
Chapter 1(The Imperiac HeresyRough_TimeST0RIES)


In the world of Warhammer 40k, there is the Emperor of Mankind, guardian of humanity, and the Chaos Gods, entities that seek the destruction and enslavement of all life.

But what if those roles were swapped? What if the Emperor wanted to dominate the galaxy, and the Chaos Gods wanted to take care of it?

The story of the Imperiac Heresy and the Horus Rebellion searches to explore that very thing...


Precursor by the Author:

Writing this has just been for fun! Nothing about this was made with any sense of seriousness. I just always liked the idea of "REALLY BAD Emperor of Mankind and Genuine Good Guys Chaos Gods." So I went with it! Hope you guys enjoy this! I might expand this but it is unlikely at best. But hey who knows!

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

It is the 31st Millenium and the Emperor's of Mankind's Great Crusade is under…


W-What!? No no no. This isn't YOUR story. It's MINE.

I would beg to differ, Big E.

Oh for fucks sake, you too?!

We're All Here, you ridiculous scam of a human.

Ugh are you going to ruin this moment for me as well?!

+Of course we are! It's sort of our job, after all!+


Thank you dear Brother. Now let me get into character. The people deserve to know the truth of the reality of our war…



It all started at the beginning. The War in Heaven had just ended and the Aldaeri have begun to expand their empires to new heights. A new found sense of peace has taken over the people of the empire, and the people enjoyed it.

But soon, they enjoyed it too much. Their parties began to grow to an excessive degree and even began to include elements of pain to gather pleasure. The parties became commonplace, and soon the Aldaeri had become degenerate and vile. Until… their parties gave birth to a god that would shake all of reality to its core.


Khorne sat on his throne, tired and sleepy. The War in Heaven had been so long ago, and his power had diminished. But he didn't mind. Such was the way of the universe. He knew that Tzeentch was currently studying in his grand library and Nurgle was taking care of his garden. Down below, his servants fought in eternal conflict. The various Champions of Khorne fought well. Seated next to him were two other gods. The Horned Rat, a god who lost the species who worshipped him long long ago, and Malice, the true embodiment of Chaos. They had taken refuge in his realm after their own realms were destroyed by an unknown force. Even Tzeentch had no clue. But it hadn't done much else, so they cared little.

Khorne contently sat when suddenly the Horned Rat's ears perked up and he looked around.

"Something is coming, yes-yes! Something new, yes-yes!" He shouted jumping from his seat. Malic turned to Khorne with a similar expression. Khorne, puzzled but curious, sent his energies through the warp, and there, he sensed it. The birth of a new god.

And it was a little pissed.

"Keep an eye on my servants, comrades. I must go see this… thing for myself." Khorne stood from his throne, his realm shaking as he did. Slowly he made his way to the place where the birthplace of this new god was. There he found Nurgle and Tzeentch, watching the whirlstorm of purple and black, screams being heard from within it. Nurgle gulped, holding a Nurgling in his massive rotting hand.

"What do you think caused this?" Tzeentch asked, his tentacle form shifting and changing as he spoke. Khorne kept his eyes on the vortex, contemplating what was within it.

"The best option is that the very Warp itself is creating them. The worst option is something has gone so far for so long that it has created a deity to represent it." Nurgle nodded in agreement as the three lords of Chaos watched on as the whirlstorm slowly took form. Slowly the form became more and more defined before a figure stood before them. The purple and black of the whirlstorm forming a dress as the rest of the storm formed the slender body. As the being opened its many eyes, it made its first noise.



The birth of the being known as Slaanesh caused shockwaves across the galaxy, killing many of the Aldaeri's gods. The few that did survive were either sent into comas or were cast off far from the galaxy. Worst of all, the souls of the Aldaeri that were also killed were absorbed into the body of Slaanesh herself.

Here there could have been utter suffering, but Slaanesh wasn't a god the Aldaeri were expecting. Instead of a destructive force of pain through pleasure, Slaanesh was a force of pleasure through earning it. And they had come to balance the absurdity of the Aldaeri's old lives. Those souls lost found themselves in a form of true rest.

For you see, the Chaos Gods of the Warp are formed when actions in the materium go so far that a being to help balance its absurdity is needed. For example, Khorne spawned during the War in Heaven alongside Nurgle and Tzeentch. The bloodshed, lies, and plagues of the war were so absurd that they had been born to balance all of the destruction within the Warp.

