Was beyblade really that serious to the point where kids act a fool, and are so overpowered that they can bend reality outside of the stadium and turn back time, and use outrageous moves... well join yuo on his journey to prove to the world his a one in a trillion
[After precisely 2 months, 4 days, 16 hours, 32 minute and 4 seconds,yuo was done training and within this amount of time he spent almost all that time practicing what his master tought him. so much that it made the abilities seem alive and now it has taken root in yuo's body's it seeks to devour him, yuo practiced it so much that he almost perfected it, as of now perfection is beyond what yuo can handle. but yuo didn't even notice, not until he battled "lay" to try some of the combos he thought of, what does this mean for the "lay"]
Now we go to the scene.
.Helmut's blades erupt in a frenzy of icy light, its cry echoing through the air. AET IT! DEVOUR IT! CONSUME IT WHOLE. Yuo exclaims!
With a swift and merciless motion, Helmut's blades slash through the air, unleashing a torrent of icy fury upon Lay's Beyblade blossoming cobra. The attack is relentless, merciless, and unyielding, leaving no room for escape or respite.
Lay's Beyblade blossoming cobra, battered and bruised, struggles to maintain its footing, but Helmut's onslaught is too much to bear. With a final, crushing blow, Lay's Beyblade blossoming cobra is sent flying, shattered and broken, its remains scattered across the battlefield.
The crowd gasps in shock, aghast at the sheer brutality of the attack. Lay, stunned and defeated, can only watch in horror as his dreams are devoured by the merciless Helmut.
Yuo stands victorious, his madness-fueled rage satiated, but only for a moment. The hunger from the abilities still burns within yuo, and the winds of chaos whisper secrets of new conquests to come...
♧-inside yuo's mind. A evil lurks-♧
Yuo now petrified by the sight. as a defense Messer his mind seem to revert back to that of a child. now all he now is to do what he is told. like any child he would listen to those bigger than himself, and in his mind this ability manifested into a behemoth of a man. as any child he felt fear at the sight of this creature."Yuo is you're name if I'm not mistaken right child?." The figure standing before yuo said.
Yuo. consumed by so much fear just at the sound of the figures voice... could only nod. yet it took so much concentration just to move his head."You would do a favor for me WON'T YOU YUO?." They said as their voice got ticker as they finished the sentence.
Yet again it took all yuo's concentration just to nod in agreement. Good boy yuo, all i ask for is your cooperation, just accept the darkness and give all control to me... child you seem to be out of breath. Yuo had put so much concentration into noding that he forgot to breathe, out of breath yuo's legs started to shake his whole foundation collapsed, as he fell he accepted his faith, feeling as if he was falling but not falling at the same time, it felt as if he stayed in one place, because the darkness in him was so deep that he could not tell if he really was falling. Now let me the "frozen one" begin. The figure exclaimed! Revealing a name.
As yuo embraces the darkness within, the winds of chaos howl in approval. Helmut's blades hum with an otherworldly energy, and the air around yuo distorts with an aura of madness. Yuo's eyes burn with an icy intensity, and yuo's heart races with an insatiable hunger for destruction.
The crowd watches in horror as yuo succumbs to the abyss of madness.
now no more yuo but the "frozen one" it's form blurring into a maelstrom of icy fury. Lay, still reeling from the previous battle, can only tremble in fear as the frozen one approaches them, but lay still wants to regain his honor as a blader.
.lay picked up blossoming cobra and put it back together, a little scared, but unwilling to accept this defeat. Let's go again i will not accept this loss from someone who disgraced the meaning of Beyblade. Lay exclaimed!
.the battle starts lay launches blossoming cobra.
.blossoming cobra started to attack Helmut but Helmut simply stood there, not even using shadow armor, taking damage, blossoming cobra itself felt that something was different from before, it had felt this energy before, but not to this extent, something felt of, lay noticing the change in blossoming cobra's pursuit, now felt it to, the sensation blossoming cobra felt, knowing this lay called blossoming cobra back he tells it to focus on defense, blossomingcobra then activates paddle defense, this was what lay was known for, a defense so strong it seemed to deny psychical damage, blossoming cobra has so much concentration, that it can control every paddle individually, it has used that to the fullest by creating one condensed paddle by combining them all, it was so condensed that if it falls on the stadium, it would shatter, the weight of this one paddle is comparable to that of a airplane. He had felt that it was needed for some reason, suddenly Helmut aura intensifies, Helmut starts to speed up, Helmut use "frozen walk." They say.
at that exact moment Helmut speed dropped, barely above a spin, Helmut came at blossoming cobra, at the sped of a baby crawling.
Lay."hmm... hmm... why is my stomach turning all of a sudden, something isn't right."lay said as a cold sweat befell him.
.Helmut approached, the closer it got, the more Lay's stomach started to turn, the closer Helmut got, the worse Lay's stomach became, till lay remembered a show he once watched,[a tiger is strong so strong in fact that if another animal comes across it, the first thing that comes to the animal mind is... run, nothing else but... run, the tiger gets it's pride from such events it has no fear when facing a animal... but there is one animal, all fears the king of the jungle a presence commanding absolute authority, when facing a lion the roles are switched, the first thing that comes to mind for the tiger is... run, such is fear when faced with a higher power], that was what lay was feeling... fear.
.Helmut touched blossoming cobra, bouncing back because of the difference in speed. Ping! That was the sound on impact
.after that nothing was heard for 10 seconds.
.the part of the stadium behind blossoming cobra... shattered, even miles back you could tell the ground was damaged, after a moment it froze over, blossoming cobra's defense broken now defenseless.
Lay."IMPOSSIBLE, UNFATHOMABLE."they exclaim their disbelief.
Lay."you broke blossoming cobra's defense, "you momster"
blossoming cobra tried to fall back, to recover.
But there is no escape. With a chilling laugh, the frozen one unleashes a torrent of icy blades, each one aimed at the lay's blossoming cobra's very soul. The attack is merciless, unyielding, and utterly devastating.
The frozen one."now finish it helmut, use the edge of the stadium to speed up"
Helmut crashed against the edge but after a moment it starts to speed up, Helmut zooms around the stadium.
The frozen one."now use frozen walk and finish this." He exclaimed!
Helmut's speed dropped significantly, blossoming cobra and lay tought to themselves."We're not done yet". This determination sticks a cored in the frozen ones heart almost as if trying to reach yuo, now blossoming cobra give it all you have.he exclaimed!
__d."hmm, what a beautiful connection you and your bey have their child, that's the spirit boy, here take this as a present."a golden blue light floats toward lay.
The frozen one." So it's you... __d, how dare you interfere in this matter. don't you have something better to do, __d?."
__d."haha, still as rude as ever, how can you talk to your father like that... ___el of frost, or sould i say "yugi"
Yugi."how dare you call yourself my father after what you did, you are nothing to me"
__d."after so many decades you still hold a grudge, you haven't grown a bit yugi, still the child you once were"
__d."why this child yugi, there was "free dela hoya" you could have taken over that child, but why yuo"
Yugi."that kids heart is to pure it's disgusting, but yuo, he has this faint emptiness to him, like there's nothing, it's quite comforting, unlike that" free dela hoya", he doesn't remind me of you"
__d."does your hatred really run that deep"
__d."i gave this child some of my power, how about you look at how welcoming their blading style is, and learn something"
Blossoming cobra started to glow, and glow brighter...