
Wants to be with his family

Different Gilgamesh that wants to have a normal life and who lives at reclusive area that no one go to. He was alone but always something to be happy about and he was always nice to everyone who is nice to him and respectful. He prayed to have a family and always go to Uruk to to play with kids. And always to the temples and pray that to have a family and have a pieceful life. They granted the wish of Gilgamesh and and gave created Enkidu. And Gilgamesh became best friends with Siduri. And he was happy that He has a friend and Siduri always comes to Gilgamesh house to Play. Sometime later when they were exploring the the whole forest when they came across a green haired person. They helped the the person and The person woke up and saw two person one with blonde hair boy and brown hair girl. But the Green haired boy doesn't have any memory anything A few years later the three of them became best friends and they were inseparable. They always explore the forest and befriends animals. While they were exploring the forest they trained to protect themselves from strangers who tried to abuse or hurt them. He was having a normal life but Fate was a Bitch and........ English is not my first Language and Bad at grammar I don't any of the character or anything.

MrSmileySmiley · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Chapter 14

(Gilgamesh Pov)

A month later beginning of they're journey to kill Humbaba. And they are walking through the forest. Gilgamesh was already getting bored in they're journey so he liven things up. He ask Enkidu what position they did and who takes the lead.

And Enkidu was not having a good time at all, he just kept quiet and not talk for the for days because of Gilgamesh insane questions.

"This is your punishment for revealing that I haven't had sex yet." He wipe some fake tears on his face, and he continued "I was really hurt that you betrayed your most handsome brother of all time. And Siduri laughed at me all the time we see each other because of your betrayal."

"So where is the Cedar forest again I forgot." Enkidu changed the question to stop me from teasing him.

"Well the Cedar forest that Humbaba is guardian is in Qin(China)." and I explained what where the exact location of Humbaba is. And I continued who were in the Chinese Pantheon "The Chinese Pantheon has its own name called Tiãn and Shàngdì or just simply Dì, They just mean the Highest Deity or Deity. And the one who is leading the Pantheon the most revered the Jade Emperor."

(Jade emperor IMG)

(Humbaba IMG)

"The Tiãn and Shàngdì wanted to study Humbaba and make a good relationship with with Sumerian-Akkadian Pantheon." and stop for a bit to let Enkidu to get all the information in his head, after a couple of second I continued talking "So The Tiãn and Shàngdì won't do anything from Humbaba creating chaos, they want to keep up their good relationship with them. And I don't think the God Enlil and Hanbi Doesn't know any thing about what is happening to the world right now. Because if he knows what is happening to Humbaba because if they know what is happening to Humbaba. They would've send somebody to retrieve Humbaba. And Enlil will have a talk with The Tiãn and Shàngdì Pantheons." Enkidu stopped walking, It took a few minutes for Enkidu to process all the information I have given him, and snap back to reality.


Me and Enkidu are on Persia, walking through to a mountain road, and they saw a beast, it's is a human male but his body is an animal and it was a Monstrous Beasts.

(Manticore is oc Phantasmal Beasts)

I thought I know what it is because I've read about this creature, The creature name is a Manticore.

Me and Enkidu wanted to challenge the Manticore to a fight, because we don't wanna lose to Humbaba, so when we have an two hours break from walking, we always train.

So it was a lucky that we found a Manticore to train with. Enkidu rushed to the Manticore with a sword in his hand and Slash the Manticore. But the Manticore has a quick reflects because of how he it kills with noone knowing it. The Manticore jump a back when Enkidu slice the beast. But Enkidu just slice the air and miss the Manticore.

The Manticore run towards Enkidu and attack him with his claws, but Enkidu blocked the Manticore's attack, and both Enkidu and the Manticore jump back. But Enkidu got a slit on his face when the Manticore attacked.

When Enkidu and the Manticore was fighting in a mountain I was just sitting and cheering Enkidu "*Whistles* You can do it Brother, You can do it *Whistles*" I smiled and thought 'he hasn't gotten that rusty.' I then continued cheering him "Enkidu if you lost this fight I'm gonna Tell Siduri that your lazing around and need more training." Enkidu shudder when he heard what I said. He doesn't like because it was hell for him when Siduri trained him, She constantly nag him if he mess up just a bit or he was slower than the met time it needs to finish.

Enkidu was then became more serious about the fight, because if he even had a wound I would say it to Siduri. And she will put him through hell, And 20 hours everyday will be training for him.

Enkidu is honorable fighter, he won't fight someone who is disadvantaged, he will fight one on one. He doesn't like people are using underhanded fights. He wants a fair clean match when fighting.

The Manticore again attacked Enkidu by smashing the ground and distracted Enkidu. Then the Manticore use his tail to grab Enkidu legs, and whipped it around the ground.

"Oh, my you are really rusty Enkidu I really need to tell Siduri when we get back that your not doing your exercise enough." When Enkidu heard what I said he shivered and sweating bin his forehead.


Will Enkidu Defeat the Manticore find out next week in Dragon Ball Z
