
War of Heroes and Gods

Gods, fickle creatures. Taking young men and women from one world putting them in the next to be some hero, what a joke. Over a thousand years have passed since these beings no longer take from us the Young and Gifted, Powerful, and Blessed. Now us humans have unlocked the power to take these worlds for our own and rule them by claiming to be these Heroes the Gods have such abandoned. Rare Materials, Magic, and Knowledge unknown to one world, taken to fuel our own. On to the next world which may be the last for these Heroes, and just maybe find these so called Gods.

Rardren · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

New Power

Putting the gate behind them and walking down the faint trail of flat land leading from the city Rak's group walked for hours before night came.

After three days in this world and an exhausting battle that took place earlier in the day they decided to rest. Being trained soldiers they could still go through the night without a problem although it would be more dangerous. While being new to this world they were not new to danger on missions and thought it would be a nice time to set up a small camp.

Larry after hearing they was stopping was already taking out the needed items, full tents, torches, and even food was being spawned in mid air to fall on the ground or in his hands before he passed them out.

After settling down and working on the order for guard duty where everyone would sleep in turns, two at a time would stay awake for so long before the next two would get woken up and replace the first. Before it got too dark and everyone went into their tent for some much wanted sleep, Rak had one more thing to say to Larry.

"Before we continue we need to see how much stonger you have gotten with your contract with Anubis, we can not be thinking you can fight on your own now but only had a small powerup that in the end does nothing." He said boefore turning to James. "You two spar real quick, Face take a few hits from him and see if he is any stronger than before."

With a cocky smile James said "Sure, ive been meaning to knock some sense into our oh-so-great demi-god."

After his contract with a being called a god, he did not feel any changes to himself or that he became stronger. His awakened power "Void" did not feel any different either and was still just a pocket dimension he could put stuff in and take stuff out of. But just because he did not feel his growth did not mean it was not there.

With the two heading out into the plains to the side a good ways out for their duel the rest of the group decided to watch with great attention to what they might see, except for Gremlin who promply entered her tent and closed the flap before falling straight to sleep. Rak was hoping to see something amazing and out of this world, a power that could turn the weakest in his group to someone he could count on. Shaper and Reaper both were also standing by the side waiting for a good show.

After walking into the plain and getting some distance between themselves Larry and Face looked at each other from a good distance away. Once they got into position Larry pulled out a small tube like thing out with a small wick sticking out resembling a firecracker and threw it to their leader.

Using it to start their duel it was quickly lit with just a spark coming from Rak's hand and thrown into the air over the two. With a few second wait that lasted longer and longer while the two fighters were staring at each other, a soft bang was heard above them signaling the start of their duel.

Larry was quick to pull the trigger of his rifle with shot after shot pelting James bulwark shield but to do little more than have the bullets bounce off not even leaving a dent. Noticing his rifle did nothing to the shield of the giant man rushing at him so fast to cause the grass to sway from a distance. Changing his attack target he started ot aim for his feet to stop him from coming forward, his shield might be big but could not cover his entire frame without slowing him down.

Inching closer and closer to Larry, Face was getting ready for his first strike. Once he was just a few feet away from his target he waited for the rythm in his opponents shot to stop before swinging his shield in a wide sweep causing wind to whip out pushing Larry and his thinner frame away. Noticing that nothing would come out of a continued use of his rifle it swifly dissapeared before a black machete type weapon appeared in his right hand.

Forcing some hits into Face, Larry was not able to get past his defensive fighting style. He might have equal skill in hand to hand fighting, but Face's armour and bulk was pushing him back. After a few minutes of being buillied by a walking tank and no matter how hard he tried to make his power come to light, nothing would come of it to help him out. Right when Rak was going to call the fight to a close seeing as it was a hopeless endeavor to see Larry's new power a change happened.

Getting frustrated at being forced into this unfair fight with a person who countered his fighting style, and mad that he must have wasted his time and lost hope that he had gotten stronger he swung one last time with a hate filled strike. Without him noticing a small glint overtook the edge of his sword when he swung, only lasting half a second before it made contact with Face's shield.

Knowing the end of this fight was coming soon, Face just kept his guard up and focused on blocking his companion's futile swing until the last one came upon him. A warning was blaring in his head and the wind around him flared up like it was trying to tell him something. Before he could even think what it was that could be coming he moved to the right as fast as he could. As he moved, the sword of Larry came crashing on him from above and just barely hitting Face's shield less than an inch from the side. The sound of paper tearing could be heard as his sword ripped through his shield before stopping in the middle of it.

With startled looks from everyone, Face and Larry looked at each other, one with a face of shock and disbelief the other with one of excitment.

hurray for days off right?

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