
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chapter 20 The Hunt Continues

(Appearing again the Lizards shoots it's tongue at Josefu)

Josefu: !?...Thunder Body!

(Dodging the ground on where the tongue hit the ground is melted leaving a acidic slimy goo in its place)

Snake: be careful it has acidic properties

Lucy: ok

Luke: what a monster

(Jumping from tree to tree the lizard looks at them letting out a hissing roar then dashes away)

Luke: what a beast

Snake: it seems it wasn't stupid enough to attack us when it's outnumbered

(Snake and the other check the cave and don't find any clues or traces of a tiger near, sitting at this cave they discuss a plan)

Snake: alright let's take time to plan this, who is the strongest here I already know Luke is a Healer

Eva: that would be me but only in rank but my moves use up a lot of energy. I'm a Low S rank

Lucy: I'm a High A Rank marital artist

Shinya: I'm a Mid A rank

Josefu: I'm also a Mid A rank

Snake: mhm alright we got a good team I am a High A rank, so this Demonic Tiger has a history of being territorial and highly aggressive to those in this area. also it being S rank means it has a strong energy

Josefu: Damn this will be hard to deal with then

Lucy: yeah finding one is the problem

Snake:When we fight the beast, we have to keep of from recovering, Luke do u think your dark hold can immobilize it?

Luke: no it's rank is too high it wouldn't faze it

Shinya: how many days do we have?

Eva: mhm about 18 days left we gave Snake's mother the medicine 2 days ago

Shinya: (Sigh) this is going to feel more like living here

Josefu: Yeah..oh Snake how many caves do we have to check?

Snake: we got a few more to caves to check over our time here in the valley, the next one will take us a few days to get to. let's rest when we get to this next cave we will be there soon

Lucy: ok

Luke: let's keep moving

(hours later they arrive at the next cave location and rest for a bit, time flies and night)

Josefu: (Sighing)

Snake: let's take a short break here it's getting late so let's continue in the morning

(Everyone finds a spot to rest and they sleep until the next day, waking up first Snake open his eyes getting up)

Snake: (Grunting) Everyone get up we need to keep moving, can't waste time

Luke: ok

Shinya: (yawning)

Snake: I'm going to get some more food for us, anyone want to come?

Luke: Ill go

Josefu: I join

(everyone else moaning as they get up Snake leads Josefu and Luke to hunt)

Luke: What are we hunting?

Snake: wea are looking for a Bull deer

Josefu: a Bull deer?

Luke: I've hear rumors about the Bull deer it's a deer with large bull horn it's super aggressive

Snake: Yes, this should be a good warm up for us and good breakfast

Luke: (sighing) I should have stayed back

Josefu: haha it's alright we will be fine

Luke: alright

Snake: ok let's keep moving were almost there

(10 minutes later they see in a small open field with Bull Deer roaming)

Snake: ok it's right there!

Josefu: (Sigh) I should have known that it would be another large animal

Luke: I told you it was big we need to be careful even if we are hunting it those horn army just for show, how are we doing this Snake?

Snake: Follow me and be ready

(Dashing from cover Snake Rushing the Bull Deer)

Snake: Punishing Charge!

(Moving quick Snake stabs the Bull deer then begins to try and hold it)

Snake: I can. only had this for 20 second

Josefu: Roaring Sky Blade

(Charging in spining Josefu releases red lightning increasing his speed, breaking free as Josefu coming rushing in the Bull deer dodging Josefu missing cutting a piece of it's horn)

Snake: watch out!!

(Turning it's body the Bull deer kicks at Josefu, he blocks it with his sword get shot back)

Josefu: damn

Snake: this is stronger than I thought it broke my hold fast

Luke: ok then Dark Gravity!

(Right before the gravity hit the Bull deer it jumps out the way dodging the pressure from stopping it)

Josefu: Raijin's Domain!

(Striking lightning down hitting the Bull deer stunning it for a second

Snake: Indomitable Strike!

(Dashing in Snake Cuts the head off the Bull deer)

Luke: finally

Snake: (Sigh)

Josefu Nice one Snake

Snake: this is too big to try and carry back let's cut some meat off it and head back

(after cutting the legs and meat from the ribs they go back to the cave the everyone is at, 29 minutes later snake and the other arrive back with the food)

Snake: We're back

Lucy: what did you guys hunt?