These times for the denizens of the warp were called the Times of Emergence. For whenever a god of the warp was born, times in realspace were changing, and the denizens of the warp understood that. Thus with the arrival of Slaanesh and the decrees she made the warp began to shift to adjust and slowly over the next millennia the warp would once again calm itself into a true ocean of reality.

During the early days of Slaanesh, Khorne assisted the new god in their new role. Slaanesh's first decree to her new daemons was to recover as many lost Aldaeri gods as possible. Only one was found though. Isha had landed in Nurgle's garden, and could not be moved. So Nurgle kept her safe, creating a special place in his garden to not be touched by his Rot. It was here where Slaanesh vowed that they would keep an eye on the practices species undertook to gain any sense of pleasure, to make sure the excess they committed didn't go to the extremities that the Aldaeri did.

The Great Crusade

As realspace began to change, so did its residents. Almost immediately, the Chaos Gods senses a presence in the warp, manipulating it to release a great warpstorm never seen in the history of the galaxy. Before the gods could react, the warpstorm was unleashed and the species known as humans who had just ended a war with AI across the galaxy were cut off. The Chaos Gods, confused on how a being besides them could or would do such a thing, sought out the being who released the warpstorm, which the gods took to calling Old Night. It took a long time but they were able to make contact with a powerful human pyscher simply calling himself the Emperor. When asked why he did such a thing, the Emperor explained he sought to bring humanity to the grasp of greatness, and Old Night was a test to see if Humanity could survive the future challenges he foresaw. While the gods were weary, they offered a way to bring humanity to great heights, seeing it as the best way to extend a hand of trust to this great warrior. Using their abilities, the gods created a method to mix unconscious and dying entities within the warp to flesh and blood, and would allow the creation of mighty beings of both reality and the warp. The Emperor accepted and took the great gift and left the Chaos Gods, returning to Terra.


As the Emperor walked away and the other gods left back to their personal realms, Khorne stood on the ethereal moon. He couldn't help but feel something was far more off than usual. This Emperor of Mankind… he was obsessive. Powerful. But above all… paranoid. He could sense it. Khorne decided to make his way back to his realm slowly. He needed to call in a favor.

Snapping his massive armored fingers, a great red glow shot into the sky before dispersing. Immediately a figure appeared, black wings and the symbol of Chaos Natural engraved upon his chest.

"Be'lakor… I have an assignment for you." Bel'akor had been an ancient being gifted powers from all the Chaos Gods to help them keep an eye in reality closer.

Bel'akor nodded, knowing it to be his duty.

"Keep an eye on the Emperor. Find allies within his palace if necessary. But report back your findings and if necessary… interfere."


Unbeknownst to the gods, the Emperor took the gift of the gods and created the Primarchs, his sons. Keeping them in pods as they developed, the Emperor planned to use them as generals for his great Imperial Astartes armies. Luckily for the Chaos Gods though, Erda, the supposed "mother" of the Primarchs saw through the Emperor and sent the pods off across the galaxy. This launch of powerful psychic presences got the gods attention. They realized the trick they had fallen for, that of giving a new enemy the potential to dominate not just reality but also the warp.

Realizing that they may have precious time against them, the gods began to formulate a plan. Calling it the Great Game, the gods each picked a Primarch to overwatch and become their future heralds if need be.

Slaanesh oversaw Fulgrim, seeing his journey for perfection as a path similar to that of the Aldaeri of ancient times. Wanting to stop a potential savage, Slaanesh instructed her followers in reality, the Laer, to construct a beautiful blade. A blade that called out to the Emperor's Children Primarch.

Nurgle selected Mortarian, seeing his endurance against the witchkings of his homeworld as admirable and necessary. Knowing it would be hard to convince this unyielding warrior to his side, Nurgle slowly influenced the people of Barbaras to study science to reveal Mortarian to the cycle of life and decay more naturally than the witchkings.

Tzeentch selected Magnus the Red, sensing a similar mind to his own. Sensing the deliberate instability of his geneseed, Tzeentch began to devise a cure to win over Magnus, as well as send his Pink and Blue Horrors to Prospero to keep an eye on things, and to slowly reveal the treachery of the Emperor to Magnus.

