
68. Startrain

Scene: Master Fu's massage shop. Marinette returns the Fox Miraculous.

Master Fu: Great work, Marinette. Thanks to you, Parisians can rest easy tonight.

Marinette: (yawns) I can't wait to do the same. Good night, Master.

Tikki: Marinette, you forgot to mention the school field trip.

Marinette: It's not like I'll be able to go anyway.

Master Fu: What field trip?

Marinette: Oh, the whole class is taking the train to London tomorrow to see Big Ben. But if Hawk Moth creates a supervillain while I'm away, Cat Noir won't be able to capture the akuma on his own, which means I have to stay. Too bad. Tough life of a superhero. Besides I'm too exhausted to go anyway.

"Sometimes it sucks to be Ladybug," Marinette admitted honestly to everyone else who nodded in understanding since they have caught glimpses of how she goes through her double life.

Master Fu: Wait, the Horse Miraculous can be used to teleport back to Paris in the event of an akuma situation. (hands her the Horse Miraculous)

"Not that I'm saying that Marinette should've gone, but where was the Horse Miraculous when Chloe's mom offered her that fashion opportunity in New York?" Alya asked Master Fu, curious as well as everyone else.

"Well, first of all, Marinette has never told me about that opportunity before. If so, I would have offered the Horse Miraculous here and there. But ultimately, she chose to stay in Paris which I believe was a wise choice," Master Fu said as he smiled over to Marinette who smiled back.

Marinette: That's so cool! Thank you, Master.

Master Fu: Ladybug definitely deserves a bit of fun, just like all young people her age.

"TRUE THAT!" The teens shouted out simultaneously in agreement with Master Fu on-screen.

Scene: Outside Collège Françoise Dupont.

Adrien: See you tonight! (he walks towards the school, but as soon as the car drives away, he runs to the train station) Hawk Moth already struck last night, so there's no chance there'll be another akumatization today.

"And I jinxed it!" Adrien said, exasperated as well as everyone else.

"I know, dude! Can't your old man just give you two at least a week off?!" Nino asked his best friend in exasperation and everyone else gave similar sentiments as well.

"Let's not forget that this Hawk Moth business is because he wants to revive his wife, so I guess there's no time to waste when it comes to the people you love," Angel pointed out and after some serious thought, everyone nodded in agreement.

Plagg: A day of vacation, finally! Far from Paris and those annoying akumas. Good idea, Adrien.

Scene: Parisian streets.

Roger: (Sees a civilian leaving trash on the sidewalk) Trash must be thrown inside the trash can or it's littering, he's getting a fine!

Sabrina: No, please, don't dad! You'll make me miss the train, you know that Chloé's relying on me!

Roger: But the law is the law, sweetie.

Sabrina: But you're not on duty yet, are you? Right now you don't have to be anything but my dear, sweet daddy. (Roger continues driving.)

Civilian 1: You backed right into me!

Civilian 2: (overlapping) You backed into me! No, you backed into me! (Another civilian throws trash on the ground, and Roger growls in frustration.)

"Sorry, Sabrina, but I'm with your dad on this one. What is with those people littering everywhere instead of putting trash in trash cans and recyclables in recycling bins where they belong?!" Mylene asked in exasperation as the most environmentally-friendly among the teens.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair. Hawk Moth's window opens.

Hawk Moth: A frustrated police officer with a passion for justice who has his hands tied... the ideal prey (turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away my little akuma, and evilize him!

"So, the akuma's intended target was my dad again?!" Sabrina asked in shock as well as everyone else. "I guess that explains how the akuma got in my suitcase!"

Scene: Parisian streets. Roger stops behind a car that is emitting a large cloud of smog.

Roger: (coughs) Another polluter! That driver's getting a fine, his vehicle does not meet city standards!

"Jeez, a lot of environmental violations!" Mylene said loudly, still exasperated and shocked on how much damage to the environment has been risked that day.

Sabrina: Daddy! (Her phone alarm starts going off.)

Phone Alarm: (with Chloé's voice) Hurry up, Sabrina! Hurry up, Sabrina! Hurry up, Sabrina! Hurry up, Sabrina! (Roger concedes to his daughter and continues driving.)

"Well, that's an annoying alarm!" Alix commented on Sabrina's phone alarm with Chloe's voice and everybody else murmured in agreement except for Chloe who just silently frowned.

"Maybe annoying, but it does wake me up and makes me get things done very quickly," Sabrina sheepishly said in defense of the phone alarm and Chloe put her hand on her best friend's shoulder in gratitude.

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) What's happening? I can feel the anger receding! Fly faster my akuma, catch up with him!

Scene: Gare du Nord. Max, Markov, Alya, and Marinette step out of a taxi. In another car, Max's mom, Claudie Kanté, checks her smart watch.

Smart Watch: You have no new emails.

Claudie: (sighs, then steps out of the car, immediately becoming cheerful) Who wants a sneak peak of the Startrain's operator cab?!

Marinette, Alya, and Max: Yeah!

Alya: Thanks, Mrs. Kanté, this will make an awesome exclusive for my astronomy blog!

