
Watch your story on video for all universes

Everyone has their own life and each one lives as they want, but everything they do is recorded, their past, present and future, but what if someone else reveals that story, the world will be in chaos or will be safe, just investigate and see what awaits us in this new future. . . . . "He he he he" "It's my moment of glory, it's time to reach a million subscribers and this video will give it to me." [Publicando video......2%...29%...44%....67%....89%....99%....100] [Uploading video, video posted] "Now we just have to wait." . . . . *Meanwhile in all the known universes* . "Look a new video has been released" "Hill calls all the avengers to watch the new video." "Hey Bruce what's this video about" "Gojo-sensei there's a new video." "Hey Vegeta look at is you" "Ichigo look at this is new" "Hahaha I finally get to see my dream of being hokage" "Am I going to die?" "Can Saitama kill with one hit???" . . . . *In the main world* "Wow he's only got a few minutes and he's already famous enough." "Hahaha yeah they really like these videos".

Darknight558 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Cap 6

yes, yes, yes, yes, YYYEEESSSSS

The chapters are uploaded at 12pm Mexico time or possibly between 6pm-10pm Mexico time. I'm still figuring out which days to publish them.


*Keyboard sounds*

*Keyboard sounds*

"Almost there, just a little more... one last detail... San Pedro here I come"

*Keyboard sounds*

"Goodbye cruel world"

*Keyboard sounds*

[Loading video.....5%....24%...49%...67%...88%...91%...100%]

[Video loaded successfully, uploading to the video platform]

[Operation completed, starting to link the universes]

[Connection with the universes successful]

[Starting video transmission]








"Jarvis, how's the reactor doing?"

[Sir, the reactor is functioning properly, but the palladium is contaminating your body, sir]

"I know, but what can I do? I've already started my research to prevent poisoning, although it's just beginning, I need to find a way to change that element."

"Jarvis, play some music while I research."

[Right away, sir]

*Music starts playing*




*Music stops*

"Jarvis, why did you stop the music?"

[Sir, a new video about the "universal video channel" just got published.]

"What's the video called?"

[It's called Iron Man, and it probably talks about his story.]

"Jarvis, project it on the screen."

[At your service, sir]






"What's up, Yuji?"

"There's a new video, look!"

"Perfect, I've got my popcorn ready."





"Dad, look, there's a new movie, it's about that iron guy."

"Annya, what did I tell you about eating sweets at this hour?"

"But it's for watching the movie, Annya can do it yesssss!"


"Fine, just this once."






"Yotsuba, come quick, there's a new video on that channel."


"So soon?"

"Well, it's not even a day apart, so it might be daily or who knows."

"But wouldn't that be too much effort for one person?"

"Maybe not, they might have a whole production team."





"Kakashi-sensei, look, look at the screen, it's lighting up again, and now that weird name appears."

"Mmmhh, I see it, Naruto."

"Sakura, who do you think this Iro dam person is?"

"It's called Iron Man, and I'm not sure, I don't even know what it means."





"Hey Kiba-sempai, there's a new video, do you want to watch it?"

"Of course, if it's about superheroes, who wouldn't want to watch?"

"Why do they like heroes so much?"

"Sona-sempai, heroes are every man's greatest desire and a goal to achieve."





"Iron Man sounds like a man made of metal, or what could it be???"

"Sempai, Sempai, Sempai, what are you doing??"

"Oh Uzaki, have your classes finished already?"

"Yes, I'm free now, but what are you doing?"

"Watching the new video from this channel."

"And what kind of videos does that channel make?"

"Well, it's supposed to be from other universes, but I think it's about superheroes, well, that was the previous video."





"Iro?? Man??? what is that???"

"I have no idea, Luffy."

"Could it be something edible???"

"I don't think so, it might be like the previous video."

"You mean the weak young man who then became all muscular that made you blush, Nami?"






"Denji, hurry up, the movie's about to start."

"I'm coming, if only you would do your household chores, Power."

"I can't, that's your job."


"Hurry up, Denji."

"I'm coming."





"Harry, come quickly, the movie is about to start."

"I'm coming, Hermione."

"So, this is what muggles watch, right?"

"That's right, Ron, and there are different movies, some are adventure, romance, or comedy."

"I see."





[Good morning, afternoon, evening, it's a great joy to see you again, my dear viewers, I hope you're ready to watch this new story about the Marvel universe. For many, the previous video may have come as a surprise, but don't worry, everything is fine.]

[Now, many might wonder why a new video so soon. Well, it's simple, I was bored and wanted to show you the beginning of one of the three great heroes of this world. But don't get too excited, I won't do it too often because it's quite difficult to explore other universes and tell their stories.]

[Well, I won't say much more, and I hope you enjoy the video.]






