
Water of Ruins

War breaks out between the elemental and the only way for one side to gain power is to gain one of the embodiment of a goddesses.

Katie_Novak · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
10 Chs

Chapter Two

Arriving at the marketplace, the farmers can see how pack it is with other farmers and merchants. As soon as Moonlight sees the crowd, her smile falters a bit. "It's so crowded will we be able to find a spot?" She asks, looking over to her father, searching the crowd, a bit worried about it himself. He turns to her daughter and sees the worry on her face; he offers a reassuring smile.

"We'll be all right my dear. I am sure we will find a spot here. Or at least in another section."

"But if it's not in the produce district wouldn't we be in trouble?" She asks as she chews the inside of her cheek.

"None sense." Marcus chirped and took the reins of their grey mare. "If someone gives us any trouble. I am sure you can convince them to let us stay. Like you do back home."

"But back home it was just an animal. Foxes and chickens. I never try it on people. You told me not to." She looks down as her hand's fidgets and stares down at her filthy boot until a large warm hand rest on top of hers. Moonlight looks back at her father, giving her a reassuring look.

"Moonlight my dear, have confidence in your gift and you will do great. Now take a deep breath and let's hurry." He led them down the crowded street: one hand holding the reins and another his daughter's hands.

As they travel down the street, the more crowded it becomes. Marcus can feel his daughter gripping his hand tighter, and a twin of guilt hit him in the chest. He knows it's his fault that crowds make her nervous because he shelters her at the farm all her life. But the farmer knows this is a perfect time for her to overcome this nervousness since she will now help with the business side. He gives her hand a little squeeze. "It's going to be okay."

Moonlight nods and takes another deep breath and continue to follow him.

As they reach the end of the merchant district, they begin to give up hope in finding an open spot. But to their delight, they found one a small place between jewelers and pottery stand.

"There's one!" Marcus exclaims, pointing at the spot.

But Moonlight was a bit unsure seeing the men at the stand already not in a good mood. "Are you sure? They seem to be not in good spirits."

"It will be fine, if they said no just tell them it's only for a day." Marcus assures her and giving her a little nudge forward.

"With a sigh, Moonlight takes the horse's reins of the mare and lead her with the wagon toward the empty spot.

Hearing the slow clip-clopping of a horse, both merchants see this tiny thin farmer girl approaching them. They look at each other and share a look between them both; they both agree the farmers can't step up here.

The pottery merchant, a short, balding man with a large round belly step forward, blocking the young woman's way. "Can I help you miss?" He takes in her dirty farmer clothes.

"Oh, um." Moonlight takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. "I was hoping to set up my stand here today."

"You would like to set up a stand here? In the Mercantile District?" He asks, crossing his arms across his chest. He glances back at the jeweler. "You are aware this isn't the food district, right?"

"Um yes, I know this isn't the produce district but," Moonlight tries to explain, but the merchant interrupts here.

"Do you have something else in that wagon beside the food you are selling here?" He looks over at the wagon.

"I have um," She fiddles the reins again, her boots shuffling in the dirt. "Just little cloth dolls and I some teas and medicines."

The bald man tries not to smirk. "Just those dolls, huh?" He shakes his head. I'm sorry, but if you are mostly going to sell food, then you can't be here."

Moonlight frowns and tilts her head. "How come? We will only be here for one day. Then we will be out of your way tonight."

"This is the Mercantile District. You won't have any luck here, you will do better in,"

Moonlight interrupts him as she moves closer to him, surprising him. "Oh, I couldn't agree with you more. But you see we were already there and there were no openings. If we could just use this space, just for today. I promise we won't cause any trouble please?" Moonlight gives him wide, pleading eyes.

Taken by surprise, his resolve of not allowing them here to begin to dissolve. He stumbles a bit as he steps backward.

Watching his stand neighbor in trouble, the jeweler approaches them. This man is the opposite of the pottery merchant. He was tall, muscular, and short black hair. He places his hand on his friends' shoulder, gently moving him aside a bit to look down at the crimson hair woman. "look, we sympathize with you both, but it's not our job to fix it. There is a reason there is a producing district. Maybe if you arrive early, you would have a spot."

Moonlight looks up at the older man." Please don't think we are asking you to break the rules. But" She taps her chin as she thinks. "This place and really far from the produce district. So, do you get as much customers as the ones near there?"

