
Ways of Survival in Naruto

He hadn't expect to transmitted. And on top of all that! It had to be in the world of Naruto! A world— no, a dangerous universe that is dominated by alien-like beings, and hunger-power humans, who called themselves shinobi's, are obliged and expected to be loyal only to their village the moment they entered this hellish world. He, who had been transmitted into a character that wasn't cannon, will show you ways of survival in Naruto. [Disclaimer! What you see and read here are only fiction! Any places and any character you've read are not real!] 『Disclaimer! Naruto do not belong to me but only Kishimoto! Also, there characters in this work that is somewhat to other works' characters, and i disclaim that the characters you found to be similar to the others does not belong to me. The reason why is on the fifth paragraph!』 「This Naruto Fanfiction contains a lot of plot that are inspired by other novels, animes, Mangas, and manhwa's! Unfortunately, I cannot reveal the respective fictions and novels that this fanfic is inspired to, all for the sake of the plot! And it'd be unfortunate if my plans were to be discovered in such way!」 〔Cover does not belong to mine! Found it at Google, if you're the owner, please say something if you disapprove of me using it!〕 【I update everyday! Although, there may or may not be some cases that I might not be able to upload any chapters due to personal reasons!】 (Enjoy Reading!) The purpose of writing this fanfic shall be revealed at the ending of Ways Of Survival in Naruto! I hope you readers are able to stay long enough to know the purpose!

Rnibm123 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Chapter 2: Increase by 1% (Almost Seven)

Konoha Year 57, Second Month, First Week, Second Day

(First Person PoV)







[The synchronization process between your Soul and Body has been increased by 1%!]

[Memories from your past life has started to get comfortably lay on your head!]

After sending my hired men to Sakumo's house— Just as I was staring at the infertile land, that belongs to the Hatake Family, this ridiculous System began to crazily send messages to spout nonsense!

[What? Are you not happy that the synchronization has increased? Even if it is by one percent? It is a huge deal in this world ya'know!]

Of course I knew, I fucking know that one percent — despite how low the number is, it is still a huge deal in the world of Shinobi's.

However, the low increase of the percent wasn't the reason why I was annoyed. But rather at the ridiculous messages that started pouring, such as:

[You're lifespan has increase by one day!]

[Due to you being so knowledgeable, despite with how your actions indicates your idiocity, The System decided to pick this category of memory to fill in the missing 1%!]

[With the knowledge you recieved your idiotic mindset has decreased by 0.5%]

'Fuck you, System! Instead of wasting your life focusing on mine, take a look at yourself first!'

[Idiot, did you reall—.....]

I closed my eyes, darkness accompanied by atom-like green lights was all I could see.

I can tell from the 'ding' sound, that only I could hear, that the System has gone crazy again and nonsensical messages, once again, poured in. My annoyance wasn't actually directed to the System that told me about the increase of the synchronization process, but rather towards the unnecessary messages that the System thinks it is a need to send.

Ignoring the messages in front of me, I focused my attention towards the infertile land.

Anyways, the category — As the System would like to call it — picked out to fill the memory of 1% was what I actually needed right now.

I had planned on raising my business even more and opening a dinner or a restaurant was the first thing that came into my mind. Although there is a large wall that is blocking the dinner/restaurant business from running the new business I have in mind.

I don't know most of the official timeline in Naruto, however with what Vū had said about the tension in the Shinobi World really got me. And the said tension is no doubt to present the world another war.

With the Third Shinobi World War making its official debut appearance— Supplies, but mostly food and weapons, and also Shinobi pills, are going to be sucked dry by the Konoha Shinobi's, and worst-case scenario are Shinobi's crawling in the dark like a bunch of rat's and plays a game of hide and seek, but this time they're competing against each other on who sabatoge supplies first like a bunch of kindergarten kids.

So if I were to pushed the dinner/restaurant business into one, I'd have to make sure that 'my' supplies are not lacking because of the lack of supplies Konoha, in the future, will have.

And so, I planned on turning this large infertile land into a fertile one and plant rice, vegetables and fruits, over by the corner of the land will be a farm, chickens will be laying eggs all day — Okay, now I'm exaggerating, I know, — pigs, cows, sheeps, and so on will be butchered up by a professional butcher to be turned into an acceptable meats.

'Its a good thing I went to work for my aunt most of the summer, yearly, and picked up a few things up in my sleeves,'

"It's a pitiful field, isn't it?"

What? I followed the voice and saw Sakumo standing behind me. Weren't he suppose to be working on the Fuinjutsu Seal?

"I'm a clone sent by the original,"

Ahh, that made sense.

"This field has been gifted by Senju Hashirama-sama to my father," he said, "As a welcome gift for becoming Konoha's people. I remembered my father taking a good care of the field. There used to be vegetables and fruits planted here and there," A frown formed on his face, "however, due to his Shinobi works he began to neglect his field and hoped for me to make use of it, but my comrades and Leader all depended on me and my skills and served the frontlines."

The Hatake family, ironically, their family name means farmland. There wasn't much known about their Clan but some Naruto fans believed that their family consist of farmers before Kakashi and Sakumo's generation.

Seems that they were correct, unknowingly confirmed by Hatake Sakumo.

"I saw you eyeing the field earlier."

"I've been meaning to farm for awhile," I spout out a white lie. I didn't liked farming, working for my aunt, who has a position in the Departemtn of Agriculture, was only a means to earn money and pay off the debt.

I didn't like the dirt covering my entire body but there was no choice.

"Do you planned on fulfilling your father's will?"

