
Warlock of the Magus World – Redux

Dr. Fang Ming, a scientist in his previous life, reincarnates into a world of sword and magic. Thus, he becomes the new owner of Leylin Farlier's body. The previous Leylin was the useless son of a Viscount and a weak miscreant shunned by the nobilities. But to our protagonist, that is nothing to be concerned about. He always gets what he wants, one way or another. And he craves all the power he can get his hands on. He knows no limit to his ambition; Leylin's final goal is to stand above creation itself. Other people are just pawns on his game board, and relationships are the strings he uses to manipulate events in his favor. Yet, Leylin does not kill exclusively when his plans demand it. He kills for his own sick pleasure. Unattached, ambitious, calculating, and sadistic; such are the qualities of a true villain. Such are the traits defining the new Leylin. |=|=|=|=|=|=|=| **What are the differences compared to the original?** 1.- Fewer exclamation marks and better grammar. 2.- Leylin's character is way darker (his actions reflect his evil nature). Doesn't mean he won't be as dedicated or smart, though. 3.- The Chip has a true A.I. personality. NO ROMANCE AT ALL with the MC, and it won't get a body of its own. It will NEVER disobey the MC either. He basically has Siri/Alexa in his head, nothing more. I do this for fun, I own nothing (cover included ---> shorturl.at/yDGIN)

TunaSandwichAddict · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chosen Method

As Leylin contemplated his future prospects, he gradually eased the tension in his muscles. A sly grin crept across his face, accompanied by a sinister chuckle.

'Bosain and the others joined the expedition during their journey, with Bosain even keeping it a secret from his own family and the academy. In essence, House Lilytell should be clueless about his whereabouts and the individuals he encountered. This is the most advantageous outcome for me...'

[What about Merlin's disappearance?] Aralis brought up another point of discussion.

'I pay it no mind whatsoever. To begin with, Merlin's demise wasn't directly my doing; I merely allowed it to occur, a crucial distinction. Even in the face of Lie Detecting spells and similar scrutiny, I remain unfazed. Furthermore, Merlin had only Professor Dorotte in his corner, a far less influential backing compared to the three prominent families. I can manage that issue on my own, drawing from my mentor, Professor Kroft.'

With one last glance at the precipice, Leylin turned away, never to look back.


Simultaneously, within an ancient and imposing fortress.

A thunderous roar echoed from one of its chambers, "What?! This can't be true! Bosain is dead...! The parasitic larva affixed to him has been obliterated!"

The voice seethed with unbridled fury, its reverberations shaking the very foundations of the aged citadel.

Visible energy waves rippled through the air, leaving a trail of menacing force.

In the castle's corridors, numerous servants and maids immediately dropped to their knees, trembling with fear.

"Summon Kleiter at once! If he cannot unearth the truth, I shall impose a punishment and send him into the Blazing Mines for a century!"


The atmosphere grew somber, and the frigid wind howled. Before long, fine raindrops began to patter against the earth, casting a damp and icy pall.

But Leylin's spirits were surprisingly high.

He currently occupied a cave, tending to a roaring bonfire for warmth. While he didn't truly require it, he had cultivated the habit of appearing 'normal.' With closed eyes, he delved into the intricacies of the high-level meditation technique bestowed upon him by the Great Magus Serholm.

This high-grade meditation technique held paramount significance in Leylin's eyes, as it would profoundly shape his future path. Moreover, it came with specific prerequisites for acolytes, requiring a certain standard of attainment.

Leylin had no intention of risking his life for something he couldn't harness.

After a cursory perusal of the contents, avarice kindled within him. 'The Warlock Path, huh? It's akin to the Branded Swordsman, an offshoot of ancient Magi...'

Leaning against the cave's warm granite wall, Leylin methodically assimilated the knowledge from today's acquisition: 'Kemoyin's Pupil.' That was the title of the high-grade meditation technique bequeathed by the esteemed Magus Serholm.

Before delving into the technique's intricacies, introductory notes recounted tales of ancient acolytes who had ascended to the rank of Warlocks, a tantalizing prospect for Leylin.

These enigmatic Warlocks constituted a truly distinctive branch of Magi. Their arcane prowess was cultivated through an array of methods, ranging from the consumption of eldritch beings, to intimate unions, or even other obscure rituals, all aimed at absorbing the potent bloodlines of magical creatures or entities from distant realms. Moreover, these Warlocks perpetually harnessed and channeled this acquired power.