"No, we don't." The pottery merchant said with a sigh.

"Could it be because when they get hungry, they have to back track and get food from there. Do you think they don't want to walk wall the way back here?"

"Aye, what are you getting at?" He begins to falter, too, knowing she has a point.

"Well." Moonlight chew on her lip. "We have food that people can walk around and eat while they shop. So, it would bring more business down here because they don't have to go back to eat." Seeing both men falter a bit, Moonlight moves closer to the jeweler, widening her eyes. "Please let us stay, we will be gone tonight, and you don't have to put up with us anymore after today."

The men's resolves crumbles and are replaced by a strong urge to allow the farmers to stay. The jeweler rubs the back of his head and looks away from her. "I don't see the harm to allow you to stay for one day."

The younger farmer jumps a little in joy, clapping her hands. "Oh! Thank you so much!" As the merchants step aside for Moonlight and her father to walk by, she stops and gives a quick peck on the cheek, causing the jeweler to blush a little.

The potter merchant feels a twinge of jealousy, seeing her giving his partner a bit of affection. Wanting to get a peck himself, he sees his chance as Moonlight struggling with carrying a creation of food. So, he approaches her and takes it from her, seeing a surprising look from the young girl. "It's heavy let me help carry it for you." He tells her.

She shakes her head and puts her hands up to stop him. "Oh no you already allow us to stay here. It's not right to allow you to carry this as well."

"The heavy-set man smiles at her. "None sense if my mum found out I didn't help young lady, she'll give me a whooping that will make me stand for a week."

"He's right, my mum would do the same." The jeweler said, walking up to the wagon and help Marcus carry the table from the wagon.

The potter nods. "You just tell us where to put them."

The young woman smiles and shows them where to place everything. Thanks to the extra help, the farmers have their produce stand up in no time. As Moonlight sets a few small wicker baskets, filled with various herbs, teas, and medicines, she notices a young man browsing around the potter's stand. Looking around for the bald merchant, she finds him still helping her father. Worry the customer will leave, she hurries over to help him.

The young man is looking over at some bowls and teacups on display, but nothing catches his eye. He was about to leave when he notices Moonlight approaching him.

"Good Morning!" She greeted him cheerfully.

The shopper smiles at her a bit surprised to see someone so chipper in the morning. "Good morning."

"Is there anything I can help you with?" She asks, thankful the place is not so crowded.

"Oh, no I'm just looking thank you." He glances her up and down. "Do you run this stand alone?" He is a bit surprised to see someone so young running one alone.

"Me?" Moonlight sounded surprised. "Oh no, I run the food stand next door with my father." She gestures to the one next door. "I'm helping the gentleman that runs this one. Are you from here? I'm sorry it sounds rude I just see so many people from other kingdoms."

"Yes, I live in one of the manors on the southside of the city."

Her eyes go wide, and she steps closer. "You live in one of the manors? Oh wow, I never seen one before, but I heard they are really big is that true?" She quickly asks, her voice fill with excitement.

Surprise seeing this reaction; he felt a bit of pride. "Yeah they are huge, but I don't own it sadly." He explains further, seeing the confused look on Moonlight's face. "I work in the manor and they board me. Right now, we are hosting the king and his family you probably know who." He gives her an overconfident smile.

Moonlight frowns. "Who is it?"

"Aren't you from Tralon?" He asks, puzzled.

Moonlight shakes her head. "No, I live on the outskirts of Drover in one of the farming colonies."

Feeling embarrasses, red shown in his cheek. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just assume because of your hair. Well no one in Drover have red hair and well people from Tralon does."

The redhead nod in understanding. "I see, but don't worry. It happens a few times. Father said it happen to my mother too."

He feels relieved.

"But of the royal family is there why are you here?"

"Oh, I'm not due to work until this evening, but the Queen is unhappy with the dishware we are using so the cooks send me out for find a tea seat to please the queen." He explains with a sigh.

"Well you are in luck. We sell teas and I'm sure there's a tea set she will like." She said, looking around the stand looking for a tea set. A lot of them were unpainted so the owner can paint them the way they wanted. 'Hm. This is no good.' She into the stand and begin to look a bit more.

The customer tries to stop her. "You don't have to worry about finding one for me."

"But you went pass all the other stands before you arrive here at the end. This is the only stand left. Wouldn't you be in trouble if you don't come back with something?"

