
War of Heroes and Gods

Gods, fickle creatures. Taking young men and women from one world putting them in the next to be some hero, what a joke. Over a thousand years have passed since these beings no longer take from us the Young and Gifted, Powerful, and Blessed. Now us humans have unlocked the power to take these worlds for our own and rule them by claiming to be these Heroes the Gods have such abandoned. Rare Materials, Magic, and Knowledge unknown to one world, taken to fuel our own. On to the next world which may be the last for these Heroes, and just maybe find these so called Gods.

Rardren · Fantaisie
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30 Chs


Laying on the ground, Gremlin's body was motionless as the demon she had been fighting was enthralled in the feeling of getting a hit on his foe. It could not believe how much trouble this one human had given it as it thought of how to make sure she was done for.

The demon came ever closer as the rest tried their best to make their way to protect her. Forcing them to move as fast as possible Reaper left afterimages in his wake as he sprinted off after the demon.

But just as he almost reached their field of battle a subtle chuckling sound came from ahead of them. A maniacal and almost childlike laugh echoed across the battlefield as everyone around was looking every-which-way to see where the noise was coming from.

The demon looked ahead of him at the body of the human it had thought it crippled as it slowly twitched back to life. It cocked its head in wonder as it was thinking what was going on.

As her mask crumbled off her face Gremlin slowly stood back up and stretched out her hand in front of her before a black scythe as tall as her mysteriously appeared above her which fell right into her hand. With a gleeful cry, a different voice came out of her mouth than the usual cold toned one as she yelled out in a higher-pitched voice full of life "I'm free!" followed by another eerie laugh.

With a quick look around and some shaking of her head, she had a look of pure confusion on her face as she was looking between the demon slowly walking closer and Reaper who had stopped just a short way before reaching her.

The demon, not knowing what was going on with the enemy in front of it, decided to just attack her and finish the job it had started not worrying about her strange actions. Pulling its arm back it gave a wicked smile grinning with sharp and jagged teeth before swiping at her head.

Gremlin, who still looked like she was trying to make sense of the situation suddenly moved as well as the fist came down. With just a slight sidestep she easily avoided the attack and swung the scythe in her hands down. The demon, thinking that the human in front of it was now just waiting to be slaughtered, was confused at how its attack was easily dodged like she did not even need to try. The next thing it noticed was the intense pain that assailed its arm that it attacked with, and the sudden lack thereof.

The demon let out a heart-rending wail as it now looked at its arm that was missing from its elbow onward. In its agony, it tried to swing its remaining hand at Gremlin who was watching its reaction calmly. Only to have the same fate befall its other arm, cut in the middle, leaving it to fall to the ground.

With a savage look at Gremlin, the demon then began to charge wildly at her snapping its mouth trying to inflict any amount of damage it could. Its mind was filled with the desire to kill its target in front of it but was also doubtful and afraid of what it had just witnessed. The foe that it had fought for some time that could do nothing but jump around and use tricks to keep up with it, all of a sudden could hurt it severely. As it leaped at her she began to jump backward and twirl around it making it look like she was dancing around the pitiful creature trying to take her life while she hummed some tune, seemingly enjoying toying with the fearsome demon.

Reaper looked back to Shaper who was also dumbstruck at what he was witnessing and tried to get some response from him to no avail. After just a short minute of dancing around the demon, she had trouble with moments ago she ended up swirling her scythe around her in a flurry before bringing the blade down on the demon's neck, severing it in one clean hit.

Shaper slowly approached her, making sure nothing odd would happen before asking the question on his mind "Gremlin, are you ok, are you injured anywhere?"

With a gasp, she started clapping her hands together as she held her scythe under her arm before saying "Ah, you must be Grimm's friends. She never lets me have friends anymore."

Tilting his head, Shaper showed his confusion as he asked back "What are you talking about? You are Gremlin arent you?"

Taking her scythe and stamping the hilt into the dirt, she puffed out her chest before saying in a matter of fact tone and a smile on her face "Of course not I'm the one and only Deen!"