"No, I still have work to do as a Shinobi." Was his answer, "But I know that if I present you this field you'll, no doubt, take care of it for me and for yourself."

"Are yoi saying, what I think you're saying?" I asked, hopefully.

"Yes, it is strange that a child like you has their eyes on farming."

I'm just ambiguous, that's all. Was what I wanted to answer but instead, I replied, "I wanted to farm," for my own supplies.

After saying all those words, he dissapeared in a puff of smoke. Giddiness took over me, I felt Pochi crawling out from my shirt and sat on my right shoulder.

"You think you can slurp up all these water?"

"Popochi! Poch Poch!"

I grinned, finding Pochi having trouble saying words that wouldn't make me be offended.

"It is impossible on your own? Of course you can't. It's frantically impossible to do all of this on your own without a help." I said, putting Pochi on the ground and said to the System.

'System, how much is the payment now?'

[Still the same, 500k. But after this purchase the prize will double up and the prize will add up again by 500k after two purchase of Chimera.]

'I didn't bring money with me today, can't I just pay you up layer on?'

[You're paying a System, there's no bargaining.]

I figured as much.

[But I can, automatically suck up your money without you having to bring it up yourself.]

'Why didn't you say so in the first place!? Do you have any idea how tiring it was coming back and forth during our first meeting?!'

[Of course I do, that's why I didn't tell you.]

This sadistic mother-fucking piece-of-shire of a System!

[I'm done sucking up 500k. Just perform the same procedure and you'll have a Chimera Species!]

Doing as it said, I slamed my hand on the ground after performing the procedure and move my hand away from the ground and took three steps backwards.


The same pale light was engraved to the ground with the same complex shape and kanji's. And its size is still the same as ever.


This thing is as noisy as before.

Finally, something came out.


The Chimera that came out from the seal, shot up and hit my nose.

Fuck! I fell on the ground on my hips and watched as the ball of Chimera rolled besides Pochi.

"ELII!" The Chimera unrolled itself and shout out.

It's size was the same as Pochi. It's ears were larger than Pochi and its shape was similar like an elephant, it's nose was long— you know what? It's a fucking elephant Chimera.

"Elii!" It's trunk raised in the air as a greeting.


Together, bother Chimera twirled around as if they were already friends.

"I'm sorry to interrupted your little get-together. But, may I have your manual?"


It's way of giving a manual was how Pochi did.

Fuck, I'm never gonna get use to this kind of shit.

I swallowed my disgust and picked up the crumbled paper with saliva caoting it.

Pochi's User Manual」"

"「Pochi is an adorable hamster. Please take care of him with lots of love.」"

So its a boy, huh.

"「As the one who summoned him upon this world, Pochi is absolutely loyal to you. Chimera's, from the moment you summoned them, are your lifelong companions or family.」"

「Eli's User Manual」

「Eli is a lovely baby Elephant, please take care of it with love and care.」

The fuck is the System thinking? Sending me a baby Chimera instead of an adult one.

「Eli dedicates absolute trust and loyalty to you, the Summoner. The Chimera Species is a lifelong pet and another family. Please do not abandon them.」

「Eli does not grow bigger after eat sunflower seeds, unlike other fantasy species.」


[That high-pitch tones yours is really annoying.]

"You don't grow even if I feed you that seed?"

Did I fail time?

Staring deeply at the elephant's wide eyes, I sneered at it and said to the System.

'I'd like to summon one again,'

[You can only summon Chimera Species once a day.]

"This is a fucking waste of time, Poch, seems like we have to kill this guy and draw one again tomorrow."


Pochi shouted aggressive words towards me while comforting the elephant.

"Me," I pointed my index finger at myself, "Mean? Poch, our project is growing larger in order to earn more money."

"Poch! Poch!"

Pochi started raising a flag with a writings that said, 'Employers must recognize the Employees worth', and started protesting.

Ahh fuck, if it means that this guy's will stop bothering me then I will.

"What's your skill Eli?"

[Suck Water Jutsu.]

The System answered on behalf of Eli.

What a shitty name.

"El el lili!"

I rose an eyebrow, "You can suck water at a speed two times a human sneeze?"

An ordinary elephant can sneeze thirty times faster than Eli can.

"How much can you suck water?"

"Elilili!" He said, stretching both of his arms and trunk as wide as he can.

"Foir times the capacity of your stomach?"

[If you train Eli enough, his Suck Water Jutsu speed and the capacity of his stomach will also increase.]

I was just thinking the same thing, actually.

"Well then, show me what you got."

Excited, Eli jumped in place. A bitter laughter coming out from my mouth grew thicker. 'How nice it would be if you really drank it all,"

Eli put his nose on the surface of the marsh and began slurp water.


"...Huh? Am I hallucinating or what?"

I asked myself, noticing the size Eli has grown into, I look the water surface and found the marsh went down in an instant. The water that had been rumbling in front of his feet was a few steps away in a single breath. And the elephant has become huge.

2 meters, 3 meters, 5 meters, it continued to swell like balloons. As much as it swelled, the surface of the marsh went down. Moved away. Then Eli became more loud, and he tilted his head into the distance to the surface.



The water in the wetlands disappeared in real time. No, he was sucked into the hamper. Suddenly a section revealed the floor. Only then did Eli stopped and turned to look at me. He raised his huge-faced head and smiled contentedly.


"Why do you look so proud?" I snapped at the arrogant face of Pochi.

'System, why do the things I need came out as I wanted it to be?'

[Must be sheer dumb luck.]

Fuck you, your answer does not help at all.