
Warrior Oddity

Florian is tasked by her capricious master to find a set of gifted individuals. These individuals will become the cornerstone of change within the crumbling Vaurus Empire. Florian and her newfound allies soon come to realize there is far more beneath the surface. Conspiracy, war, rebellion, ancient secrets and arduous tasks lie ahead. The group pushed into their calamitous fates need to face their own demons and those within the empire.

RiordansCat · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Lost + Dog

"So you came on this 'mission' without so much as a reason?" Khio's annoyance peaked at the terribly thought out idea on Florian's part.

Florian shrugged, "The temple was trying to get rid of me anyway."

Rhetta and Khio look at one another, hearing news of the temple trying to get rid of her seemed to indicate the relationship was not all that good.

"In the first place it's not as if I was at the temple because I wanted to be. Just some stuff happened and they were willing to take me in." Florian awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm grateful, but that doesn't mean I agree or approve of half the things they do."

Rhetta looks at her and has some newfound insight into the situation. Regardless, right now she felt a little grateful for what few allies the two of them had. Florian stops walking, looking around and ruffling around her bag for a terribly drawn map. Surveying the current area, unable to discern where exactly they were.

"I wasn't paying attention...but where are we?" Florian asks

Rhetta walks over, politely taking the map from her hands. Looking between the bad map and the environment with no idea.

"I...I don't know." Rhetta admits, though, could anyone blame her with the scribble of a map Basil provided.

Khio snatches the map from the group and notes the first obvious sign of something wrong; the map is upside down. Rhetta and Florian seemed to be two peas in a pod regarding how directionally challenged they could be. Khio flips the map, recognising absolutely nothing. The three realized they were lost.

Sunlight pokes through the gaps of the closed curtains, the few beams of sunlight don't provide much light to the dark room. A small magic lamp on the bedside table lights up the immediate space around it. The room itself is far larger than necessary. A king sized bed covered on three of the four sides with elongated drapes that rain down from the extended bed frame. Bedside tables stand on either side of the bed, one holding nothing but books, a pitcher of water and a magic lamp. The other holding various herbs, medicines and incense sticks. The lavishly decorated room did not boast a single colour signifying the family crest nor the colours of the imperial family.

Meaningless decorative items placed on the walls and around the room. An ornate chandelier hangs proudly in the center of the intricately decorated ceiling. A tall wooden wardrobe stands at the opposing wall along with the addition of two sofas, two armchairs and a table.

The luxurious room mocked the fact the owner had been stripped on his title as the crown prince. It showed off arrogance and poorly used wealth. After his title had been stripped he had become known as 'the sickly prince.'

A man clad in all black, with only his eyes visible kneels at the large bed. His head and gaze lowered to the floor. In bed, rests a young man. Kind features with the defining visible traits of the royal family, light brown hair and sharp golden eyes. He is an identical image of the very first emperor. He is Nicodemus Segen Vaurus, the original crown prince before the accident occurred.

"Raise your head Rennier."

Rennier, the first prince's most trusted shadow guard. Since his dethronement as the crown prince, many vassals who originally supported him turned their gaze elsewhere. Even the faithful knights turned their loyalty to the one with the promise of the crown. Rennier is the sole exception, the one who never faltered with the shift of power and stayed dedicated to his master.

Rennier lifts his head, his eyes catching the title of the book in the prince's hand 'Divide and Conquer.' The prince closes the book and places it on the bedside table near the stack of other books.

"I have a report, your highness." Rennier speaks softly and waits a moment for the signal to continue. "The emperor has been making odd requests, gathering excess iron, ores and additional workforce. According to our information it appears as if he is getting ready for war, though unknown where the war will be waged." He presents a pile of meticulously kept documents bound in a large envelope.

The prince pulls the pages from their confines, reading over the report with a careful eye. It contains witness statements, receipts, proof of transaction and other various tidbits of exchange.

"I see...Legacy is still as reliable as ever." The prince muses.

While collecting evidence and information through Rennier; in order to combat the poor choices of the current emperor, needless to say it is difficult and unfortunate with no support. Their efforts lead nowhere and become meaningless, yet he continues to persist.