"ANOTHER BLOG?!" Everyone in the audience asked Alya in exasperation and the girl responded with a sheepish shrug.

Marinette: You've started "another" blog?

Alya: I can't help it, life is so interesting!

Marinette: (points) Hey! Isn't that Adrien?

Markov: Affirmative, Marinette! That is indeed Adrien Agreste!

Max: There was less than a point two three percent chance his father would allow him to come.

Marinette: Alya! This trip is gonna be amazing!

Nino: (also just arriving) Adrien, whoa! What are you doing here?

Adrien: I'm tired of my father keeping me from going on school field trips.

Nino: You're disobeying him, dude?

Adrien: Technically not, because I didn't tell him about this one!

Nino: That's sneaky smart, my dude. (chuckles)

Some of the teens walked over to Adrien to give him a hi-five for sneaking into the class field trip without his father knowing.

Scene: The Startrain's Operator Cab.

Claudie: The operator must keep his or her hand on here throughout the whole journey between Paris and London. It's called the Deadman switch and -

Alya: (is recording) What would happen if you took your hand off it?

Claudie: The train would come to a stop.

Marinette: Even for just a second?

Claudie: It's the safety switch in case the operator feels faint, for example.

Max: That's why I've always loved traveling with my mom by train. Trains get from point A to B within the given time they're programmed, and they're safe.

Markov: Programming is the best!

Alya: Have you always wanted to drive a train?

Claudie: I always want to be a driver, yes, but my true dream is to be an astronaut, to drive a rocket across the universe! I decided to operate trains so I could be here while Max is growing up. A space mission lasts several months - (gets up and hugs Max) I can never be away from my Maxie-poo that long, but now my son's a young man.

"MAXIE-POO?!" Most of the teens asked very loudly while laughing at Max over his mother's nickname for him and the boy in question blushed a heavy shade of embarrassment.

"Oh, Mom!" Max groaned as he still blushed while most of the teens still laughed at him.

Max: My mom's taking the exams to start her astronaut training.

Marinette: That's amazing!

Claudie: I'm expecting the test results today. (She checks her smart watch.)

Smart Watch: You have no new emails.

Max: It's too early mom! The official documents said 11 a.m., you'll get them during the train ride.

Claudie: If I pass the test, this trip will probably be my last. The next time I drive, I'll be manning the controls of a space shuttle, taking the next space crew to the moon!

"That's pretty cool of your mom, Max!" Kim noted to his best friend and everyone else gave similar sentiments.

Max: You have an eighty nine point seven percent change of passing.

Claudie: That still leaves a ten point three percent chance of failing.

Max: I believe in you, you're the best! (They embrace again. Alya takes a snapshot of the two of them while her and Marinette smile.)

"Awww, Maxie-Poo!" The teens gushed at the sweet moment while also teasing Max about his nickname and the boy once again blushed in embarrassment.

Scene: Gare du Nord. Roger struggles to take a suitcase out of the trunk of his police car. A civilian throws a piece of trash on the ground, causing him to lose focus and trip over the sidewalk. The suitcase flies open and some of the items fall out.

Roger: You're only going for the day, why do you need such a huge suitcase?

Sabrina: (gathering the fallen items) I have to be prepared for anything Chloé needs, daddy. In the event of a hair crisis, in case Chloé wants a cup of her favorite tea!

"I really do admire your organization skills, Sabrina," Chloe sweetly said to her best friend who hugged the blonde girl in response, shocking everybody else that the two girls are having a sweet moment.

Roger: I'm proud of you, sweetie. To protect and serve, that's our Raincomprix family motto!

"Yeah, but the serve part is overused and overdone in Sabrina's case," Alya noted about the Raincomprix family motto and everybody else (including Chloe since she can't argue) nodded in agreement.

Phone Alarm: (In Chloé's voice) Hurry up, Sabrina! Hurry up, Sabrina! (Roger quickly shuts the suitcase, getting an akuma trapped inside.)

"And there goes the akuma in the suitcase!" Angel deadpanned, pointing to the akuma going into Sabrina's suitcase on-screen.

"If the akuma touched Sabrina's suitcase, how come she didn't get akumatized herself?" Marc asked curiously.

"That's because Sabrina wasn't feeling any strong negative emotions that akumas are attracted to," Marinette explained and everyone else nodded in understanding.

Sabrina: Chloe's waiting for me! See you tonight, daddy. (She takes the suitcase and kisses her father goodbye.)

Roger: (sees Mr. Ramier feeding pigeons) All right, that's it, you're getting a fine!

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) I can't feel any negative emotions anymore! What's gone wrong? Where's my akuma?

Scene: The Star Train's platform.

Announcer: Final boarding for train number 8065, platform number 23.

Chloé: (sees Sabrina) Ugh, finally, you're here!

Miss Bustier: You're probably gonna be hot in those clothes, Chloé!

Chloé: May I remind you, Miss Bustier, that it's always cold in London!

"It's London, Chlo. Not Antarctica!" Adrien teased his childhood friend and everybody else laughed in agreement. After frowning a bit, Chloe giggled a little after hearing how ridiculous she sounded saying that on-screen.