"It's alright, I don't want you to go out of your way just to help me." He protests, watching her weave through the piles of pots and vases.

She turns her violet eyes to the man and then back to scanning. "But I want to help." As she said this, her eyes fall on a polish cherry wood box, hidden in the back. Picking it up, she can hear a small twinkling sound of porcelain. She opens the lid a little and sees an elegant tea set resting in velvet. Walking back to him, she places the box down on the table and opens it for him. Wisps of red dance over the white porcelain, making it look like someone drops a drop of red dye in milk, and it disrupts. "What do you think?" She asks with a smile.

"Hm." He looks over the tea set and then back at the young woman. He was not planning to buy a tea set; he planned to go to one of the shops in the square. But looking into her eager eyes. He could not tell her no. "You know," He lifts one of the teacups and sees some of the red dye had a pool at the bottom, "you pick the perfect one."

"Really!?" Moonlight voice goes a bit high pitch happily.

"Yeah, I think they will lover it. I'll take it." He can't help but feel her excitement is Infectious.

"That's wonderful!" She turns to her stand and sees the pottery merchant helping her father; she waves at him to come over.

The round merchant approaches the two and notices the elegant tea set sitting on the table between the two. "Yes?"

"This gentleman wishes to buy this tea set." Moonlight tells him, gesturing to the customer. "He works in one of the manors where the royal family of Tralon is staying."

"Oh really?" the merchant said, crossing his arms, not impress and examine the young man. Unlike Moonlight, he's not likely to believe him so easily. He had a few people claiming to work for the royalty or the council trying to get a discount.

The young man nods. "Yes, the chef sent me out to look for dishware to please the queen. I think this tea set will most definitely please her."

"Well if you claim it's for the queen you will have no problem paying for the price I'm asking for. It's be twenty gold." He waits for him to start haggling or pull the old I won't pay for them, can't you give me the discount.

Moonlight begins to protest, but the servant pulls out a pouch and counts out twenty gold then hold them out to her. Unsure, she looks over to the merchant, and with a nod, by him, she takes the money and quickly counts it too.

"Is it all there dear?" The potter asks, watching her count.

"Yes., it's all here" She looks over towards him.

"Alright, then. Thank you for your purchase. The potter merchant put the lid on the box and hand it to the man.

"Thank you, sir, I am sure the queen will be pleased with this." He turns to Moonlight once more. "Um could you." He clears his throat. "Could you show me the teas you were telling me about earlier?"

"Of course." The farmer leads him to her stand and asks him what the queen's taste is.

"Well, I've been told she enjoy sweet and spicy food." He explains to her.

As the customer walks over to Moonlight's stand where her father is waiting, the potter merchant stops her by touching her wrist. When she turns to him, he places five gold coins in her hand.

"That's for helping me sell that tea set I could never sell it." He explained to her as he goes back to look at his inventory.

"Thank you." She tells him and turns back to her father to help


Lady Rosabella opens the window of her small bedroom to let the fresh air enter. As a warm and gentle breeze enter, she walks over to the fireplace where her son is sitting by it reading a book. She runs a gloved finger across the mantel. As the queen raises her finger, her lips pull back in a sneer seeing her lace glove cover in the dust. "Ugh they call this clean?" She pulls her gloves off. "By the way they treat us you would think they don't know we're royalty."

"I'm sure they do mother." Anoi says, turning a page in his book as he relaxes in one of the two overstuffed chairs. "But this is just summer home. A summer home that have not been use for years. I'm sure they rather employ servants in other places then an empty manor." He explains, not looking up from his book.

"Yes, I know that, but the council knew we were coming they could send a few to clean up before we arrive or at least give us a bigger accommodation." She huffs, taking out her fan.

"Mother they knew father, Felix, and myself are coming but you invited yourself the last minute. So, this room that you have taken as yours would have been mine." He pointed out to her, with a slight annoyance in his voice.

"If I didn't come along your father would of overlook you and focus on Felix. Don't you want the throne?" Getting no response from her son, she scoffs and walks to the window again to cool them off. "This room is so stuffy." To her delight, she sees a less elegant carriage arriving, knowing it holds their servants. "Finally, I will have some decent servants a shame I couldn't bring the cooks."

"The cooks here are fine mother. But for the throne you know Felix will be the king."