Luke:. snake had us go after a Bull deer

Eva: Bull deer?

Lucy: let's cook it up

(30 minutes later they all eat suddenly the ground begins)

Josefu: what!?

Shinya: What's going on?

Snake: I don't know

(a Loud Roar echos toward them alone with a explosion)

Snake: That's a Demonic Tiger! it's one near here fighting

(Loud Crash)

Lucy: what now this is way earlier than we thought

Shinya: Yeah, I thought it would be a few days before we even found one, are we in it's territory?

Snake: No something must has happened

(Moving closer to the noises in the distance they soon see a Demonic Tiger and A demon Sloth Bear fighting each other)

Snake: (Whispering) Look!

Josefu: Stay low

(Snake is shocked seeing this fight happen)

Snake: That's a demon Sloth Bear

Lucy:.A Demon Sloth Bear?

Eva: what is that?

Snake: The Demon Sloth Bear is a High A Rank Near that has incredible strength, it using that same strength to dominant other animals. the Demon Sloth Bear it's in the demonic Tigers territory.

(Another loud crash goes out as the beast battle)

Shinya: they are fighting so viciously

Luke: what do we do?

Snake: Let's just sit quietly and let them fight it out, don't do anything stupid

(Snake and the other sit an watch the Demonic Tiger and Demon Sloth Bear battle got and hour. hearing a agonizing screech and the Demonic Tiger holds the dead Demon Sloth Bear in it's mouth)

Josefu: the Tiger won

Snake: let's follow it from a good distance to find its resting place

Lucy: alright

Eva: ok

Shinya: are you guys sure?

Josefu: Shinya come on just stay low

Shinya: .....alright

(As the demonic tiger leave heading deeper into Valley they follow it trying to location it's den, about 30 minutes after tailing the Tiger they see it enter a cave)

Josefu: So this is it's cave

Snake: yes, now that we know let leave don't make any loud noises

Lucy: ok

Eva: alright

Luke: I'm ready

(Leaving the cave they go back to the the cave they were eating at to prepare for the up coming battle with the Demonic Tiger. as they arrive back at the cave they start preparations)

Snake: alright everyone we will be fighting the demonic tiger in a little bit, make sure everything is you need is ready

(Gearing up Josefu and his friends get ready to fight the Demonic Tiger for it's heart to save Snakes mother)

Josefu: ok

Shinya: I'm ready

(Everyone finishes getting ready and groups up by. Snake)

Snake: alright I'm going to take the front taking the most of it attention, Josefu and Lucy back me up just in case. Luke support us by trying to suppress it, Eva and Shinya keep Luke safe he is our healer

Everyone: ok

(Josefu and the others make their way back to the Demonic Tiger cave, as they get close to the entrance suddenly a overwhelming energy then speaks)

Demonic Tiger: (ominous tone) It seems food is just coming to me today to be eaten

Lucy: It can talk!?

Snake: it seems to be Intelligent

Demonic Tiger: Intelligent? I should be saying that to you coming this close to my cave, I can smell you energy's

(Suddenly the Demonic Tiger let's out a roars making a shockwave knocking Josefu and the other back)


(The Demonic Tiger comes rushing out the cave)

Demonic Tiger: White Aura Tiger Claw slash!!

(Swinging it's claws covered in a grayes White energy sending a wave at them)

Snake: Dodge!!

(Barely dodging in time the attack misses everyone leaving a deep claws mark the ground)

Josefu: Damn that was powerful

Shinya: This is definitely going to take a while!

(The Demonic Tiger releases a strong Killing intent)


Snake: Punishing Charge!!

Shinya: Demon Wind blade

(Snake and Shinya attack, Shinya shooting a energy wind blast and Snake charging in)

Demonic Tiger: Spiked body!

Lucy: Look out!!

(Suddenly spiked bone shoot out the demonic tigers fur stopping Snake from continuing his attack and Shinya's blast doesn't have any effect)

Shinya: what the hell is that?