Sabrina: Don't worry, Chloé! I've brought heating pads and an English weather survival kit! (Her and Chloé start walking away.)

Miss Bustier: But, where are you two going? Our car is this way!

Sabrina: It's all right, Miss Bustier! The mayor of Paris made arrangements for his daughter to be in first class! I'm just taking Chloé's suitcase there. I'll be right back! (Miss Bustier sighs as Sabrina leaves.)

Scene: First class car of the train. Sabrina struggles to put the heavy suitcase in the overhead bin, but eventually does so.

Chloé: You're still here?

Sabrina: Oh! Sorry, Chloe. (She takes her leave.)

Chloe (dials Sabrina cell phone) Come back, now!

Sabrina (comes back) You need anything?

Chloé: I want my seat completely reclined.

Sabrina: Yes, of course, Chloé. (She reclines her seat)

Chloé: Mask!

Sabrina: Oh! (puts on Chloé's mask for her, then backs away with her head down. In the train's operator cab, Claudie starts up the train, and it leaves the train station.)

"Being Queen Bee has taught you to do more things for yourself, huh?" Marinette teasingly asked Chloe for still treating Sabrina like a servant.

"I said more! Not everything!" Chloe said in defense which got everybody else chuckling in amusement.

Scene: Passenger car in the Startrain. Sabrina takes her seat back with her other classmates. Marinette stares at Adrien from her seat.

Adrien: (showing Myléne his tablet) It's Big Ben! (Marinette yawns loudly, and the whole class laughs, excluding Adrien, who smiles.)

Everybody in the audience laughed along with themselves on-screen to Marinette's loud yawn while she blushed pink in embarrassment.

Marinette: (groans) That was so embarrassing.

Alya: You're too funny, girl. But why are you so tired? What were you doing all night?

Marinette: (stammers) I - Oh - I... tried to come up with a plan, to find a way to tell Adrien that - um, well, you know.

"OK, that was one of your most plausible excuses ever, girl!" Alya teasingly pointed out to her best friend and everybody else chuckled in agreement.

Alya: You know what your problem is? You make too many plans. Just be yourself and go with the flow.

Service Drone 1: (comes out from under Adrien's seat) Hello, would you like a beverage?

Service Drone 2: (comes out from under Marinette's seat) Hello, would you like a beverage?

Marinette: Cranberry juice, please? (giggles) Want anything?

Alya: Apple juice. (The robot opens and raises two cups toward Marinette. She takes one and gives the other to Alya. Time passes on the train, as students entertain themselves in their seats. Adrien and Nino play cards, Ivan and Myléne listen to music, Juleka reads a book while Rose rests on her lap, Kim and Alix joke around, Lila and Sabrina are on their phones, and Nathaniel draws Miss Bustier reading. Max and Markov are playing video games, when a service drone comes up to them.)

Service Drone: Hello, would you like a beverage?

Markov: Hello, what's your name? Hello?

Max: It's not programmed to chat, Markov. It's just a service drone.

Markov: (droops) What a shame!

"Looks like Markov wants a girlfriend!" Kim teasingly pointed out to Max and everyone else chuckled in agreement.

"How would Markov accomplish a romantic relationship with another machine?!" Max asked, exasperated at the idea.

"Hey, you're the one who invented a robot with emotions! Maybe you could invent a female robot with the same abilities?!" Adrien teasingly noted which made everyone else laugh harder while Max begins to seriously consider the idea.

Scene: The Startrain's Operator Cab.

Smart Watch: You have no new emails. (Claudie sighs.)

Scene: Passenger car. Marinette has fallen asleep, and dozes off on Alya's shoulder. Alya smiles knowingly, and goes over to Adrien.

Alya: Would you mind swapping seats, Adrien? I wanna chat with Nino.

Adrien: Sure! (He sits next to Marinette, and puts his headphones in.)

"You did this on purpose to bring me and Marinette together, didn't you?" Adrien asked Alya with an amused smile.

"Isn't it obvious?!" Alya teasingly replied back with a smirk and everybody else chuckled in amusement. "But, you have to admit. It was a pretty sweet moment between you two. Too bad Lie-la there wanted to interrupt it."

"She did?" Marinette asked, pointing over to Lila and the girls nodded in confirmation. At that moment, Lila began to move again.

"Speaking of the devil, it looks like Pollen's immobilizing sting has worn off," Angel said and in a couple minutes, Lila began to move and talk again.

"What happened?" Lila quietly asked.

"You were paralyzed by my sting!" Pollen gloated as she hi-fived Chloe again for doing that to Lila. "Not like you can prove it since I don't leave marks on my victims."

"Now we're up to the akuma attack where we all went to outer space. Remember that? And just in time to see the romantic nap between Marinette and Adrien which you tried to interrupt," Alya teasingly gloated to the Italian girl who growled furiously in response as she remembered that moment.

Adrien's Headphones: Lesson Three… (In her sleep, Marinette shifts and rests her head on Adrien's shoulder. He closes his eyes and rests his head on hers.)