Much like their counterparts, the Branded Swordsmen, Warlocks too belonged to the ranks of ancient Magi.

According to the illustrious Magus Serholm's account, he began his journey as a Rank 4 Warlock. Remarkably, he would eventually unify the entirety of the South Coast, leaving behind an enduring legacy of tales and exploits.

Legends further held that Warlocks possessed a natural talent for spellcasting that surpassed that of a typical Magus of the same rank.

Nevertheless, if Warlocks wielded such overwhelming power, it begged the question why they hadn't long since dominated the South Coast, reducing the number of magician guilds significantly.

In essence, Warlocks followed the path of bloodlines. As generations passed and their descendants reproduced, the potency of their inherited bloodlines gradually waned. This alone led to a decline in the number of Warlocks.

Moreover, a considerable fraction of Warlocks grappled with a vexing ailment—an excess of emotion. The world of Magi placed a premium on rationality, but the influence of their bloodlines frequently plunged Warlocks into emotional turmoil, pushing them to extremes.

Evidently, individuals with such dispositions faced substantial challenges in surviving the cutthroat realm of the Magi.

However, the Great Magus Serholm devised a remedy for this affliction—the Serenity Potion.

Upon ingesting the Serenity Potion, Warlocks could pacify their inner turbulence and retain the characteristic rationality of a Magus.

In the preface of a high-grade meditation technique, Leylin found a variety of methods for acquiring these coveted bloodlines, providing him with ample choices. Contemplating his options, Leylin made a resolute decision to embrace the path of bloodlines and become a Warlock.

However, his enthusiasm quickly diminished.

'Only three levels?' Leylin furrowed his brow, disappointment etched across his face. 'Why does the entire high-grade meditation technique comprise just three levels? There must be crucial information missing here... How disheartening...'

From what Leylin gathered, a high-grade meditation technique had the inherent ability to elevate a Magus's rank. In essence, upon completing the meditation technique for a given rank, their level would automatically advance. No substantial resource investment or complex spell model construction was required.

This was because high-grade meditation techniques naturally developed compatible innate spells, constantly inscribing them within the Magus's sea of consciousness. In other words, it was the most efficient means of advancing one's cultivation.

However, the Giant Kemoyin Serpent Bloodline, which Leylin had chosen, consisted of only three levels. In practical terms, even if Leylin completed its cultivation, he would ascend only to the pinnacle of a Rank 3 Warlock, slightly surpassing a Rank 3 Magus in power.

In the realm of the South Coast, where power was measured in ranks, Rank 3 Magus held a status of immense might. One such exemplar was the head of the enigmatic Lighthouse of the Night, who had attained this formidable cultivation level.

Yet, Leylin couldn't help but harbor a hint of dissatisfaction within him. His aspirations reached far beyond the mere confines of a Rank 3 Magus; he yearned to ascend to the exalted realm of a Rank 9 Magus and ascend even further, aiming to attain the coveted status of a God Of All.

In a moment of introspection, Leylin chided himself, his thoughts veering into a touch of self-deprecation. 'Even the esteemed Great Lord Magus Serholm achieved no more than the modest rank of 4 Warlock. The chasm separating me from the coveted Rank 9 appears as vast as the distance between our realm and the far-off Milky Way. Perhaps I've set my sights too high,' he pondered, recognizing the wisdom in appreciating the hand life had dealt him. 'Sometimes, one must find contentment in the cards life has dealt.'

'Furthermore,' he continued his inner monologue, 'The Great Magus Serholm himself only reached the rank of 4 Warlock. This implies that the Kemoyin's Pupil technique harbors an uncharted, more profound territory—an uncharted terrain that beckons me to explore it further.'

With a renewed sense of determination, Leylin shifted his focus back to the remaining portion of the information. As expected, it held a scattering of cryptic hints, all of which pointed toward the elusive Central Continent.

Previously foreign to Leylin's ears, the Central Continent found a place in his consciousness thanks to the descriptions found within the pages of the Book of the Giant Serpent. It stood as a haven for official Magi, renowned not only for its expansive territory but also for its abundant resources.

However, there was a formidable barrier to overcome in the journey from the South Coast to the Central Continent—a perilous traverse through treacherous domains. Without the status of an official Magus, such an expedition seemed tantamount to a death sentence.