Turning back, she narrows her eyes at her relax son. "Only because you don't put in the effort." She sits across from him. "Honestly, Anoi if it wasn't for me campaigning for you, you will end up as one of Felix's scholars a servant to him."

Finally, the second prince pear over his book and looks at his exacerbated mother, and with a sigh, he closes it. "Just because I am not scheming in trying to make Felix look bad, every single day doesn't mean I gave up my seat to the throne. Your efforts mother, made him look even better.

Insulted, she purses her lips and glares her son. "Then please tell me what you have done to gain your father's favor because all I been seeing is you sitting in your room or the library reading."

"Well by reading, I was able to find information that will not only give me the throne or rule all five kingdoms."

"How?" She asks, arching a brow.

"With this book." He holds up a worn leather journal. Seeing his mother was not excited to see this.

"An old journal?" She asks, annoyed.

"This is father's old journal the one he had the last time he was here. I found it in the study before father enter the study."

"How can his old journal help him? Does he have a battle plans writing in it?"

"Not something like that father wrote in here on how the council can stay out of the war. They have a powerful medium that can easily destroy a kingdom."

"A medium that can destroy a kingdom. Darling we have many mediums at home." She said, unimpressed.

"Yes, but does one of them embodied on of the five goddesses?" Anoi asks with a bit of excitement in his voice and his deep crimson eyes. "Father wrote the council had succeeded in trapping their goddess Odra in a body of a child."

"You're telling me they embodied the goddess of life and death?" She asks with disbelief and opens her fan again.

"Yes, and they send the offer the other kingdoms to do the same for their goddess. All they wanted is tributes to them. Father of course agree and attends the ceremony."

"If that's true where is the medium that have Goddess Ekdite?"

"I was wondering that too. If Father gotten one wouldn't he have them around the castle." He gets up, and as he walks around the small room, he flips a few pages. "The journal said the ceremony happen and it was a success but before father claim the child the medium that have Odra went mad and unleash the plague that made people go mad. During the chaos of getting out of Drover the children gotten lost. But father believes all four of them are alive and living among us."

"Then how can we tell which one is Goddess Ekdite."

"By a birthmark." Anoi turns the book around and shows a drawing of a single flame curling into a spiral, a symbol of their goddess. "I just need to find someone with this birthmark. I can have them join me as an ally. With the goddess on my side I don't need father to give me the throne. I will have support of the other nobles and father don't have a choice. But to give it to me."

The queen takes in what her son told her and closed her fan. "Alright my dear let us play the what if game. What if you did find this medium and you did everything to gain its friendship. What would you do if they refuse?"

Anoi closes the book and places it on the small table set between the chairs. "I was thinking about that too. If the council has Odra how did they gain control of her again. So, they must have the information to contain it."

"Do you think they keep that information? In their library?"

"Yes, but it won't be available to the public. The council must have it hidden in their private library. I just need to get in there and then I will have the power to control a goddess. Not only that but I can control other kingdoms' goddess."

"Then you don't need the Tralon's throne. You will be the ruler of the world." The thought of her son ruling the world brought a smile on her lips. "Then Anoi my love you should look for that book."

"It's the only matter of time, mother. Besides, Drover is a small kingdom in the middle of nowhere. The mediums must be here or around it. In the library, I can find information on how I can find them.


As the sun moves towards the middle of the sky, a rumor spreads about a crimson hair, violet eye beauty working in a stand in the mercantile district. All the single men know this will be a great chance to get a glimpse of this woman. Because of these, all three stands are overwhelmed by customers clammier for Moonlight's attention.

Nox, the youngest of the council members, walks around the market looking for something to buy for Dismas. Unlike the older members, Nox does not have a bald head but short white hair. That usually angers Lennay, but thanks to his job as a caregiver, he's able to bend the rules. As he reaches the end of the Mercantile district, a large crowd brought his attention, making him stop. "Hm. That's interesting it's been a long time seeing a crowd this large around a stand. I wonder what they are selling to attract this much attention."

He makes his way towards the crowd, and makes his way through it; he notices many customers are young men. Reaching the stand, he finds out it was three stands in the middle of the crowd; seeing that they are selling, he is mildly disappointed. The pottery is plain, and nothing stands out the same for the jeweler's stand as well. He makes his way to the stand selling produce to see if it's selling any exotic food. 'Nothing here either. Why are they so popular?" He picks up a small cloth doll. 'I wonder if Dismas would like this.'

