
Chapter 24 The Age of Heroes? The Age of Chaos!

  Half an hour later,

  the two went their

  separate ways before the police arrived.

  Rorschach no longer had the mood to continue to tangle with the Night Devil.

  The Night Devil, whose identity was exposed, also had no energy or motivation

  to stop Rorschach from taking away the stolen money.

  And ever since the bodies were discovered,

  Rorschach's chest seemed to be burning with a swelling rage,

  making him want to kill all the gangs in New York.

  However, on the way home,

  after Rorschach had dealt with most of the disposable equipment along the way,

  his gradually returning rationality stopped his impulse.

  The sportswear gang had been destroyed.

  The crisis involving him and his aunt had disappeared.

  The remaining things were no longer his task.

  Even if the federal government was incompetent, in the face of such a sensational event,

  the forces of various departments should be mobilized.

  The New York Police Department, the FBI,

  and perhaps S.H.I.E.L.D. would all participate in the investigation.

  If the media learned more inside information and

  made a big fuss about it,

  I'm afraid Stark, who was far away in Los Angeles, would also get involved.

  In the technological age, facing the pervasive artificial intelligence Jarvis.

  Even the cautious Rorschach

  had no confidence that could be hidden.

  He would face the authorities one day, but not yet. He

  kept a low profile and bided his time

  until Rorschach had mastered a stronger power and

  could face everything more calmly.

  This was his primary goal.

  He had never been a hero. He

  was just an ordinary person fighting for his family.

  At four in the morning,

  Rorschach, who had returned from Hell's Kitchen, entered the apartment.

  He did not go home directly, but went to the basement.

  Now that the basement had been reinforced ,

  it could be used as a secret base temporarily.

  Rorschach, who was sleepless, sorted out and counted the stolen money.

  One million nine hundred and eighty thousand in cash.

  If the remaining six hundred and eighty thousand under the bed in Rorschach's bedroom were added,

  the total was two million six hundred and sixty thousand.

  Rorschach returned to the ranks of millionaires overnight.

  Unfortunately, a large amount of black money could not be deposited into the card at once.

  Unless Rorschach was willing to spend time moving like an ant,

  depositing it bit by bit.

  He put away all the cash and hid the Catachan saber.

  Rorschach, who carried a plasma pistol with him, locked the iron door of the basement and

  went upstairs to go home.

  After entering the house, Rorschach seemed to have thrown everything outside.

  He took a careful shower.

  Then he found some food in the refrigerator for snacks.

  As the cold food slowly entered his stomach,

  Rorschach, who was somewhat uneasy, gradually found the feeling of the past.

  That was the sense of security of home.

  He did not wake up his aunt who was still asleep.

  After eating, Rorschach returned to the bedroom.

  He placed the plasma pistol next to the pillow and slowly fell asleep.


  bodies of twenty-three children were lined up. They

  were neatly placed on the ground.

  Thirteen bloody and broken heads

  were piled up into a terrifying hill.

  Standing in front of the children's bodies.

  It seemed to be a memorial service, but also seemed to be simply venting anger.

  This was a large number of New York police who arrived late.

  After stepping into the messy Baby Mall,

  the first horrific scene they saw.

  For a moment, whether it was the experienced old police or

  the new police who had just joined the job, their faces changed suddenly.

  They could not bear the rising desire to vomit.

  They ran to the parking lot outside the Baby Mall and sprayed desperately.

  Even if the superiors repeatedly ordered,

  no one was willing to enter the scene a second time.

  Being punished at work was a secondary issue.

  The psychological shadow would follow one for a lifetime.

  So, this embarrassing situation

  continued until the FBI intervened in advance.

  Only then did they reluctantly initiate the basic investigation procedures for the Baby Mall.

  But even the knowledgeable federal agents   were at a loss

  when faced with a crime scene with a large number of victims with complex identities and unclear nature of the case.   Especially the remains of children might be involved in previous news reports of children being kidnapped.   The FBI began to hope that the hot potato in front of them   would be reported up the chain of command, and that other departments would take over the investigation... -   "Rorschach!"   The sleeping Rorschach was awakened by his aunt.   He opened his eyes and saw his aunt standing in front of the bedroom door in pajamas.   His aunt never entered his bedroom without permission,   unless something happened.   Rorschach took a deep breath, stood up and asked:   "Aunt? What's wrong?"   "Big news! Stark!"   Auntie danced and described to Rorschach:   "The billionaire Tony Stark admitted his heroic identity!"   Rorschach frowned slightly and blinked.   No way, so fast?   He stood up and followed his aunt into the living room.

  The scene of Stark admitting his identity as Iron Man was being played repeatedly on TV.

  Even though Rorschach kept jumping channels,

  every TV station was reporting the same story.

  Billionaire Stark had returned from his disappearance. The prodigal

  son had turned over a new leaf and became a superhero.

  This was absolutely explosive news at the moment.

  Even the previous child kidnapping incident had been completely suppressed and became yesterday's news.

  After all, even the aunt who knew about the existence of the hero in advance after being fooled by Rorschach

  had fallen into a strong desire to eat melons.

  Not to mention the people who needed entertainment every day. However

  , Rorschach was not very excited.

  Stark's publicizing of his identity as a hero

  also made the whole world enter a chaotic era where monsters and demons were everywhere.

  Especially heroes like "Night Devil".

  In the past, they were just frequent visitors in the police files and

  urban legends circulating in the Iron City.

  But from now on.

  While superheroes continue to appear.

  Those super villains who are more harmful will also continue to appear...

  Seeing that his aunt began to pick up her phone and share all kinds of gossip with her friends,

  Rorschach, who was gradually enveloped by a sense of crisis, decided to conduct the next simulation as soon as possible.

  The consumption of cooling time required him to buy a large number of guns to replenish it.

  Anyway, so much black money has to find a way to be converted into Rorschach's power.

  Rorschach said something to his aunt and returned to the bedroom.

  He did not start the simulation immediately, but sat cross-legged on the ground.

  Rorschach calmly prayed to the Emperor briefly and powerfully.

  "Emperor bless you!"

  Rorschach, with a solemn expression, opened the simulator.

  Because he encountered the evil god Tzeentch when he chose the identity of a Krieg Grenadier last time.

  Rorschach hesitated for a moment and chose to descend randomly.

  [Simulation starting——]

  [Current identity: Catachan recruit, Krieg Grenadier. ]

  [Please choose your descending identity first]

  [If you refuse, you will descend randomly. ]

  [Identity selection has been refused]

  [Simulation starting——]

  [You descended into the Warhammer universe]

  [Time: Unknown]

  [Location: Milky Way·Unknown Star Region·Peliya]

  [You descended to the surface

  of the planet. ] [You found yourself inside an escape pod. ]

  [You did not have time to observe the surrounding environment. ]

  [You were attacked by a suffocating stench so strong that it made you sick. ]

  [You fell into an unstoppable coma. ]

  ["...Political Commissar...One more..."]

  [You seemed to hear some noise, and then completely lost consciousness. ]

   Thanks to Exploding Spores for the 1500-point reward!

    Thank you to Xuelinshang for the 1000-point reward!

    Please collect and recommend!

    I'm writing about Political Commissar Kane, hahaha

    I really like writing Warhammer stories

  (End of this chapter)