

A world that is destroyed by Scenarios, all just for the entertainment of Constellations. In this Destroyed world, A man Named Yu Jung-Hyeok got an unknown Sponsor, who bestowed a stigma of Regression on him. No matter how many times, he dies or no matter how much he suffers, he can't free himself from this curse of Regression over and over again. Yu Jung-hyeok's last hope is to finish all the Scenarios and reach the end after which probably, he can free himself from this never-ending curse of living his life over and over again. And for that no matter, what he has to do he will do it without even thinking about that. Join My Discord Server ;) https://discord.com/invite/BTsh6hpEJj # OMNISCIENT READER'S VIEWPOINT.

tls1233 · Romance
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42 Chs



[Jiaolong, a dragon also known as Scaled Dragon. It's a hornless dragon and said to be an aquatic or river-dwelling creature closely related to crocodiles.]

[Its ability makes it a truly special being as it is said to have regeneration and can't be killed.]

[That's why it was said to be sealed inside a sacred sword with five seals blocking its spirit from coming out.]

[By providing the souls of monsters, which are meant by small fragments of story scattered throughout the Star Stream, the first seal has been unlocked now.]


[The 'Jiaolong' first seal has been broken.]

[The 'Jiaolong' has used its skill 'Berserker Lv ???']


Suddenly the monsters approaching Yu Jung-Hyeok stopped their movements and closely looked towards him with weird emotions.

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' doesn't like the new entity.]


Suddenly a roar that sent shivers down everyone's body was heard there.

'What's happening??' Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with weird looks as no one knew what was happening there.

[What's happening, how did you get that sword!!!!]

Suddenly Bihyung appeared out of nowhere and started to speak with a panicked look.

[Why are you even holding that cursed sword....]

Bihyung flew towards Yu Jung-Hyeok with a panicked expression but stopped as his eyesight came in contact with his face.

[This guy is possessed...]

Bihyung looked at the unconscious Yu Jung-Hyeok. His face had blue veins coming out, and his eyes, which were looking at the scene in front of him, now had a gold and blue shade in them with a mad look.

His whole body was trembling and his face had a crazy smile on it with sharp teeth coming out of them.

[Dragon Transformation 'Incomplete']

A message was hovering above his head and seeing that Bihyung just took an annoyed gasp.

[Damnit why does it always happen to me...]

Bihyung spoke as he flew above the air and waited for a certain message to show up with an annoyed look.

[Probability is taking action, a being that shouldn't exist in this scenario has stepped forward.]

[The being is too strong for the current scenario.]

[The difficulty of this scenario is rising.]

[Main Scenario #3 – Green Zone (Day 3)

Category: Main

Difficulty: A-

Clear Conditions: Occupy the 'green zone' in the station and survive the monsters that emerge every night at midnight. This scenario will last 7 days.

Duration: 8 hours.

Compensation: 1,000 coins

Failure: ― ????]


[All green zones are hereby disabled.]

[New clear conditions for the scenario are getting generated.]

[Main Scenario #3 – Defend Against The Monster (Day 3)

Category: Main

Difficulty: A-

Clear Conditions (Updated): Survive the onslaught of monsters for a given duration.

Duration: 8 hours.

Compensation: 8,000 coins

Failure: ― ????]


[Haaa...So now everyone, you have to survive this hell for one day but don't think this is going to get easy.]

Bihyung spoke with a tired look which turned into a creepy smile as his eyes ventured towards Yu Jung-Hyeok.

[After all, now you all have to survive all the monsters reserved for all the other days too..]

[ Tsk...I can't believe that the Main Scenario would Changed Due to a Single Person's Foolishness...]

Bihyung spoke and then with a pleased look with a little annoyed tone, he bit his farewell and disappeared.

"What the heck is he talking about!!!"

"No...Are we going to die now!!!"



Suddenly a cracking sound was heard by everyone as the red barrier, which for some reason was deployed much further than before and had stopped the monster wave, started to tremble again.


Seeing that people started to scream in fear and run away to save their lives.