"That's a great toy popular with little girls. Would you like to buy it?" Moonlight asks, walking up to him. Her cheeks are flush from running around, helping all three stands.

The monk looks up from the doll and surprise to someone else having the same color as his Dismas. As he begins to decline, he loses his voice.

Moonlight gives Nox a warm smile, and while she waits, she wonders if his hair is white. After a moment of him staring at her, she tries to suggest things to fill this awkward silence. "Umm, if you don't want the doll, we well fresh fruits and vegetables but you don't like those we also offer teas, herbs for cooking and medicine for minor illness." She points out each item waiting for him to respond.

Nox feels a small pull of wanting to buy something from her because if he does, then her being happy would make him happy. But compare it to Dismas' power this feels like an itch then a deep desire. 'Interesting. She has the same gift as her though it's fragile. I wonder if she knows she has this gift.' His green eyes studied her face, but he can't see a hint of her using it. "I will have to let Lennay know about this young girl using it.'

A large hand rests on Moonlight's shoulder, interrupting the two. "I can help him dear go ahead and take a break."

The daughter gives the nod. "Alright." She turns back to the monk. "If you excuse me. I hope you will be able to find what you are looking for." She gives a wave goodbye and head to the back, separated by a large dark green blanket.

Marcus watches his daughter leave, and he turns back to the monk; his expression change from warm and friendly to cold and stern. He crosses his arms across his chest, glaring at Nox. "I think it's time for you to go monk." He tells him so coldly that Nox tries to fight the chill going up against his spine.

Taken by surprise by someone acting so disrespectful towards a member of the council. "I'm already leaving sir." He begins to head back into the crowd when Marcus calls out to him.

"Hurry back to your nest. I'm sure 'Father' Lennay would like to speak with you." Seeing the young man on the other side of the crowd, he yells one more time. "Monk!"

Nox stops in his steps and turns and looks back. "Pass a message to your 'father' for me. If I see any of you monks around my daughter again, I will make sure you will regret it and that's a promise." As soon as the monk is gone, he turns back to a customer and offers a warm smile again.


Felix knocks on the door with three raps, and as he waited for an answer, he watches a few servants running around getting the manor in order.

"Come in." Boom the king's voice behind the door.

The first prince opens the door and enters the study. Inside the small analysis, a fire roar in its fireplace, illumining the room. His father is sitting at a large desk writing on some parchment with a large windowpane overlooking a dead garden. Felix assumes the monks don't consider taking care of a garden is essential. Books on the other side of the room filled to the brim in the floor to ceiling built-in bookshelves. He walks over and stands in front of the desk. "You send for father?"

"Yes, I just want to go over a few things before the meeting tomorrow, since this will be your first time attending." Gabel explains, looking up to his son. "Have a seat."

"Should I go call for Anoi? He's attending this meeting as well." Felix asking gesturing to the door, to call a servant.

"No, there is no need he will not be attending with us." The king gestured to the chair again and finished writing.

Concern Felix continues to question. "Does Anoi knows he will not be coming? Is that why he was in the study today?"

He stops in midsentence. "Anoi was is here today?"

"Yes, but if you didn't talk to him then he must have gotten a book to read.��� Felix suggests.

"Ah yes that must be why he came in here. I will be telling him and Lady Rosabella over dinner tonight." Getting no response, he looks again and sees the worry expression. "Are you worry about Lady Rosabella? You don't need to worry about her I can handle her."

"Really?" Felix lifts a brow does not convince. "You know she will not be pleased knowing you're not letting Anoi attending. Remember last time?" The prince thought about when his father and himself went hunting with a few nobles but didn't bring Anoi along. Rosabella throws such a fit; it took the servants weeks to repair the west wing.

"She will be fin. After I tell her Anoi will be wed to princess Ishtar I know she will be please." Gabel sprinkles some powder on the parchment to dry the ink.

Surprise Felix, he sits down. "Anoi is? I thought I would and Anoi will be betrothed to a noble from Wepis?"

"Yes, that was the planned but as you are aware, she wants him to be a king. Of course, you next in line for the throne. So, to keep her happy and having him become king marry him off to princess Ishtar."

"But doesn't Runswift have a king?"

"A king with no wife, and no heir. I also herd that he's in no hurry to find a wife." He tells his son.

