
War of Heroes and Gods

Gods, fickle creatures. Taking young men and women from one world putting them in the next to be some hero, what a joke. Over a thousand years have passed since these beings no longer take from us the Young and Gifted, Powerful, and Blessed. Now us humans have unlocked the power to take these worlds for our own and rule them by claiming to be these Heroes the Gods have such abandoned. Rare Materials, Magic, and Knowledge unknown to one world, taken to fuel our own. On to the next world which may be the last for these Heroes, and just maybe find these so called Gods.

Rardren · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Another Story Starts

Using this new organization to keep powerful people in check, the hero made is just like a guild, or mercenary hall. All people willing to go to these new worlds in search of treasure had to register with them, and conform to their laws. They took a cut of what was brought back from their hard work, but in return their home was kept safe and even had rescue parties on standby in case people needed help.

With the way it was built, people took it and ran, treating it just like any adventure guild one would find in a story about another world. With more people joining, and more worlds being explored, the New Worlds Order grew and grew till it became a behemoth of a corporation in the new world.

With its vast newfound wealth, the Order set out to raise its own members, people loyal to it, and it alone. Abandoned children were adopted in droves by them to be put to work either managing business or training to be a rescue officer or even their own elite adventure group, finding treasure to further the cause of the Order. Until years later it has become what it is today.

Coming to a stop at the last picture on the wall, Wrack hit a button on the side of a set of doors calling an elevator down. After walking in he hit the top floor button and quietly waited till get got there and stepped out. Upon walking into the extravagant and borderline tacky as all get out office, Wrack walked in front of the desk in the middle and stood silently.

An older man in his late fifties or early sixties sat behind a black desk looking away at the far wall that rested his past life. A Spear, with a handle so dark it looked like it absorbed all light, and a blade that resembled those of a Naginata, sharp enough to cut the shelf it stood on if the stand it was on ever gave out. Along with a mask on another shelf under the spear that resembled a red medieval knight helmet trimmed in what looked like pure gold.

After about a minute of reminiscing, the old man turned around to finally take note of Wrack still standing in a normal military at ease position. The mans features did not seem to age well. His white hair, what little was left, was missing from the top of his head and left a small crescent of fibers around the back of his head. His thick frame-less glasses rested on his bony nose, and through them a set of eyes that still had traces of deep youthful energy was magnified by.

Without saying a word the man pushed a button on his table that was connected to a holographic display keyboard. With a click, a short hum spread out from the ceiling light and the door locked, and windows tinted pure black. Afterward thin blue lights coming from the top corners of the room created a hologram of what looked like a planet in a much smaller scale.

After turning around to see the light show going on behind him, Wrack heard from the man behind him "World E-199 another exotic world we found two days ago, the lab nerds design to name it Maximus" the old man's deep voice explained.

"And why is that?" Wrack questioned without turning around

"It seems to have reached near the max threshold of our examining equipment for mana density and strength." he explained. "Never have we seen or thought a world like this could exist in one or any universe." he continued.

"Does it have one?" was the only question Wrack had to ask.

"Yes it has a Demon Lord you maniac, and one that is probably far out of your league. Not that you would take time to notice." The old man stated. "Your mission this time is to just take a look around and explore the world and estimate its worth, if its possible to get anything out of it or just leave it alone."

"And why am i on scout duty? Isn't that His job." Wrack complained

"Glad you mentioned him." the director smiled. "Cause he is on your team for this assignment, along with a few others."

Finding out that he is going to have a babysit again Wrack had a deep frown settle on his face. Having to watch out for others was never one of his "what i like about my job" answers.

"Don't be hateful yet." the Director continued. "He has finally got to S-Rank same as you, along with the rest of your team. We have never encountered a world like this and want everyone, even you, to be as safe as possible." The old man finished, then hit another button on his light-up keyboard.

Afterward, the blue marble in the air disappeared and in its place five pictures of different people appeared in its place with all their known information, seemingly a roster of his new comrades.