
War of Heroes and Gods

Gods, fickle creatures. Taking young men and women from one world putting them in the next to be some hero, what a joke. Over a thousand years have passed since these beings no longer take from us the Young and Gifted, Powerful, and Blessed. Now us humans have unlocked the power to take these worlds for our own and rule them by claiming to be these Heroes the Gods have such abandoned. Rare Materials, Magic, and Knowledge unknown to one world, taken to fuel our own. On to the next world which may be the last for these Heroes, and just maybe find these so called Gods.

Rardren · Fantaisie
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30 Chs


"How can such a little guy be so heavy?" Face said as he was coming into the inn to release their burden of a certain sleepy sniper. Face and Reaper made their way into the room they stayed in the night before to put him down and rest. Larry had stayed awake up till the point they got to the city gate but the tiredness of using his power knocked him out after only a few short minutes after using it.

Rak, Shaper, and Deen had stayed behind to talk to Recktor as he was profusely thanking them for saving his town and to talk about what needed to be done for added safety. For such a prideful man he could put it away when need be.

After Larry was laid onto the bed he started snoring loudly, appearing to be having a wonderful nap.

Seeing him sleep soundly like that, Face made a disgruntled look. Although he could not seem to really believe that Anubis was really a god, he has seen first hand and experienced, the power that his friend has grasped with a contract to this small creature, and it irritated him.

Face had always had it fairly easy with the build he was born with and the power he awakened earlier than most at the young age of 5. Training always came easy to him and fighting was second nature, letting him rise to an S-rank hero after only 12 years, third-fastest after only the Twins and Rak himself. Although Shaper had just recently become S-rank after 6 years only because of his relation to the #1, so it did not count.

Why should a jokester like him get to have that power? Although he knew what his position would entail when he started on the path of a tank for his group he never had a problem with what he had now. Sure there was always the threat of death every now and then but was it always like this? Almost every enemy capable of beating him down without him being able to retaliate in the slightest. Was this what other people had to go through?

As he was thinking this he gave one last look at Reaper who was next to him with his usual blank expression before calling out to him "Come on, let's get back to the others."

As they were walking out of the room a loud voice was heard in almost a high pitched scream "I said get out of here! we do not welcome you here." was heard coming from down the hall, leading to the front of the inn. Face began running forward but with a rash charge, Reaper disappeared from where he was and appeared in the lobby of the inn in just a second, only to find an odd scene. A maid had been startled and was pointing at a small round shaped humanoid man who somehow managed to push open the thick wooden door.

Reaper barely had a second to grasp the situation before the maid, who was a small girl with black hair wrapped in a bun began to yell "What have I told you filthy creatures? Never come in here again, we do not need you to harass us! We are not interested in whatever this grand power and glory deal you are selling! It's bad enough that another one came riding in with that scrawny fellow."

Face came running around the corner of the hallway just in time to hear the small man talk in a deep and gruff voice, "Please, it is important that I speak to that man and his friends."

Seeing what is going on Face looked at the small man with a weird expression, is this not the same manner of smallish creature Anubis was? Is he also a god forced to live powerlessly? Maybe he found what he needed to be stronger. But one thing was distracting him from that thought, why was this creature so ugly?

Standing at just maybe 6 inches tall Bes was chocking on his own breaths after forcing the door open but was determined to find Anubis who he saw entering the place. His rotund belly was heaving up and down while his beard did not do much to cover the acne-marked face of his. After a few heavy breaths, Bes looked around the room and noticed Face and Reaper, two of the men that was with Anubis when he came in here, so he had to be close.

Ignoring the frantic acts of the maid who is still making a shooing motion to him Bes took a big breath before yelling out as loud as he could "Anubis, get your mange ridden hide out here you jackal!"

With everyone staring in surprise at the loud voice that came from such a small man after a short few seconds Anubis arrived at the lobby for the inn to stare in shocked amazement at the man in front of him.

Anubis's eyes went wide as he saw him and chuckled out "Well if it isn't old Bes, ain't this a surprise?"