Khorne was having a hard time looking for a suitable warrior. Then he came across Angron, who had just been "saved" by the Emperor, losing those he considered his brothers and sisters to the slavers down below. Khorne, already having a distaste in the senseless and honorless bloodshed, began to despise the Emperor more than the others. Thus as a way to help a damaged soul, Khorne selected the savage Angron, tempering his rage to stop him from killing his legion's captains.

In the meantime, Malice and the Horned Rat, two minor Chaos Gods, decided to help as well. Malice decided to oversee Konrad Curze, the tortured mind similar to that of Malice's previous followers before he gave them aid, allowing the chaos of their minds to settle and taught them to use the natural chaos they had been gifted to great effect. The Horned Rat selected Perturabo, enjoying the machines he built and improved upon his homeworld, and enjoyed the Iron Tyrant's ability to perform great sieges much like his old Skaven followers.

As the Great Crusade continued, and the gods saw just how much devastation the Imperium was causing to the natural order of Chaos and Order, they came across two more unlikely allies.

Lorgar had worshiped the Emperor as a god, something that while the Emperor craved, couldn't be allowed publicly, so he and his own custodians went to Monarchia, Lorgar's city of worship and gift to his father, and destroyed it, killing almost everyone within it. Distraught by destruction of his life's work, Lorgar decided to launch on a create Pilgrimage to try and discover something, anything, to give himself and his legion purpose. The gods saw this and recognized Lorgar as a lost soul. They decided to present themselves to him on the planet of Cadia.


Lorgar stood on the ruins of an ancient church, staring at the warpstorm that covered the sky of Cadia. Erebus, his First Captain and High Chaplin, looked unsettled, clutching his book, his Codex Aurellian.

"What great powers lie within that twisted place?" Kor Phaeron asked, a disgruntled look of concern wreathed across his face. Lorgar just shook his head. Even he did not know.

Suddenly, a crack of lightning sounded, and a swirling vortex of clashing green, blue, purple, and red screamed to life, causing all three present to jump back in shock. As they watched in disbelief, four beings walked out.

The first was a large squat old man, wearing the attire of a simple farmer. Warts covered much of his features, but his whiteless eyes with their green glowing pupils made it clear that this man was not human, as much as his allies as well. Alongside him was a tall slender figure wearing a silver bird-like leather mask, wrapped in robes over a large leather coat. Then there was the young woman, a tight but modest dress covering her entire form, covered in symbols and jewelry, each depicting a peaceful face. The last was clear to Lorgar to be the leader of the four. A large knight, wearing pure black armor wreathed in flames, pitch blackness behind his helmet's eyes.

"Who… who are you?" Lorgar asked, stepping forward. The farmer gave a calm but saddened chuckle.

"We are beings of the Warp, dear child. In fact, we lead the beings that live within it." The bird masked figure stepped forward, bowing slightly.

"We apologize for the entrance, but in these forms it is the less flashy show of ourselves." Lorgar raised an eyebrow. True forms? What did they mean by that? As if to answer his question, the woman spoke up, her multiple dark purple eyes glistening.

"We are gods, young ones. Gods of Chaos Natural. Keeping the energies within the warp from truly becoming unbalanced." Before Lorgar could speak, the knight spoke.

"We have come to ask for your aid. Your father is becoming a true danger to the natural way of Chaos and Order. A God of Order Unnatural." Lorgar looked at the knight, dumbfounded.

"What? How am I supposed to believe this? My father, while cruel, isn't one to want to ascend. It's not like him!" The farmer sighed.

"We thought so too… when we gifted him the ability to merge the powers of the warp with the flesh of reality… but we were wrong…" Lorgar looked on in shock. But once again, the knight spoke.

"Please, Lorgar of the Word Bearers, we will reveal everything… if you help us with our Great Game."


Upon learning more of his own creation and who the Emperor really was, Lorgar devoted himself to Chaos Undivided, to help push together all the pieces for the Great Game to commence.

Alongside this, a small cult following of the Chaos Gods known as the Cabal had made contact with the twin Primarchs of the Alpha Legion. Upon learning of the twisted mentality of their father, Alpharius and Omegon would pledge their services to the Chaos Gods, an unexpected but welcome surprise.

The gods instructed their new warriors to begin preparations for the Great Game. In order to lead the Imperium away from the corrupting light of the Emperor, a civil war had to be enacted. And in order for that to be done, a leader had to be selected. While Lorgar and Alpharius Omegon were skilled, and the Primarchs under the watchful eyes of the gods were potent, none had the abilities necessary. Thus the gods looked to one individual.

