
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chapter 13 Behind enemies lines

Gothellis: finally I was getting bored from watching all this time

Morit: let's go

Scorit: it's time surphillips!

Surphillips: don't fall behind Scorit

(To Josefu)

Josefu looks like the general's are finally coming into battle

Shinya: this isn't looking good

Lucy: yeah we need to new pan of attack this battle isn't going good

(To the general's)

Gothellis: haha Spirit of the war scythe

(Gothellis makes a scythe out of shadow energy slicing through rebel soldiers)

Morit: Dark Void Slash!!

scorit: Knights Rage!!

Rebel soldiers: watch out!!! argh!!!

Surphillips: Demonic Tiger Art Killer force!!

(To Lauren)

Lauren: damn i must do something we are losing

(Lauren goes to the general's)

Lauren: Come on!!

Scorit: bahaha I'll kill you first!!

Surphillips: Hey wait Scorit!

(Scorit attacks Lauren but he dodges and counters)

Lauren: it's too late...Dark Lion Slash

(Lauren slices Scorit left arm off)

Scorit: Ahhhh!!!!

(Scorit backs away)

Lauren: tsk you got lucky I wanted your head

Surphillips: how stupid are you Scorit that's Lauren

Lauren: the kings pawns are smarter than I thought

Morit: let's just fight him together, he can't fight us a at the same time

(To Josefu)

Josefu: why did he rush over there by himself

Shinya: stop Josefu what are you going to do those guys are next level strong

Josefu: Damn

(To Lauren)

Lauren: (thinking to himself) I have to get our soldiers back

(Lauren uses his energy to make his voice loud)


(To Eva and Lucy)

Eva: we have to retreat Lucy

Lucy: what about Lauren?

Eva: he told us to retreat Lucy

(The rebel soldiers retreat as they can some dieing as they run and Lauren stay in front of the general's)

Lauren: Now you will have to fight me, the Rebellion army will live on

(To the king)

King: annoying...ALL SOLDIERS RETREAT!!! (thinking to himself) so you send your soldiers away, that doesn't matter I will kill them in do time

Lauren: the king want to see how strong I am

King: surphillips, Morit, Gothellis go fight him

(the general's he called go towards Lauren)

Surphillips: Time to die...Let's go!!

(The generals rush Lauren)

Morit: Dark Void Slash!!

(Morit shoots a dark energy slash at Lauren he dodges the attack)

Gothellis: Shadow Trap!!!

(Suddenly shadow hands grab Lauren's foot stopping him from moving)

Lauren: !?

Surphillips: Iron Tiger Fist!!

(Surphillips hits Lauren his the side send him flying back crashing into the ground)

Lauren: (coughing) damn this is going to be harder than I thought and your really annoying surphillips

Lauren: Dark Lion Style Lion's Fury!!

(Lauren increase his energy then dashes attack all three of the generals back)

Surphillips: ugh... we need to go full power guys...Demonic Tiger Mode!

(Surphillips transforms into a large Demonic tiger Releasing his energy)

Morit: Demonic Void Force!

Gothellis: Shadow Domain!

(Morit and Gothellis releases their energy going full power then they all rush Lauren the suddenly a large energy shockwave sends them flying back)

Surphillips: !?

Morit: what!?


Lauren: do you think...I LAUREN THE LEADER OF THE REBELS WILL DIE SO EASY!! Hell Lion Mode!!

(The ground under Lauren burst with lava coving him then he begin to transforms in Were Lion with Red Stripes)

Lauren: (Roaring) Come on!!

(Lauren let's out an overwhelming killer intent)

(to the king)

King: I hope this isn't what he hoped to fight me with (sighs) disappointing, Delos, Karmos go join and kill that bastard

Karmos: yes sir

Delos: okay

(Lauren growls as steam comes off his body from the energy in his body)

Surphillips: this just got slot harder than before, don't let your guard down

Morit: yeah I know

(Lauren disappears)


Morit: where is he?

Surphillips: above you!!

(Lauren appears coming down from above Morit)

Lauren: Dark Lion Claw slash!

(Lauren swings barely cutting Morit's chest)

Morit: Dammit!!

(Delos and Karmos appears)

Karmos: Delos come on

Delos: yeah

(Karmos and Delos releases their energy and dashes at Lauren)

Lauren: Nightmare Flash!

