
War Between Mafia and Yakuza

In the business world everyman had to fight for himself, business became so dangerous, that CEO's started seeking help from agencies like the mafia and Yakuza, Mr. walker was one of these business men, well-known for his diligency in business, he was the ceo of Walker group of jewellery designers and producers, and he also owned an oil company, he was formally signed to the Yakuza, they did a good job protecting him, but their leader Ottis Reign soon passes away leaving the Yakuza to the hands of his wife Haeli Reign, let's sit back and watch as all sorts of drama occur.

neema567 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

5 first day of business school

The next morning everyone was set for school, Levi and Liam were both adorned in dark purple suit along with a white shirt it had a badge it was the uniform for Socrete business high, their sister was also wearing he wine school uniform, she seemed to be in a mood to misbehave this morning.

She made her brothers do all sort of wierd things, when they finally got into the car, the driver signalled for the other cars to move, three cars left the compound, one contained the trio while the other two contained hefty bodyguards.

Aria had got up extra early to get ready, she couldn't sleep well due to excitement, she looked all innocent but dirty minded in her purple suit and skirt accompanied with a white shirt and a purple bow tie.

She was wearing the same uniform as her brother, she was now a student of Socrete business high, her brother was surprised to see his sister's level of excitement, on their. way to school it was so obvious that she was nervous.

"will I get to see those your classmates I need to get the mic I gave him to get an autograph from his sister and he is a pro sweet talker, I like him, he's okay pretty friendly and his brother too, are you close to them "Aria kept blurting out useless things to get rid of her anxiety.

She has always had enochlophobia (phobia for crowds), only her brother was aware of this though, so he tried his best to calm her down, their car arrived at the school's massive black and gold coloured gates.

The school was huge, once the gate opened their driver drive the car in, the car finally halted at the front of the school building itself, Aria got out of the car while holding her brother tightly, throughout the walk through the hallway Aria avoided meeting anyone's gaze.

"who knew you'd actually come"Liam's voice was heard as he tapped Aria and Ethan on their shoulder, Aria swiftly turned around to see both Liam and Levi accompanied with a girl she'd never met before.

"here's your mic, I did as I was told"Levi said in a jovial tone, and Aria took it from him staring at the signature in awe, the expression on her face caused onlookers to laugh a little, making her realize she was still in the school hallways.

Looking at the twins, the only way she knew to differentiate them was their varying hair and eye colour, Levi had red hair accompanied with sea blue eyes, while Liam had black hair accompanied with green eyes.

"I forgot to introduce this beauty over here, she's Matilda, Matilda Morris, my lovely brother's future wife"Liam teased with his introduction, which caused Levi to almost stumble on his feet, this brother of his would really not let go of any opportunity to tease him.

"you mean girlfriend, right"Aria asked whole still looking at her now autographed mic, she would always keep this very close to her, it was way too precious to let go of.

"enough, chitchatting, I need to get her to her locker"Ethan said and dragged Aria away with him, she kept the mic in her new locker as Ethan walked her to her class, he wishes her good luck before walking away to attend his own class.

Looking at the pairs of eyes staring at her made her nervous, she could bet her whole existence that she would have ran out of the class if not for the guardian angel God sent to her, one if her classmates had stood up and stood beside her.

He whispered into her hear and she whispered back, apparently he asked her for her name and what she would like to say to the class so he could do so for her.

"her name is Aria Walker, she is the daughter of a business man and she has a brother who is a senior in this school, she hopes to have a lovely time with you guys and make lots of wonderful memories"Ari confidently introduced Aria, he led her towards a free sit which was beside him.

Later in the day she found out that he was the class captain, she really admired his confidence something she didn't have. Throughout the day he helped her get used to the environment, get through lessons and they had few conversations too and he seemed really nice.

During recess, she went to the cafeteria with Ari, immediately she saw her brother she ran towards with hopes of explaining all that happened to him, instead she tripped and fell on her brother making them both end up on the floor

Liam and Levi came to help them up, Ari along with.

Ethan helped Aria get to the infirmary since she injured her knee, later o. Ari headed back to class leaving Aria with her brother.

"you shouldn't go running around like that next time, what if you fall on someone who's not me and they have anger issues you'd be dead by now"Ethan scolded but Aria just kept rubbing her injury.

"you wouldn't let me, where else will you find a sister as beautiful as me"Aria proudly said and Ethan started laughing hard, Aria looked confused, what was so funny about she'd just said.

"you, beautiful, even monkeys deserve that title more than you ever will, beautiful my foot"Ethan made fun of his sister while still laughing hard, Aria lost it and started hitting, a small wrestling match took place between the siblings.

Levi stood still looking at the scene in front of him, so Ethan could really behave like this, he coughed dragging the attention of the two wrestlers, Aria looked so embarrassed as she ran out of the infirmary only to bump into Ari.

"slow down, you don't to run this much you know"Ari said as he rubbed his arm which took most of the hit, Aria felt guilty for causing this much trouble on her first day is school, she apologized and Ari felt bad for what he said earlier.

"is there any place for relaxing here"Aria asked, and Ari started contemplating whether to tell her or not, he finally relented and decided to tell her about a place where he usually goes to calm himself down.

"well no one goes to the school rooftop we could go there"Ari said and took her there they sat down at the edge, the school building was long, it was overlooking the whole area, the view was also pretty nice.

"I like this place, would you mind if I come here occasionally"Aria asked since she didn't want him to feel like she would hijack his space from him, she just wanted to be here more often.

"I don't mind, friends"Ari asked extending his hand out for her to take, Aria hesitated at first but what could go wrong in being friends with you classmate.

"friends, we're friends from now onwards"Aria declared ant took his hand for an hand shake, he raised her dainty hand towards his mouths and planted a short kiss on it, gentle man are we,Aria thought before giggling.

That day when she got home after they had dinner, she left for her room and did everyone else, she picked up her dairy and wrote in it" today was not as I expected, I made a new friend got an autograph from my idol, I have my brother's classmates as friends, I think business school wasn't as bad as i thought, I only hope that Levi's dad would agree to protect us", she closed the book hid it in a box that had a lock before finally going to bed.

In her parents room, Julian was sleeping, Adeline was still awake settling some things, she walked over to the bed slid under the duvet, she was still shocked at her husband's behaviour the other night, he had never hugged her to sleep before.

She turned to face him, she tried his facial features lightly with her fingers, when suddenly Julian's arm wrapped around her and he dragged her closer to him, but he was still asleep though, that way she slept in his arms once again.