
Chapter 5: ~Istvaan III~


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Leman Russ had devoted himself to Chaos, twisted by his own mentality, the words of Logar, and by the Warp itself. Thus Leman Russ began to gather his brothers to his side. Some, easier than others. Logar had already sided with Russ, as did Alpharius and Omegon. The Khan and Corvus Corax would easily side with Leman, both tired of their father and wanting nothing more than to overthrow him to achieve their own goals. Horus's newfound rage and need for bloodshed would drive him towards Chaos, thus giving Leman Russ a true weapon against his former allies and family. The hardest to get to side with him were Rogal Dorn, Robute Guilliman, and the Lion. But in the end, it was easier than even Logar thought possible.

The Lion had been tormented with dreams and pains all over his body, and his mind was seemingly no longer his. He wanted nothing more than to free himself from this pain. Leman Russ learned of this and promised the Lion that it was indeed possible to be free from the pain, but revealed it was a Chaos induced infliction, and the Emperor would slay him before healing him. Thus the Lion pledged his loyalty to the Wolf, much to the delight of Logar.

Roboute Guilliman had slowly became more and more twisted by the words of Tzeentch, so when Guilliman came face to face with a force of unknown enemies, whose tactics were well and above his own, his sons being slaughtered on the field of battle, Guilliman decided to give in to the voice in his head, desperate to save his sons. This Tzeentch gained a prize, and Leman Russ gained an ally.

Rogal Dorn was the trickiest of the Primarchs to join Leman Russ's side. As Rogal still was loyal to the Imperium, Leman needed the great Primarch's anger and rage to boil over and do something foolish. So Russ sent some Alpha Legionaries to begin messing with Rogal's mind, trying to push the Primarch over the edge. And that they did. Using his hatred for the Iron Warriors, the traitors were able to convince the Imperial Fists to attack the homeworld of the Iron Warriors. But Rogal went in with rage, not tactics. Thus the Imperial Fists were severely beaten and forced off world, where Perturabo's guardian warriors rushed to report the treachery. It was only then that Leman Russ approached the Primarch, promising retribution and forgiveness, since their father certainly wouldn't have either.

With his new found alliances founded, he ordered the Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, Raven Guard, and Ultramarines to keep low while the Space Wolves, Alpha Legion, Word Bearers, and White Scars all began to reveal themselves as traitors. But first, they needed to make sure the loyalist elements of their legions didn't reveal their secrets. Thus Leman Russ staged a great battle on the planet of Istvaan III. It was there that the Arch-Traitor planted a great rebellion, all loyal to Leman Russ, and furthermore, Chaos. The Legions under the Arch-Traitor's banner headed to Istvaan III, deploying the loyalist members of the legions to quell the resistance.


The shuttle the Space Wolves found themselves in was cramped and dark, dripping with intensity and concern. Across from them were Imperial Fists, their weapons drawn and ready. In the far back stood Sigismund, the Great Black Templar. The dreadnaught frame that held the great Imperial Fists didn't keep the great amount of power Sigismund held from shadowing the minds of those around him. But it was he who asked the first question.

"Space Wolves, I must ask of you, why does this great resistance require nine of the Emperor's grand legions to quell?" The great and massive frame's head turned to the Space Wolves. One of the wolves looked at his brothers, seeking silent confirmation to speak, which was granted.

"I apologize, great warrior. But even we have been kept in the dark about this. Our Rune Priests…" Before the Wolf could finish, a growl was heard from one of the other Space Wolves, everyone turned to look at him. It was a Rune Priest, and he was clenching his head, sweat barreling down his face.

"Brother, what is it?" One of the Wolves asked. The Rune Priest looked up at his brothers and cousins, a sense of dread written all over his old face.

"Something is about to happen, something dark… I just can't… can't understand what…" The marines on board all looked at each other, a sense of worry washing all around them. Sigismund was what brought them out of this odd trance.

"Rune Priest, you are to stay with me. Once we land, I want my brothers to begin building air tight bunkers. The enemy may want to use chemical warfare. Order the Raven Guard and Alpha Legion to assist in plotting their positions."


The loyalists landed on the fields of Istvaan III and began their battle. The resistance was using foul warp magic, and also was armed with a multitude of imperial weapons. But in the end, they were no Astartes, and would be crushed under the foot of the marines. For three whole days the marines trampled the resistance, all the while carrying out Sigismund's plan by building various air tight bunkers. The enemy had used various virus and chemical weapons, making the bunkers quite useful during certain phases of the battle.

Eventually they would lay claim to the main city, and proclaimed their victory over the traitors…

When communications were cut off and the bombs began to drop…


Sigismund watched as explosions in the distance grew closer and closer, the entire planet being purged of its living. He turned to the leader of the resistance, who still struggled. An unholy rage filled the dreadnought as he turned his massive helm to face the resistance leader.

"What have you done, you heretical bastard!?" Sigsimund growled, his frame fully shaking from intense anger. The resistance leader just laughed.

"I have brought our lord's will upon you!" He would have said something else if Sigsimund hadn't torn him to shreds with one of his massive grinding claws. Sigismund turned to his fellow marines, all who were desperately trying to make sense of their situation. He made eye contact with the Rune Priest, and the two exchanged a nod.

