
Should I take responsibility or not??

When she was done with her work she was going back to his apartment when she was outside of her office she was that wang Wei was standing there for her and waiting for her.when she saw him she immediately gone inside the office again she was waiting for him to go but he was still there so she decided to cover her face with her hand bag and go and she was successful to but in the mean while wang Wei ask the guard about her and he found out that she has gone in the direction of her apartment. Wang Wei follows the same path when he saw her. He rang the horn when she hear a beeping sound she turn to the back to see who it was when she saw it was wang wei's car her eye 'S became wide she pretended that she didn't hear anything and was about to walk when the car stopped near her and wang Wei told her to come and sit. She was not having choice but to sit inside the car she sit inside and asked him " why are you here did you have work near by?? Wang Wei " no I am here for you. Li Na " for me ?? Wang Wei nodded " haven't we planned to meet at the coffee shop but you didn't reply back and I think it's already dinner time so I canceled about coffee and directly came here. Do you know any good restaurant for dinner near by?? Li Na " I was busy so I was unable to answer sorry for that and I think I needed to go home now I still have work to do if you will just go straight in this way you can see a good restaurant there there food is good you can try it and now I am going bye. When she was about to open the door wang Wei locked the doors. Li Na " why is it not opening? Wang Wei " miss Li Na do you think I waited here to just let go you like this have dinner with me. I have something important to talk to you about last night. When wang Wei said last night Li Na was so embarrassed that her face turned red. Li Na nodded wang Wei drive the car to a restaurant they ordered there dinner Li Na " mr wei I am sorry about last dinner I think I drank too much and was not in my right mind I am really embarrassed right now I am really sorry for what I have done sincerely sorry. Wang Wei " it seems to me that you remember everything about last night. Li Na " yes I remembered but not whole but whatever I remember I sure I had offended you I m really very sorry. When they were talking there meal had already came wang Wei told her to eat first and talk later when both were finished with there dinner. Wang Wei " food was really good here what do you think?? Li Na in embarrassment " yes . Wang Wei" as you already remembered about last night let me make something clear yes you have offended me but you apology's are not enough for me they are insufficient. Li Na " how can I tell you that am I truly sorry. Wang Wei " it's simple live with me at my apartment and take responsibility for me for you actions for last night are you willing to do it or not?? Li Na in her mind " what he wanted me to take responsibility can't he just let me go off this time no I can't agree how can I live at a man's place?? Wang Wei " if you wanted time to think about it there is no rush but make sure that you respond is more positive if not I have my way to make you accept it and because of you behave last night my head which was hurt now it even hurt more. After saying this wang Wei leaves after paying the bills and Li Na was still sitting there and thinking about what to answer. Wang Wei was gone Li Na was thinking about what he said Li Na to himself " was that a threat that if I don't agree he will forcefully let me do it how can he do this to me it was an mistake he is so heartless. Even if his suffering through breaking up how can he still do like than ugh.... she when home and was trying to think about last night but she only remembered that she was during something wrong with wang wei. Li Na to herself " how can I do this to him I don't even remember what i actually done with him . What should I do should I call over wang li. She grabbed her phone and called wang Wei for the 2nd opinions but unfortunately Wang Li was so tried from her work that she only said yes to everything so when Li Na ask whether to take responsibility for him or not she said her yes.