(Lauren moves leaving an afterimage appearing by Delos trying to hit him)

Delos: Noble sense!

(Lauren attack goes through Delos)

Lauren: !?

Surphillips: Iron Tiger Fist!!

(Surphillips hits Lauren)

Lauren: (Coughing)

Delos: thought you had me, l'm not that weak

Surphillips: Black flame Tiger Fist!

Lauren: ugh!! damnit

Karmos: Lauren give up, your not getting away

Lauren: I'm saving my people so, I won't give up I will take some of you put with me....Dark Hell Lion Ying Yang Void!!!

(Lauren starts gathering energy to blow himself up with the General's to the king)

King: (Sigh) guess this is it for Lauren

(The King Teleports on front of Lauren and stops Lauren from gathering energy)

Lauren: ugh!

General: My king

(the General's kneels down)

King: Lauren I disappointed in you, did you really think that you could stop me. Just know that I will find all of those rebels that got away

(The King points at Lauren and slowly gathers energy)

Lauren: (coughing up blood and breathing heavy) Even if i die the rebel forces will live on and you will die I that you...

King: Demonic King Spear!!

(The king shoots a beam of energy through Lauren's head mid sentence)

King: Now that he is dead go find the rest that got away and kill them, bring me that brat his name was Josefu

General's: yes sire!

(To Josefu)

Josefu: I can't believe we left Lauren! he is going to get killed there is no way he can fight all of them

Shinya: I know but he did that to save what was left of the Rebellion forces

Josefu: what are we going to do now

Shinya: Let's try to meet up with Lucy and Eva I seen them running together

Josefu: alright were do you think they would go?

Shinya: maybe the base?

Josefu: let's make our way then

(to Lucy and Eva)

Lucy: this when place is falling apart

Eva: Calm down Lucy

Lucy: how am I suppose to when the rebel forces are done for and Lauren is most likely dead now. Josefu and the other are nowhere to be found, how are you not mad Eva?

Eva: I am but I can show much emotion, we have to do something about this place for now. someone is bound to come here looking for rebel allies

Lucy: lets hope that none of the kings men come here

(To the king)

King: How are things going?

Solider: we have found some of the rebels in groups

Kings: groups?

Soldiers: yes, we have kill them but there are still some out there it will take some time to fully get rid of them

King: where those group located at?

Soldier: they are near Vnalakeet sir

(To Josefu 2 days later)

Josefu: Man, it's been two days and most of the rebels are dead or are in hiding this is bad

Shinya: yeah when we meet up with Lucy and Eva we can make a new plan

Josefu: Look a town over there we can head to it and find something to use and eat

Shinya: alright let's go

Josefu: hold on give me a second

(Josefu sits down and close his eyes and appears in the mental dimension)

Josefu: hey Diablo

Diablo: hey I was starting to think you forgot about me

Josefu: Diablo: I think it's time to do the merge thing you told me about last time

Diablo: Josefu your still low rank it can be dangerous for you still

Josefu: I don't have time you seen everything that has happened

Diablo: (Sigh) Alright

Josefu: give me a second Diablo before be do this

(Josefu closes his eyes in the mental dimension the opens them a he sees Shinya)

Josefu: Shinya I'm almost done then we can head out

Shinya: alright just hurry it up we can stay here long

(Josefu goes back into the mental dimension)

Diablo: Alright remember this will merge out personality and my powers, doing this will make us one. I will disappear and you will be the heir to my power and they will evolve around you

Josefu: how dangerous is this

Diablo: quite dangerous this will hurt more than anything we have done till now it will take time so fined a better place to stay

(Diablo sends Josefu out of the mental dimension and he gets up)

Shinya: ready?

Josefu: yeah

(To Karmos.movjng through the forest with a Unit)

Karmos: The Intel said that they are in this area keep searching

Soldier: yes sir

Karmos: Josefu got to be in this area we killed the last group and he wasn't in that one

(back to Josefu and Shinya at Vnalakeet going into a Inn at night)

(Bell ring)

Inn owner: Welcome how may I help you

Shinya: hello sir we are traveling and want to rest for the night for free please

Inn owner: Free mhm I don't know

Josefu: please we will be gone before you get up in the morning

Shinya: yeah

Inn Owner: oh alright but I can't give you a room you have to sleep in the storage room

Shinya: thank you

(Josefu and Shinya head to the storage room)

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