"Everyone, tell those under your command to evacuate to the bunkers. Their true purpose will now be used front and center."


The loyalists that remained quickly took shelter in the bunkers that now turned into their shelters. But still many would be lost, most trying to save their brothers by shoving them into the bunkers before themselves, their names being written into the armor of those that still lived. As the loyalists tried to still make sense of the disaster going on, their lord commander Sigismund ordered them all to begin moving towards the main city's bunker. The Imperial Fists alongside the Raven Guard and Alpha Legion had built massive and great tunnels to allow for the loyalists to all gather. As the virus bombs fell, the loyalists made their way to the now dubbed Prime Shelter. Many were lost during this trek, as tunnels caved in and toxic gasses swept forward. But still they traveled, some even trying to arrive at the Prime Shelter on the surface, though none made it.

There Sigismund put forth the idea that somehow, unbeknownst to any of them, had turned traitor, for unknown reasons. The Alpha Legionnaire Sigismund had hired to keep an eye on Logar then revealed that Logar had indeed talked with Leman Russ, but he couldn't follow him into Leman's private chambers to hear what was said, so it was clear that something had happened within its walls that truly twisted the mind of the great wolf. The loyalist Space Wolves were appalled by this proclamation, but the more they argued with everyone there, the more they accepted that their beloved primarch had indeed truly fallen to heresy. The Loyalists sat in sadness at what had become of their legions. But they were still determined to defend the Imperium, even if it meant stalling for a few extra hours. Slowly, as the virus bombs fell, the survivors put together a plan. They knew the traitors would send a majority of their troops down onto the surface to eliminate the remaining survivors. So Sigsimund ordered the loyalists to begin preparations for the reinforcement of the Prime Bunker and the hive city above them.

Once the virus bombs stopped dropping and the viruses faded, the loyalists rose out of the Prime Bunker and quickly began to reinforce their surroundings. Whilst they did so, they found the remains of downed transports, and the surviving techmarines devoted many of their remaining resources to the repair of them, as if any news of this heresy was to reach the Imperium, there had to be survivors of the upcoming battle. It was here where Sigismund stood in his mighty dreadnought frame, bellowing out his most grand of speeches as the traitors sent the rest of their forces to eliminate the "weak links…"


"Brothers, cousins! Our final hours fall before us, as those we thought friends, allies, and family come down from the heavens to slay us with their vile treachery! But unlike them, who come at us with vile thoughts, twisted bodies, and warped words… We are loyal! We fight to preserve the empire, the Imperium of Mankind, the land of the God-Emperor from all forms of evil and injustice! Let the fallen laugh like madmen! We will stand forevermore against the coming tide! Let this planet stand as a reminder of what happens when those that stand against the Imperium raise their heretical voices!"


-Sigismund before the Final Hours of Istvaan III


The traitors landed on the soil of Istvaan III and charged, led by Leman Russ and Horus. They rushed to the known position of the loyalist remains, thinking the area scattered and defenseless. What they found was repaired artillery cannons and remaining dreadnaughts and rhinos rushing forward, weapons ablaze. All the while the loyalists fired every weapon they had, slaughtering thousands upon first contact. But the loyalists were still outnumbered, and the two forces clashed, neither side backing down, neither side having any left to lose. But the traitors were too focused on killing their former brothers that they failed to notice transports flying out of the battlefield, covered by artillery fire and flying debris. There was only enough transports to evacuate two companies worth of troops, and those who had been injured before the Final Hours were placed on board, led by Aeonid Thiel, who had been instrumental in the battle and was told to lead the survivors back to Terra to inform the Imperium of the betrayal.


Aeonid Thiel stood in the hull of the transport, looking over some of the injured and defenders who had agreed to help escort them off the battlefield. Amongst them were veterans of the Great Crusade, and even Word Bearers using words of healing to tend to the minor wounded. Thiel couldn't help but sigh with sadness. While his tactics and knowledge had helped those on Istvaan III, he knew that the true heroism was being done below, as Sigsimund led those still loyal to the Throne against everyone they had once considered brothers. Suddenly a hand appeared on his shoulder, Theil turned to see the Word Bearer Argel Taul, a grim but determined expression on his face.

"We are nearing the White Scar battle cruiser." He gestured to the cockpit. Thiel nodded, placing his red helm over his head once again.

"Let us return to the holy Imperium once more, cousin."


The survivors raided the White Scar battle cruiser Speed of the Khan , finding little resistance on board. Using the insignificant ship, they launched into the Warp, intent on getting to the Imperium. But the trip would be plagued by daemons of all kinds, so by the time they would arrive, their numbers would be far less than before and the Dropsite Massacre would have already occurred.

As for those back on Istvaan III, none would survive, Sigismund himself being buried under a massive fortress, though no kill was ever truly confirmed. The planet would still stand as a reminder of the Heresy, and forevermore be remembered as the moment the galaxy fell apart.


Well here we go! The REAL Heresy truly begins! I hope you guys like what you read! It was fun writing this, especially some of the more STORY based parts.

As for those wondering, Sigismund basically takes Ryalnor's role, and yes he is still very much alive. Though I have a different plan for our big Black Templar dreadnaught! But that plan may change >:]