

Warlords: Will they choose to rule or bring havoc to the world? - An Overlord Inspired Work - AN: Cover was taken from the internet

Kiikuro_Shichigo · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

[I] Angels

Daedalus' Olympus can be described as a small city, with lots of decorative houses and structures that each serve their own purpose. Each of these structures is layered with gold, and based on pure white divine quartz. It's a place that only existed in dreams, but here, it's one reality.

The center of Daedalus' Olympus is a western-style castle. Like every structure, it's made of gold and quartz; all high-quality materials that only a few guilds can afford. It is Jin's home. Usually, it's just a decorative place where it serves no purpose, but now, it is the place where he rests and thinks.

The throne room in which they held their meeting earlier is also placed in another smaller castle. Due to circumstances, he decided to use that place for now. It's just a substitute, but it's still practical.

"I remember going here before, but why does it suddenly feel so different? Like... it suddenly became alive, or something?" Kira murmurs as she took glances around.

It seems that the two servants have heard her, and smirks appeared on their faces.

"Of course, it's only fitting for Jinvil-sama." Guiding in front of Jin and Kira, they boast.

"You didn't have to say that much."

"Forgive me, Jinvil-sama, but I just couldn't help but state the truth. This place is only for you, and we're merely ants that guard it. We're sorry if we are speaking out of line." Uriel places his hand on his chest and made a short bow, apologizing.

Jin doesn't really know what he's apologizing for, but he still nodded and assumed that he got what he meant. Shaking his head, he removed the thought of asking them again for good measure out of his mind. Then, he changes the topic of the conversation.

"Uriel, how about the others? I asked you to check on them before. You organized them already, have you?"

He's been thinking about it since the start of their meeting, and he thought that this would be the best time to ask about it since he would spend time with Kira later.

"I didn't have to do anything, Jinvil-sama. All angels have already been organized and ready to serve in the first place. They are all royal to you, our Lord."

"Umu, I want to meet them later, so I hoped that they would present themselves properly." Although he said that, he doesn't really care if they would look proper or not, he just really want to check on them.

"How about you, Kira? I'm guessing you already met your servants?" Jin turns to the demon walking beside him. The sudden change of conversation made the angel servants' brows twitch, but they continue to walk and guide their master anyways.

"Well... I did take a look at them... they were saying that we should conquer the outside world or something, so I just left them there."

"Ehh?" Hearing those words, the two angels stiffen, and even Jin wasn't able to ignore what she said.

"He-Hey.... are you serious!?"

"Isn't that normal? They're demons, so it should be their normal pattern of thoughts, right? I mean... I also created them that way, so I think it's also my fault why they would think like that. Hehe, they even call me Demon Lord. It's kinda funny, now that I think about it...." An evil laugh escapes her mouth. It sent shivers to Jin's spine and he just couldn't help but let out his voice.

"Oi! You should do something about those demons! I know you're an idiot, but I didn't think you would be like this?"

"That's rude, you know?"

"Haah..." With a sigh, Jin places a hand on his face.

"Let's talk about this in my room." The words escape Jin's mouth. Looking to his front, he saw his two servants stopping on their tracks. Ariel looks back at him, shivering and pale, while Uriel has completely been petrified.

"Hey, what are you two...?"

"Ji-Jinvil-sama's room..." He heard Ariel said.

"Co-Conquer the outside world..." Uriel came after.


After that...

It took a long while to convince the two of them that Kira should be allowed in his private room, and that her servants won't conquer the outside world. They were very cautious of Kira, but he didn't think they would be that much upset about letting her into his room. And what surprises Jin is that it seemed as if they were more upset about letting Kira accompany him alone than letting the outside world be dominated, especially for Ariel.

Of course, it's obvious to him why they would act like that, but he heard something that is not what he was expecting Ariel would say. It was something about him, getting seduced by the demon, Kira, and losing her beloved... he dismisses it as he was just hearing things.


"Oh, what a nice room! Ah - ! Is that!"

Immediately as Kira enters Jin's room in the castle, the first thing she noticed is the gaming console that was placed on the desk of his room. Despite how large, detailed, and extravagant his room was, Kira has very little reaction to it. Jin thought that she should be more amazed, but it seems that she doesn't really care that much. She seems to only care about the console she found.

"That's an exact replica of my first console, it's nostalgic so I decided to keep one for myself even in the game." Thinking he wouldn't need to brag about his room, which he already did for the entire castle earlier, he just went and explain why he has that console. It was terribly out of place, so he thought that he should let Kira know why he had it, which is what she is more curious about.

"Does it work?"