"What the hell is happening??" Gong Pildu, who was just reading his newspaper a while ago, suddenly came down with his men after hearing the sudden announcement.



With a loud thud, the red barrier broke into several pieces, and a large wave of monsters much stronger and much larger in number than the other two days suddenly appeared from that place.


The monsters rushed towards the people with hungry eyes to devour everyone.

"Fuck!!! Everyone take your position!!!" Gong Pildu screamed as he called everyone down. His green zone has now vanished and because of that, he doesn't have any way other than to fight these monsters.


"What the fuck is that!!!"

Suddenly a roar took everyone's attention as all of them looked toward the place where Yu Jung-Hyeok was standing.

"What's this....it's the same feeling as before...no, this time it's much worse."

Gong Pildu spoke as a strong pressure descended upon him just like before but this time it was much wilder and more ferocious.

Yu Jung-Hyeok's golden-blue eyes, just like a reptile, were glowing ferociously as he scanned his surroundings with a hungry look.


Seeing this look in his eyes, not only the people standing there but even the monsters shuddered in fear.



Yu Jung-Hyeok rushed toward the monsters with a hungry look on his face.


Seeing that, the monsters backed away in fear but Yu Jung-Hyeok was much faster as he closed the distance between them in seconds, and with the big teeth coming out of his mouth, he grabbed one monster's neck and took out a big chunk of meat out of it.


Blood flowed out like a broken fountain as a big tiger monster fell to the ground and died in a single attack.

'He's just like a ferocious dragon!!!' Yi Ji-Hye thought to herself as she looked at the scene in front of her while using her new sword to cut down the approaching monsters.

"Get together!!!" Gong Pildu, who was leading the group, spoke with a shocked look after seeing Yu Jung-Hyeok taking a big chunk of meat out of that monster.

"Where's Choi Han-Gyu??" Gong Pildu spoke with a narrowed look on his face.

"Sir, he left the group the other day after he gained his consciousness."

Choi Han-Gyu, after becoming unconscious from Yu Jung-Hyeok's attack, took a whole day to back consciousness and after that, he left the place, he had lost his pride there and didn't want to stay there anymore.

"That bastard!!!" Gong Pildu, with an annoyed look, cursed Choi as he looked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was killing the beasts just like a beast himself.

"What the heck is even happening here???" Suddenly Kim Namwoon appeared out of nowhere as he questioned with an annoyed look after all he was having a nice dream when all of a sudden his green zone just disappeared and suddenly some ground rats attacked him.

"What the heck is wrong with this guy??" Kim Namwoon spoke to Yi Ji-Hye as his eyes drifted toward Yu Jung-Hyeok, who had a crazy look on his face.

"I don't know, suddenly he just became like that..." Yi Ji-Hye tried to explain the situation which made Kim Namwoon more confused.

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' doesn't like the entity inside Yu Jung-Hyeok.]

"Hey!! What are you talking about??" Kim Namwoon looked at the message in front of him with a weird look.

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' doesn't like the entity taking possession inside Yu Jung-Hyeok.]

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' can feel the entity is very angry and wants to destroy everything.]

"What the fuck do you mean everything???" Kim Namwoon doesn't understand what his constellation wants to say.

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is saying that Yu Jung-Hyeok is possessed by a broken story of a dragon who turned evil.]

"Wait, that guy is possessed???" Kim Namwoon spoke with a loud voice as he somehow understood what his constellation was trying to say to him.

"What the heck!!! Who's possessed??" Yi Ji-Hye, hearing Kim Namwoon scream, asked with an equally loud voice.

"How will he get normal!!!" Kim Namwoon, clearly ignoring her question, asked back to his constellation.

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' doesn't know any way to get him out of possession.]

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' says as the power of the dragon soul is much weaker in that state, so after a little while, he will lose his control over his body.]

Kim Namwoon read the message loudly so that Yi Ji-Hye could also hear him and after that, they both turned their faces towards the mad Yu Jung-Hyeok, whose whole mouth was filled with blood as he was attacking the monster like a wild monster. They shuddered in fear.



They don't know how they will handle this situation until then.