Horus Luprecal, Primarch of the Luna Wolves now Sons of Horus, Warmaster of the Imperium of Man. Sensing discomfort and unease within the grand warrior, the gods enacted a plan to bring Horus onto their side and lead the great rebellion they had slowly begun. Sending Kor Phaeron to aid Horus with his negotiations with the empire known as the Interex, the gods hoped the Word Bearer could get Horus to visit Cadia once negotiations were over. Sadly, this would come far sooner, as the Emperor himself, hearing what Horus was doing, came and punished Horus, sending his Custodians to do "what was necessary for Humanity." Distraught, Horus left the system, and seeing no better chance to simply interact with the 16th Primarch, the gods pushed his fleet through the warp, altering their course until they arrived at Cadia, where Kor Phaeron convinced Horus and his Mournival to land on the planet just as Lorgar did.

Upon landing, the Chaos Gods spoke with Horus, revealing the true treachery of the Emperor to him. Broken to his very soul, Horus couldn't understand why his father was truly simply a power hungry figure, but he could not deny it. Devastated but determined to rescue humanity from the grasps of his father, Horus accepted the Chaos Gods' terms, becoming the Warmaster of Chaos.

The Rebellion

Upon Horus becoming the Warmaster of Chaos, the Arch Traitor in the eyes of the Imperium, the gods began to enact their various plans.

Erebus had been able to give Typhon of the Death Guard routes through the warp in exchange for a sample of Death Guard geneseed, as Erebus had been working with Fabius Bile to secure unwarped geneseed before everything came crashing down around them. As the Death Guard took these routes, Nurgle watched, waiting for the perfect time to strike. It came when the Death Guard fleet flew through his garden, a sense of despair and urgency illuminating from the ship. Nurgle looked closer and saw Mortarian sick, infected with a disease created by the Emperor to secure the Death Lord's loyalty.

Nurgle froze the fleet with his great power, boarding the ship in his mortal form alongside his two greatest followers, Kugath and Rotigus. As nothing the Death Guard had could stop them, they could do nothing but watch helplessly as seemingly the creatures of the warp finished off their Primarch before he could get the cure from the Emperor. But to their surprise, Nurgle did the opposite, psychilly draining the sickness from Mortarian's body. Upon waking up, Mortarian found himself cured and his legion explaining in great detail what had happened. Confused above all else, Mortarian sought out this "Lord of Plagues." Meeting with Nurgle in his garden, the two had a lengthy conversation, which ultimately had Mortarian declaring himself in the service of the Plague Father. While many were uneased, Mortarian made it clear that any son of his that wanted nothing to do with this would be sent to an undisclosed area, so that they could avoid the entire situation. This promise would be echoed to every weary astartes from every legion of the Rebellion.

Slaanesh had made sure Fulgrim had claimed the Laer Blade, using it to slowly reveal the truths of the Emperor to him until Fulgrim saw it with his own eyes, the world of Chorvik III being destroyed by the Emperor when Fulgrim found the eradication of its culture unnecessary, even for him. The Emperor took this as an insult and sent the Custodians once more to eradicate the planet and its people. Shocked at what he had seen, Fulgrim decided to listen to the voice, visiting the realm of Slaanesh and being shocked at the simplicity of her realm. Eventually, Fulgrim devoted himself to the cause.

Khorne found convincing Angron easier than he expected. Angron had despised the Emperor his entire life, and when Khorne decided to visit and reveal more of the Emperor's cruelty, Angron was livid and joined the cause with ease.

Tzeentch actually could never make contact with Magnus. His Pink Horrors he had sent returned saying that after the Council of Nikea, where psychic power was banned from the Astartes Legions, Magnus had simply closed himself off, sheltering Prospero in an anti-psychic barrier. Tzeentch decided to leave the Primarch alone, knowing that forcing the already devastated Primarch to a cause he still may not know was a poor idea.

Malice was able to find Konrad after he had attacked Rogal Dorn, and stabilized the already destructive visions, giving Konrad a true sense of peace he never had. There, on an abandoned space hulk, Malice helped Konrad learn of the corruption of the Emperor. Disgusted, Konrad devoted himself to the cause.