"I haven't tried," Jin answered casually, walking towards the exterior of the room and opening its transparent doors. As soon as he opened the doors, the breeze from outside came rushing inside the room. He was wearing armor, so it did not affect his sight whatsoever.

"Anyway, come here, Kira. Let's talk." Jin said as he sat on the single table on the deck outside the room, where fresh air can be inhaled.

With a serious tone, Jin calls to Kira. At first, he decided to take her to his room for no particular reason, but hearing something earlier that concerns him, he needed to have a long talk with her. He would scold her. His relationship with her is not like a friend or a close companion, it was more like a big brother and a little sister relationship, where he was the dominant brother, and she was the troublesome sister.

He wouldn't hold back.

"Hmm? You sound serious? What do you want to talk about?" As soon as Kira sat down, she asked.

"About what you said earlier... As you might've guessed, our NPCs have minds of their own now. Of course, they were programmed to be extremely royal, but in the worst-case scenario, they might turn against us."

As for Jin, he made sure that that situation will never happen to his NPCs. They were programmed to be as royal as possible to him and the other members. Of course, there were a few motivations that he didn't remove from them, like the drive to destroy evil and the natural mindset of angels to protect justice. They display those attitude towards Kira, but he doesn't think that they wouldn't go that far towards her, since she's a Guardian and a friend of his.

They aren't supposed to be hostile towards Kira. That's what he thought when he introduced her to them when they first met. Yet, there was still malice in their stares. Is it something different? Perhaps it was about their drive to destroy evil - or maybe, something that has been bothering Jin for a while now, it was related to what he heard Ariel said earlier?

"He might seduce my beloved Jinvil-sama!"

Is it related to that? No, no, that cannot be possible. Yes, he had spent weeks with them, but that's not enough to develop emotions he did not put into them on their own.

Still, whatever the reason is, it's possible that their NPCs might develop new thought processes and hostile emotions. He is positive that it would happen sooner or later with each of them.

"NPCs? Turning against us? Will that ever happen?" Tilting her head, Kira asked.

"I'm sure of it. Your NPCs... they would be dangerous. You need to learn to manage them properly. I doubt they will turn against you, but they might towards me and the other members."

"Ehh? Turning against you? I programmed them to be as loyal to you as to me, you know?"

"You did?" Furrowing a brow, Jin questions back. It seems that she was telling the truth, so he was glad, but...

"Wha-Why are you staring at me like that?"

If she doesn't have her mask right now, Jin was sure that she would be blushing.

"So... did you programmed them to be also loyal towards the other Guardians?" To that question, Kira's entire body twitches, and her hand turns to scratch the side of her head.

"Well... Just towards you and I..."

"What...? Only us!?"

"We-Well...!" Panicking, her eyes spin around in circles. "I-I mean...! Yes! You're our leader, right? That's why I made them loyal to you as well!" After she said that, she nodded to herself, satisfied. It was as if she was able to overcome a rather large obstacle.

"That would be logical..." Jin replied, still with doubtful eyes.

"Anyways... I want you to manage them properly. Don't let them do whatever they want. And also - " Jin thought that he should conclude with that. But he's still isn't finished. Opening his mouth one more time, he continues - but was interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door.

"Ahh... It's should be around this time, huh?" As Jin said that, a voice came after the knock.

"We have prepared your food, Jinvil-sama." The voice came from Ariel. Without a pause, Jin responds to her and allows her to enter.

After the very short exchange, Ariel enters the door with food trays, serving delicacies that can only be seen in the game.

"Eh? Jin? What is this?" Kira was surprised as she was served an amount of food in front of her.

"It's food. It's the usual." Jin casually replied. Then, he turns towards Ariel, who has a thrilled expression on her face.

"Join us, Ariel."

"Thank you very much, Jinvil-sama!"

It was a routine. Since he can't stand Ariel and Uriel standing behind him while he eats, he decided to just invite them in, always. He understood why Ariel had such an excited face when she entered his room. This day was her turn to eat with her master. Uriel is usually also like that when it's his turn. Just having to spend their time eating with him is enough to make them satisfied and happy. He understands that much about them.

"Wait? Jin! Can you even eat with that body?" As he was about to pick up the utensils, he heard Kira ask.

"Eh... Don't tell me... You haven't eaten since then?"

"No... I mean, do we even need to do it? I don't think I feel hunger."

"I-Is that so?" Jin stutters in disbelief. "Well, I don't feel hunger either, but this is just to satisfy my previous desires. It's free, so why not?"

"But... you don't even have a mouth..."

"Ahh... this is." As Jin was reminded, he removed his helmet and revealed his face.

"You can do the same."

"Wait, what?" Those were the only two words she was able to form as she stares at Jin's face.