Committing this newfound information to memory, Leylin resolved to embark on this treacherous journey in the future. His primary goal would be to uncover any leads on the elusive Kemoyin's Pupil technique.

As Leylin concluded his meditation, a profound sentence echoed in his mind: "All those who walk the path of Bloodlines will eventually be ensnared by the very Bloodline itself…"

For reasons unknown, Leylin felt as if he had heard a distant sigh, though it might have been nothing more than a trick of his own mind. Nonetheless, these words cast a foreboding shadow over his thoughts.

Leylin's silence stretched on, his eyes aglow with a crimson light before he swiftly reverted to his initial demeanor.

'As expected, it seems there may be some flaws in becoming a Warlock,' he mused aloud, but with a clear understanding that this was a problem for a future Rank 3 Warlock. 'I am merely a lowly acolyte at this point. Even if the path of a Warlock does not grant me further advancement in the end, I can explore alternative methods. By then, I should possess the strength of an official Magus.'

For the present moment, Leylin knew that his current acolyte status left him with no possibility of acquiring another high-grade meditation technique. He considered his Mankestre DNA and concluded that this particular cultivation path suited him.

Numerous thoughts raced through his mind, and his eyes gradually hardened with determination. 

'To embark on the path of Kemoyin's Pupil, one must possess the Bloodline of the Giant Kemoyin Serpent or one of its subspecies,' Leylin recalled.

As he contemplated the challenges ahead, Leylin's thoughts turned to the Giant Kemoyin Serpent, an ancient creature mentioned in Aralis' database. He also remembered encountering two of its subspecies, the Great Withering Mankestre Snake and the Black Horrall Snake.

Thinking back to the Great Magus Serholm, whose footsteps he followed in, Leylin understood that the Great Magus's choice of snake-based defense and ambush mechanisms was logical, given his bloodline.

Leylin reached into his sack, retrieving a dozen blood-colored rocks and a frozen heart. These blood rocks contained the essence of the Black Horrall Snake's blood, painstakingly collected by Leylin. The frozen heart, on the other hand, was a precious ingredient harvested from the corpse of the Black Horrall Snake during Leylin's escape from the Dylan Gardens.

'The high-grade meditation technique records suggest that I can use this essence to obtain the Black Horrall Snake's bloodline,' Leylin thought, considering the potential. 'When combined with the Mankestre Bloodline already coursing through my veins, the results should be quite potent.'

An adult Black Horrall Snake equaled the strength of a Rank 3 Magus, making it a perfect fit for Leylin's needs. Though the Mankestre Snake, a weaker cousin of the Black Horrall Snake, had its strengths, with the most powerful specimens reaching Rank 1 Magus level.

Leylin surmised that the Great Magus Serholm had likely kept the Black Horrall Snake in the cave for the purpose of passing down its bloodline to his inheritor, or perhaps it had served as a guardian by chance.

However, Leylin's ambitions extended beyond mere inheritance.

'While the Black Horrall Snake is a solid foundation for my Kemoyin's Pupil cultivation, it possesses only a trace of the Giant Kemoyin Serpent's bloodline. Perhaps I can refine the Black Horrall Snake's bloodline to obtain the true ancient bloodline,' Leylin contemplated, his mind racing with possibilities. 'Combine that with my enhanced Mankestre DNA and the powers of the Demon Tree, and I may achieve an astounding boost in power!'

Leylin's eyes blazed with an intensity that threatened to set the world on fire, a fiery manifestation of the uncontrollable Mana Energy surging through him. The cave itself teetered on the brink of collapse under the sheer force of his power, but he swiftly reined it in.

Given the constant necessity for Warlocks to harness the potency of their bloodlines, it made perfect sense to initiate a direct transplant of a more potent bloodline right from the outset. This notion simmered within Leylin's mind, a spark of inner desire that threatened to ignite into action.

'Aralis, I have a new task for you. Calculate the likelihood of attaining an ancient bloodline by fusing it with the Black Horrall Snake's lineage, considering the resources currently at my disposal.'

[Task initiated. Commencing analysis.]

Aralis's voice resonated, faithfully discharging her responsibilities.

[Analyzing blood essence... Results acquired. Composition – Pure Essence: 78.8%, Nutritional Components: 11.3%, Highly Active Microorganisms: 2.14%, Inert Impurities…]

A cascade of data regarding the blood essence transformed into a comprehensive chart, materializing before Leylin. He smirked in contentment, as if he had been given the answers to a final exam that would determine his future.

