
Way the snow falls

Emily_Knudsen · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

An angel's pain. A demon's wrath

Esmeralda sat next to Victoria's bed. She had long since stopped her wailing. James had told her that Victoria would need a miracle to survive and Esmeralda was preparing for the worst. "Miss? I would like to examine you, if that's okay?" A man in green scrubs said as a jet black wolf entered the room.

"I'm fine." She said in a voice devoid of any emotion.

"But your dress. It's covered in blood. And not all of it came from Victoria." He stammered lamely.

"No, it didn't. You're very observant. But the blood is not mine." She was still staring at Victoria lying on the bed. "Well...not all of it." She smiled sardonically at him. "I'm done with that bastard. I was only staying for Victoria."

"What do you mean?" She looked over and saw Simon and Callin standing in the doorway.

"I could have gone to my father's family the day I turned fifteen. But I found out that I was going to have a sister." She laughed humorlessly at the whole situation. "It just occurred to me that Victoria will get her miracle."

"How?" James asked as he came to check on his patient.

"She's not human." Esmeralda laughed again. "Mom sure can pick them. A quick fling with a demon. Married a bastard of a human that can't produce his own children and had a one night stand with an Angel out of spite."

"What are you saying?" Derik asked as he stepped out of the bathroom while trying his sweat pants.

"Victoria is an angel. And I sure as hell am not. Derik I think I Killed my stepdad." She murmured quietly as tears of horror began to roll silently down her face.

"Wait... What?" Simon half shouted.

"Esmeralda, you need to be sure. You either killed him or you didn't. Was he breathing when you left?" It was the most rattled she had seen Callin.

"Yes. But he wasn't moving. The hunting knife was still in his abdomen." She pictured her stepfather lying at the foot of the stairs. "I stabbed him four or five times Callin."

"Ezzy, that's an important detail. Was it four or five times?" Simon asked.

"Four....Five? Four. Definitely four." Her face scrunched up as she thought back to the scene in the house.

Esmeralda was practicing with her ocarina as she headed to her music room in the basement when she heard her mother yelling at the top of her lungs. "She was sitting with those monsters! Like she was actually going to fuck one of them!"

"What!?!" Mathew, Her stepfather shouted back. "I'm going to put a stop to this right now!" A door slammed back and Mathew was storming towards her. He had a large hunting knife in his hand. She lowered her instrument and stared at him in fear. "So you want to act like a fucking slut? I'm gonna treat you like one! Come here bitch!" He snarled viciously.

"No. I swear it's not what it seems! Please!" She begged as she put her hands out in front of her to ward him off.

"Come here now!" He reached for her and managed to catch a fistful of her hair when she spun around to run. "Stop struggling you worthless slut!" She felt the knife sink into her abdomen just below her rib cage and screamed in pain. She crumpled to the ground and felt Mathew kicking her.

"Stop please! I didn't do anything!" She cried out.

"Leave sissy alone!!" Esmeralda heard Victoria scream as she launched her tiny body between her and her attacker. She heard the strangled cry of her baby sister and felt as if she was watching the scene from above it. She watched in horror as her body struggled to free the blade he had left there. Time was precious as he began to violently shake the small angel in his hands.

"You were supposed to be a boy you fucking whore!" He roared in the child's face and spun to the flight of stairs. Esmeralda screamed as he flung Victoria down them like a rag doll. She felt herself slam back into her body full force. She grasped the Hilton of the knife and jerked it out of herself and launched at Mathew who barely had time to turn in her direction. The knife sink into his gut as they both toppled down the stairs.

"Oh my god! Esmeralda STOP!" Ruth screamed as she saw what was happening. They landed hard with Mathew beneath her. She jerked the knife back only to thrust forward again. Three more times she brought the knife down on him. As she stood up she hoped he would not survive the encounter. It was the sound of a wailing siren that brought her back from the her rage. She had to leave but would not leave Victoria behind.

She snatched the red towel that her mother was rushing to put over Mathew's wounds and wrapped it around Victoria as she scooped the unconscious toddler into her arms and bolted out the door.

"He was breathing when I left. The knife was still in his gut." The way she said it was cold as if she had detached herself from emotions all together. "I hope he dies." She gave half a smile and looked at her audience. Derik was rocking back and forth on the floor in one corner of the room as he held his head in his hands, his knees where pulled up to his chest. His father was standing looking defeated with two officers. Callin and Simon were refusing to move from in front of her. James was busying himself with Victoria's care. "Callin, Simon. I have ,t.a task for you two." She plucked a photo out of thin air and passed it to Callin. "This is Victoria's father. You can find him at the bar written on the back. Inform him that he has a daughter and what the situation is. If he refuses to come see her, fill this vile with his blood and bring it to James to inject into Victoria." Once both boys had left, Esmeralda flicked her wrist be suspended in mid air. "I am not resisting officer."

She turned around and put her arms behind her back. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford an attorney one will be appointed by the court. You can decide at any time to exercise these-"

"Officer we are well beyond me trying to denie what happened. I will be making a call as soon as I can."

"Esmeralda, We can get you a lawyer if you'd like. Just say the word." Derik's mother fretted.

"Don't bother. I will be calling my father's brother. He can sort all of this out." She was led from the room at that point.