"You didn't mind that I was sleeping on your shoulder?" Marinette asked her boyfriend, afraid that she made him uncomfortable at the time.

"Not at all. You were a very peaceful sleeper and it was very soothing. Plus your head smelled nice like fresh-baked vanilla cookies which made sense since you live over a bakery and all," Adrien sweetly said to his girlfriend which made everybody swoon at the image except for Lila who just mockingly gagged.

"And while you two were napping, sugarcube and I were making out in Pigtails' purse!" Plagg jokingly teased his fellow kwami.

"No, we weren't!" Tikki shouted as she slapped Plagg's face and everybody else laughed at the exchange between the two kwamis.

Alya: (whispers to Myléne) Hey!

Myléne: (sees Adrien and Marinette) Rose! (Rose sees them, then gets Juleka's and Alix's attention.)

Juleka: Awesome. (Adrien falls asleep, and Alya snaps a photo of him and Marinette. Lila glares at them, and goes to wake up Marinette.)

"Jealous much, Lie-la?!" Most of the teens rhetorically asked, teasing the sociopathic girl who growled in response.

"Shut up, you morons!" Lila shouted as she growled towards everybody else, especially the hero couple.

"I knew there was something off about Lila when she saw you two. But when she mentioned motion sickness, I thought that it made her cranky," Mylene explained her facial expression in response to Lila's glare on-screen.

Alya: (gets up) Need something, Lila?

Lila: Uh! Actually, I get motion sickness and I know Marinette always has a solution to everything.

"As much as I love that you're praising me for being the class problem solver, Lila, what exactly could I do about your motion sickness?" Marinette mockingly asked her enemy who growled at her in response while everyone else chuckled.

"And what would be your plan if I didn't stop you?" Alya teasingly asked Lila, but with a glare towards the Italian girl.

"I was trying to wake up Little Miss Sunshine and have her see that she was sleeping on Adrien's shoulder. Hopefully, it would make her freak out and jump out of her seat. Therefore, she'll be humiliated in front of everybody else and I could snag her seat next to Adrien. A huge win for me!" Lila said with an evil mocking smirk which got glares from everybody else, with Marinette's being the deadliest.

"OK, if that happened, Marinette's freak-out would wake me up and I would ask Alya to switch back," Adrien mocked back to the Italian girl who frowned, pouted and looked away while everyone else chuckled in agreement.

Alya: I get it, but she's asleep right now, as you can see, and she's super exhausted so...

Sabrina: I can help you Lila! I have just what you need in my suitcase!

Lila: Thanks a million, Sabrina! You're so sweet. (Sabrina leaves, and Lila growls.)

"Thank you, Alya and Sabrina!" Both Marinette and Adrien thanked the two bespectacled girls who nodded back while Lila growled just like she did on-screen much to everyone else's amusement.

Scene: In the Operator Cab.

Smart Watch: You have no new emails.

Claudie: (groans) Something's not right. (A small beep sounds, and she starts speaking into a microphone.) Ladies and gentlemen, Startrain will be under the sea via the Channel Tunnel in just a few moments!

Kim: (In the passenger car) Awesome! (grabs his bag and runs off)

"Kim, where are you going?" Kagami asked the teen athlete, curious to know where he would run to in the middle of the train journey.

"I was putting on my swim trunks," Kim nervously answered, now that he realized how stupid that sounded.

"Why?" Luka asked, not looking forward to hearing the answer.

"We were going under the English Channel, so I thought we were gonna get wet," Kim once again answered nervously, bringing facepalms from everyone in the audience.

"Yeah, take good care of that muscular body of yours, Kim, because you didn't do so well with your brain!" Chloe commented in exasperation and everyone else murmured in both amusement and agreement while Kim just frowned.

Scene: First class car. Sabrina takes down the suitcase with a large thud, and Chloé sits up with a jolt.

Chloé: Well, how about that? You happy now? You woke me up!

Sabrina: Oh! I'm so sorry, Chloé!

Chloé: Well, now that I'm awake, I might as well have some herbal tea.

Sabrina: Of course, Chloé. I'll take care of that right away. (She opens the suitcase, releasing the akuma, and screams. Several more of the passengers scream.)

Chloé: (stands up) Calm down, everyone! I'm sure you all recognize me, of course. I'm Chloé Bourgeois, and as you well know, I'm also Queen Bee! Whatever you do, don't panic... but there's an akuma. (The passengers scream and run out of the car. Chloe says calmly) Everyone get out of this car right now! (She exits behind them and shuts the door, trapping the akuma.)

"Even if you did that mostly to show off, I guess thanks for taking charge of that situation, Chloe," Marinette said to the blonde girl while giggling along with everyone else. Chloe then made a proud pose, making the audience laugh harder in amusement.

Hawk Moth: (In his lair. He growls.) I've lost contact, my akuma's too far away!

"So, there is a distance limit with Hawk Moth and his control over his akumas?" Kagami asked, curious as well as everyone else including the two heroes.

"Apparently so. I think Hawk Moth can only control akumas if they're in the same city. He's still in Paris and lost contact with the akuma when you all went under the English Channel," Angel explained and everyone else murmured in understanding.

