
Way Too Much Love.

Ilaria, a common girl with common hoodies in the Victorian era. She had small dreams, There are 4 roles. Healers, Wizards, Swordsman and Archers. Ilaria was one of those special classes, healers. Only few were left. Her father was a low ranked Viscount. Full of greed and money he gave no sold her daughter to the Imperial Palace. Thats were the royals lived. Ilaria had always been weak from the start. But she never wants people to worry about her. She just want a life with people she could help.

Iam_innocent · Histoire
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2 Chs

Ch-2 Morning.

The dim sunshine itches Ilaria's eyes. She didn't wanted to wake up. But soon the peaceful moment was taken away. A loud thud wakes her up.

"Wake up..!!" The woman shouted. It's her step mother.

Ilaria quickly opens her eyes and sit on her legs.

"Yes..Mother?" She asked ina faint voice.

"When do you plan to get out of the bed and get ready?! You little sult there are new things bought for you..!"

Her eyes were ranging with jealousy. Ilaria's step mother was vicious woman. She liked shiny things and money. She had a slim figure and she would do anything to look pretty.

"I am sorry...I will get ready right now..." she was looking down the whole time.... She wanted to spend this day without making anyone angry..

She didn't cared about the things her step mother was talking about. Because she craved love. Which she could never have.

She got off the dirty bed.

20 minutes later.

Ilaria had just came out of the bath. And she saw a blue dress. It was simple. But it made her happy some combs and shoes. It was her first time getting these so she was excited.

*Blushes* "Its..beautiful!!" she smiles as she rubs her hands across the dress.

"Are you ready yet?! Don't you know we are late??!!" The voice came from outside of the room. It was her step mother.

"Yes...in a minute." She said.

Her small hands tries to get the dress on herself.

"Oh..no I don't know how to wear this..."

She said in confusion.

"Oh...I think..yeah..!" Her face brightens up.

After a few minutes.

"Yay!! I finally did it!" She said in happiness.

She gets out of the room. She was smiling and her cheeks became red.

*I will show mother and father.. and thank them how beautiful the dress is.*

Before she reached their room she stoped. They talking, Ilaria reached the door and stick her ear on the door.

"How much money will we get?"

"We can buy a whole country with that much amount of money."

"But still we will still be poor as a begged in front of the Imperial Family."

"Yeah, I think all her blood will be sucked by the second prince."

"Isn't he sick?"

"Yeah, he stays in his room all the time."

Hearing what she heard...made her heart broke. Tears roll down her eyes.

She quickly ran down to the garden.

She saw a beautiful carriage standing there.

It was from the Imperial Family.

Without any more thinking she got inside the carriage.

A voice came "May we go to The Imperial Palace my Lady?"

"Yes..." This was all she could speak of. She just wanted to forget everything.

She closed her eyes. Tears roll down her eyes. And she couldn't stop them now.

Her face was red.

"Why me...father..?" after these words all she remembered was the black dream.

???? Time

"Miss we are here." A voice came...maybe its the knight.

Her eyes were still closed. She didnt wanted to open them.

All she could remember after that was. A man carries on his arms to a room.