Perturabo would have been the most difficult to turn had it not been for his rival in Rogal Dorn. Upon becoming Paterion of Terra, Rogal had made a rude comment to Perturabo, stating how inferior Perturabo was. Not to be outdone, he made his own, greatly insulting the rival Primarch. Decades later, Perturabo would come home to Olympia to find it burned to the ground, with few survivors left. Hurrying to try and find his sister, Perturabo would find her being dangerously close to death, Imperial Fists surrounding her. Before Perturabo could do anything though, a great wave of rats burst from the ground, devouring the Imperial Fists. The Horned Rat revealed itself, also revealing the other survivors of the Purge. The Horned Rat told Perturabo what Rogal Dorn had done, and proposed a theory that the Emperor had allowed it simply because he had become tired of the Iron Lord's constant need to improve himself. Outraged, Perturabo declared himself loyal to Horus's cause. Thus the Horus Rebels were truly formed.

Gathering their might outside of the Istvaan sector, the rebels dropped off all their throne loyalist sons on the world of Istvaan III, not wanting to spill the blood of their own sons.


Nathaniel Garro started up to the sky, seeing the rebel fleet jumping into the warp. All around him were throne-loyal astartes from the other legions. They had been dropped off, and left alone. Saul Tarvitz walked up to him, his gleaming purple and gold armor shining in the sun.

"Now what? They left us no shuttles, no transports, no nothing to leave! All we have are us and these supplies." Turning to Tarvitz, Nathaniel frowned. It was true, there was quite a bit to be displeased in, to say the least. But there was something scratching the very back of his mind…

"They could have killed us. Sent us here and burned us all to the stake, bombing us from orbit. But no, they left us alone. To fend for ourselves with the armor on our backs and the supplies they left us." Turning to the other stranded around him, Garro spoke up.

"To us, our fathers and legions are traitors. But we are their sons as well. They care for us, even if we all saw them as fools. To that extent, they left us alive. For that, we can honor them." Going back to Tarvitz, Nathaniel continued.

"We survive here. Mingle with those who live here. And make no contact with the Imperium. What happens out there, no longer concerns us."

And with that, the Stranded were born.


The Rebels landed on Istvaan V, declaring themselves the Horus Rebels to the greater Imperium, and that the Istvaan sector was now theirs. Immediately shock and horror shuddered throughout the Imperium as the throne loyalists prepared themselves for a counter attack.

Soon afterwards, the Horus Rebels heard horrid news. The Space Wolves were sent to Prospero and burned it down, with Magnus and his sons disappearing from the world. Distraught at their brother being seemingly laid low by the Emperor just for seemingly being on the side of the Rebels, the Primarchs began to fortify the sector. Eventually, the Retribution fleet arrived, being led by Ferrus Manus and Corvus Corax, with the forces of the Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, and Space Wolves accompanying them. Thus the first of many Dropsite Massacres began, as both sides unleashed their forces upon the planets of the sector.

The first push back made by the rebels came on the planet of Istvaan V itself, as the Space Wolves and Ultramarines broke through the blockade and landed to bring ruin to the rebels. Angron and his World Eaters alongside Lorgar and his Word Bearers were the only ones present, and the battle began poorly for the rebels, being constantly pushed back. Eventually, at the makeshift fortress called Nevermore, Angron was cornered by Leman Russ.


Angron fought with all his might, battling the wolf king. But Leman Russ was just too much. A true executioner. Angron knew it was only a matter of time until he lost to this true barbarian. And thus, Angron fought on, wanting to at least die a warrior's death.

All the while, Leman Russ shouted curses and howls of rage. Angron blocked them all out, the Butcher's Nails slowly ticking away. Something was calming them, and for once Angron welcomed it. He could focus more than ever before. And it gave Leman much to be frustrated about.

"Where is the savage who dueled me last?! Where is the so-called Red Angel?! All I fight now is some low-life traitorous fool!" Angron just grunted, pushing Leman back. Suddenly, a shot rang out and Angron stopped. Leman grinned cruelly, a bolt pistol in his hands. Looking down, Angron saw a gaping hole in his stomach. Slowly he sank to his knees, the sounds of combat drowning out. Leman approached him, his frostblade ready to strike. Angron simply looked up glaring at Leman. As Leman raised his blade, Angron heard something deep within his mind, something that even Leman could hear. It seemed that everyone could hear it.