1st Passenger: You sure it's really an akuma?

2nd Passenger: It looks more like a harmless butterfly.

Sabrina: Chl- I mean, Queen Bee knows what she's talking about. Trust me! (Kim walks out of the train's bathroom in his swimming gear.)

Chloé: What're you doing in your swimming trunks?

Kim: (indignant) Well, we're about to go under the sea!

Chloé: Ugh! You are ridiculous, Kim! Utterly ridiculous!

"Well, she's not wrong, Kim!" Max said to his best friend as he and everybody else burst into laughter at that awkward moment while Kim just blushed in embarrassment.

Scene: Passenger car.

Passenger Nicole: I'm scared, Jean-Pierre.

Passenger Jean-Pierre: Don't worry, Nicole. If it were a real akuma, there'd already be a supervillain on the train by now. (Marinette slowly wakes up.)

Kid Passenger: Daddy, do you think Ladybug will come?

Passenger Jean-Pierre: Of course not, sweetie. I'm sure there isn't an Akuma on board at all. It's probably just some prank. (Marinette realizes she and Adrien fell asleep together, and rests her eyes again.)

"Marinette realized she's sleeping on Adrien's shoulder and she's not freaking out!" Alix pointed out as she mockingly applauded her friend along with the rest of the teens in amusement.

"Ha ha! Very funny!" Marinette said as she frowned in response.

Chloé: Your daddy doesn't have a clue. It really is an akuma.

Simon: It's definitely an akuma. I should know, I was once akumatized myself!

Sabrina: There's zero risk to anyone now, anyway. Since the amazing Queen Bee has shut the car doors, taking the akuma prisoner! (Alya and Nino hear this, and get up to investigate.)

Scene: First Class Car. Alya searches with her phone out, while Nino watches from the door.

Nino: Nothin' there.

Alya: Probably just Chloé needing some attention again.

"Sorry, Chloe. We couldn't find the akuma," Alya said sheepishly, but the blonde girl waved it off like it was nothing.

"I can't blame you as I do like to be more recognized as Queen Bee. But, needing attention is really more Rossi's territory!" Chloe said as she pointed to Lila and everyone else chuckled in agreement while the Italian girl growled like a rabid dog.

Nino: C'mon, let's head back to our seats. (They leave. The akuma appears, and heads into the vent above.)

Scene: The Startrain's Operator Cab.

Smart Watch: You have no new emails.

Claudie: That's impossible! I can't have failed! I'll never be an astronaut. (The akuma is absorbed into the Deadman switch.) Who cares about the results of that stupid exam? I can become an astronaut - right here and now! (The deadman switch is engulfed in purple, followed by Claudie and the rest of the train, which transforms.)

"Mom!" Max exclaimed at the sight of his mother being akumatized with Kim putting his hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"Max, I think your mom is the first person akumatized that is not under Hawk Moth's control," Angel pointed out and everyone else agreed in shock, seeing that too.

Scene: Passenger Car.

Startrain: (over the PA system) Ladies and gentlemen, I am Startrain! (Marinette and Adrien are startled awake.) You all get to live my dream with me! Shoot off the rails, and fly off in a rocket to explore not just the moon, but the entire universe!

Max: Mom!?

Startrain: (over the PA system) Fasten your seatbelts! We have liftoff! (The train breaks free from the Channel Tunnel, and bursts out of the sea. It launches itself into space, zooming past an observation satellite, and then the Moon. The passengers are now all floating out of their seats.)

"Even if this was an akuma attack, it was pretty cool that we all got to go to space and floated in mid-air!" Kim said in retrospect and after some thought, everyone else who was there nodded in agreement.

Various Passengers: Wow! Whoa!

Kim: See, I was right to change into my swimming trunks!

Juleka: (smiling) This... is... spacy!

Alya: I don't think Ladybug and Cat Noir are gonna make it up here to save us!

Marinette: Uh, maybe we can persuade your mom to change back, Max? (He nods, and starts swimming toward the doors.)

Scene: Back on Earth. Inside Gabriel's atelier. Nathalie sits at her computer. Her eyes widen, and she quickly stands.

Nathalie: Sir. You should take a look at this. (On his own computer, Gabriel switches from his designs to Nathalie's screen. It shows Nadja Chamack, reporting from TVi News.)

Nadja Chamack: An observation satellite took these amazing photos earlier. (Beside her is a photo of the akumatized Startrain.)

Gabriel: So, that's why I lost touch with my akuma! It's too far out of range.

Nathalie: There's another problem. Adrien's class is on the train, and your son is on the passenger list!

Gabriel: He's up in space! And there's nothing I can do.

Nathalie: I'm sure Ladybug and Cat Noir will rescue him.

Gabriel: Hoping that my enemies will save my son... How ironic.

"Is it my imagination or is Hawk Moth himself actually rooting for you two to win this akuma battle?!" Alya asked in shock as well as everybody else. Even Lila was shocked, but despite the hatred she has for the heroes, even she had to admit that if it weren't for them, she'd be stuck in outer space forever.

