
War of Heroes and Gods

Gods, fickle creatures. Taking young men and women from one world putting them in the next to be some hero, what a joke. Over a thousand years have passed since these beings no longer take from us the Young and Gifted, Powerful, and Blessed. Now us humans have unlocked the power to take these worlds for our own and rule them by claiming to be these Heroes the Gods have such abandoned. Rare Materials, Magic, and Knowledge unknown to one world, taken to fuel our own. On to the next world which may be the last for these Heroes, and just maybe find these so called Gods.

Rardren · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

First Demon

Going through the woods with haste, and fighting a few more packs of hungry wildlife that thought they where food, Wrack and his group came upon a small clearing and set up camp once the little sunlight that they had started to vanish.

Alibaster used his power of a classic "storage" ability to take out rations and small tents for everyone to have and picked shifts for night watch. Nothing happened at night which the team made a quick note of before continuing on their way to the town Ignis continues to point to.

After traveling for another day, and resting for another uneventful night, the group ended up seeing the town come into view around noon on their third day in this new world.

Coming closer to the city and its huge walls made of stone bricks, something felt off to Wrack and Ignis. Wrack noticed the complete lack of movement that should be coming from the top of the walls and anybody trying to enter or exit the town gate while Ignis took note of the distinct smell of blood and deathly silence going on around them.

After a quick briefing of what they noticed, Wrack warned everyone to be on guard for anything that may be inside the city.

Slowly moving their way forward they came to an opening in the walls meant for people to register and enter or leave the town. Everything was still and devoid of any life and the only noteworthy thing in sight was a massive wooden door that was splintered and broken laying on the ground.

The door did not seem to be bashed in by something massive like a ram or a boulder flung by some monster, but what looked like one small hit that packed a huge amount of power ripping it from its hinges.

"Stay alert, we have no idea what we are going up against here but it seems like we found the danger." Wrack said with a bit of happiness in his voice.

"Or it found us." Alibaster said, thinking he said a cool line he always wanted to say. Before getting bashed on the head by James and his shield who replied with "You know that makes no sense right?"

"Not even a chuckle?" he whined while rubbing his head and following behind everyone else.

Coming into the city the most distinctive sight was nothing but horrifying to behold, bodies of people laid torn apart all across the street. Humans of all sizes were laid up and down the walkways, some with armor and standard weapons still clutched in their hands that looked like guards along with other people wearing makeshift leather armor and different armaments that screamed adventurer.

Looking at the state the bodies are in they seemed to have been killed hours ago but not long enough that they were decomposing like they were all killed the day before.

With senses stretched out and moving through the city they noticed the great lack of noise that should be found here, with people moving to where they need to be and merchants selling what they will. The dreariness of it all set in that something extremely powerful set foot here and did not like what had taken hold of this land.

In the middle of the city was a great open area, a nice fountain and roads leading to the rest of the city and one large road leading to what was most likely the rulers mansion behind another stone wall. Even more bodies was thrown around in this open area, most looking like standard knights in full body armor and better looking equipment. Piles of wooden arrows could also be seen all around, seemingly did nothing to harm whatever they were attacking.

In front of the fountain, surrounded by bodies aplenty, laid a humanoid creature with black skin, red horns and wore a ragged and torn cloth tunic and leather looking pants. Everything about it looked like it was a demon farmer or peasant let alone some high ranking one. Along with the odd sight, the demon looking creature was kneeling and worshiping in the direction of the big mansion at the city center and in front of him lay a slab of stone which was engraved in symbols.

Noticing the new arrivals to the city of death he created, the demon stood up and turned to look at the six new people who has came along. With a grin made up of jagged and vile teeth, he ran straight at the group jumping over the fountain in between him and his prey.

Rushing forward as fast as it could the demon aimed for the man in front of the group, James holding his shield and stomping his feet down to get in his stance and sword at the side aiming for a counter. While everyone else spread to the side.

Once the demon reached him, it slid to a stop, swinging its fist wide using the momentum it built up to punch through the shield blocking his way.

Noticing the complete lack of refinement in the punch thrown his way, James could tell this creature had nothing but pure strength in the fist coming his way, no skill whatsoever. Thinking that this will have little power behind it, James, hunching down to block the blow, preparing himself to hold his ground and take the hit to give his team the opening they need.

Once the punch landed, dead center on his shield, James was thrown backwards like a cannonball, eyes wide open in astonishment along with Gremlin who was standing behind him.

Why does it feel like making a fitting title is harder than writing a whole chapter...

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