Suddenly a great mighty power grew within Angron as his form began to shift. Great leathery wings sprouted from his back, as black armor grew from his old damaged one. His figure grew twice the size and his head arched forward, the Butcher's Nails slowly retracting. Soon, Angron stood once more, now a Daemon Prince of Khorne, The Honorable One. Leman looked on in shock as Angron growled.

"Remember this day, Leman of the Russ… for it is the last day you shall ever receive satisfaction for a hunt."


Istvaan V marked a new age for the Rebels, as the first Daemon Primarch arose. Angron single handedly pushed back the Throne Loyalists from the world, and soon, the Rebels were able to push back, and push deeper into Loyalists territory.

The Horus Heresy, as it is known to the Imperium now, showed the true brutality of the Emperor to many, but not enough to truly turn the tide. The Rebels had to fight tooth and nail to get anywhere close to the Sol Sector, where the true final battle could begin. But every turn there was opposition. And eventually, more began to ascend.

Mortarian became a Daemon Primarch fighting off the Iron Hands on Pluto, being banished to the Warp until he was resummoned by Calas Typhon. Fulgrim ascended fighting the Salamanders on Nostramo alongside Konrad, enacting a ritual to drag Nostramo into the Warp for safety. Lorgar and Perturabo ascended together raiding loyalist words in the realm of Ultramar for supplies, being careful not to kill innocents, but when Guilliman arrived, both of the Rebel Primarchs ascended to give time for their sons to escape, being banished to the warp for the rest of the Rebellion. Those who had not ascended, alongside Mortarian, Fulgrim, and Angron soon came to the edge of the Sol Sector. Battered and bruised, the Rebels were not sure they could push deep enough to clash with the Emperor himself. That was until the Thousand Sons arrived, alongside Magnus the Red.


Horus, Alpharius and Omegon, and Konrad stood in front, their daemon brothers standing behind them as Magnus approached. His figure was scarred all over as were his sons. But Magnus's functioning eye glowed brightly as he stepped forward, nodding to Horus.

"I do believe you require some assistance?" He said calmly, a sincere smile growing. Horus nodded, a smile of his own forming.

"Indeed brother. The various blockades in front of us provide a difficult challenge, one we are not sure we can handle." Magnus turned to look out the ship's windows. Horus knew not what he thought, but a plan was surely forming.

"Well, you will be pleased to know that I can break down the blockade. All I will need is Lorgar and Perturabo's assistance. They will be a sorry surprise for the throne loyalists."


Enacting a ritual, Magnus the Red summoned both Lorgar and Perturabo back to realspace, unleashing them upon the first blockade. And thus the march towards Terra began.

Every step of the way was torture for both sides, as blood was spilt and boundries cross. But Horus kept his forces on the straight and narrow, keeping them from becoming the monsters the Emperor made them out to be. Eventually, after fending off the forces on Luna, the Rebels arrived at Terra, intent on bringing down the Emperor's tyranny once and for all.

The Siege of Terra

The rebels launched their forces, intent on breaking into the palace to let Horus face down the Emperor. But the Throne Loyalists were not about to make it easy. Every step of the way, every wall reached was fought over with blood and soul. With the help of Magnus the Red and Lorgar, Horus was able to lead the forces head on, trying to lure out the Emperor. But it was for naught, as the Emperor simply sent in more life to be needlessly slain.

The Siege lasted for over three months, until Horus decided to try a new approach. The Rebel forces had completely focused on the Palace. So Horus left command to his sons, Garviel Loken Ezikeil Abbadon, and went to an abandoned section of Terra. Known as the Land of Lost Mortality, these lands were once known by Old Earth as Greece. Stepping into an ancient temple, Horus meditated, allowing the Warp itself to seep into him.

Eventually, being escorted by Rogal Dorn and his Custodians, the Emperor came.


Horus sat in the center of the ancient temple, far more ancient than possibly his father. The warp flowed through his veins, calming him. He had done this with the Mournival before he left, allowing them to be together one last time. Horus knew that there was a high chance he would not be able to beat his father. But he intended to try.

Hearing the scrapping of heavy metal, Horus opened his eyes to see a golden giant, glistening with light. But Horus saw what he truly was. The light grabbed at anything it could, rotting it away until only it stood. His father had come to finally end his once favored son.