Scene: Aboard the Startrain. Max goes to confront his mom, and realizing his whole class is right beside him, laughs with joy. He rushes over to a speaker on the wall.

Max: Mom!

Startrain: (through the speaker) Max! You see this!? I'm Startrain!

Max: You have to take us back down to Earth. You can go into space once you pass the exam!

Startrain: (through the speaker) Why? Now I have a hundred percent chance of traveling the universe! And I get to take you with me, too! Isn't this fantastic?

Marinette: We must get to the operator's cabin to take control of the train, and drive it back home.

Alya: And, how do you plan on taking down the super-villain?

Nino: No one here has any super powers!

Chloé: No, but you do have a super-heroine with you!

Marinette: We have two things in our favor: the element of surprise, and the fact that there are a lot of us!

Adrien: Good point, Marinette. (Marinette and the others head into the next car, while Adrien sneaks in the opposite direction.)

"You know what's weird? Even when your superhero identities are still a secret, you guys were having a meeting like you all knew about each other," Angel pointed out and the teens shown on-screen began to see how almost too familiar they were.

Startrain: (in the operator cab, watching Marinette and her group of classmates on her monitor) Oh, where do you think you're going? Don't you wanna sit back and relax! (She twists the ship around, sending Marinette's classmates tumbling back down the train, and laughs.) I don't want anyone to get hurt! So stay in your seats and enjoy the view!

Marinette: (gets into a bathroom and lets Tikki out of her purse.) No peace for Ladybug, obviously.

[Transformation sequence.]

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! Yeah! (transforms into Ladybug)

Cat Noir : (sees Ladybug as she exits the bathroom) Ladybug? But, how did you get here?

Ladybug: Teleportation! Courtesy of the Horse Miraculous. And you?

Cat Noir: I... was already on the train! Lucky, huh? Just like what they say about black cats?

Ladybug: No one must know that you were one of the passengers!

Cat Noir: There are hundreds of people on the train! I'm just a cat in a haystack.

Ladybug: Well, I guess you're right. Let's go and stop Startrain! (She starts heading down the car.)

Cat Noir: Why don't we use the Horse Miraculous to teleport the train back to Earth?

Ladybug: That would be pointless. She could make the train take off again just as quickly. We must capture the akuma first!

Cat Noir: But if we do it while the train's up here in space, we'll all freeze and have no air to breathe.

Ladybug: Which is why we must first reach Startrain, then capture the akuma, and teleport back to Earth at the same time!

Scene: Passenger Car. Ladybug and Cat Noir go into the next car, which is filled with their classmates and other passengers.

Classmates: Ladybug? Cat Noir?

Alya: (snaps a photo of them, and then starts recording) Have you been on the train with us the whole time?

Ladybug: Of course not! We teleported here using a special Miraculous.

"Good thing you gave us a cover story, Master Fu," Adrien pointed out and Marinette nodded in agreement while the old man giggled at the situation, also in agreement.

Cat Noir: (To Miss Bustier) We're handling this. Gather everyone together at the back of the train, please.

Miss Bustier: Of course. Everyone, please follow me to the back of the train. (She leads everyone away.)

Chloé: I hope you remembered to bring my Miraculous.

Ladybug: Uh... actually…

"Liars," Chloe muttered in annoyance towards the two heroes, but not necessarily bitter about it.

Cat Noir: We... didn't know you were going to be here, otherwise we would've, for sure. (Chloé looks disheartened. Sabrina holds onto her as they start to head out. Suddenly, the doors behind them shut close. Cat Noir tries to open them, but can't.) Reinforced plexiglass! Unbreakable, except for my...(He raises his hand.) Cata - !

Ladybug: (grabs his wrist) No, wait! We might need it when we're face-to-face with Startrain.

Cat Noir: Max!

Max: (turns around) Huh? (An alarm starts blaring. Startrain sees Ladybug and Cat Noir on her monitor.)

Startrain: (in her operator cab) Looks like we have some intruders. (Markov begins hacking the door.) You better give up if you don't wanna fly too close to the sun! (She laughs maniacally. Cat Noir finds the hidden camera and breaks it, while Markov finishes hacking.)

Max: Got it!

Cat Noir: Well done!

Ladybug: Max! Markov! We need you to come with us to open the next door.

Max: But isn't it too dangerous?

Cat Noir: We'll protect you. (Max and Markov smile, and they all head to the next car.)

Scene: Empty Passenger Car. The door shuts behind them.

Cat Noir: What's happening?

Ladybug: We gotta be ready for anything! Lucky Charm! (A firefighter's helmet appears. Ladybug snatches it out of the air, and looks around.) I can't find any- (The vents start releasing a red hot gas, propelling them backwards. Cat Noir extends his stick, and they grab on to each other, preventing them from going back any further. They crawl back through the space clutching onto the seats, Max tied to Ladybug's back, while he holds Markov. Max holds Markov onto the door wall port.)

Markov: Max! My circuits are overheating! (His screen glitches.)

Max: What're we gonna do? Markov's having a meltdown!