With Aralis as his ultimate trump card, Leylin could be considered a glitch in the system of Magi. A taboo existence who was not meant to be. He held an innate advantage in any realm of knowledge.

Aralis, or ARALIS, stood as an acronym for "Advanced Reckoning and Artificial Learning Integrated System." This remarkable creation stood as Dr. Fang Ming's crowning achievement, a clandestine pet project from his previous life.

This enigmatic AI possessed a vast reservoir of memory and computational prowess. What's more, it boasted a microscopic apparatus with the uncanny ability to peer into the atomic realm. In the realm of scientific genius, Fang Ming was unparalleled, his brilliance transcending not just the boundaries of China, but of the entire world. Yet, lurking beneath his brilliance, there was a malevolence that tainted his soul.

During his transcendent journey, Aralis intertwined with his very soul, resulting in an array of inexplicable transformations that defied every preconception of the afterlife harbored by Fang Ming. Now reborn as Leylin Farlier, he embarked on a path toward becoming a Warlock, destined to wield dominion over all existence.

Returning to the present, it became apparent that Leylin possessed a considerable advantage in the blood purification realm, thanks to his AI assistant. Purifying bloodlines demanded meticulous precision and an arduous process, making it a task ideally suited to Aralis.

'It's no wonder the Magus Serholm designed the ultimate trial for obtaining the high-grade meditation technique— a harrowing test of calculation and analytical prowess. For Warlocks endowed with formidable computational abilities, unraveling the secrets hidden within bloodlines becomes second nature.'

This revelation left Leylin contemplative, bringing to mind the secretive breeding laboratories of the revered Magus Serholm.

'Whether it was the concealed lab nestled within the Dark Night Woods or the Dylan Gardens, the Great Magus Serholm conducted experiments in the realms of hybridization and modulation. The outcome, however, remains shrouded in mystery…'


A few days later, beneath the foreboding veil of dark clouds looming overhead, Leylin found himself once more at the gates of the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy.

Surveying the landscape, Leylin couldn't help but crack a wry smile at the sight of the graveyard and the almost fully restored academy buildings. It was here that he had ended Bosain's life, a man with strong ties to the influential Lilytell family, a formidable faction within the academy.

At present, it seemed highly improbable that anyone could trace Bosain's demise back to Leylin. Nevertheless, there lingered a subtle undercurrent of risk.

If given the choice, Leylin would gladly avoid returning to the academy altogether. Yet, the sands of time had led him back to these shadowed halls. His purpose was clear; important matters required his attention. Additionally, there was a perverse thrill in navigating the academy's corridors, knowing that those who now sought his death remained blissfully unaware of his true identity.

'There's no alternative,' Leylin mused. 'The Abyssal Bone Forest Academy offers unparalleled resources and state-of-the-art laboratories for my research. I must expedite the purification of my ancient bloodline and procure the ingredients for the elusive Serenity Potion. Only then can I make my permanent departure from this place...'

Leylin's confidence in his subterfuge was unwavering. Moreover, the circumstances surrounding Bosain's demise within the secret plane, shrouded by the separation effect of the spell formation, made it highly implausible for concrete information about his death to reach the wider world.

Tracking such events through the crude methods available in the physical realm was a time-consuming endeavor, further compounded by Bosain and his companions' clandestine departure, leaving even their own families in the dark about their whereabouts.

Furthermore, Leylin had been in a frantic rush as he retraced his steps. His sole mission: gather every last resource necessary, complete the experiment, and make his exit before the Lilytell family could unearth his connection to Bosain's demise.

'Though there are inherent risks, given my calculations and Aralis's simulations, I should be able to evade the Lilytell family's reprisals,' Leylin mused.

Having his pass scrutinized at the entrance, the familiar Granite Ape, whom Leylin had previously encountered, promptly granted him access to the subterranean academy.

Without delay, Leylin bypassed his dormitory altogether, heading straight for the Trading Hall and the Senior Hall. He traded a substantial quantity of his magic crystals for the essential resources needed to brew the Serenity Potion and conduct the bloodline experiment. The requirements were staggering, with numerous ingredients and items of extraordinary rarity, items only found in well-endowed Magi hubs like the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy.

What quickened Leylin's heartbeat was the academy's prevailing policies, allowing him to acquire resources at a fraction of their market price. With a formidable Magus family hot on his heels and nowhere to hide, his only recourse was to continually bolster his strength to confront this pressing predicament.