"So, if the king dies and Anoi is married to the princess then he will be king."

The king nods. "Yes, we will have almost all the kingdoms in our control not to mention this will please Lady Rosabella as well and stops her pursuit of putting Anoi on the throne."

Felix gives a small smirk. "Father, are you implying that your second wife have ill intent towards me?" It's no secret that the second queen has no love for the first prince, and every chance she gets, she tries to make him look back.

The king let out a chuckle. "Not everyone can be like your mother." The room fell silent at the mention of the first queen.

Felix clears his throat and changes the subject. "On my way here, I notice an extra carriage arriving. But the driver could not tell me why it's here. Should I be concern?"

"That's for you boys and Lady Rosabella. If something happens, I want you to get them out of here. I don't want to lose none of you."

"Father do you mean if the council might do something?" He swallows. "Like mother?" He said softly.

"Yes," He responds with the same tone. "I can't lose you either Felix. Not the same way as Orla." He whispers her name as he looks towards the fireplace watching the flames.


When Maller leavers the men of Runeswift. They waste no time searching the manor making sure there are no hidden passageways or places. Once they explore every nook and cranny and finding it clear, the men gather in the study. The page closes the door, walks to the desk, and addresses the men.

"Alright, it seems they believe Charlies is me." The young man gives a slight smirk as he leans against the desk. He turns to the man impersonating him. "Charlie, will you be alright to do the meeting without me?"

Charlie gives a cocky smile. "MI lord, if I cannot handle a meeting this simple, the I shouldn't be here."

"Good then-" Damian gets interrupted by Quincy steps forward.

"Sir are you still planning to walk around the city alone?" He asks concern.

The king gives the nod. "Yes, since Pages's isn't allowed in the meeting, might as well take this chance to look around. Today I will look around the city, but tomorrow I should search for their meeting hall.

"Today?" Quincey sounded surprised. "Milord you didn't tell us you were doing that today."

"I will be fine Quincey."

"But to be out in the open unguarded as our enemy is walking about isn't wise." The Captain of the guard protest.

"If I have one of you following me it would be suspicious. Which will ruin the whole plan of Charlie being me." Seeing Quincey about to protest, he raises his hand to silence him. "I can handle myself. Beside I need to gather information about this place before tomorrow. Where they might be hiding this 'Medium.' The one they claim is so powerful to destroy cities. The one they claim to have to stay out of this war. But often ignore Tralon."

"But going to council? Is it wise to go against them? Your father did and we lost him and your mother. If they get wind that you trick them milord; They might send them after you as well." Royce voice his concern as well.

Damian let out a loud sigh as he rubs the bridge of his nose. He can't be mad at his men. He understands their worries, and he heard the rumors about what happened to his parents. His father, the last king, refuses to have an audience with the council, so they send their medium after killing him and the queen in retaliation. But Damian knows his father crack under pressure and killed him and his wife. "Gentleman, this 'powerful' medium doesn't exist. The last one died seventeen years ago in the plague. They are just claiming to have one, to have power. I will expose this lie the council has spun, and they will lose their control, making them choose neither side and stay out of it.

Before e Royce can protest, two soft knocks interrupted their meeting.

Charlie looks at his king to see if he wants to answer the door.

The king nods as he pushes off the desk. "Go ahead." He said in a low voice as he heads towards the door.

"Yes? Who is it?" Charlies called out.

The door opens slightly, and a soft feminine voice answers him. "I'm sorry to bother you milord, but the kitchen had sent me to deliver you a tray of tea and refreshments for you and your companions."

Damian opens the door wider, startling the young maid. He offers her a comforting smile and gives a small bow. "Please excuse me miss, my master will gladly accept the tray of refreshments." He steps aside to allow her to come in. "If you could please place it on the desk."

"Oh! O,of course." She does a small curtesy and enters the room. When the maid walks past the door, Damian gives a slight nod towards his men before leaving the room. Making his way out of the manor and towards the city square.

Hey Moonlighters!

I hope you're week so far been treating you well. Mine been a busy, I have a wedding in two weeks so busy busy. But I was able to Setup another story in the fanfiction section Warlock of Hearts. If you live the video game Destiny I suggest giving this a read. It's about a warlock trying to kill time with a well known exo.

Any way don't forget to Comment, add to collection, and Vote!

See ya later!

Katie_Novakcreators' thoughts