Ladybug: You have to finish the job, otherwise we're all gonna toast inside this car! (Max grabs a water bottle floating in the air, and releases the water onto Markov. His screen turns back to normal.)

"You made Markov waterproof now?" Mylene asked her genius classmate, impressed and curious as well as everyone else.

"Not 100%. There is a limit on how wet he could be," Max answered honestly and everyone else nodded in understanding.

Cat Noir: She wasn't kidding, it feels like we're really close to the sun! (The door beeps, and they pull themselves into the next room. Cat Noir groans) Wooh! We almost got cooked in there!

Markov: I think we should classify this as a code red situation!

Max: (to Markov) Good job.

Cat Noir: You two make an awesome pair, too. Just like me and milady. (Ladybug scopes out the next room, when its glass door starts freezing over.)

Ladybug: (gasps) Markov! Check the oxygen level in the next car.

Markov: (flies over and connects to the door port) It's decreasing quickly!

Ladybug: Startrain is creating a void!

Max: The temperature inside will soon be close to absolute zero!

Cat Noir: Max won't be able to hold on in these conditions without super powers!

"Wait a minute…," Alya said, beginning to catch the drift of the situation excitedly as well as everyone else.

Ladybug: (opens her yo-yo, and takes out a Miraculous box.) Max Kanté, here's the Miraculous of the Horse, which grants the power of Teleportation. You will use it for the greater good. (Max takes the box.) Once the job is done, you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you?

"MAX?! YOU'RE PEGASUS?!" Everyone excluding the two heroes, the kwamis, and Master Fu asked Max in excited shock.

"That's 100% affirmative," Max quietly answered with a blush in response to the praise. After some of the teens hi-fived Max in support of him being a superhero, Angel snapped her fingers and Kaalki the Horse Kwami appeared.

"Why am I in this creepy dark room? Oh, hello, Master and my fellow kwamis. Maximilian, is that you?" Kaalki started asking questions as she appeared and then flew to Max when she spotted him.

"Everybody, this is my kwami, Kaalki," Max introduced his kwami to everyone else who greeted the kwami.

"Hello. Pleasure to meet you all," Kaalki said as she waved to the audience.

Max: You count on me one hundred percent, Ladybug. I'll do everything I can to save my friends, and my mom! (He opens the box, releasing Kaalki.)

Kaalki: Oh, to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?

Max: Uh, hello! My name's Max.

Kaalki: Are you glorious and famous?

"Glorious and famous?! Is she serious?!" Kim asked his best friend with a cringed face along with everyone else except for Master Fu and the kwamis.

"What?! We horses are high-class animals," Kaalki said in her defense.

"Kaalki does come off as a high-class snob at first, but she does come around. The last time she was out of the Miracle Box before that akuma attack, there were no cars, so the most popular method of transport especially for the wealthy was horses on carriages," Tikki explained in her kwami's defense and everyone nodded as that made sense.

"Sounds like she should've been Chloe's kwami instead of Pollen," Alya jokingly whispered to Marinette and the two girls lightly giggled.

Ladybug: Kaalki! We don't have time for that! Max is perfect for the job, trust me. We're going to the last car, to the door leading to the driver's cab, that's where Startrain is.

"Nerdy weakling Max is perfect?! You've gotta be kidding me!" Lila taunted towards the heroes, getting more glares from everyone else.

"Oh, and you're of high class, Miss My Hair Looks Like a Messed Up Pony's Tail?!" Kaalki asked Lila in defense of her temporary holder which made everyone else burst into laughter.

"More like sausages to eat with my Camembert!" Plagg jokingly said, joining in on the teasing towards the Italian girl, making everyone else laugh harder while Lila just growled and tried to shake loose of her restraints.

Cat Noir: Gonna have to be fast and in sync.

Ladybug: While I handle Startrain and Cat Noir uses his Cataclysm, we need you, Max, to teleport the train back to Earth! So that I can summon up my Miraculous Ladybug, so everything gets fixed!

Max: Got it!

Kaalki: All you need to say is: 'Kaalki, full gallop!' (Max takes off his glasses and replaces them with the Horse Miraculous)

[Transformation sequence.]

Max: Kaalki, full gallop! (transforms into Pegasus)

"Max, are you doing the robot dance?" Luka amusingly asked as the audience chuckled while also watching in awe and excitement of Max's transformation into Pegasus.

Scene: The car before Startrain's Operator Cab. Pegasus holds his breath and opens the frozen door.

Startrain: (from her operator cab) I was expecting you my dear, super passengers. You can't stop me from living out my galactic dream, I shall conquer the universe! (The heroes make it to the end of the corridor, and Markov attaches to the door port again. Talking from her operator cab) My little drones! Attack! (The Service Drones come out from under the seats, and start shooting lasers. Ladybug defends Markov with her yo-yo, while Pegasus surveys the room. He throws his horseshoe, causing it to bounce off and destroy the drones. Ice encapsulates the cabin, and creeps up on Markov.)

"Wow! Your throw's getting better when you have superpowers, Max!" Kim said as he saw his best friend defensively attack the service drones with his horseshoe weapon.

