
Warlock of the Magus World : Wandering Acolyte

Reborn in a nameless abandonned plane, the protagonist Arthur Thorn will try to complete his dreams using all means necessary. A modern soul obsessed by wealth and strength, a biochip, and a body belonging to a noble family...The conditions are set to birth a new monster in this cruel world

Goblin_Shaman · Livres et littérature
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21 Chs

Golden Stag Fall

Arthur did not know of his talent grade. It was shame, since it pretty much represented how fast you would grow.

However, Arthur knew one thing.

'I have better talent than Greem!'

In a couple of months, Arthur possessed magical powers that almost matched that of an apprentice who trained ever since he was young teenager. It was abnormal, and proof of far greater talent. The question was: how much better in comparison to the geniuses of the [Arcane Tower], the mysterious magical academy where hundreds of mysterious acolytes like Greem studied under the guidance of experienced seniors.

His attempts to learn the wide arrays of spell books from Greem's collection resulted in a down to earth realization: While he possessed high magical talent, he also happened to have affinity with a mediocre element.

In the [Arcane Tower], it was well-known that all elements were useful. However, it was also undeniable that some were more destructive than others. For instance, the fire element was unrivaled in terms of destruction, and the Earth element unmatched in terms of defensive spells.

Having affinity in [Darkness], which was used by support acolytes to provide stealth and curses, was a blow to Arthur. Thankfully, Greem possessed the [Arcane Tower Spell Grimoire], with descriptions of two spells for each element: Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Darkness and Thunder.

Two spells were available, but he decided to focus on the curse spell [Darkness Hand] as it weakened opponents. The other spell was called [Shadow Bolt], and provided splendid offensive power. However, against someone of Knight Robert's caliber, missing the spell meant losing the battle.

While [Darkness Hand] would not be enough to kill a knight, it would certainly put them in a weakened state. With his subordinates and individual martial skills, Arthur had confidence in besting pretty much anyone. As for Greem, an acolyte with average vitality, this spell would surely be fatal.

"Sir, we found a pouch of silver coins and a two swords. They also have letters with the mercenary guild", Karl Peterson spoke

Arthur read the letters

[Golden Stags,

Stop your activity in the Southern District as of today. [Black Serpent] will not sit idly against such provocations any longer, and they possess unknown powers. When they conquered the Southern District, none of the [Black Serpent Siblings] took part in it, and several individuals of C-rank strength managed to suppress business owners with ease.

If you do not heed my warning, I will not be able to guarantee your lives]

Mercenary guilds possessed a ranking system.

D-rank represented men of average strength. Usually, when a commoner decided to become a mercenary, he would have to learn fundamentals and after picking up some skills, he would be accepted as a D-rank. Most city guards would be graded D-rank according to the mercenary guild, but the appraisal was not always precise, since strength depended on many external factors.

C-rank represented elite soldiers, and only a couple of city guards could qualify as such.

B-rank mercenaries were rare and usually famous. They are either preparatory knights, or possess enough skill and reputation to be treated as one. They would usually lead mercenary groups.

A-rank mercenaries were extremely rare, and represented the peak of what mercenaries could reach. Usually, they represented preparatory knights with extraordinary swordsmanship and trump cards.

As for S-rank mercenaries, they were as rare as a phoenix's feather, and represented knight-level existences. Sometimes, fallen nobles would enter a mercenary guild and take upon them the most difficult missions. It was a great way to regain honor and money. Some of the finest mercenaries would eventually set up a new territory and claim their nobility back.

All 15 [Shadows] were classified as C-rank, but it did not really matter. Strength could not be quantified by letters, and the individual strength of shadow said little about their ability to ambush targets.

The mercenary guild underestimated the [Black Serpent], and only treated the shadows as soldiers, while they should have treated them as assassins with unfathomable stealth skills. Arthur did not train them to become an army. He trained them to be information gatherers, knives to kill opponents.

"It seems like they underestimated us", Arthur said, "Instead of ordering the golden stags to stop their actions, they only advised them to. We will send a warning to all mercenaries: No one shall oppose us"

[Black Serpent] was unlike any outlaw organization that existed in Black Bear City. With the possession of a spell, Arthur was a [Beginner-rank] acolyte, an existence who could rival with [Knight Robert] himself.