"So… you come here, to the place where I finally cast off the old ways of gods for that of Humanity… Did you think it would give you power?" The Emperor asked, a sense of smug arrogance itching into his voice. Horus stood, facing his father down.

"No. I came here to gain a semblance of peace before I fight you. Before Humanity is forever corrupted or freed. How that may be so comes down to us." Lifting Worldbreaker , Horus glared at his father.

"I will not let the Corrupting Light of Order Unnatural claim more life than it already has. Let Chaos Natural be its undoing. Here and now!"


The two titans clashed, one the champion of the natural order, one intent on bending nature to its will. The fight lasted for hours, but the Emperor would never play fair. Sending his Custodians to face his son, Horus's defenses were worn down. Eventually, the Emperor called upon Rogal to help. Horus could only do so much until he was cast down.

The Emperor prepared to gloat his great victory when Horus decided if he was going down, he was bringing the Emperor with him. Unleashing the full might of the Warp upon the Emperor's body and soul, the Emperor was greatly wounded and Rogal cast back from the temple. When the Rebels arrived, they found Horus dead, but the Emperor wounded and being guarded by Rogal. Knowing the fight was lost for now, the Rebels gathered Horus's body before retreating from Terra, leaving only the Imperial Palace damaged beyond repair.

The Retreat

The Rebels knew that the loyalists would come for them, so they began to drag their homeworlds into the warp, keeping the people they had protected for so long safe from devastation. In the meantime, the rebels lured the loyalists away from these areas, enacting what the Imperium would call the Scouring, and allow for the greater Rebel forces to escape into the Warp. Their allies did as well, with Luther of the Dark Angels allowing for Caliban to be devoured into the Warp as well, removing a great planet from the control of the Imperium.

With the Rebels now in the Warp, they began to plan. The Great Game was still winnable, but time had to be given. Their forces had to grow and their people to care for. So the Rebels began to expand, every once in a while launching a Rebellion Crusade into Imperial territory to remind them they still existed.

The 41st Millenium

10,ooo years have passed, and the Rebels are still preparing. The Imperium is dragged deeper into infamy, led by Rogal Dorn, Voice of the Emperor, as the Emperor sits on the Golden Throne, withering away. His chance of ruling the stars and controlling humanity forever gone, the Emperor now focuses on destroying his rebel sons. Guilliman, Lionel Johnson, Corvus Corax, Ferrus Manus, and Leman Russ all guard the realm of the Imperium, keeping it from falling to rebel hands. Astartes Chapters are formed to give aid to the Legions as the grip of the Astartes chokes the life out of the Imperium's people.

But the Rebels are slowly building as well, as some astartes chapters learn the truth of the "Horus Heresy" and flee to the warp, giving their services to the gods and their legions. All the while, the White Scars, Blood Angels, and Salamanders have gone silent, their homeworlds bare and their forces and many successor chapters missing. The Inquisition, agents of the Throne Primarchs, are left to only question why and how.

And during it all, stirs in the warp have been noticed. Deep in the realm of Vashtor, guardian of the Warp's great forges, a familiar presence slowly awakens. Left alone for ten thousand years to find peace, the body of Horus now begins to revive, the wounds given to him by the Emperor and Rogal Dorn healing ever so slowly.

A 13th Rebellion Crusade is to be called, and if Horus indeed does return, the foulness of the Emperor may finally be removed forever.


Vulkan, Sanguineus, and Jagahti Khan stood on the bridge of the Red Tear, the flagship of their great fleet as they traveled deep in the warp. Silence was all that was heard throughout the entire chamber, as the navigators led them deeper and deeper.

"What can we expect to find once we enter his realm, Sanguineus?" Vulkan asked, keeping his eye on the every shifting space in front of them. The Angel signed.

"I do not know. All I know is that the Red Expanse is managed by our brothers Angron and Magnus. What we must expect though is to be treated harshly." The Khan nodded in agreement as they reached closer to the Red Expanse.

Suddenly sirens blared, as a warp signature was sensed entering the bridge. Vulkan held out his hand to calm the crew as a swirling vortex of sand appeared on the bridge. The Angel, Khan, and Dragon kept their eyes on the vortex until it subsided, revealing a long lost brother. Magnus the Red smiled deeply, bowing to the three.

"Brothers Found, welcome to the Red Expanse. We've been expecting you."