Markov: (glitches and shuts down) I'm... getting... cold...! (Ladybug spots a few hand warmers, and makes the connection with her firefighter's helmet. She grabs them, turns them on and places them into the helmet. Then, she places it over Markov, still protecting them with her yo-yo. Cat Noir and Pegasus are then able to take out the drones using his Horseshoe. As Markov gets warmer, he gets back online, and opens the door for them.)

"So, that's what the firefighter's helmet was for! I was confused by it, but what else is new with these confusing Lucky Charms?!" Alya rhetorically asked about the episode's Lucky Charm and everyone else chuckled in agreement.

Scene: The Startrain's Operator Cab. They all get inside, Cat Noir bounding off ahead.

Cat Noir: (bouncing off the walls) Cataclysm!

Ladybug: Hah! (throws her yo-yo, ensnaring Startrain)

Startrain: Ah! (Cat Noir cataclysms the Deadman switch attached to Startrain's hand.)

Ladybug: Pegasus!

Pegasus: Voyage! (He sends a portal, showing Big Ben, ahead of the train. Right as the train is deakumatized, it flies through the portal, and crash lands into Big Ben. Claudie is back to normal, and the Akuma flutters around the operator cab, while the heroes are splayed across the window of the train.) I'm sorry, it looks like I kinda got the spatial coordinates wrong.

"Not bad for a first time," Kaalki said to Max though in a tone that indicates that he could do better once he uses her Miraculous more.

"The train landed on Big Ben in that position? This is strange," Kagami commented on how the train ended up after Pegasus used his power and everyone had cringed but amused faces in agreement.

Cat Noir: (groans as Ladybug is stepping on him) Well, I heard your class was supposed to be visiting Big Ben.

Ladybug: (captures the Akuma unceremoniously) Miraculous Ladybug! (The magical ladybugs fix Big Ben and return the train to the Gare du Nord in Paris. The heroes jump onto the roof of the train station, and Max detransforms. Ladybug releases the butterfly) Bye bye, little butterfly!

Max, Ladybug, and Cat Noir: Pound it!

"Pound it!" Marinette, Adrien, and Max did a three-way fist-bump before the main couple kissed in victory. Everybody else (except for Lila of course) cheered and applauded for Max since he transported them all back to Earth.

Ladybug: (as Max hands her back the Horse Miraculous) Thank you, Max.

Scene: Gare du Nord, the Startrain's platform. The students are all gathered outside of the Startrain.

Kim: (to Alix) Yeah, that was cool -

Miss Bustier: (from the train) Children! Please, all aboard! Back to London! (Claudie stands outside the train as well, and hesitates to check her smart watch before forcing herself to do so.)

Smart Watch: You have one new email.

Max: Hey, Mom! (He waves at her and approaches with Markov.)

Claudie: (Looks up from her email) I passed!

Everyone in the audience (except for Lila who stayed quiet) cheered and applauded that Max's mother gets to be an astronaut and go to outer space.

Max: (embraces her) I told you, Mom! You're the best! That's one hundred percent certain. (As Adrien is about to board the train with Nino, he gets a notification on his phone. He looks up to see Nathalie and The Gorilla waiting for him from across the station.)

Nino: (puts a hand on his shoulder) I'm gettin' the feeling that was your first, and last, field trip.

Adrien: That's okay. At least, I got to see Big Ben, right?

Nino: Sure did! No one's seen it as close up as we did! Too bad we got separated at the end.

Adrien: We'll go back there together some day. (He takes his leave.) See ya.

"Did your father punish you severely?" Kagami asked Adrien with curiosity and concern.

"Not as severely as him pulling me out of school for the spellbook thing. He did ground me for a week where I wasn't allowed to do anything besides the usual, so it wasn't really too punishing," Adrien answered and everyone else nodded in understanding.

Marinette: (sees Adrien leaving) Oh, no! Poor Adrien! This trip was a total disaster.

Alya: A total disaster? Really? (She shows her the photo of her and Adrien napping together. Marinette is so overjoyed that she tackles her in a hug. The end card shows Cat Noir, Ladybug, and Pegasus soaring with the Big Ben, Space, and the Eiffel Tower behind them. Below the heroes, a phone shows Adrien and Marinette cuddled up together.)

"And that was Max's debut as Pegasus!" Angel said and the audience (except for Lila) once again cheered and applauded for the young genius. "The next episode is Oni-Chan which was Kagami's second akuma form."

"So, what got you akumatized that time?" Luka asked his new love interest, curious as well as everyone else.

"One word: Lila," Kagami answered as she pointed towards Lila and the two heroes nodded in confirmation, glaring at the lying Italian girl. As soon as Kagami said the Italian girl's name, everyone else immediately understood now that they know what she's like.

"It wasn't my fault you overreacted over a photo!" Lila argued, still not accepting responsibility for her behavior.

"Right, because that photo you sent was supposed to bring joy and happiness!" Marinette sarcastically argued back.

"It should," Lila muttered. The episode started to play as the kwamis were filling Kaalki in the show's info, so that she'd catch up on the context.