"I see...What about the imperial strategist? Surely if we can tell her our plans we could convince her to join us?" Nicodemus queried, hoping his hunch would lead somewhere especially with help.

"The former imperial strategist; Rhetta Edevane as well as Khio Ditka of the beast division were imprisoned and sentenced for execution on the charge of treason." Rennier tries to explain as gently as possible, regretting he'd have to snuff out another hope of help.

"What!? Are they dead?? How could this be..."

"Your highness, they were supposed to be executed this morning. However, they found one knight unconscious and delirious at the execution grounds. The other three assigned knights were in Anok village searching for the escapees."

Nicodemus breathes a sigh of relief, his hope is not entirely gone. He settles back into the headboard of the bed and takes a brief moment to gather his thoughts.

Nicodemus places his hand over his mouth "So they escaped..."

"Did someone help them?"

"It's not confirmed yet, but we suspect someone did help them." Rennier replies, his voice evidently lighter with the deliverance of better news.

"Good...That's excellent news. It means more potential allies. Alright next I need you to fi-" Nicodemus is interrupted, the door is abruptly kicked in.

Knights pour into the room in droves. The openly vicious knights surround the prince's bed, all armed with swords and spears. The sound of armour clanging ceases when they stand dead still. The prince jolts in shock, quickly grabbing his book and catching the knife that was intended for his head between the pages.

He grimaces at the malevolent greeting. "An awful way to say hello."

A shadow guard strides into the room, his face covered yet able to show an arrogant sneer at the prince's words. Melgren is one of many shadow guards under the order of the emperor. He is considered an unofficial leader for dirty work, thanks to his obstinate and sadistic personality.

Melgren grins "I was instructed to show you full courtesy." He approaches with no reservation nor respect. He slides into the nearest armchair and makes himself comfortable. His provocation tells he is aware of his rude behaviour especially towards the first prince of the empire.

Melgren pulls his mask down along with removing his head covering. It revealed a head of orange-hued hair, dull blue eyes that were neither striking nor unique. Murky was an apt description. His expression held an annoying and permanent self assured smirk.

"That aside. I'm just here for your pup, Rennier." Melgren jeers, turning his head towards Rennier "Aren't you ashamed? Leaving your poor master to catch the knife all on his lonesome."

"I am the one who instructed him to stand by." Nicodemus interrupts

"Oh? He's a good dog then, knowing how to wait." Melgren stands up and nears Nicodemus. The smaller of the two shadow guards stands between Melgren and the crown prince, shielding him from Melgren.

"We're here to arrest the shadow guard Rennier for treason!" One of the knights boom, proclaiming the already guilty verdict.

Nicodemus looks baffled at the statement "For what reason!? How can he be charged with treason!?"

"We have reason to believe Rennier aided Khio Ditka and Rhetta Edevane in their conspiracy to assassinate the emperor."

"Assassination? Do you have any idea what you're talking about" Nicodemus continues to protest against them, sadly to no avail. The knights begin closing in on Rennier, whilst Nicodemus is flustered and anxious at this development. He already knows that Rennier would never go against his orders, nor has he conspired in any conspiracies.

A sullen expression clouds the prince's face, closing his eyes to the painful thought 'Everyone troublesome is being dealt with...Is this how you intend to do this brother?' He opens his eyes glancing over at the window. "Rennier, go now!" Nicodemus orders

"Y-Your highness!?" The sudden order catches Rennier off guard. He can see the scowl on the prince's face, and taking the hint decides to move swiftly. Rennier ducks, dodges and avoids any knight who attempts to grab him. Melgren lunges, knife in hand and directs his attack with killing intent. Pulling his own knife; Rennier barely managed to block the incoming blade, he strikes Melgren in the face causing him to stumble. The slight loss of balance provides an ample opportunity, Rennier kicks Melgren into the oncoming knights and uses the few seconds to break the window.

Melgren glares, spitting up the blood that swirls in his mouth and wiping it with his sleeve, "That damn dog!" Melgren growls

He looks at the fumbling knights struggling to get a hold of themselves and clicks his tongue with annoyance. "I'm going after him." Melgren leaps from the broken window in pursuit of Rennier.