
0041 Chapter forty one : the final exam

Welcome to the nice ones

I always knew that nice people lived out there, somewhere in this world,

But to meet them one day,

Well, that was not taken into account.

Thank you to the gentle people who make us feel that every meeting we have is the first meeting, who always carry the passion of our first time, to those who smile at us every time, in fact, those fleeting smiles capture hearts, For those who include us every time to add a new imprint to our hearts with their warm touches.

Thank you to those who make it feel like we are carrying something of beauty sneaking up on us.

Thank you for having such nice people in our lives.

Really grateful to these guys, a lot.

War is the path to the unknown

Chapter forty one : the final exam

I've had about three months and I can explain a few things to you as well...


A dormitory, student residence, or university residence are rooms that most colleges and universities make available to their students, usually at a cost. But I didn't pay anything from the moment I arrived...

These buildings, which are similar to the apartment building, consist of many rooms, and the number of rooms varies very widely from just a few to hundreds. The university's largest residential building is the inner hall of the Private Academy Lorania ... I heard that it exceeds 1,000 square meters in area

Dormitory rooms in colleges and universities vary in size, shape, facilities, and number of people. In this complex, every room of the university residence can accommodate Accommodation for two students with no toilet. This type of room is usually referred to as a "double" room. Often, residence halls have shared bathroom facilities

Residence halls are sometimes separated by gender, unless the two students are married, which is rare

In my case, the rooms are divided.. Everyone has a private room, but it is small and poor from an economic point of view


Today is the day of the final exam so that I can enroll for the next year.

I got dressed as usual.. I made new glasses, but they were very cool, so I started wearing them most of the time

I got out of the room.. At that time Valentina also came out in the room next to me

"Good morning Caiden..." Valentina said, putting her hands up and yawning

"Oh, good morning, Valentina," I said lazily

" Today is the final exam day, right? You have to do the best you can in the test..show them your true strength" she said getting me excited

"yeah thank you"

Valentina lived next to me for about three months. She used to study during the day and work a little at night.

Unlike me, Valentina decided to start the school year over and over again, and I decided to resume the year that I lost after the school was demolished.

" Go ahead, I made your lunch too.. you should eat too so you can focus on the exams," she said with a smile

She also made breakfast every day .. Especially for me and puts them in a food box as if she bought that box for me..

And so day after day I was ashamed at first but now I got used to these things..

I met her mother some times because they insisted that I go to dinner with them.. I didn't want to go so I used to go once or twice a month..

Contrary to what they have asked of me.. they wanted me to visit them every day... In fact, I would feel like a heavy guest.

"Well, then I will leave now.. take care of yourself from here," said Valentina with a smile and went to the other way

" I am here beside you, my friend. When the world narrows you down, you will find me the first to open its door for you and wait for you. When you feel lonely and looking for someone to share your moments of sadness and depression, come to me and do not hesitate, I will always be waiting for you.

I will not get tired of your daily conversations, I will not get tired of the details of your day, and I will listen carefully to all the things that bother you and that you cannot express.

I will never ridicule or underestimate your sadness and the reasons for your crying and tiredness. Rather, you will always find me trying to make all your burdens and worries easy. We celebrate together your achievements, no matter how small and simple they are.

When everyone accuses you of evil, I will always defend and fight for you. I am here next to you. When the world narrows you down, you will always find me waiting for you, my friend. Valentina thought to herself before disappearing from Caiden's eyes

Well, she's in college after all, and I'm still in high school

All I have to do is focus my full attention on the exam that I am going to take now..

A test or exam (informally, exam or assessment) is a test taken by school students intended to assess knowledge, skill, aptitude or physical fitness,

The test can be administered orally, on paper, on a computer, or in a predetermined area that requires the test-taker to demonstrate or implement a set of skills.

The tests differ in style, rigor, and requirements. The test consists of a number of questions representing the educational material that the student has studied, and the student answers them.

To prove that he benefited from the education he obtained, so that he does not graduate without benefiting from any of the knowledge he acquired, which is not a recent phenomenon; It has coincided with the educational process since its inception.

It is also a prerequisite for a student to move from one stage to another.

For example, in my case, I have to learn these things in order to enroll for the next year

Study skills or learning strategies indicate, in other words, the learned or acquired behavior that leads to excellence in study, and two basic conditions should be met: The first is that it is directed towards achieving a specific goal, and the second is that it is organized in such a way that it leads to achieving the goal in the shortest time and the least possible effort.


And so my tests began

Mathematics ..

Sciences ...



This went on for five consecutive days.. I had to study a lot.. It almost drained all my energy.

Now is the time to get grades

The result is...