The screen darkens, and soon the image of a young boy smiling at the camera appears. This boy is Tony Stark, who lost his parents in his childhood, leaving his right-hand man, Obadiah Stane, in charge of Stark Industries. But after graduating and becoming an adult, Tony would return as the prodigal son to take over the company and take it to another level. The image changes again, and now a party is shown where an award is being given in Tony Stark's name, but he was at the casino.

The next day, Tony and his friend Rhodes go on a trip where they arrive at a military base in Afghanistan, where Tony proceeds to present the latest in missiles and eventually leaves well guarded by the army.





"It seems that this person can really see the past, present, and future, as I lived it in flesh and bones, but seeing it now in the form of a movie feels kinda weird, plus they skipped some parts like when I took this reporter to bed and..."

*Ring ring*

*Ring ring*

"Who's bothering me now?"

"What do you want?"

(Tony, is what's being shown in the video true??)

"..." (Tony!!!!)

"Yes, Rhody , what's being shown really happened to me."





Suddenly, at that moment, they are attacked, and the soldiers come out to attack the enemy, but unfortunately, they died. Tony, in an attempt to save himself, tries to escape and hide, finding a place to hide, he tries to ask for help but sees a missile fall beside him, and it's a missile from his company, then it explodes causing Tony to be thrown and several fragments to embed in his body causing cuts and several wounds, Tony faints.

He wakes up soon after and realizes he's a hostage, then we see a flashback where we see when he arrived at the terrorist base they performed surgery on his heart to save him, when he gets up again he meets the doctor who saved him and he tells him that the device in his heart is to prevent the metal fragments from touching his heart, but it won't last long since it will only last 1 week.





*Ring ring*

"Pepper, hi, how are you, what's your call about?"

(Tony, tell me the truth, did this really happen to you in that accident?)

"..." (Tony!!!!)

"Yes, Pepper, what's being shown really happened to me."

"Why I feel like I've already said this, what deja vu I just had."





"God, that's really ugly, that thing is keeping him alive."

"Yeah, it's an electromagnet connected to a car battery as a power source, to generate a magnetic field and thus slow down those metal shards in his body."

"Wow, Senku, with just one look, you know what it is."

"Well, of course, don't you remember when I made one in elementary school where we almost burned down the whole chemistry classroom, Tauji?"

"But what I said is in simple terms for your muscle head to understand, look, the scientific form is..."

"And here comes about 5 hours of explanation from Senku, Tauji."

"It doesn't matter, even if I don't understand, I'll listen because Senku is my friend, Yuzuriha."





At that moment, the terrorists arrive and ask Tony to build the missile he recently presented, but he refuses, but they end up torturing him so he reluctantly agrees, with the condition of being released, but he knows that after finishing the job they will kill him, but with the week he has left he knows he can fix things, so the terrorists bring him all the materials Tony asks for.

With the materials at hand, Tony begins to work, dismantling everything they brought him while being observed by the terrorists, they see that he is building something but they don't know what, and they're right, what he's actually building is a mini arc reactor which he will use to remove the fragments from his heart and thus prolong his lifespan.





"What's an arc reactor??"

"It's a source that provides unlimited and quite powerful energy, if constantly improved it can power an entire country."


"Morty, that's how all masterminds are, we create great things, look at my portal gun, many tried to get it but what do you think, they all failed hahaha"





Tony begins to build his plan to escape and shows him the plans for an armor where he will use the arc reactor as an energy source, but the terrorists begin to suspect so they go to check but they discover the plans of the armor and understand that something is wrong so they threaten to kill the doctor, but Tony convinces them to let him live but they reduce the time for him to deliver the missile the next day.

Seeing that he has little time left, Tony begins to build his armor and almost succeeds, he lacked some details and some pieces of the armor, but the terrorists suspect again so they send some soldiers to check, Tony who was putting on the armor realizes that he ran out of time but the armor is not ready, then the doctor decides to gain some time and goes to face the soldiers but is surrounded.

Tony who was in a hurry to get out and help his friend sees that the armor is almost ready but while waiting he hears several shots, Tony becomes more and more anxious and wants to go out to save his friend, the computer sounds indicating that the download is complete, now that the armor is working Tony begins to kill all the soldiers who appear to stop him.

After making his way, he finds his friend but he is quite injured, he was lying down while bleeding out, breathing with difficulty but he manages to recognize Tony.


[Get up, we have to go, move, we have a plan, we have to follow it]

[This was always the plan, Stark]

[Get up, you'll see your family]

[My family no longer exists, I'm going to see them now, Stark]

[Alright..... It's.....alright]

[I want.....this..... I.....crave.....it]

[Thank you for saving me]

[Make the most of it, don't waste your life]





"Thank you, Yinsen, my friend, thank you."


<Author: Well folks, now you know more or less what time the chapters will be coming out. If it doesn't come out at 12pm may between 6pm and 10pm Mexico time, if there's no chapter could mean three things: that day, I'm sick have a lot of homework, I just didn't feel like writing.>




Word count: 1787