
Wants to be with his family

Different Gilgamesh that wants to have a normal life and who lives at reclusive area that no one go to. He was alone but always something to be happy about and he was always nice to everyone who is nice to him and respectful. He prayed to have a family and always go to Uruk to to play with kids. And always to the temples and pray that to have a family and have a pieceful life. They granted the wish of Gilgamesh and and gave created Enkidu. And Gilgamesh became best friends with Siduri. And he was happy that He has a friend and Siduri always comes to Gilgamesh house to Play. Sometime later when they were exploring the the whole forest when they came across a green haired person. They helped the the person and The person woke up and saw two person one with blonde hair boy and brown hair girl. But the Green haired boy doesn't have any memory anything A few years later the three of them became best friends and they were inseparable. They always explore the forest and befriends animals. While they were exploring the forest they trained to protect themselves from strangers who tried to abuse or hurt them. He was having a normal life but Fate was a Bitch and........ English is not my first Language and Bad at grammar I don't any of the character or anything.

MrSmileySmiley · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Chapter 7

(The day of the Wedding)

(Gilgamesh Pov)

I bought a a land in Uruk just because of the wedding and I created alot of rooms for Enkidu and Siduri because their future grandkids will live in this place so I build all the house and entertainment just for them it's like a village and the visitor will pay if they are not invited into this land. And if they don't pay the toll fee a bunch of guard animals will attack them and throw them outside.



(Room for the Groom)

While I was checking all the check list. I saw a very nervous Enkidu outside the room panicking.

So walk up to Enkidu and check up with him and ask him "What's happening My very nervous little brother?"

"It's nothing I was just having second thoughts about marrying Siduri." he was sweating alot when he said it.

"Oh," I put my hands to my mouth and said "And why are you having second, my cute little brother." with amused face because he never thought Enkidu is having second thoughts about the marriage.

"Well because you would be a perfect couple brother, you will give anything to us for our happiness, and you known Siduri than me brother."

"I really don't know alot of Siduri, I just know how she hates me because of my teasing. and I don't spend alot of time with her because she talks to you more than me in the last five years. Well I do it because I love you like a family, I want you two to have a happy and fulfilling life."




"And I love her as a sister because I never had one. And we're gonna talk after you two....." I created circle on my left hand and straight finger on my right hand, and I stroked them back and forth for five times and said "You know what I mean." with a cheeky smile on my face.

Enkidu was redder than I have seen before when I did those things and he was silent for a whole minute when I laughed at him. "Thank you for reassuring me brother" he smiled at me so innocently.

"My eyes, it hurt please make it stop." I pleaded of how he was so pure my eyes were burning because of it.


(Gilgamesh IMG officiate but happier)


After a couple of hours the wedding is starting, I was in the alter with Enkidu and me being the officiate the wedding, We hear a traditional music called Zaffa for weddings.

Me and Enkidu saw Siduri with a mermaid style with a sea green color wedding dress, with a transparent veil that we can see her face with.

I was proud of my brother that he achieved happiness in his life. I have tears dripping on my eyes because of how happy I am for them. We practiced and prepared for months for this day. And I was happy for the end result.

I heard Enkidu mumbled saying "How much beautiful can you be my love."

Siduri was walking through the all aisles. I see Siduri family crying, and we saw the king, nobles, bunch of people and some gods from different countries in the continent eyeing Siduri for how tantalizing she was.

I saw Enkidu innocently smiled to her beloved.

after a few seconds of walking down the aisles she walked up to the alter and looked at me and turned to Enkidu.

Wiping of my tears "Okay, here we are to the best venue I've done and nobody can match this losers." I said with a mocking voice and people were somewhat angry at me because of that comment.

And I heard Enkidu and Siduri faked coughed because I was grinning at the angry crowd.

"*cough**cough* Moving on we are here for this two love birds, My little precious Brother Enkidu and Siduri a real bitch." I said with a large grin on my face.

I saw how angry Siduri was looking at me and letting some bloodlust, And a chuckling Enkidu. And some people was suprise when I said those words.

"*Cough* Sorry for that I'm just teasing, the bride to ease her up from the wedding. Moving on, the three of us met eachother when we were kids, the two of them never grown apart after that couple years later they have feelings for each other. After I found out I teased them constantly, and the one who was accompanying me when they meet the other they were beet red. It was one of the best time of my life." wiping some fake tears.

After I said those things, Siduri gave me a bloodshot glare. "*cough* Moving on after a couple months of my teasing they finally confessed to each other. And I was happy that they of what happened."

I saw a smile on both of the bride and groom, and I smiled back and continued the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today In this festive evening, for the both of them. And we are here to congratulate and wish them a happy and fulfilling life."

"Will you Enkidu the groom be with Siduri the bride through rough times and joyful times?" I pulled a mysterious small box in my back pocket in my right hand.

"I can't promise that I can be with her but I can try, but....." Enkidu paused and stared at me and I opened the mysterious box in front of Everyone, and they saw a ring with emerald on it.....


(A few months back)

"Brother can you help me with something?" Enkidu ask me.

"What do you need."

" I haven't gotten Siduri a ring yet so I'm surprising her with one, and I need to be special." he said to me with cheery voice.

"Well, well" I grinned of what I heard of.

"So can you help me Big brother." He said it with a big eyes a pouting mouth.

I have a sour face and gripped my left chest tightly when he said those word with a face like that, and I yelled with tears In my eyes "Big brother will do anything for you." when I opened my eyes Enkidu can see a flame from both of my eyes.


So I travel far and wide for a few in search of a dragon, because I found out that alot of dragons has alot of treasure in them. And we found one and his name was Mušḫuššu.

Mušḫuššu the God Marduk they weren't partners yet. And Mušḫuššu was a greedy dragon who wants fancy things.

(Mušḫuššu IMG)

"Who comes to this cave will meet their end." we heard a roar after loud and stoic voice.

"Sorry to bother you Sir. Dragon, I just want your treasure." said with a joyful tone.

"Saying that you will steal my treasure makes me want to laugh at and kill you."

"Sorry Sir. dragon but I can't leave because my brother need to create a ring for her wife to be. So I'm gonna get your treasure Sir. dragon I you don't like it." I smiled and release some of my Divinity after I finish my sentence. "The we shall Mušḫuššu for your treasure." I said those words while a golden portal appeared besides.

While the golden portal appeared something came out of it; it was a normal looking longsword. Mušḫuššu was suprise of what just happened.

"Why would a mortal like yourself have a Divinity?" Mušḫuššu questioned Gilgamesh.



"What's your name mortal, My name is Mušḫuššu."


Hey there Lady's and gentlemen, I twisted because I have no idea when Marduk and Mušḫuššu became partners.

And the timeline is that Gilgamesh was born in 2900 b.c and he's now 25 so 2875 BC.