: (furious) What did you do to them?!
Cat Blanc: I didn't mean to.. (looks at her angrily) Why won't you try and help me fix it?! (spins around to face her) The simple truth is you don't love me anymore! So I MIGHT as well destroy YOU, ME, OUR MEMORIES... EVERYTHING! (Cat Blanc starts an ultimate Cataclysm that reaches the galaxies. It appears that Cat Blanc is going to use the giant cataclysm to completely destroy everything - the entire universe, bringing an end to the world.)
Ladybug: NO!
Scene: Burrow
Bunnyx: (horrified) No, no, no, NO! He's about to trigger the end of the world, Ladybug!
Scene: Alternate Paris
Ladybug: (frantically runs up to Cat Blanc) OKAY! OKAY! I'LL GIVE YOU MY MIRACULOUS, CAT NOIR! (Cat Blanc deactivates the Cataclysm he made and closes his eyes)
Cat Blanc: I'm not Cat Noir anymore. (opens his eyes) I'm Cat Blanc. (flicks his bell and smiles. Ladybug walks up to him, puts her hands on his chest, and smiles at him)
Ladybug: You will always be Cat Noir to me. (leans in as if to kiss him. Cat Blanc glares at her in surprise that she's going to kiss him, but this was distraction and she grabs his bell and crushes it, releasing the akuma) No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize Cat Noir! (catches the akuma with her yo-yo) Gotcha! (releases the akuma, turning it back into a normal butterfly) Bye-bye, little butterfly. (Cat Blanc turns back into Cat Noir and sees a butterfly in his hands and smiles.)
Bunnyx: (from her Burrow) Yes, yes! You did it, Minibug!
"YES!" Everyone (except for Lila) in the audience then shouted with joy that the nightmare of Cat Blanc is now over.
Cat Noir: Marinette, what happened? (she looks down and closes her eyes, saddened) What's wrong?
Ladybug: You're still calling me Marinette. You're not supposed to know who I am. It means that if I use my Miraculous Ladybug to fix everything now...
Bunnyx: You'll still have this memory of her. (Cat Noir lets the butterfly go and looks sad.)
Ladybug: (with her Lucky Vision spots the eraser and the Burrow) Of course! (hugs Cat Noir) I'm gonna fix everything, Cat Noir, I promise!
Cat Noir: (smiles) I know.
Scene: Burrow
Ladybug: (jumps in) Bring me back 10 minutes before the moment you came to get me, quick! I don't have much time before I transform back and lose my Lucky Charm. (puts the bowl on top of head) I have to erase my mistake to get things back to normal. This future is a result from something that happened in the past. I must not throw my eraser here and now, I must throw my eraser back then!
Bunnyx: Do you know how Cat Noir found out about your secret identity?
Ladybug: I think so. When I went into Adrien's house as Ladybug, he probably saw me. He figured out that Ladybug is Marinette because of the note written on the gift. But I'm not sure what happened next.
Bunnyx: He probably told his friend Nino, who told Alya, who wrote about it on the Ladyblog.
Ladybug: Mm.. They would never do that. But Adrien probably told someone, who told someone else, and so on, until it was all over the news! The best-kept secrets are the ones you never share.
Scene: The Agreste Mansion
Ladybug from 10 minutes: Signed, Marinette. (Ladybug pushes her away) What the—
Ladybug: (erases her name) Trust me, it's better this way. (throws up eraser) Miraculous Ladybug! (throws her Lucky Charm up in air and reverts everything)
Scene: Burrow
Bunnyx: (looks at unicorn plushie) WOO-HOO!
Scene: The Agreste Mansion
Adrien: (opens door) Ladybug?
Ladybug: Oh, Adrien Agreste! What a surprise! I brought you a gift from... your fan club in Brazil! There's a postal strike over there but they really wanted it to arrive today for Saint Athanase Day.
Adrien: (closes door) That's my... fifth name.
Ladybug: Wow, they must be serious fans to know that about you! Well, Happy Fifth Name's Day! (leaves through the window)
Adrien: Uh... thank you. (smiles)
Plagg: Ugh, why would anyone send a beret when they could send cheese instead?
Scene: Rooftops
Ladybug: Hey, Bunnyx, when you travel through time, do you forget what happened when you're done?
Bunnyx: What's seen can't be unseen. I know who you are, Minibug, and a few other things too.
Ladybug: Do you know who Hawk Moth is?
Bunnyx: Even if I did, I couldn't tell you. There's a time for everything and time is a fragile thing. That's the reason you picked me, Minibug. I know how to keep a secret. (enters Burrow)
Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont
Marinette: He wasn't home. His fencing competition probably ended later than expected.
Alya: What did you do with the gift?
Marinette: Oh, I dropped it off at home before coming back here. I was gonna tell you that I've given it to him but the truth is I just couldn't do it! But I promise next time, it'll work. You know what they say, 563rd time's a charm! (Marinette's friends hug her)
Scene: Rooftops. Cat Noir is seen on the rooftops singing.
Cat Noir: (singing) Little kitty on a roof, all alone without his lady... (Ladybug lands next to him) Hey Bugaboo. So what was that sudden call for?
Ladybug: I did it. (leans on his shoulder)
Cat Noir: (smiles) I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm perfectly fine with it.
"M'lady, we were wrong. It wasn't our love that destroyed everything. It was my father," Adrien said as he tried to comfort his girlfriend for reliving that Cat Blanc horror again.
"Now that I've seen what led up to what happened, I realize that now," Marinette said, comforted with the fact that her love for Adrien wasn't what destroyed the world but also angry with his father for causing it in the first place.
"Dude, your old man is so going down!" Nino said to his best friend angrily and everyone else (except for Lila who just stayed silent) cheered angrily in agreement.
"If he thinks he can akumatize my little girl, I'll kill him with my bare hands!" Tom said angrily as he clenched his fists, but his wife and daughter managed to calm him down.
"OK, let's take a deep breath here. Even though there are no akumas around here, I'd recommend it," Angel said, trying to calm her audience down. The audience then each took a deep breath which immediately worked in calming them down. "Now that's out of the way, the next episode is Felix even though he wasn't an akuma."
"You mean what happened with my cousin?" Adrien asked and Angel confirmed it with a nod before playing the episode.