The [Golden Stags] might only be composed of 8 members, but it was relatively famous in Black Bear City. They have been active in the region for the past couple of years, and they were led by a pseudo-preparatory knight, B-Rank Mercenary "Paul", with a noteworthy mastery of axes. According to rumours, he was a lumberjack who entered the world of fighting when his house was attacked by bandits. Instead of dying like a lumberjack would, he cut them all, alone.

He served quite a long time in the [Yale Army], before retiring as a mercenary, establishing his very own group with brothers of arm.

However, who would have thought it would turn out like this?

Hours after the two mercenary's death, Paul realized that something was amiss, and decided to send to head towards the [House of Pleasure] with the rest of his subordinates. Unfortunately, the moment they set a foot outside of the gambling den, they were attacked. The first black alley they tried to cross was met with dozens of throwing knives.

"Ourin, George!", Paul shouted with all of his might, trying to fight off the fear and pain from the ambush.

In his time, Paul had been ambushed more than once. However, they had never been ambushed by elites. The throwing knives were all very accurate. They were not meant to be lethal. They were meant to restrict their movements.

Paul looked at his shoulder. A knife had perfectly hit the nerve connecting his brain to his right arm, crippling his movements. Another knife had nearly pierced through his heart, but thankfully, he had added a piece of scrape metal to protect himself, a habit that had saved his life more than once in the past already.

"A kid? So the rumours were right? A kid is leading the most infamous outlaw organization in Black Bear City?", he muttered in shock

His subordinates had not been so lucky. George and Ourin's throat were bleeding profusely, from similar injuries. As for the other three, their thighs and arms were injured too. Arthur led the charge in front, and John was smiling like a demon, holding his two-handed cross sword, ready to cut anyone retreating in half.

"AHHHH", Paul shouted as he charged forward, wielding an axe with his left hand, in an attempt to break through the [Black Serpent] formation. Even if he killed Arthur, he would have to face six more elite soldiers, which was impossible.

Still, a cornered rat would do anything to survive, including a suicidal charge.

Unfortunately, the predator was an experienced hunter. With speed and strength that surpassed what a teenager should be able to display. Paul had underestimated his opponent.

As the world turned upside down, he realized a critical fact. He had been beheaded without even putting a fight.

'It was a lost fight from the beginning, huh...?'


In a couple of swings, Arthur disarmed and dealt critical damage to two of the three remaining mercenaries.

However, just as he thought it was finished, the last mercenary smiled.


His body suddenly enlarged itself, and Arthur could feel waves of terrific magical power.

[Name - Golden Stag Mercenary | Age - 36 Years Old


Strength - 3.6 (1.2) | Agility - 2.1 (1.0) | Vitality - 2.7 (1.4) | Magic Power - 1.8

Status: Insanity (Werewolf Curse)]

Thinking about the monetary reward and the experiments he would be able to do on the werewolf standing in front of him, Arthur was more excited than ever.

Some shadows started to tremble in fear at the monstrous sight of a [Werewolf], a creature of legends that had destroyed whole villages in the past. However, the training with Arthur made them strong willed enough to endure it and keep their composure.

Arthur shouted: "JOHN! ATTACK HIM!"

Without hesitation, his subordinate charged forward and with precision and extraordinary strength, slashed through the werewolf's back, dealing crippling damage to the beast.

John was not fast, but he was incredibly strong, and could even match a knight in terms of pure muscular strength. He was not chosen by Arthur randomly. He was a giant human, trained and sculpted by Arthur's training. A colossus that eventually became proficient in a two-handed swordsmanship inspired by Black Bear City Guard Swordsmanship.

The werewolf did not expect a mere human, a mere thug no less, to slash through its tough skin. In horror, it tried to counter attack and slit the throat of the gigantic human that attacked him. Even in his werewolf form, he was still shorter than the giant who had struck him without hesitation.

However, instead of connecting, his claws were met with a solid parry that deviated the strike in the air. Immediately reacting, John tried to connect a second slash, but the werewolf possessed enough foresight to realize the danger and dodge.

Unfortunately, it failed to recognize that John was not the only strong individual in the alley. In fact, the most dangerous one had made his way to him.


In an instant, Arthur targeted the werewolf's Achilles' heels, before retreating.

The werewolf felt fear for the first time in its lifetime.

It hunted, but did not have any experience in being hunted.


It saw the swords coming towards him. It tried to dodge, but it could not move its legs anymore. Dodging was impossible. It tried rolling on the floor, but more swords kept coming at him.

From the start, this was an impossible fight. Ten shadows, proficient at stabbing, kept thrusting their swords.

Seconds later, all signs of life disappeared.