'According to the Advancement Grimoire I obtained post-Bloodbath, a level 3 acolyte needs 15 Spiritual Force to ascend to the status of a Rank 1 Magus,' Leylin pondered as he instructed, 'Aralis, display my current status.'

[At once, Doctor.] Aralis's unwavering voice responded.


Dr. Fang Ming (Leylin Farlier's body)

<Power Scaling>

Level 3 acolyte || Grand Knight

<Physical Stats>

Strength - 7.51

Agility - 9.42

Vitality - 12.95

<Mystical Stats>

Spiritual Force - 22.1/22.1

Mana Energy - 22.1/22.1

<Innate Abilities>

Mitotic Regeneration || Medium Dark Absorption || Seductive Aura

<Perks >

Enhanced Plant & Dark elements affinities || Boosted illusion resistance || Reptile-class Mysterious Entities of ≤ power are positively biased

<General Skills>

Hybrid Farlier-Jackson Blade Technique (master) || Potioneering (master) || Grand Master Secret Skill (++AGI +STR --VIT) || Various Rank 0 & Rank 1 spells


Since Leylin had utilized the Tears of Mary Elixir to push his Spiritual Force to its very limits, he found himself in a frustrating predicament. No matter how diligently he meditated, his progress remained stubbornly stagnant. Even the consumption of souls through his ominous tendrils yielded only marginal advancement.

It appeared that the basic meditation technique he had received during his academy days had become obsolete. This dilemma was not unique to him; many Magi faced a similar conundrum. Without access to a high-grade meditation technique, any attempts at improvement or advancement demanded a hefty investment of precious resources. What's more, the toll it exacted on their physical bodies was even greater each time, creating an inescapable cycle of stagnation.

To compound matters, those who had made an incorrect choice in their innate spell model found themselves in a tight spot. The necessary spell model for their next advancement proved elusive, serving as a significant hindrance to their progress. It was a formidable obstacle that deterred the aspirations of countless official Magi.

Consequently, throughout the entire South Coast, the majority of newly advanced Rank 1 Magi abounded. As for Rank 2 Magi like Chairman Siley and other leaders of prominent organizations and academies, they occupied the upper echelons of power. Meanwhile, Rank 3 Magi stood unassailably at the pinnacle, akin to formidable entities.

Nevertheless, Leylin's prospects took a promising turn after acquiring the high-grade meditation technique. With this newfound knowledge, he harbored the conviction that he could undoubtedly catch up to his higher-ranked counterparts.

'I don't harbor any pity for their evident lack of intelligence and incompetence. They simply don't deserve to ascend to the pinnacle. As for me... well, my Spiritual Force has not only met but exceeded the required minimum value. Now, the next step is to refine my meditation technique, purify my ancient bloodline, and strive to advance into the coveted rank of a Warlock.' A blazing determination flickered in Leylin's eyes as he quickened his pace.

Once the resource allocation was settled, Leylin bypassed any visit to Kroft, leaving only a message stating his need for seclusion to focus on an important experiment. He took the liberty of utilizing Kroft's private laboratory, a privilege granted to him following the Bloodbath event.

From there, he dedicated all his attention to his bloodline experiment.

'This set of apparatus is crafted from vulcanized glass and is currently the most robust option available to me.'

Leylin surveyed the contents of the spacious experimental chamber, his fingers tracing a set of glassware tinted with a sulfurous hue.

'And then there's this... A device capable of generating Negative Energy at a rate 300 times faster than the norm.' Leylin pivoted to regard two imposing black instruments resting on a nearby table.

In close proximity to these black instruments, an item reminiscent of a microscope was present, though it couldn't rival Aralis in terms of magnification.

Leylin had insisted on using Kroft's private laboratory for this endeavor; no other location within the academy would suffice. The experiment chambers designated for Magi naturally surpassed those allocated to acolytes, offering enhanced privacy and security.

After all, the official Magi comprised the academic bedrock of the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy. Even Chairman Siley himself would not dare to infringe upon the privacy of these professors. Those who ascended to the rank of Magus often harbored concealed secrets and formidable trump cards. Any attempts at intrusion or investigation were viewed as a direct challenge. Even Chairman Siley would be powerless in the face of unified resistance from the academy's professors.

Naturally, always mindful of the need for caution, Leylin allowed Aralis to meticulously scan the area multiple times. He also deployed a multitude of detection spells and protective wards, ensuring a thorough safeguard against any external threats.

