

sarah winston is a teenage mother of two when one of her little one is kidnapped she then ventures to kill those who took her little but is time on her side

RADAR · Urbain
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In our city women are labelled as slaves, worthless and miserable, but i refuse to be worthless when I was just 13 years some dude from the city raped me and dumped me in the river well here I am now I have 2 kids Jason and Emily I give my children enough love ,though they ask about their father's where about but I always say he is gone for a job far away Today is Jason's and Emily's birthday so I am going to go sky diving with my twins we were about to live the house but we couldn't find my daughter Emily we searched the whole house for her, she was nowhere to be found at first I was calm but I started getting terrified after we couldn't find her for two straight hours I then contacted my former captain Steve Rodgers who I worked for 3 years back as a cop he said he would do everything in his power to find my daughter well something was strange about Steve when I called him he already knew my daughter was missing I asked him how he knew that my daughter was missing could he be the kidnapper I just remembered I set a child tracer on he phone watch and glasses well who ever kidnapped Emily will suffer the pain of kidnapping a female it looks like I have traced her but I realise something that's the same place I was taken when I was rapped 13 years ago could it be the same people who rapped me I then tell Jason that I will leave the house for a week coz I m going for a job interview he then asked me ''don't you care that Emily is gone ''but, I said the police has everything covered he looked at me and ran away without saying goodbye its now been two hours without hearing from the cops now its time i did this for myself I then gathered all my weaponry for war i then left a note for Jason that says ''THE WAR THAT NEVER ENDS '' it was time I took matters into my own hands on the way too the adventure i saw my old boss Steve Rodgers who then said ''we couldn't find your daughter '' i told you could have told me sooner ,but now I have to find her by myself he asked if he could join the adventure but i told him blood is going to be spilt his reply shocked me ''bloods not an issue i kill everyday its my daily job'' it seamed weired the last time I was working for him his motto was ''VIOLENCE IS NOT THE WAY TO SOLVE SITUATIONS'' people do change after all CHAPTER 2 DO you love your daughter asked Mr RODGER I tod him yes but this mission is not only to rescue Emily but to stand for the women who can't stand for themselves he looked surprised but i could tell he was hiding something from me so I always had a gun near me in case he did something funny Mr Rodgers told me that his wife was once kidnapped and never found again I felt sorry for the dude but I had to keep my cool for the war .oh no my petrol my petrol just ran out and I have to look for the nearest gas station well I found a gas station as I was going to refill my car's engine started then suddenly two men took me into a van i tried fighting them back but they tassed me thank GOD i reunited with my daughter who looked starved I tried talking with the guards so i could bribe them but they said they already earn enough I and Emily were kept in that room for a week we were chained for the whole week without food but only water i the got furious and wanted to see the mastermind behind this the guards the hit me and Emily and said they had plenty in stored for us I begged the guards to set us free but they refused now a very tall man who was masked appears and said that i took his life away and he will kill us in the upcoming 24 hours i asked him to reave his face but he said he wouldn't until 24 hours