
Chapter 1

"Mother?!" Cried Moondust, "Where are you?!"

Moondust's mother, Sunburst went out to get food; but had not returned after one whole day.

"Oh Starclan, where is she?!" Moon started running in circles and looking in bushes. Moondust was right outside of Thunderclan territory, her territory but she kept looking.

"Are you lost?" Asked a voice from the abyss.

Moon turned to see a black and white kit a little older than her carrying a rabbit in his teeth. It was surprising for her to see someone around her age group catch prey, even though it was common.

"Here, take it." Said the kit as he offered her the rabbit.

"Th-thank you." Moon said in response.

The kit then vanished into the bushes. Moon then realized he was from a different clan, "Was he Windclan? Riverclan?" She wondered, but she wasn't sure.

She realized it didn't matter, after all he was kind to her and gave her food. No cat had ever done that for another clan, not that she knew of. After eating the rabbit she started to head back to her clan.

The trees were whistling in tune with the wind as the leaf glided along the floor. Red, brown and yellow. Moon saw all types of leaf colors.

"Where are you?" Moondust meows before jumping into the Thunderclan campsite and leaving a trail of tears on the ground.

"Thunderstar?! Are you here?" Thunderstar was trusted by all the kits of Thunderclan. Sometimes when he was not busy he would play with them. Thunderstar was in a meeting with the clan, Moondust did not know about this meeting though. She was out looking for Sunburst at the time it started.

"Where is everyone?" Moon asked herself.

"He's at the meeting, like you're supposed to be!"

"Hu?" Moondust turned to see Lightning Tail behind her.

"Never mind it now though it just ended." He meowed.

"Oh." Moon said gloomy.

"But why are you looking for Thunderstar?"

"Sunburst is missing!" Moon said, starting to cry.

"W-what do you mean she is mi-missing?!" Lightning Tail sutured his "Cool act" fading away.

"She's been gone for almost one day!"

"N-Not true!"

"Was she at the meeting!?"

"...no" Lightning Tail realized. Lightning Tail and Moondust looked at each other and had a horrible thought, "what if she was killed?" Moondust shook her head, "Of cores she wasn't killed, how could she be? She was probably just late."

"I'll go and tell Thunderstar…Just in case." Meowed Lightning Tail.

"He might not take you seriously though." Moondust meowed with concern.

"Hmm, well I can still try!"

"Okay, thank you Lightning Tail."

"Yep any time!" Lightning meowed back to her as he started to walk away.

Moondust walked until she got to the place she slept. Only this morning it looked as welcoming as an old friend returning home to say hello, but now it looked sad. Just sad. As she slept she desperately tried to find anything to give her a clue where her mother was. "Oh Starclan" She wished in her sleep "If only you could help me somehow." Before falling into a deep sleep she looked out the cave to see the stars shining bright as always and the wind shrieking with delight.

"I will find you mother, I promise."

"Hey!" A kit whispered in her ear, "Wake up!"

"Hu?" Moon mumbled looking from side to side. She looked up to see the black and white kit from before.

"We gotta hurry!" He said desperately.

"What do you mean?" She meowed hesitantly.

He pulled her up and they ran out the den, away from the clan.

"Why are we running?!" Moondust meowed at the cat.

"Somewhere safe!" He meowed back.

"Who are you though?!"

"I'm Blackbite!" The black and white kit answered.

They kept running and running until they were far from the clan and its cats.

"How much longer do we have to run?"