
Preparing To Breakthrough

The heat wave caressed the earth. In the blink of an eye, a few months passed, and it was autumn.

In the small villa, Leylin swirled a tastefully refreshing iced grape juice in a wine glass.

He was attired in a leisurely frivolous apparel favoured by nobles and looked quite lackadaisical.

“A.I. Chip! Bring up my current stats!”

“I have finally reached the 7 spiritual force bottleneck!” Leylin sighed as he looked at the data.

After getting back from his solo exploration several months ago, Leylin got busy brewing potions to breakthrough the spiritual force bottleneck.

Viscount Jackson had expeditiously sent over a warehouse full of Hove Violet Leaves. At the same time, Fraser and the others continued to purchase ingredients found elsewhere as per Leylin’s standing orders.