"Let us begin."

With a determined nod, Leylin reached into his robes and retrieved a small box. Upon opening it, a dozen crimson-hued stones were revealed, emanating a constant and enigmatic energy wave. These waves were seamlessly absorbed by the dispel formation Leylin had meticulously established, leaving not a single trace to escape.

'It has been quite some time since I last conducted such a complex experiment... I've missed this aspect. After all, science is but one of the three callings in my life,' Leylin muttered solemnly as he carefully selected a vial containing a violet potion.

Subsequently, Leylin dedicated all of his time to his work within the laboratory, even relying on potions to fulfill his daily nutritional requirements. Under the extraordinary microscopic abilities of Aralis and with guidance from the Book of the Giant Serpent and the Kemoyin's Pupil technique, the purification of his bloodline progressed rather smoothly.

However, one day, Leylin found himself compelled to leave his laboratory due to a matter that demanded his immediate attention. He realized the necessity of briefly diverting his focus to address this affair so he could subsequently return with a refreshed mind to resume his paramount work.

"What are you saying? Bicky has been captured by her own family?" Leylin exclaimed, his voice filled with unmistakable despair.

Surprisingly, his appearance could have easily been mistaken for someone fresh from a luxurious spa retreat. His face boasted a clean-shaven countenance, his medium-length hair meticulously groomed, and his expensive gray tunic immaculate. It was almost as if he hadn't dedicated countless hours to the confines of a secluded laboratory.

Emerald eyes sparkled with intensity, their gaze fixed firmly upon the young woman before him.

The girl, with a cascade of blonde hair framing her face, possessed delicate contours that accentuated her features. Thin lips wore a layer of luscious red lipstick, adding a touch of sophistication to her overall look.

Leylin recognized her instantly. This was Hong, a seemingly simple and inconsequential NPC in Leylin's classification. However, she happened to be a close friend of Bicky's and had crossed paths with Leylin on several occasions.

"Tell me, why?" Leylin soon masked his expression, replacing it with an air of calm.

Yet, beneath the facade of tranquility, Hong couldn't help but shiver slightly. It was as though she instinctively sensed that Leylin concealed something sinister beneath that composed demeanor.

'Everyone speaks of Senior Leylin's remarkable talents,' she thought, biting her lip as envy and jealousy crept into her heart. 'They say he's not just a genius in Potioneering, but also possesses exceptional magical aptitude, advancing to a level 3 acolyte before the age of twenty and even receiving numerous offers from esteemed professors.'

Yet, these emotions were swiftly suppressed. Hong ran her fingers through her disheveled hair, offering a wry smile, and confessed, "All because she stole the precious Rainbow Potion from her own family..."

"A Rainbow Potion?" Leylin mused aloud, his fingers tapping a rhythmic pattern on the circular desk before him, causing the scented tea in his cup to ripple. "A rare elixir thought to have vanished, renowned for its ability to significantly amplify the effects of Grine Water. The very potion that could facilitate an acolyte's advancement to an official Magus?"

Leylin had heard tales of Bicky's family. They possessed a long history with a glorious past, albeit one that had gradually faded. Unlike the prominent Lilytell family and others of similar stature, Bicky's family belonged to the smaller echelons. At present, its elders were merely level 3 acolytes, relying on inherited magic artifacts and treasures to briefly wield the power of official Magi for self-defense.

It was evident that such a family still harbored aspirations of nurturing a future official Magus, one who would restore their family's lost prestige. However, Bicky, as one of their fully groomed heirs, had not only betrayed her family but had also absconded with their cherished treasure. Her actions were so audacious that her demise at the hands of her family would not have been a surprising outcome.

"Bicky is merely a level 2 acolyte," Leylin reasoned aloud, sensing a deeper mystery. "Why would she commit such an act? Unless... did she steal it for her boyfriend, Fayle?"

This revelation ignited a spark of anger in Hong. "Indeed, she did it all for Senior Fayle! Originally, Bicky intended to elope with him after the theft, but Senior Fayle had been deceiving her from the start. He used her!"

Hong's indignation was palpable, her sense of injustice on behalf of her friend evident. "After obtaining the Rainbow Potion, Fayle promptly abandoned her and joined the Redbud Flower family!"

[Who could have foreseen such a turn of events?] Aralis interjected with a sardonic remark.