
New Talents

"Next morning, I will go to Belarion and told him these news. That would give him more motivation to train the troops. He is beginning to become impatient"

At this Aeryon chuckles a bit and Mayeux just shakes his head. 

Even though he was not close to Belarion in the past, after Aeryon began using him and Belarion, the chance to mingle with each other had also increased.

Mayeux himself wanted to know about Belarion and so they stuck a friendship.

The friendship is a bit casual and is clearly not as close as the relationship of brotherhood that Aeryon and Belarion possess, but from the encounters he had with Belarion, Mayeux knows that Belarion is the kind of person that could not stay still for long.

Belarion is the kind of person that would be in a state of unrest, the more they did not do anything vigorous. 

Instead Belarion become more and more enthusiastic in his action. And that kind of enthusiasm is beginning to claim victims